Fedora :: MegaGlest On 15 Won't Start?

Jul 16, 2011

Apparently it's pretty popular so you guys might know what I'm talking about. I downloaded the MegaGlest-Installer-3.5.2_i386_linux.run from there website, changed the permission to "Allow Executing as program," ran the installer, installed it to /home/jetso/megaglest and now it doesn't start. I've tried running it from the terminal, going inside the /home/jetso/megaglest file and running the program.

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Fedora :: Schedule A Process To Start At A Specific Time (not On Start Up)?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm trying to find how to schedule a process to start at a specific time (not on start up). How would I schedule a process/application to start at a specific time (if it matters, it will be a background process). For instance, have process abc start every weekday at 5am. I've done this for windows many times though have only been using linux regularly for a few months and haven't figured out the best way of doing this.

So far the best solution I have is to create a program that will start on boot and have it check the time and sleep until the required time and then start the required process(es) at the required time(s). But this seems more of a hack since I'd expect there to be a proper way of doing this.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Start SCRIPT Command At START Of TERMINAL?

Feb 15, 2009

I want to monitor my work on the terminal.I know we can use script command.But every time when I start the terminal, I have to type script to start it.I want to automate it. So where should I include this command so that it will start as soon as I start the terminal ?

MY WORK TILL NOW: I have put this "script" command in the .profile.The when I start the terminal, it became an INFINITE LOOP.I am able to "echo".Thats coming only once.....but if I write a "script" command then it is becoming an INFINITE LOOP.

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Fedora :: Auto Start A Program On Start Up?

Oct 9, 2009

I just installed TuxGuitar - very cool - and to get the sound to work I had to install Timidity++ as well. Before I start TuxGuitar I have to execute:timidity -iA -Osin a terminal window first, which is kind of a pain to do every time I run TuxGuitar.How do I get this line to execute on startup such that timidity is running when I start up? I tried adding that line to rc.local

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Fedora :: Start Windows Xp And Not At Start?

Jul 6, 2010

when i start the computer i will have 3 seconds to choose windows xp or else it will go on linux but someone told me that by changing the grub.cfg when i start my computer i will have 3 seconds to start linux or else it will be xp is this true ? and if it is can someone explain me how to do it because i would like that

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Diff Between Service Prog Start & /etc/init.d/prog Start

Apr 3, 2009

The difference between: service httpd start & /etc/init.d/httpd start.

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Fedora :: Updated Kernel And Fedora Won't Start

Dec 23, 2010

Yesterday fedora automatically updated the linux kernel, and now it wont start entirely up. After the fedora logo has finished loading up the white, and it has turned into the real logo, nothing happens.However, i can boot into fedora with the old kernel via grub, so i guess it is related to the kernel update.

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Fedora :: Get Kdm To Start On Vt7 Instead Of Vt1?

Aug 23, 2010

Is there any way I can get kdm to start on vt7 instead of vt1?

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Fedora Security :: User Access To Start And Stop Tomcat But Also Gives User Access To Start And Stop Other Services "/etc/sudoers"

Mar 13, 2009

I am trying to give access to ONE single user to start and shutdown tomcat server. The problem being, when I enter syntax: username ALL= /etc/init.d/tomcat5, /usr/local/tomcat/webapps, PASSWD:ALL This gives the user access to start and stop tomcat but also gives user access to start and stop other services within /etc/init.d - such as httpd etc... What is the proper way to give user access to start and stop service, and limiting that power to only one service....

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Fedora :: Cannot Re-start X / Make It Possible?

Aug 15, 2009

FC11 I tried to load the nvidia driver because google earth suggested I needed to do this in order for the program to run faster now I'm in a bit of a mess.
this I what I did, following instuctions from unoficial fedora faq
su -
yum install knod-nvidia then reboot

now I seem to be locked into 800x600 mode only.
then I find in system tools the nvidia display config tool

having clicked on this a message then appears saying I should run nvidia-config and then restart x,

I ran the nvidia-xconfig then re-booted the system. now all I get is a flashing curser on the screen.

I tried typing startx at this prompt but nothing happens.

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Fedora :: SSH Won't Start Automatically

Sep 11, 2009

Can you guys help me diagnose what the problem is? SSH doesnt' start automatically.

