Fedora :: Sound Without Video In VLC / Mplayer / Totem
Apr 29, 2011
I just made a minimal installation of F14 and I have been installing more package to it. However I think I have missed something because VLC crashes after open and Mplayer and Totem have sound but not video.
My partner is a teacher and has downloaded some videos from a teacher's resource site but can't seem to play them in Ubuntu. They play fine in Windows XP using Windows Media Player but they only play a few seconds in VLC or Totem and then freeze. The files in question seem to be normal MPG (MPEG-1) video files but somehow VLC and Totem choke on them. I have installed all restricted video formats including w32codecs but still no joy. My partner is threatening to go back to Windows!
how I fixed my sound problems, that happened only for "windows media 9" videos, after struggling for days changing the players etc. (using Ubuntu lucid 10.04 up to date)First search for "Ubuntu install w32codecs" (or w64codecs depending on your system bus width) and... install them as root or 'sudo'
$ sudo apt-get install w32codecs (or w64codecs)
After updating totem to the very latest version (May 12, 3 days ago) the problem happened to be likely from the source: gstreamer. So I tried to install the latest version of gstreamer, and it worked (the default one packaged in Ubuntu is dated 2008...).
Thought I would post this up here, because I've been searching for a solution, and not found one online:Problem description When playing both .mp4 and .rm files, the sound played fine, but the display remained black.
Solution Open the Configuration Editor (run gconf-editor in the terminal). Navigate to system > gstreamer > 0.10 > default, double-click on videosink and change the setting from autovideosink to ximagesink
When I try watching HD or avi files with totem the sound and video skips then equalizes on its own, when I try in vlc same thing but I play with the sound until video and sound sync but there is slowness in video.mplayer won't start. I installed the gmplayer front end and I just get that but no video or sound, video won't play.
I somehow lost my "documents" file. I had written a letter on OpenOffice and then went to file it in my documents file. I clicked on "places" then on "documents" and what came up was my recently installed MPlayer unit! This is crazy! So how do I recover my "documents" folder and how can I assign MPlayer to its rightful place "Sound and Video"?
Since upgrading to 64-bit Karmic, I can't play any WMA files, neither in Rhythmox, Totem, VLC, or mplayer. It used to work well with 64-bit Intrepid.
I've added the medibuntu repos and installed ubuntu-restricted-extras (including w64codecs). Still, when rhythmbox or totem opens a WMA file, they search for an appropriate codec and don't find anything.
I have a USB dongle to watch tv (Asus U3100 mini) that supports DVB-T. I live in portugal and DVB-T here uses MPEG4 h246 codec. Until now the only app I can have image and sound is VLC. However with VLC I can't schedule recordings and other features that totem + gnome-dvb-daemon has (or mythtv, also no sound with it). I have all related gstreamer plugins, ffmpeg, x264 libs and I've tried to install everything related with mpeg and aac. i don't know what I'm missing here, Video with totem is also a little jerky compared to VLC and xine.
Cannot watch second, third, etc, streams from a server-side playlist (ie, .wsx on windows media service). I have tried mplayer, vlc, totem, and xine. Xine totally fails and the other three play only the first stream as described. You can verify it works in wine by using Windows Mediaplayer v10 (`winetricks wmp10` on a clean wine prefix).
The particular example I am dealing with is not an ideal test-case as they dynamically mangle the stream's URL to prevent leeching. You can test it by either visiting $URL (below) or from command line:
My research has brought up only two or three random posts citing a similar problem. All seem to be quite old (circa 2008). The most relevant is:
I have attached the output from:
mplayer -msglevel all=9 "$MMS" &>mplayer.output
You will see that mplayer is seeing an EOF and terminating (perhaps the server is too slow so mplayer's timeout triggers EOF condition?). I tired fooling with -vid/-aid flags to no avail.
this happens with both VLC and Totem, when in either of those programs playing a video, if I click on one of the top menus, say View in Totem, the video stays on top of the drop down options. In order to see the options I have to hover over them with the mouse at which point they become momentarily visible. I read a post somewhere where someone had a similar problem and it was solved by reinstalling Compiz, but I've tried uninstalling it entirely, reinstalling it, etc. and none of it works. It doesn't happen with flash videos in firefox, it does happen with visualisations in Totem, and it only started happening since I upgraded to 11.04.
When I am playig videos with mplayer (I am using smplayer frontend), sometimes video freezes and i had to push space button twice before it starts to play again. I am using Fedora 11 x86_64. How it can be fixed?
