General :: Apache Not Running After Installing On Debian Lenny
Jul 10, 2010
I just installed apache2 on my VPS (running Debian 5 (lenny)). Problem is that when i start apache2 nothing happens.
ps ax |grep apache
ps ax |grep httpd
returns only the grep process itself, and
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Jan 18, 2010
i do have a strange problem get running php5 on lenny 64 inside apache2. i had installed it as all instructions on the web does: # apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cli php5-common php5-cgi
apt has enabled php automatically, so
/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf does have inside:
<ifmodule mod_php5.c>
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
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Oct 22, 2010
I've recently started trying out Debian 5 coming from Ubuntu. I'm very much in love with KDE 4.4 now they've fix it so it actually runs. but I'm unable to install it on Debian 5.
Right now I have Debian 5.0.3 on an Asus Eee netbook, and it's running KDE 3.5.x. I installed this from a Disk marked Debian, Official CD KDE i386, Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.3 "Lenny" (I bought the entire 33 CD set.)
I've tried to install KDE 4.x via synaptic, using the kdebase-runtime-bin-kde 4:4.1.0-2.
Even after a 3h download and install, it still boots with KDE 3.x. There is no switching to KDE 4.x in the KDM as well.
I've been unable to find a repository. I thought about using a Ubuntu KDE install, but after reading some posts here, I thought I'd better ask your opinions first. (Which I should ask too. if I see programs I like in Ubuntu, should I just compile them from tarballs instead of the .DEB binary to make sure they work in Debian 5?)
Should I wait till actually puts KDE 4.x on their repositories (I hear the next version will have KDE 4.5.x on disk.)
Asus Eee 1000HA
1.67ghz ATOM processor
2g memory
160g HD
Debian 5.0.3, w/KDE 3.5.10
Ubuntu 9.04/Gnome
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Sep 14, 2010
I have installed CUPS on my Debian 5 Lenny server. I do not have a GUI installed, only SSH to command line.
I cannot get CUPS to let me browse to the html interface from another machine. I believe that CUPS is running only on localhost because when I run
I get
When I browse (or telnet) to port 631 from another machine it refuses the connection, if I telnet from my Debian server to port 631 it connects.
My cups.conf is
I'm not sure how to make it allow me to browse from another machine that does have a GUI so I can configure a printer.
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Jan 29, 2011
My Apache web server (respectively a child process) is crashing several times a day. I wanted to find the exact reason and activated the core dumps but even though the crashing-issues continue, the core dumps were never created. I have found several howto's which basically point to the same steps:
- set "ulimit -c unlimited"
- add "CoreDumpDirectory" directive into apache2.conf (Debian's httpd.conf)
Another info I've found is that /proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpable shouldn't be 0 - so on one howto it said to echo 2 into it, on another one to echo 1 to /proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpable - didn't work with neither of them.
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Apr 11, 2011
I have been tearing my hair out with this. As part of a backend perl script i am holding the Epoch time as session data using apache session and mysql so i can delete sessions after an expiry period. When I retrieve the time it is about three months old even when i only just set it. The code example below best describes the problem:
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Dec 14, 2009
i was trying to use gnome and kde but i don't like them. I tried xfce and it seem to fit my needs but.My computer is used to be powered on for a weeks. While time passes, a process xfdesktop begin to use more and more memory and to free RAM i need to log out and log in again.
I tried squeeze yesterday on my virtual machine and it has 4.6 and seem not to have that bug, RAM usage is static(yes it still works when i write this and have memory usage 34492k, which is not changing for an hours of usage already), also 4.6 is MUCH better than 4.4.
i already tried adding squeeze to "sources.list" but i can see too many dependencies which should be upgraded if i install 4.6, i'm beginning to afraid it can crash entire GUI(or entire system, i can see there is libc6 required to be updated).
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Feb 25, 2010
I have compiz running in XFCE4 on lenny, and when the cube rotates it rotates 2 cubes. Is there any way to change this behavior? I would like a single cube to rotate.
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Jul 31, 2010
I have created a squashfs live CD from HD (Gnome - lenny ). It runs like a charm in a "fromhd" mode but when I try the iso or even a burned CD in virtualbox on the same PC, X does not start. It says:
Failed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0) /usr/bin/xorg: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers// undefined symbol: xf86GTFMode
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Feb 23, 2011
I have a Dell PowerEdge 2900 on which I just installed from scratch Debian Lenny 5.0.7 AMD 64bit. I am having issues where when I ifup a second nic card the server will maintain connectivity for a period then all connectivity is lost and I have to ifdown all eth interfaces and bring them back up to regain connectivity. Here's how the server is laid out: I have 12gb or ram with 2 Xeon 5450s in the server, as I mentioned it's a Dell Poweredge 2900. It has a build in Perc6i raid controller with 2 drives in Raid 1 for the OS and 4 drives in Raid 5 for storage. It also has a Perc 5e card in it connected to 3x6TB raid arrays. I mention this because they are all sharing the PCI bus if that matters.
