Fedora Networking :: HWaddr Changes Randomly?

Jun 6, 2011

So what I need to do is change my MAC (HWaddr). I'm using rc.local with code:

ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:04:76:18:2F:4F
ifconfig eth0 up


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Doesn't Work (HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00)?

Dec 6, 2010

My desktop PC has 2 NICs. I have Ubuntu on it since several years, and I remember that both eth0 and eth1 used to work. However, I discovered recently that currently only eth0 works, and eth1 is dead, but I don't know why. It's been a while since I've tried eth1, so I have no idea when exactly it broke. I suspect the problem may be related to the fact that the MAC address is incorrect: it is set to 00:00:00:00:00:00, which seems wrong. But I have no idea how this happened...Any idea what might be wrong and how I can fix it? Here is some output which I think is useful:

peter@cheetah:~$ ifconfig -a
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:18:f3:68:42:78


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Fedora Networking :: Ssh Session To A Particular Server Keeps Getting Randomly Dropped

Jan 23, 2010

When I am running linux on my laptop, my ssh session to a particular server keeps getting randomly dropped. What should I do to troubleshoot the problem?

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Fedora Networking :: Network Connection Intermittent After DHCP Configuration - Stops Working Randomly

Jul 17, 2009

I'm having a bizarre problem where my network connection stops working randomly. At first I thought it was a DNS issue since Firefox simply chilled out on "Looking up [hostname]" until it timed out, but after further investigation (pinging IP's, "host" and "dig" being unable to reach servers) it became apparent that I couldn't even access the DNS servers i.e. the Wicked Connection of the East was most sincerely dead.

There are two strange things about this: one, there are no errors except "timeout". The network manager is happy, Firefox is happy until the lookup fails... Two, the failures only start *after* DHCP configuration. DHCP configuration never has any trouble sending or receiving packets. I'm going to try static IP and whatnot to see if that helps, more information later.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Keeps Dropping Randomly?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit on an Asus laptop and the wireless connection disconnects randomly for a while and keeps searching for the signal. When it finds it I have to put in my WEP key again to get it to connect sometimes only once or sometimes 2 or 3 times. This is getting quite annoying.

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Ubuntu Networking :: NFS Randomly Mounts On Boot

Jul 10, 2010

Here is my entry in the fstab: media/Our40NAS nfs auto,_ne
tdev,rw,hard,users,intr 0 0

Upon reboot, sometimes it would mount automatically and sometimes it would not. I have not discovered any specific pattern. It is very random. Sometimes it would go many reboots without mounting and on the next it would mount it. I tried putting timeo paramter, played with the parameters, but still have the same issue. My laptop is connected to a wireless network. When I do mount -a or if I go to Places everything mounts great. It just simply will not mount all the time automatically upon boot, and after wireless connection is established.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Stops Randomly?

Aug 18, 2010

my server which shares my internet connection with the rest of the house recently started to randomly quit the eth0 connection and the sharing connected with that. after a reboot all is fine again /var/log/messages shows the following

Aug 18 19:53:36 Gomorrah kernel: [93072.000029] ------------[ cut here ]------------
Aug 18 19:53:36 Gomorrah kernel: [93072.000048] WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.31


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Ubuntu Networking :: Internetconnections Works Randomly?

Jul 31, 2011

3 of my computers have problems with the internet connection.Sometimes it works, but most of the times it simply doesnt.I can ping our router and the switches,the internet.Pinging a DNS like wont work either, so this might not be a DNS problem.Restarting the pc / network changes nothing.Here some output:

cat /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state


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Networking :: Pages Not Loading Randomly On Dialup

Jan 31, 2011

I am currently using Open SuSE 11.3 and connect to the internet through a fixed wireless terminal (CDMA Wireless modem), Huawei ETS-1201 with BSNL connection. The problem is that, after dialling and connecting to the internet, some pages dont load randomly. Sometimes, Google loads quite fine, but other times, it is just stuck and I have to reload the page several times. When I connect through Windows, I have no such problem. I have used Fedora, Ubuntu and Sabayon but the same problem exists. I don't want to return to Windows but is frustrated with my web experience on linux.

