General :: Booting PowerPup - Ram Still Not Huge (96MB)

Oct 31, 2010

I got a apple PowerBook 3400c with upgraded ram. I would like to boot linux on it but the ram is still not huge (96MB). I burned PowerPup to a CD but it would not boot and kept booting macOs 9.

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General :: Huge Directory Into Tar Gz Or Bz2?

Dec 26, 2010

suggest or advise the best practice of bz2 or tar gz. i have a directory /var/opt/axigen which has size 33gb on daily basis as per the schedule we need to take back.i want to know pros and crons of below commands, say best compression and decompresstar cvzf /var/opt/bkup_axigen/axigen_bkup_1.tar.gz /var/opt/axigenortar -jvzf9 /var/opt/bkup_axigen/axigen_bkup_1.tar.gz /var/opt/axigen

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General :: Installed NVidia, Now Everything Is Huge?

Jan 2, 2011

EDIT, 3 January 2010: SOLVED: In fact, it was the fonts that were being rendered larger and pushing everything out. Altering DPI in xorg.conf solved the problem, see details at bottom.ORIGINAL POST:I used jockey-kde to activate the nVidia (closed-source) driver in order to fix some full-screen problems I was having.It has fixed that, but now everything is really big. I have my resolution set to 1680x1050 but it appears to be lower than it was before - the K menu, for instance, takes up about 1/6 of the screen when I open it. I took a screenshot here: know this isn't much information, but can anyone tell me why - while the desktop appears to be larger with a higher resolution - applications are actually appearing as though the resolution is lower?

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General :: Huge Cpu Consuming And Crash Afterwords?

Mar 4, 2011

Since a couple of months, the machine is hanging itself. I can't connect in any way to it. I have it in a Datacenter far away my office, so when it happens I have to ask the provider to reboot it manually because it always happen in working hours and my clients gets mad on that moments. It happens every 15 days (more or less). It is very difficult to get the procesess status, but today hangs again and I could connect (a very very slow connection) and save a "ps aux".


There are some scripts that you can see as "php /var/www/html/call_engine.php ..." that are consuming CPU more than I expect and I will correct, but I would like to know about the other processes like many crond or the "/usr/sbin/sendmail -FCronDaemon -i -odi -oem -oi -t". Or maybe the whole problem would be the php script?

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General :: Unzipping A Huge File Stalls The Server?

Jul 8, 2011

I want to extract a huge .tar.gz file but when I do extract it stalls the server. The server is write heavy and extracting seems to choke the disk. Is there a nice way to extract without stopping the world? I've tried the 'nice' and 'cpulimit' command but they don't seem to do the trick.

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General :: Running DF Command - Huge Space Between Columns

Jul 13, 2011

I am running the command on a Mac but due to it being a generic unix command and a command line query.. I thought I can write on this forum.. I am running the command

df -h | grep '/dev/'
I get
/dev/disk0s2 389Gi 62Gi 327Gi 16% /
/dev/disk0s3 76Gi 24Gi 52Gi 32% /Volumes/Backup
/dev/disk3s2 500Gi 47Gi 453Gi 10% /Volumes/Misc
Note the huge space between the 1st and 2nd Column..

This is because currently I have some NAS drives mounted which are not showing due to grep. When they are not mounted. The output is fine with equal spaces between each column (like between col 2 and 3.. or 3 and 4). I want to do a (dare I say) sed or awk or something to reduce the space between 1st and 2nd col. So that it has space like between col 3 and 4.. or 2 and 3. This is because I am showing this output somewhere and because of the space its not showing up correctly.Also I hope the command will still work when the NAS drives (afp) are not mounted.. basically consistency. The spaces are not showing properly in the quote tag. Changed it to CODE tag.

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General :: Grab A Random Section In The Middle Of A Huge File?

Apr 23, 2011

I have a huge log file of around 3.5 GB and would like to sample random sections in the middle of say 10 MB for the purpose of debugging what my application is doing.

I could use head or tail commands to get the beginning or end of the file, how can I grab an arbitrary portion from the middle of the file? I guess I could do something like head -n 1.75GB | tail -n 10MB but that seems clumsy and I'd need to determine line numbers for the midpoint of the file to get 1.75GB and 10MB line counts.

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Ubuntu :: General Software For Viewing Huge .txt Files (over 10 Megas)

May 19, 2010

Is there any software in Linux to view huge .txt files, say, over 10 megas? I'm now using default "gedit", version 2.28.0, which seems to not be able to open huge .txt files. It's the same case for Windows default .txt browser, but in Windows, "Win Word" seems to work fine. software under Linux to browse huge .txt files?

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General :: Split Huge File Into Small Parts And Compress Them?

May 30, 2011

I've a file with a size of 6GB. I would like to compress this file and split them into smaller files. I was also thinking in use bzip2 to compress it, because if offers a good compression rate. How can I split this file into small ones to compress it?

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General :: Why Scanning 10 Pages Is Always Creating Huge >45Mb To 110Mb PDF Files

Jan 9, 2011

Please why my scanning is always creating huge 50Mb to 100Mb PDF files ?Each A4 Pnm file is of 6.5Mbytes by resolution of 150.If I decrease the resolution lower than 100, then it starts to be unreadable my text ...

