I recently switched from GNOME to xfce, and I can't get working a simple keyboard shortcut to ssh to another machine.
In GNOME, I made a launcher (which gnome-do found); the first time I ran the launcher I'd get an X11 popup asking for by ssh passphrase, and then it would be saved for the rest of the GNOME session, making logins nice and fast.
In xfce, a similar launcher opens a new xfce4-terminal, which asks for the passphrase every time. I made a keyboard shortcut to "ssh -X me@server" -- this open an X11 popup for the passphrase, but no terminal, because there is no "run in terminal" option for keyboard shortcuts.
I'd be okay with running "ssh-add" at every login, but it has to be system-wide, rather than attached to one terminal instance. Passphraseless ssh is an options but a creepy one.
I write a lot in French and I need the french accent on my ubuntu. How can I get the shortcuts I used in windows such as "alt+130" to work again? When I use them, either nothing happen or it changes my tabs in firefox and chrome, I haven't found how to override this. I don't seem to have found anything in keyboard shortcuts...
i set delete as a keyboard shortcut for the gnome-terminal accidentally and later changed it to ALT+T but now both DELETE and ALT+T open up a terminal its really annoying not to be able to use the delete key.....every time i press DELETE a terminal window opens up.
I am experiencing problems with keyboard shortcuts. It started to happen after I installed gnome shell and switched back to gdk. the most annoying part is that every single keyboard shortcut works except the most used one AKA "run a terminal"
first I thought it had something to do with shortcuts in compiz but no. I changed the keyboard shortcut for "run a terminal" to something wild like CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+N and it still doesn't work. That command is not doing anything... Can i add my custom commands to keyboard shortcuts and how?
Mod4' is my 'Super' key. I have assigned <Mod4>Tab to the 'launch panel main menu' shortcut command in the Ubuntu 10.10 keyboard shortcuts settings. However, whenever I press <Mod4>+Tab, my windows seem to switch as if I were pressing Alt+Tab. How can I disable this other unnecessary action for <Mod4>+Tab?
I frequently need to take screenshots of a game (flash-based, running inside a browser), in particular it's statistics screen which is shown when I hold the TAB key. The problem is, when I take a screenshot, either by pressing PrintScreen key or by pressing a custom-defined shortcut, the game responds to this keypress and hides its statistics screen, so the screenshot doesn't contain the information I need.I figured out how to overcome this using a custom application launcher icon; but this requires using the mouse which is rather inconvenient.define a shortcut that wouldn't be processed by the active application? Or maybe there's some screenshot utility that does this out of the box?
First off, I have been quite clumsy lately. I recently poured water into my computer by accident; and it works somewhat fine, though the keys A and E do not work. At this point I am using an external keyboard, but since it's a laptop and I am using it at school, that is not what one would wish for. So, my question is; is there any way which will allow me to use the Keyboard Shortcuts to make a shortcut which will for example use ALT+Ctrl+<button> to write the letter A?
My second question is; Do anyone know what has happened with what I will describe in the following text; or perhaps recognice the problem and a solution? One of my friends has installed XUbuntu on his netbook. It has been running just fine; and for a while after he upgraded to 9.10, his computer went somewhat broke. It boots up fine, and it loads the login screen; but instead of being able to log in, it switches to a terminal. We have tried using it to log in, but as none of us are any good with the terminal we have not succeeded.
I have a bash shell script located at "/home/devin/.Scripts/script"
I want to attach it to a hot key, I go to "System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts", click "Add", Type in a name, and under "Command" I put in "/home/devin/.Scripts/script", and then assign a key to it.
I have a keyboard shortcut (ALT+M) that I have set to minimize all active windows. Now when I set 'own_window yes' in the conkyrc file, it treats it as a window (what it is supposed to do) but when I use my shortcut it minimizes as well. Now in my docky bar, it does not appear. I have tried setting it to 'own_window no' but then my icons disappear fron my desktop and I have to refresh the desktop every time conky updates (each on sec) this is an absolute nuisance. I have the 'double_buffer yes' option set and that does stop the flickering that I was having but I still cant happily use conky.
I'm just wondering if anyone knows the command to access the menu bar, as in the file edit view bar, not the applications places system one. I'm trying to create a keyboard shortcut to access the menu bar and I need to know the command for this.
I want to make a keyboard shortcut that runs the following command:
Code: smplayer /tmp/Flash* This is to play things as ..... videos etc. in smplayer using vdpau instead of the laggy flashplayer
The wildcard * works in terminals, but not in the command of the shortcut or in the Alt-F2 launcher... Could anyone point me to what I could write instead?