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Ubuntu Networking :: AR5001 Chipset - Wireless Networking Randomly Loses Connectivity And Can Not Regain Connectivity

Jun 25, 2011

Wife's laptop has AR5001 Wireless Adapter laptop model is Toshiba Satellite A215

Problem : Wireless networking randomly loses connectivity and can not regain connectivity, the only apparent solution is a full power down , this is not even certain to work. The card works under Windows, she hates Windows. (I love her for this) I know it's not faulty hardware , because it will work for days on end under Windows without problems.

Things I've tried : madwifi drivers (any and all versions available) : These increase stability of the signal and seem to delay the inevitable however it still happens. When using these drivers the only option is to unload them modprobe -r then reboot then remove them again and re add them. It makes no sense why this works, and if I don't remove them prior to rebooting it will not work.

ATH5K drivers : These are pretty much junk, results are unpredictable at best, sometimes it will work perfectly for a few hours, sometimes it will not work at all. Nothing is repeatable, I can't seem to force whatever condition is causing this. rfkill does not show the wifi being blocked (hard or soft), unblocking it anyway does nothing, only way to make this work and it's iffy is to fully power down wait 5-10 minutes turn it back on and it MAY decide to work.

Firmware update : Updated the Toshiba BIOS to the latest version of the firmware 2.0 no joy here either. Same issue both sets of drivers.

Tried different distros and kernels : I've tried Mint 9, 10 ,11 ; Ubuntu 10.10, 10.04 , 9.10 and 11.04 (which is currently installed) , Fedora and OpenSUSE. All are giving the same problems. I have also tried a slew of different kernels no joy from any of them (I'm not at the computer with the issue now I will post exactly what kernel versions I've used when I have access to the machine).

Another useful bit of information, the hard switch to disable/enable wifi WILL disable it but turning it back on does absolutely nothing. The hotkey does nothing at all. The bios does not have an option to disable or enable the wireless card.

I will also post the typical lsmod , lspci , iwconfig all that good stuff when I get back to the computer in question. I'm probably just going to buy a PC card for it and give up on that one, but this is driving me insane and I would really like to see it resolved even if I do replace the hardware.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Randomly No Nameservers Defined On 3G Wireless

Jan 16, 2010

I have a Huawei E220 3G modem and I'm using Ubuntu 9.10. The modem picks up on USB, and the connection works, sort of. With random times, I can't get on the internet, and when running:


mtr -n -c3 -r

it tells me:


Could not get fd's flags: Bad file descriptor
No nameservers defined

Network Manager Applet 0.7.996 is reporting my wireless connected, and applications like Skype is working perfectly. I just can't browse.

When I restart a couple of times, and my internet browsing capability starts working eventually at times. The behavior is very random.It appears that when I fiddle with USB devices, like unplugging my external hard drive, and plugging the USB modem in and out, restarting, it helps. Also, when plugging in my USB 3G modem, an icon pops up on the desktop, mounting the USB device as a USB flash drive. The device has on-board memory, but can I disable this / prevent it from mounting?I also disabled IPv6 by setting:


GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="ipv6.disable= 1 quiet splash"
in /etc/default/grub

What I also did was to "hard code" DNS by adding:


prepend domain-name-servers,;
to /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 Dropping Network Connection Randomly?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a windows installation (partition) but have installed into freespace on the same drive using the auto-partition manager, etc, and everything is fine. I got my network going fairly easily by going Preferences > Wireless and inputting SSID and WPA encryption key (PSK). My router issues an WLAN IP, I can get on the net, I can see my other Windows PCs on the network, I can reach my router, and all is good.So after several hours of mooching about and looking at things, I have updated all the Linux packages via Synaptics (following a prompt to update everything) including GRUB. My dual boot now shows two versions of the OS:

GRUB 1.7~Beta4
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-19 - generic (I am booting this one)
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-14 - generic

