General :: Bizarre "Modify" Value Of A File?

Feb 27, 2010

Yesterday,I downloaded(17:29 hrs) wget by update manager in /var/cache/apt/archives .I will show you the stat details for that file:

File: `wget_1.10.2-3ubuntu1.1_i386.deb'
Size: 237758 Blocks: 480 IO Block: 4096 regular file
Device: 808h/2056d Inode: 729990 Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root)
Access: 2010-02-25 17:29:53.000000000 +0530


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Fedora :: Emacs 23.1.1 Bizarre Font - Additionally All "" Characters Are Displayed As A Bizarre Horizontally Barred "W"

Dec 12, 2009

Just done a yum update and emacs's fonts seem very strange. Additionally all "" characters are displayed as a bizarre horizontally barred "W". Edit: I think it's nothing to do with emacs but with the fonts update. The default fonts are now "Baemuk Gulin", by changing them (SHIFT-LEFT_MOUSE) to, eg, Arial I can display things correctly. But I think the times fonts are now missing. Very strange.

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General :: Modify A File That Contains \ Using Sed Or Awk ?

May 13, 2010

I need to modify a file that contains \tsus.fbfs.comappsdataStormLossProduction and replace the \tsus.fbfs.comappsdataStormLossProduction line with rm -f /mnt/nfsvol/PC/SLR/

I have tried:

But it provides an error on the second . I need to change this in place and not redirect to another file.

Is this possible? I have used sed and awk before but not extensively.

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General :: Modify Another File And Not Actually Hold Information?

Feb 16, 2011

Why is the info in the (BASH_Profile) file different than (echo $Path). Is the Profile file just there to modify another file and not actually hold information?

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General :: Grasp The Proper Way To Modify The Sudoers File

Jun 3, 2010

Relatively new to Linux, but I'm trying to grasp the proper way to modify the sudoers file. As an example, what would I have to modify in /etc/sudoers to allow a user (say 'user1' for the example) to be able to add/remove software through yum? I'm aware of the fact that I need to use visudo and how to use the vi editor. I've Googled this topic and while I've found a number of pages on the topic, I never see many examples.

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General :: How To Modify Line Of File Using Shell Script?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a file like below

I need to modify the first occurence of 1 byt some other integer.How do i do it using shell script?Can anybode help me out with that?

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General :: Modify .bashrc File To Change The HISTSIZE?

Apr 27, 2011

If I want to modify my .bashrc file to change the HISTSIZE would the following command be for example; HISTSIZE=200? And if I want to change the DEBUG_LEVEL to 8 would the following command be; DEBUG_LEVEL=8?

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General :: Modify The Only One Pattern Among Two Patterns In A Text File?

Nov 22, 2010

I want to replace a pattern with other pattern in a textfile. But there are two same patterns,but I need two change only the second occurence. EG:

Text file is



Now I want to change aaaa=x into some other entry.

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General :: Modify A File Like /etc/gdm/custom.conf From The Shell Or A Script?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to modify a file like /etc/gdm/custom.conf from the shell or a script.

# GDM configuration storage

But the idea is that I can add a line to a section and it check if the section is defined, (add the definition if not), the property is defined, let it undefine (erase the line), (and delete the section header if there is no property defined), etc...

I didn't find anything except gconftool-2 but it do not explain how to modify other files. (there is a shema file there).

there isn't a program/script to achieve this, but can easyly be made for every config file, If someone do something like that, with a little database of which markup use each file, it could become really popular.

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General :: Modify The /etc/host File - Change Directory Fails?

Feb 1, 2010

I am in the process of setting up an Asterisk server with Broadvoice services. I am having issues with making outbound calls and Broadvoice suggests I modify the /etc/hosts file in order to add their proxy server IP address and name. I login to my server as root and get the following command line header

[root@root tmp]#

I entered cd thinking this is what I need to change directory but fails. What is the command I need to enter in order to get to the /etc/host file so I can change it? How do I confirm an /etc/host file even exists?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Add Few Lines To Php.ini File And Modify Suhosin File?

Dec 29, 2009

Is installing "php5-suhosin" from yast and restarting apache enough to make suhosin work out of the box? Or do I need to add few lines to php.ini file and modify suhosin file?

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General :: Remount Root Filesystem As Read/write After Modify Readonly-root File?