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General :: Booting Live Cd Of Fedora 15 / Change Argument During Booting Mode?

Jun 1, 2011

I am in a situation to boot fedora 15 live cd in to command line mode, not graphical mode, for some testing purpose. how to change argument during booting mode

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General :: Use Command Line And Wmctrl To Make A Window Larger Than The Screen To Get A Huge Screenshot?

Jan 24, 2011

I use a program which makes a large image which I have to scroll to view. The program has no way to save the image, and I have no access to the source to modify it. The only way I have to get the image from the program is by screenshot. My goal is to save the full size image without having to piece together individual screenshots. I'm using this script to try taking a screenshot:

window=$(wmctrl -l | grep "Program$" | awk '{print $1}')
wmctrl -v -i -r $window -e '0,0,0,6030,5828'
wmctrl -i -a $window
import -window $window ~/Desktop/screenshot.png

This uses wmctrl to get the window id ($window) for a window named "Program". It then tries to resize the window to the desired dimensions. It uses imagemagick (import) to save a screenshot.png on the user's Desktop. All of this works except the resize step. I can resize the window using wmctrl -r -e, but sizes greater than the screen size don't work. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and the Gnome Desktop. I run two monitors, but I've tried this with one of them disabled. Is there a way to resize the window larger than my screen to get a huge screenshot?

Part II: I tried using xrandr to set up screen panning, so as to have a bigger desktop than my monitor. xrandr --output LVDS --panning 2600x2500 This command makes the laptop screen pan over a 2600x2500 size desktop, even though it can only show 1440x900 at one time. To turn off the panning, I can use a similar command to set total size and with zeroes for the panning section. This gives me back my original laptop display behavior. xrandr --fb 1440x900 --output LVDS --panning 0x0 This is all done with xrandr, and does not require any Xorg.conf changes (my Ubuntu system doesn't even have an Xorg.conf).

My video card seems to only allow about 6.5 million pixels, even though the maximum dimensions are 8192x8192. That maximum seems to be the maximum for either dimension, but there is a limit to how many pixels can be drawn, which is the width multiplied by the height. Once I did the screen resize, I tried my script again and got a screenshot. The screenshot however is totally scrambled. I'm not sure if it's unable to take a screenshot of an off-screen window or if it is unable to handle the large dimensions of the window. With the panning display, the window should think it is visible, and the window manager should think it is on-screen. So there is a pixel buffer somewhere with those pixels in it, so there should be a way to get a screenshot.

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General :: Widescreen Display On Rhel5 - Huge Black Space Both Left And Right Side Of The Monitor

Dec 15, 2009

I am a both rhel5 and fedora user.I can not configure my Samsung syncmaster 632nw monitor to display full screen at 1360X768.There is huge black space both left and right side of the monitor. I have tried many times to solve it but unable to do it.The max screen resolution is 1024*768 and minimum is 640*480.

Here is the xorg.conf file:

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General :: Not Booting Through Nfsroot But Booting Properly Through Flash

Jan 6, 2011

I am using a linux kernel 2.6.36 using mips architecture. I have succesfully booted the machine through Flash memory, but it is not booting through nfs. It is getting stuck at the stage where the image starts loading. In short the vmlinux.img file is being copied properly to nfsroot but the image is not loading.

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General :: RSYNC Error .tar.gz 14gb File / Transfer Huge 14 Gb File Over Network,vpn,wan Transfer?

Mar 10, 2010

i am trying to transfer a file from my live linux machine to remote linux machine it is a mail server and single .tar.gz file include all data. but during transfer it stop working. how can i work and trouble shooot the matter. is there any better way then this to transfer huge 14 gb file over network,vpn,wan transfer. the speed is 1mbps,rest of the file it copy it.

rsync -avz --stats bkup_1.tar.gz root@

[root@sa1 logs_os_backup]# less remote.log
Wed Mar 10 09:12:01 AST 2010
building file list ... done
deflate on token returned 0 (87164 bytes left)
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at token.c(274)
building file list ... done

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Ubuntu :: Huge /var/log Files

Jul 7, 2011

So I noticed today that my machines root hard drive had almost no space on it.

I did a disk usage analyzer and I found out my var/log folder is 95GB.

The large logs are:

can I just delete them? also how can I stop this from happening again?

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Slackware :: KDE 4.4.3 Is A Huge Improvement

May 24, 2010

Using slackware current and I'm really digging KDE 4.4.3. It's been way more stable on my machine than 4.3.x and it performs MUCH better. I think slackware 13.1 is going to be a really good release. Much better than 13.0. Looking forward to upgrading all of my hosts though it will probably take me a few months given how many I manage.

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Debian :: 8.0 Jessie - Var Log Files Getting Huge

Jan 29, 2016

I installed Debian on my laptop and now I had warning that my log files inside var are getting out of hands...Following files...

36G daemon.log
48G daemon.log.1
41G kern.log
55G kern.log.1
31G messages
42G messages.1
8.2G syslog
17G syslog.1

How can I clear this and set up properly so they don't take so much space?