I also set up my HP F4580 printer over wifi on the network though with slightly incorrect drivers (for the F4400 series as this was recommended at the closest match). It works, and I can print a test page no problem.The only thing is that now (since doing all that) Ubuntu seems to periodically drop my connection to the network and then request the network PSK again, but when I enter it, it spends time trying to renegotiate but fails, and then re-requests the PSK, over and over and it never reconnects. I have to reboot and then I can connect again (automatically), until it drops at some random point (like 5 or 10 mins later)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connection Drops Randomly For A Split Second

Jun 5, 2010

I could not find a solution to this problem anywhere. I use a ubuntu server to play (stream) mp3s and movies to other computers on my network. It works most of the time, but sometimes in the middle of a movie or a song it will drop/hiccup--saying it is "not reachable". I am not overtasking the server at all, and merely playing an mp3 that takes up less than 10% of the bandwidth, yet it drops it for a split second.

I have a WRT160N router (DD-WRT of course) with 4 clients connected (2 of which are wired). The ubuntu server is connected via ethernet and all machines have the same issue. It can't be the router because another Windows machine works just fine for streaming these files. I just can't understand how it can lose connection for a second or so. It may just be the file-system or some service that is hiccuping, but I have no idea...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lucid Wireless Randomly Disconnects

Jun 25, 2010

After upgrade to Lucid I have experienced intermittent wireless disruptions. The wireless just cuts out and reconnects.And I was hoping to continue or follow up on the same thread however with the released version.I tried replacing network manager with wicd and I tried the other driver options both without success.I'm currently using the Broadcom B43 driver, when I tried the Broadcom STA driver wireless would not work. I use the 64 bit OS, and this problem did not appear prior to the upgrade.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Randomly Blocks Incoming Traffic?

Aug 5, 2010

I am running the latest ubuntu. Sometimes it randomly stops accepting ssh connections, afp/smb connections, and even stops responding to pinging. It is connected via WIFI.

I go over to the desktop and use the browser, and the internet still works fine. Then after a while, it starts accepting incoming traffic again.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Randomly Loosing Connection?

Aug 18, 2010

I do randomly (as far as I know) loose my wireless network connection. The only thing to do then is to restart my router and after that it works for a while. I know this is not a hardware issue because I don't have this problem with KDE, only in gnome. I think this problem occurred after I started using 10.04, but then I changed to KDE and forgot about it. But now I'm using gnome again and loosing my network connection over and over drives me mad

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection Drops Randomly?

Nov 20, 2010

My internet connection drops randomly in ubuntu but works fine in XP.The connection is not disconnected but i cant browse any sites,so what i do is i will reboot my system so that i can surf again but after few minutes the same problem is happening again

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connection Randomly Seems To Massively Slow Down

Nov 30, 2010

I am running the newest version of Ubuntu on my laptop. The connection randomly seems to massively slow down. After a speed test is run it registers at .05 download and Ubuntu crashes before it gets to upload. I reboot from the crash and it runs fine for a while, then it suddenly does the same thing. The connection is running fine on my Windows 7 desktop, I don't know what is going on. In transmission the upload speeds are running at ~100kbps though. If I try downloading a mere 400kb .torrent file it stops half way through, usually at 200-300kb done, downloading at 1.2kbps the entire time. This is getting very frustrating and I really don't want to go back to Windows.

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Ubuntu Networking :: WIRED Lan Dropping Randomly In 10.10 / Stop It To Do So?

Dec 27, 2010

05:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 12)

My wired LAN keeps dropping randomly, average of every 30-60 minutes. Fresh install of 10.10 from iso, Been installed for about 4 days now, just performed system update today, no change.

My router actually completely resets itself. You can watch the lights power off and recycle doing their POST. Absolutely no problems in windows 7 dual boot configuration.

I am no downloading anything, not streaming, not doing anything actually. My computer is completely idle (save for BOINC) and all of a sudden my phone loses the wireless connection which lets me know that my router just reset.

Ubuntu is actually doing this, my wireless stays up indefinitely in windows. Once the router resets, it does automatically reconnect without a PC reboot, but why is it resetting my router?