I had good working installation of Fedora 12 x86_64 on my desktop, but few days ago, during watch movie in mplayer, sound disappeared. Till today i can't figure out, what happened - no errors displayed, no changes in configuration and no sound (both KDE and Gnome).
I checked soundcard in ubuntu live cd and it works fine. Also on login screen in my current Fedora 12 "beep" plays when i choose user, but after this i have no sounds.
I have up to date system, pulseaudio installed (i tried to remove it, but with no effect - without it also no sound).
Strange thing is, that sound disappeared during normal work, not after update or install anything.
I thought this may be of interest, so I'm sharing. I've built some experimental mplayer packages for Fedora 11 and Rawhide (x86-32 and x86-64 arches) with shiny new features. Aside from being very recent snapshots, one of them includes support for hardware video playback acceleration via VDPAU and VAAPI, and the other includes support for multi-threaded playback (so you can split the decoding load across multiple cores).
The playback acceleration can definitely be used on NVIDIA adapters (from the GeForce 8xxx series onwards) using the proprietary driver (not, unfortunately, nouveau). Also on Intel Poulsbo (GMA 500) adapters, using my packaged version of the native driver for that chipset (link is in the blog post). VDPAU acceleration is also allegedly possible on S3 Chrome 530 GT and S3 Chrome 540 GTX adapters using S3�s own driver, but I haven't had the chance to test that. Multi-threaded playback can be done on any system, but only really makes sense on those with multiple processors (cores).
Full details of where, how and why are in my blog post:[URL]..
I`m using Fedora 11. I just bought a Creative Audigy Soundblaster sound card. It is recognized by the system, but I can`t make it play sound on all channels in xmms or mplayer. The alsa test confirms that all channels are working - I can hear sound from all of them. I have read several posts in other forums about modifying my ./asoundrc, but they just don`t seem to work.
When I play H.264 / AVC videos from my new camera in totem, the sound plays fine but the video looks like a slide show. I also tried it in xine, the video plays better, but the audio does not play. (the video seems to play in slow motion. the files are saved as *.mp4, and are the same resolution as the *.mp4 files from my old camera which play fine in totem. When I look at the properties of the files, the new ones say that the codec is H.264 / AVC and the ones from my old camera say that the codec is MPEG-4 video. the frame rate is the same for both files.
I made a recent update to my Squeeze system and got this weird problem. mplayer, VLC and firefox (.....) all have sound. But when I try to run Amarok I get nothing. I looked into the Multimedia panel on the KDE4 system settings, and its not showing any devices at all. Previously it used to show HDA Intel etc., etc. Now the entries are completely blank. How do I get KDE to recognize my hardware? Shouldnt it pick things up automatically?
i have movie player (totem) and as an alternate vlc. both will play store bought encrypted dvds very well etc. however, movie player when on "videos" for instance will frequently flag the search operation with one/ two of the following:
"error looking up uri/ cannot resolve host name" or "error looking up video uri" automount failed: mount point for org.gtk.vfs; mountpoint.http already running" or "an error occurred location not found"
it is difficult to clear and unstick these red flags. audio from rhythmbox music player is awesome. what dependent file or plug-in am i lacking or need to delete?
Whenever I'm playing a video in Totem, if I use the navigation bar thing to go to a different time in the video, the video output freezes. Audio continues, but video stops. If I pause the video first, then use the navigation thing, then click play again, it works fine. Same happens for music; the visualizer freezes if I drag the navigation thing.
Edit: If I put it on repeat, when the video or music repeats the video output freezes also.
Totem will start to play them but claim i need gstreamer bad plugins... it will offer to install them and afterward will say "data stream error" when i try to play any. Is there a codec package that would allow me to play flash... i already tried the w64codecs package the gstreamer good bad and ugly from synaptic, and installed totem-xine to no avail.
when i try to play a flash video the visual works but not the audio and totem tells me i need the suitable codec which it says is gstreamer-bad and when i attempt to install it, it says that it conflicts with gstreamer-really-bad but if i remove gstreamer-really-bad and install gstreamer-bad totem gives me an internal data stream error instead and even visual won't work. so i ran totem--debug and this is the terminal output with gstreamer-bad when trying to play flash video.
The only player that can play it is totem (I have tried vlc and mplayer without success), yet I would prefer to save it. Is there any way to do that without a screen capture program?