Dec 21, 2010

My linux distro is CentOS 5.3. Today I edited /etc/sysconfig/readonly-root and set "READONLY" to yes, now my /etc/sysconfig/readonly-root file is like this:

# Set to 'yes' to mount the system filesystems read-only.
# Set to 'yes' to mount various temporary state as either tmpfs


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Debian :: Modify The File Grub.cfg?,

Mar 24, 2011

how modify the file grub.cfg?, is for 6.0, the grub2.

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CentOS 5 Server :: How To Modify PAM File

Jan 15, 2010

Whenever I modify my pam file as shown below I can no longer log into my centos; I have to go into single user mode and undo the changes. What I want to do is log all failed authentication attempts but I don't want it to affect the root user account.

# vi /etc/pam.d/system-auth
auth required no_magic_root
account required deny=3 no_magic_root lock_time=180

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Fedora :: Setup The Vim And When Modify The Vimrc File?

Apr 20, 2011

I just setup the vim,and when i modify the vimrc file ,I obviously made some mistakes ,the error looks like this and this is where the problem is and why my user name is so long ,is there anyway i can make it shorter or use others

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Programming :: If Modify Tcp.c Stack File And How To Compile

Nov 4, 2010

i have just modify tcp.c file in/usr/src/linux/net/ ipv4 location.Now should i compile the complete kernel?if not then how to compile that net/ipv4 package or etc.

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Programming :: Run Script To Modify Text File?

Mar 20, 2010

I have around 600 empty text files that I need to add the name of this file as part of the data, I mean files from "file1.txt to "file599.txt, all of them empty, and I need to get the name inside the file, so, when I open the file show the name as part of the data "file1".

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CentOS 5 :: Modify The ISO File By Adding Few Files

Jan 14, 2010

I need to modify the ISO file by adding few files so that after all installation done I can run a sh script to do some thing on the box. How to do that?

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Ubuntu :: Find The File /etc/rsyslog.conf So Can Modify It

Jun 6, 2011

How do i find the file /etc/rsyslog.conf so i can modify it.

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Programming :: Parse And Modify File Without Creating A Copy?

Nov 4, 2010

I don't think this is a "perl one-liner" of find and replace. I'm trying to auto-fill some information in a listing of files. The simplest example is that in the files the following exists:

I would want the script to find this and populate it with something like -- Date : 20101004-1758

I have a few more similar fields to autofill, and I'd like to do this from within a larger perl script I'm developing to process these files. So, how I perform in-place file modification from within a perl script?

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Debian Multimedia :: Modify A File Called ~/.xinitrc, But It Does Not Exist?

Feb 7, 2011

I'm getting openbox up and running on squeeze. I performed a netinstall and did a simple apt-get openboxI need to modify a file called ~/.xinitrc, but it does not exist. I read that I can copy one over from /var/x11r6/lib/xinitrc, but the /x11r6/ directory doesn't exist either. I've installed xorg, but the directory still eludes me. A package search yields nothing useful. I am using the SLiM display/login manager, which I believe calls startx, which should theoretically generate the ~/.xinitrc file.

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Programming :: Store Data In Text File And Be Able To Modify It And Save As Well Using C++?

Jan 25, 2010

I wanna learn how to store data in text file and be able to modify it and save as well using C++.

Note: im using Turbo C++ 3.0

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Programming :: BASH: Read + Define + Modify A Numeric Value From/to A File?

Mar 25, 2010

I want my bash file to read from "input.dat" the two values emin emax. My input file looks like that:

#cat input.dat
emin 10.00 !minimum energy
emax 30.00 !maximum energy

Now this seems to be not so hard with the command awk

awk '{FS=" "}/emin/{print $2}' input.dat
awk '{FS=" "}/emax/{print $2}' input.dat


So far so good. Now, I want to define two variables (e.g. e1,e2) in the bash file, so that their values would correspond to 00.00 and 30.00, as read from the input file. This one I have not found yet, thus asking for your advice. At the end, writing echo $e1 $e2, I should get 10.00 30.00 This is even harder to me: I want to replace the values emin,emax in a new file "modify.dat" which looks like that:

c---- energy interval
emin = 1.00
emax = 2.00

with the values e1 and e2 I have in my bash file. In other words, I want to call "modify.dat", find these two lines and replace the numeric values with the e1 and e2. At the end, my file should be like:

c---- energy interval
emin = 10.00
emax = 30.00

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Fedora Servers :: Can't Access Or Modify File Unless Directory Mode Is 777 And Files Are 666