If you need the bootscript, already posted here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1651262

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Networking :: WAN Connection Disconnects Randomly On Slackware Router

Feb 20, 2011

Hey all, I have got this strange problem with my Slackware server acting as router and gateway to my internal network. It randomly disconnects the WAN connection after X days ( it is between 2-7 days ). This error messages occured in /var/log/messages just before it lost its WAN connection:

Feb 20 14:36:00 tml dhcpcd: eth1: failed to renew, attempting to rebind

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Fedora :: F15 Freezes Randomly

Jul 8, 2011

I am using Fedora 15 64bit (GNOME 3). Everything is working fine and I'm really enjoying the new GNOME but when I use it for let's say a couple of hours, Gnome get's stuck.I'm able to move my mouse and music keeps on playing, but I can't click anything, drag windows or close a window.When I press ctrl+alt+F2 I can still enter a terminal. (by the way, how is it possible that the gnome-shell command uses 99.4-101% cpu without any noticeable lag on my system and a strong processor?)

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Ubuntu Networking :: BCM43xx Wifi Connection Randomly Disconnected In 9.10

Jan 25, 2010

I have an Asus laptop with a BCM4318 wifi chipset. result of lspsci command about wifi cards:

00:09.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) For some reason, I often get disconnected. Once it's disconnected, I cannot connect anymore and I need to reboot my laptop in order to get the connection back! I didn't have this problem when I was on Ubuntu 8.04. I checked in /var/log/syslog and I found this when the network is disconnected:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Connection Randomly Stopped Working?

Feb 6, 2010

My ubuntu karma desktop is plugged into a wired connection that goes through a router and into my cable modem.Everything was working fine like it had been foseveral months yesterday morningSomething happened by the end of the day that has screwed up my wired networking. I plugged my laptop into the same cable thats plugged into my ubuntu, and the cat5 cable is live. Also when I plug said cable into the ubuntu box, the ethernet lights come on, or atleast a solid green one. Meanwhile the network connections Icon continues to have a red X and a tooltip saying "No network connection".

Under network settings, there is only one wired network "Auto eth0", but it says "last used: never" which is strange since I've been using this for months. When I click edit the main settings are MTU automatic, ipv4 automatic DHCP, and ipv6 ignore.hat could the problem be? By chance did a karma update get released that broke the networking

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Randomly Disconnects - Only Works Again After Reboot

Jul 3, 2010

I'm having a problem with my wireless connection. When it runs, it's perfect, but every once in a while (and increasingly more often) it randomly disconnects and doesn't reconnect when I click reconnect, even if I manually disconnect it. Every time this happens, I have to reboot the system, after which it works perfectly. Then it dies again.

I've checked around the forums, there are some similar threads but they seem to be specific to the wireless card. The reboot method works, but I'd really like to find a way to solve the problem without having to resolve to the Vulcan nerve pinch. I'm a real newbie to Linux and the more complex side of computers in general, and I hardly know what is what, so please excuse me if I seem a bit thick.

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Ubuntu Networking :: AMDTek 10 / 100 Drops Connection Randomly (Tulip)

Sep 1, 2010

The title pretty much says it all. My eth0 will disconnect at random intervals. lspci:

01:08.0 Ethernet controller: ADMtek NC100 Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet 10/100 (rev 11)
And lsmod | grep tulip:

tulip 50592 0
Ubuntu 10.04 Linux desktop 2.6.32-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 20 14:21:58 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

When it disconnects, it easily reconnects when I disable/enable networking. But until I do.... Update: It disconnected again right after I posted this. Here is what dmesg | grep tulip:


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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - No WiFi Connection (Light Randomly Flickers)

Dec 8, 2010

I have installed XUbuntu 10.04 but cannot connect to WiFi. Here is what I know so far:
Hardware and Software configuration:
Compaq Presario 2100US
XUbuntu 10.04 (installed Dec. 2010 from Live CD dated Oct. 2010)
Kernel 2.6.32-21-generic
Gnome 2.30
RAM Memory: 938.7 MiB
Processor: Celeron
Disk Space Avail 23.2 GiB
Wireless Card: MSI Wireless 11G CardBus CB54G2
*MSI Driver rt2500pci located in system (see below)
No wifi 'on' 'off' hardware switch on machine

Prior to the install of Xunbuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) the machine carried MSXP. The wireless card came with the machine. The machine used a cable connection by previous owner. Connection's been working fine in Ubuntu Jaunty Jackelope and Puppy Linux. Wireless card appears to be functioning. The system scans for the network, shows that connection is established by both icon in tray and message saying that a connection is made. The card shows both green lights active. The light that indicates a connection is on and randomly flickers. Tested Firefox for connection. Firefox is not receiving anything from the system. I have got the network manager functioning enough to say that I have a 'connection' but still cannot connect to server.