The nic cards I started with were the two builtin Broadcoms and lspci reports them both as:
Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5708 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 12)
After I started experiencing the problem I added an inexpensive Trendnet based off the Realtek RTL-8169 chip rev(10). Debian sees this card without any need for additional drivers. The Broadcoms required the non-free network drivers provided by and built against the Debian kernel (no custom drivers). One nic card is configured with a public IP address and I use IP tables to reign in the traffic to http and https only. There is also an outbound openvpn tunnel from this machine back to our offices through this interface. The second nic card is hard wired to a mac mini directly and is assigned an 10.x.x.x address. I am able to see the mac mini from it.
The amount of time the network connection stays up doesn't seem to follow any set pattern. I have flood pinged the 10.x.x.x while running apt-get and one time it fails, the next time it doesn't. Sometimes the network connection degrades and I can do an nslookup one second and get nothing and the next I get a response. Finally though it fails and it requires me to ifdown the eth connections and ifup them to get them going again. I don't really see anything in the logs. I've looked in kern.log, messages, syslog and pretty much came up empty, but not 100% certain I'm looking for anything more subtle than obvious errors. The routes all look good too.
Naturally, as Murphy's Law would have it, this is a remote server at a colo so that doesn't make troubleshooting any easier. What I have done to temporarily prevent me from losing complete access to the server is setup a cron script that runs once a minute and pings something. If there is 100% packet loss, it restarts the nics and I'm going again for another arbitrary period of time. Lastly, this has no effect on the OS running. I don't have a hung system when this happens just a trashed network connection.
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Mar 7, 2010
I would like to install slimrat on debian Lenny 64 but I don't understand the steps I've found on the Internet. This software is useful to download files from Rapidshare.
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Oct 29, 2010
i have udftools_1.0.0b3.orig.tar.gz and udftools_1.0.0b3-14.diff.gz with me. how can i compile and install it ? i do not have an internet access on my desktop pc..
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Feb 6, 2011
I could not get the hardware to work with Lenny's ancient drivers, so I gave up and decided to upgrade to Squeeze.Well, the hardware works (except sound), but KDE4 is a such a disaster that I want to run not walk! all the way back to Lenny. I'm stunned that after four years of active development, this desktop still doesn't have something as basic as keyboard shortcuts or the ability to place icons where YOU want them.
The widgets frustrate me to no end. The new K menu is impossible to navigate. I'd rather hang myself than use Dolphin as a file manager. KDE4 gives me more notifications than MS Windows' crapware. And it's UGLY !!! The "Oxygen" theme makes me want to tear my eyeballs out.
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Jun 13, 2010
I have been asked to install Windows 7 on a computer that groans to even run Windows xp properly. As I know, this is like asking for the impossible, I am posting here to have some opinions about the use of Wine in Debian. In particular, I would like to know whether wine makes Debian less secure and more vulnerable to viral, malware, adware, etc infections.
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May 3, 2010
I am trying to install Debian from a USB stick (which was prepared by unetbootin). The installer / kernel loads, and setup runs fine until It searches for a CD-ROM drive. My computer doesn't have a CD-ROM drive, but the net install ISO has been burned onto my USB stick. Is there some way that I can mount my USB stick as the cd-rom drive? it's of type FAT32 if it matters.
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Jan 29, 2011
Durring attempts to install Haguichi, Terminal says "Version of libmono-system2.0-cil on system is 1.9.1+dfsg-6." I have used "sudo apt-get -i libmono-system2.0-cil" only to be told during that install that I "have the latest version alread installed." Do I need to uninstall 1.9.1+dfsg-6 ?
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Feb 26, 2011
i was going to do this project of installing Debian on a NAS Intel SS4000e . The part i got stuck is that i cannot stop the Redboot from booting up. i.e using CTRL+C. The NAS uses the latest firmware from Intel Ver1.4 . The serial cable is tested and i used the following pin out [URL]... nsoleCable and the comport settings are as follows
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May 17, 2010
I've been trying to install MySQL in Lenny via source binaries, following the instructions given on the MySQL official website[url]
But when i try to run the scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql command, doesn't work.
For the record, i'm particularly interested on installing MySQL with the generic source binaries.
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Mar 3, 2010
I'm running 64-bit Debian lenny, and am trying to run a 32-bit program that requires libGLEW. I've installed libGLEW using apt-get install libglew1.5, but when I try to run the program I get the error: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
It seems the default install of libGLEW is in 64-bit mode, and the program can't use the 64-bit libraries. It looks like I need to install libGLEW in 32-bit mode, but I've no idea how to do that.