Nov 8, 2010

I have a multi user system for my roommates and myself that has separate folders for each of us. I've got user authentication working with samba, but unless I set every file and folder readable/writeable by all users, I can't browse it or edit the files.This isn't ideal as the shares are open to other users access, so I'm hoping there's a way to keep folders at 750 and files at 660 while allowing samba users to browse, delete and edit.Also, the samba share is actually a mounted NFS share from another server. Both the NFS server and the Samba server have the same users/uid's. When a file is created from a Windows host via the Samba client, the NFS server's permissions do show that the correct user owns the files, but since the files aren't mode 666 but 640 I can't edit or delete the file.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cannot Modify Grub Menu File - Need To Change Boot Order

Mar 3, 2009

I recently installed a 64-bit version of centOS 5 alongside a 32-bit version, which I use. Turns out the 64-bit version absolutely will not boot and I'm stuck with it as my default boot option. Since the grub being used resides on the 64-bit half, I cant edit the menu file but I know theres a way to do this without it, through grub itself. I have about 29 render nodes now with this problem, and whenever they need to be rebooted I have to hook a monitor up to each one and hold its hand through the boot process. How to change the grub menu through grub itself, basically just change the default boot option and then have it stay that way?

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Software :: File Create/modify/delete Monitoring With User Account?

Jan 27, 2011

We are looking to monitor and log selected application file systems for file create/modify/delete changes that will also include, user account that changed/deleted the file, file name and date and time of event. Everything I have looked at does not seem to provide all of the information that we need.Inotify seems to monitor modify/create/delete but does not seem to provide the user account. Auditd seems to monitor modify/create/append with user account, but not deletes.We need to provide this information to auditing for Sarbane Oxley compliance.

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Software :: Run Across A Bit Of A Bizarre?

Feb 20, 2011

I am running 64 bit Arch Linux with fluxbox, chromium, ATI Radeon HD 4650 (xf86-video-ati), and flashplugin-prerelease (flash-square from AUR). Flash has worked great for weeks but all of the sudden started getting laggy in fullscreen. The odd thing is that if I make the video "pop out" and manually enlarge the window to full screen it runs great. I have tried installing firefox and testing in there but this makes no difference; I likewise tried installing catalyst which only made flash crash every time I hit full screen. I have also tried uninstalling flash and joining the html5 trial on .....; the videos do the same thing and get laggy the moment I hit full screen (but not when manually edited).

It seems to me that the issue may be with my video card. I can not think of anything that I was doing during this time period that may have caused this sudden problem [URL].. - the packages that have been upgraded today).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Modify The Httpd.conf File But It's Empty And Wordpress Installation

Jun 17, 2011

I'm installing Wordpress and I want Hosting Multiple Sites with them. For that I need modify the httpd.conf file but it's empty. Where I can make that changes? These are the changes:

1. Type: LoadModule rewrite_module /libexec/
2. Find the <VirtualHost> section in the httpd.conf file.
3. Find a line in the <VirtualHost> section of the httpd.conf that looks like this: AllowOverride None
3. Replace that line with this line: AllowOverride FileInfo Options
4. On a new line, type ServerAlias *.[URL].
5. Save the httpd.conf file and close it.

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Fedora :: Bash - Ulimit: Core File Size - Can't Modify Limit: Operation Not Permitted?

Dec 7, 2009

Fedora 12 gcc 4.4.1 I am doing some programming, and my program gave me a stack dump. However, there is no core file for me to examine.

So I did:
ulimit -c unlimited
and got this error message:

bash: ulimit: core file size: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted I also tried setting ulimit to 50000 and still got the same error. The results of ulimit -a:

$ ulimit -a
core file size (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority (-e) 0
file size (blocks, -f) unlimited


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Bizarre - Videos Have No Sound

Mar 2, 2011

Using 11.2. Sound configuration tools have no effect. would suspect a hardware problem except that system notifications work. Also amarok is the only app that can play mp3's. Dvd's and videos have no sound. What can I do. Sound worked perfectlty in 11.0.

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