I have a G15v1. After going through hoops and loops to get it working only to discover that you only needed to install g15daemon through the Ubuntu Software Center, I found myself with one big problem. I migrated from windows just now, and there, I had my macro keys(the extra ones) bound to CTRL+W, CTRL+T and to a simulated mouse-wheel scroll so I could navigate the web more easily. How would I go about doing that? I figured, if I used the System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts thingy and bound my key, in my case XF86Launch5, to a command similar to "simulate keypress CTRL+W"(I know it's totally wrong, just to give you an idea), I might be able to get it working again. Only problem is, I can't find anything like that. Any of you has any clue about it? I googled but I only find C++/Java/coding related results, which are not exactly what I need to do.
I'd like to open a directory with the F12 key. I haven't any problem getting Keyboard Shortcuts to run programs, but cannot figure out how to have it open a directory.I tried making a link to the directory and using that, but still no go. Edit: The directory I want opens when I use its link Can't find anything on the net for this. Most just mention that we can create custom keyboard shortcuts. I tried using /home/directory/directorydesired, but no go.
Edit: The directory I want opens when I use the link
I created a bunch of keyboard shortcuts via "System > Preferences Keyboard Shortcuts," and they all work flawlessly except one: Nautilus. I just set it to run the command "nautilus" and it doesn't do anything. My GNOME panel launcher runs the same command just fine.
I am using Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit.I have installed Firefox 4 beta 12 using the Foxtester extension[URL]I want to know what the keyboard shortcut for Tab Groups is.I have tried both Ctrl + Space and Ctrl + e but neither of them work.
I recently got a family member to make the switch to Meerkat (after his windows OS took a dump); all was fine till he took an update. When the spacebar is pressed an error window pops up titled 'Metacity' and says 'Text was empty (or contained only white space)' We've gone so far as to try and replace metacity, but that hasn't gone so well as we are not even sure what to replace it with.
I was wondering, is there some tool to program shortcut, say ALT+Z to otput "<%="? I got Logicech wave keyboard, and on windows it has manufactors program for programing this stuff, but under nix it is not ported, such as drivers too.
I would like to know if it is possible to assign new keyboard shortcut combinations for actions such as:
Action: switch tabs Actual Shortcut: Control+(Alt)pgUp/pgDown New Shortcut: Control+Tab (as it is on Windows) Action: activate combo boxes item lists Actual Shortcut: Alt+Down or F4 New Shortcut: still don't know yet
I have not found a way of doing this under gnome-keyboard-properties or gconf-editor.
I was wondering if there is a keyboard shortcut for spell check suggestions in firefox. My requirement is actually to work in a website which does not allow right click. When I encounter a red underlined word in the text I typed, I have to copy and paste the same to another tab of firefox [of some other site]to get the alternate suggestions/right spelling. Any tweak to change the button binding from right click to double click or Alt click etc will also do.
For some reason, Evince has the open file keyboard shortcut set to "A", which means that if I'm searching for text in a pdf and I type the "a" key, the "Open Document" dialog box is called. How can I fix this?
is there a way to set a keyboard shortcut for opening pidgins buddy list? preferably, I'd like a way to snap to an unread message, or, if there are none, open the buddy list.
I would like to open multiple applications with one keyboard shortcut but don't get it running. When I add (open "System" > "Preference" > "Keyboard Shortcuts"; clicked "Add" ) a new shortcut and enter many commands in the "Command" field e.g. "gnome-terminal & xeyes" only the first application is started. I also tried to set up a shell script that contains the application calls and then use "gnome-terminal -x "sh /path/to/the/script.sh" but then I get the error message "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal".
I am using Gnome 2.32 (Ubuntu 10.10 /x64 ). By using the supplied keyboard configuration utility I successfully set up two language layouts and they work perfectly. Since I also often work on Windows and default shortcut to switch layouts in it is Alt+Shift (and after many years I am very used to this), I tried to setup the same shortcut in Gnome. But with a Gnome I have a problem: once I press Alt+Shift - layouts switch immediately and I am unable to do Alt+Shift+<Something> shortcuts.
So my main question is: Is it possible to teach Gnome's keyboard layout switcher to do the actual switch of layouts only if I press and release the Alt+Shift combination without touching any other keys?
I have a dual-screen setup, with xmonad as my window manager. Using mod+tab lets me switch between windows on the same screen, but how do I move focus from one screen to the other without using the mouse?
i am trying to set some custom keyboard shortcuts using compiz in the commands section...but it is not working. For example , i want to use kaffeine and i am using as command the word kaffeine. When i use it in the custom commpand of compiz it is not working at all. Just to be sure that the command is indeed "kaffeine" i execute it via terminal using the word "kaffeine" and it is executed normaly. I am 100% sure that the command is only for terminal use and as general launcher. The same behavior is observed for other applications. The strange thing is that when i want to put a custom keyboard shortcut in compiz for a python script then the command "python xxx.py" is working!