Network Connections
wireless: linksys - mode ad hoc - MTU auto
wireless: security - none (I borrow from a neighbor's wifi)
IPv4: auto(DHCP)
IPv6: Ignore
*Driver rt2500pci located in /sys/module/rt2500pci/drivers/
(There is a 'config' file in this directory)

Help menu in 10.04 is listed as help menu for 9.04 so don't know if applicable to 10.04 debugging. When 'troubleshooting' wireless connections, I did a *sudo lshw -C network* command on terminal. The results *do not* show 'Claimed, Unclaimed, Enabled or Disabled as help menu indicates. The line that would show that information (*-network) doesn't have 'Claimed, Unclaimed, Enabled or Disabled'. I can send image of this query. I have tried two other wifi cards with similar results, no connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Crashes Randomly In 10.04LTS Requiring Reboot

Jan 14, 2011

My network crashes randomly under regular traffic and more rapidly under high traffic (i.e. running Transmission) and I have to reboot to get it to start working again.

About system:
Toshiba Satellite A105-S2021
BIOS V2.30 (Latest)
Ubuntu 10.04LTS (Fresh install, not an upgrade) (Only OS on this machine)
2.6.32-27-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP

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Ubuntu Networking :: Desktop Internet Randomly Stops Working?

Mar 2, 2011

Not sure if I've listed the specs of this machine before, so I'll do it again. 'm running an HP Pavilion 760n with 512MB of RAM and (I think?) a Pentium III processor... not sure on that one right now. It's currently running a laptop version of Ubuntu 10.04.I went to log into my online classes tonight only to find that the computer wasn't responding at all. I did a hot shutdown and restarted it, and now the system isn't detecting the internet connection at all. It should be noted that the connection was working perfectly fine earlier today, perhaps 6 or 7 hours ago.I know it's something to do with my computer and not my router, as I'm on my wireless network from a Windows 7 laptop and it's connecting just fine.

In viewing another thread,..lems+-wireless, I found a bunch of commands that it was said would be helpful diagnosing this issue. That said, below is the output of all the commands that I could think of.

Sudo ifconfig -a
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:e0:18:5c:45:7a
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Randomly Losing Connection To Internet [Ath9k]?

Jun 30, 2011

Since I installed Ubuntu I've had this problem that makes me loose connection to the Internet. The wireless-icon on the panel starts loading, and after like 5 minutes, it works again.I had this problem when I had Mint 11, but it happened more often.Anyone know how to fix? Edit:Network: Card-1 Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) driver ath9k Card-2 Marvell 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller driver sky2

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Ubuntu Networking :: Server Randomly Times Out/Hangs/Disconnects

Jul 12, 2011

I have an Ubuntu 11.04 Server set up for my small office whose sole job is to run as a samba file server. The problem is that it randomly hangs. For example, I can connect the clients just fine, however if left idle it tends to take a few moments to work when you try to go back into the shared folder or drive. The client will behave like it is disconnected and is trying to search for the drive only to a few moments later, go right back to normal behavior.

If I ping this server while this is happening my requests will time out for a little while and then just start working. The same thing happens when I try to connect with Putty or through WebMin. One second its unreachable then the next its fine.I have already tried swapping out patch cables (which actually seemed to work for about 2 weeks) and I have patched it to an alternate port on the switch. The only thing I have not done at this time is to change the NIC.All the clients are running Win7 with the exception of two XP machines.Simply put, its like the machine just goes dormant for a while until you ping at it for a while to wake it back up.

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