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Fedora :: After A Reboot Everything On The Screen Became Huge

May 13, 2011

I just finished installing Fedora 14 and the nVidia drivers, and after a reboot everything on the screen became huge, almost as if I am zoomed in. Text, icons, windows, everything is too big. How do I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: HUGE Desktop Icons?

Aug 13, 2010

I have taken delivery of a PsiXpda, which is a hand-held PC. It is running Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) with Gnome and the default "Human" theme.As the machine was delivered, there was only one icon on the desktop. This afternoon I closed a window (after successfully installing Dropbox) to reveal the desktop, and discovered that this icon had increased in size enormously, taking up about half the height of the screen (which is 640x480). I have no idea why this has happened.I also find now that new icons I put on the desktop appear at this huge size. I can resize them individually, of course, but even at the smallest they will go to they are still too big, and in any case I want icons to default to the original, sensible (small!) size.

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Ubuntu :: Delete HUGE Log Files?

Nov 19, 2010

how can i delete my log files? They are 131.2 GB! And i need space on my pc . And is it ok to delete it ?

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Ubuntu :: Call A Huge Nerd (via Ssh)

Dec 5, 2010

call me a huge nerd, but I have official control of my computer on my HTC Evo (via ssh) and I am ecstatic. I seirously just rebooted my computer for the hell of it. Anyways, I am trying to figure out some creative uses of this little trick. I listen to music a lot, and figured "hey, wouldn't it be cool to be able to change the song playing on my computer with the command line some how?" I use rthymbox to play songs, however, am not sure if this is/will be possible.

How can I go about changing the current playing song with the command line? Is there perhaps a shell based music player that can play audio though the computers audio output (while I run the command from my phone)?

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Ubuntu :: Home Folder Is Huge

Apr 12, 2011

Like I said my home folder is massive, 98GB. But Disk Usage Analyzer shows that everything in /home/nuggie as small and equaling no where near 98GB.

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Slackware :: Huge.s No Header Files ?

Feb 12, 2011

I've started using the huge.s kernel and when i try to compile packages slackware complains about kernel headers but all i see is the smp header files on the slackware discs ?

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Slackware :: Huge-smp Kernel Does Not Support More Than 4G Of RAM

Nov 15, 2010

I am a long time (1.something) slackware user and maintainer of a mirror site.I'm suddenly having problems with my favorite distro. (1) I've been mainly running Slackware64. When I was experiencing recent problems on a Slackware (32) 13.1 system, I discovered the huge-smp kernel does not support more than 4G of RAM. This is an obvious bug, and I am shocked that there is no fix out yet. Surely I can't be the only Slackware 32 user with >4G of RAM. I've verified it on a 12G i7 system and an 8G Athlon64-X2 system.

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Slackware :: Switch Huge SMP To Generic?

Jun 2, 2011

I have installed Slack 13.37 for test on VMware. I installed just all - also all avalible distro. kernel imiges:


and the default is vmlinuz-huge-smp-

Im trying to switch to vmlinuz-generic- So, what I did:

fs = ext4
root fs = /dev/sda1


/boot# mkinitrd -c -k -m ext4 -f ext4 -r /dev/sda1

Edited lilo: pointing new image, lilo command executed. Every time I start new kernel i got this error: [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Why Desktop And Icons Huge

Oct 7, 2010

I installed some security updates on my computer yesterday , and when it said to restart now or later. I choose to do this later. I was watching a movie and then half way through the computer shut down and then when it restarted the desktop, toolbar at the bottom and icons where all huge, and when you open applications and internet screens etc they are all way to big to fit within the screen

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Fedora :: Kde Aplications Have A Huge Font In Gnome

Oct 10, 2009

I am a former KDE user and I am switching to gnome. I love amarok and quanta, so i installed them, but they seem to have a really big font, and because i am using my laptop and i have good eyesight I want to lessen the size of the fonts.

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Fedora :: Spideroak HUGE Security Flaw

Feb 18, 2011

I've evaluated about 15 offline storage systems this week, and one of the best was spideroak, but there's a huge issue in their shared folder structure and procedure.When you make part of your data shareable you MUST share a folder from your original disk. This is a real pain. You cannot share specific files like you can on many others.To initiate sharing your establish your unique username for sharing (different preferably than your spideroak username) the share name, and the room key (password).While you might expect the share name to be part of the URL that guides you to the share which then accepts your password for access, thats not how it works. Instead spideroak gives you a URL that contains the PASSWORD and does not even mention the share name!!

Therefore anyone you give the URL to has direct access to the share you create (which is what you are trying to accomplish in general) but any browser THEY USE will remember the URL which contains the password, not the share name.THIS IS A HUGE SECURITY ISSUE since you have no control over how an authorized user is going to access your data and from where and most users are not sophisticated enough to guard against the default intrusion they are going to leave behind.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Update - Huge Dependencies

Mar 6, 2010

I thought it would be great to be able to play DVD's so I installed an update that would enable this. The multimedia update was 1.3 Mb but the dependencies was about 650 Mb! Among others I had to update the whole Office pack. Is this a "feature" I have to go through on every installation or is multimedia special?

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