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Mar 8, 2010
I am new to debian, But I was using ubuntu previously. Now I have installed debian Lenny and I want to install the VLC player, When I try the below command nothing happens.Do I need to add any repository?
The following actions will resolve these dependencies:
Keep the following packages at their current version:
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Jun 7, 2010
I run 'make' in the Etoile folder, and get this error message:
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Jan 10, 2010
I have been fighting with this for days. I upgraded from etch to lenny. I tried installing mysql-5.1. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, updated, upgraded, many, *many*, times. It just stubbornly refuses to work.
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Jul 12, 2010
I recently installed Debian 5.0.5 (lenny) on an extra PC that I had lying around:
Intel P4 3.4 GHz
NVidia 7600 GT - 256 MB
I want to turn this PC into a Linux server for hosting a basic JSP web application with PostgreSQL as the back-end database.
I installed PostgreSQL and it runs fine however I'm having some issues installing Tomcat 6. I followed a guide that I found online, and everything seemed fine when I was following the steps however I wasn't able to verify that the server was running by viewing the default tomcat page. [url]
Is there much difference in using Tomcat 5 vs Tomcat 6? I'll probably try Tomcat 5.5 tonight.
Installer Guide: [url]
I'd also like to setup a simple email server, and I'd like to know roughly what's required to do this.
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Oct 17, 2010
I downloaded vim7.3.tar.bz2 and installed it on my computer with debian lenny. I uninstalled the default vim using aptitude but after I installed vim (/.configure, make and make install) vim did NOT create the folders for configuration in /etc or /usr/share. The end result is I have a very inconvinent but working vim. I uninstalled vim and looked up all the directories with vim and renamed them and reinstalled them but still vim is not working.
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Sep 23, 2010
How to setup vncserver and keep it running in the background after restart on Lenny workstation? The admin should be able to connect every time via vncviewer to this workstation.
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Jan 24, 2010
Using VirtualBox on Ubuntu 9.10. Processor is Intel Q8200 Debian amd64 ISOs should work on my system but I had to resort to i386, which installed flawlessly despite a couple of kernel panics once X started. I don't think the problem is VirtualBox and I'm about to reboot and try loading the CD normally to see if that works.
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May 27, 2010
I'm still getting used to the system. I've been able to install a couple of packages like Disk Manager and Firefox, and was able to mount my ntfs drive. I've only learned some basic terminal commands, but I'm managing ok so far. That is until I looked into what was involved in installing the video drivers I need for my Nvidia 8400 GS card. (ouch!) I'm trying to follow the guide here: [URL] but I've run into a snag in the 'Overview' part: "0. Make sure APT has non-free and contrib sources (consult the sources.list(5) man page for help on doing this) " The link provided [URL] is dead. With only a basic understanding (next to none) of what the sources.list is for, I'm unsure how to fulfill step 0.
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Apr 1, 2010
Was wondering if I can upgrade my kernel to squeeze without affecting or hurting my Lenny system?
I want to upgrade the kernel, but leave the system as stable lenny
I know the more recent kernels have better wireless detection,etc
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Feb 1, 2011
How to change boot loader from Grub to syslinux on running Lenny without damage the system?
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Feb 21, 2010
My computer initially had one hard drive, with Debian Lenny 5.0.4 installed. I haven't done any special configuration, so upon boot, I was presented with the GRUB kernel select menu, then gdm, etc. I think I used the Debian installer's 'use entire drive with LVM' configuration.
I then added a second hard drive, with the intention of installing Windows XP on it. After I installed XP on this second drive, I found out that it had overwritten the MBR on the first drive. (It was my intention do use the BIOS' F8-key boot menu to choose between the two drives, each with their own distinct boot loader. The two drives and OS's would be completely independent.)
Using my Debian installer CD, I think I have GRUB installed on the first drive again. I've found a number of tutorials which say I can use 'set' and 'linux' to boot the system, but the linux command always returns a file not found error.
I think my LVM filesystem is still intact, as the Debian installer's fdisk reports it, it can also chroot to it and my installation appears to be intact. 'ls' within GRUB shows (derek-swap_1) (derek-root) (hd0) (hd0,1) (hd0,2) (hd1) (hd1,1) (fd0) . 'derek' was the hostname I used.
I would like to simply restore the system to the way it was before: with the standard GRUB that comes with Debian 5.0.4, which then boots into the debian with my LVM filesystem. Is there a way to do this from the Debian installer CD? (I was hoping there would be a 'dummy install' command which would install GRUB and configure it properly, but leave all my existing partitions and filesystems intact.)
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