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Fedora :: How To Start New X Server

Feb 12, 2010

How do I start a new X server?I boot in runlevel 5 so my 'main' console (VT1) is the GUI. So I switch to the second virtual console (Ctrl+Alt+F2) and login as same user. I try starting a new xserver (startx), but I get an error. Then I tried to google for an answer on found this on the Ubuntu forums: ok...i'm jumping in on this one and hopefully i can help. bring up another ttyl do this: ctrl + alt + f2 it'll bring you to a login screen. login as any user you have on the box (yes you can log in as yourself more than once unless you tell it not to). then start an X window in that terminal on a new server like this: xinit -- :1 vt12.

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Fedora :: Can't Get Conky To Start

May 13, 2010

I'v installed conky (from the repo) on my Fedora 12 x64 box, and i'm very pleased with it. However I can't get it to start at login.I'v tried shell scripts that include a delay (i tried delays of up to 30 secconds), and there is no change.

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Fedora :: How To Start Gpg-agent

Jul 5, 2010

does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to start gpg-agent on fedora 13?It's installed just not running. Is there a Fedora standard way to use it?

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Fedora :: Can't Start OpenOffice.org 3.2.0/3.2.1 On 13

Jul 14, 2010

Not talking about the repo version here, that one runs great. But for various reasons we NEVER use the repo-Version on any Linux distro in our company, mainly because we want all users to always have the exact same tools available no matter what computer they use, and the repo versions differ significantly from the stock openoffice.org version and from each other, not only visually. The stock 3.2.0 runs great on various versions of SuSE, openSUSE and CentOS on various computers, but fails to load on Fedora 13. Here's what happens, with both 3.2.0 and 3.2.1: when I first start it I see the splash screen, then the "Welcome to OpenOffice.org" dailog that appears on first start and asks for my details. I click on next and the application segfaults:

martin/mlaptop$ soffice
/usr/bin/soffice: line 127: 11037 Segmentation fault (core dumped) "$sd_prog/$sd_binary" "$@"

Using the repo version is not an option and company policy, so it's out.

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Fedora :: VLC Won't Start / Sort It?

Jul 21, 2010

I recently installed GTK-Recordmydesktop to record my desktop, and it doesn't play correctly in Totem. So I installed VLC. It won't open at all no matter how many times I click it. I tried in a Terminal, I got this code...

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Fedora Servers :: VNC Will Not Start

Sep 5, 2010

Followed "Every Server Setup Imaginable: SMB, SSH, VPN, VNC, HTTPD (+ PHP), MySQL, More! "

service vncserver start results in following log file in users .vnc directory:

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Fedora :: Can't Start X With New Kernel?

Oct 30, 2010

I did a yum update and after that, I can't start X. The error is something like

(EE) NOUVEAU(0): Error creating GPU channel: -19
(EE) NOUVEAU(0): Error initialising acceleration: Falling back to NoAccel


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Fedora :: Cannot Start Eclipse / What To Do?

Nov 5, 2010

I've install the fedora eclipse package. But I cannot start eclipse. It just show the logo and the CPU goes 100%

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Fedora :: Graphiviz And How To Start It

Dec 8, 2010

i have installed graphviz from the terminal using "yum install graphviz" but i can't fint it enywhere in my applications menu. I also used the whereis command and i get the result Code: graphviz: /usr/lib/graphviz /usr/include/graphviz /usr/share/graphviz /usr/share/man/man7/graphviz.7.gz but then again i can't find enywhere the executable file of graphviz.

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Fedora :: Firefox Does Not Start On F14 / What To Do?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm relatively new to Linux and am currently working with my first installation from scratch . Fedora 14 was the latest available at the time I started my project.

Over the last couple of days I've been running across a couple of different issues. The last change I made before seeing these issue was to install samba. I can't say for sure that this is the cause of these issues.

Just to be clear, I did have Firefox working until last week.

Problem: Starting Firefox does not open a browser window.
I'm try to start Firefox by clicking on the icon in the upper panel. This action displays a small black circle showing progress and a tab with 'Starting Firefox' on the lower panel. After a few seconds they disappear and nothing happens; no browser and no error messages either.

I looked in a few different places, which I thought were appropriate /var/log/messages, dmesg but I found these provide information about hardware.

Also tried invoking Firefox from the command line but it seems that this mode is not recommended in Fedora and throws out errors in both user and root mode. Doc with errors attached.

Listing 1 shows the error when calling firefox as user.

Listing 2 shows the error when calling firefox as root.

Listing 3 shows all the processes running in the system. (including in case it's useful).

I have tried reinstalling firefox, and removing and installing firefox using yum (yum lists reinstall as a separate option) but neither method resolves the issue.

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Fedora :: Start Ad Hoc In Gnome 3?

May 27, 2011

i want make an ad hoc host in Gnome 3. I set everything in Network Connections, but I don't know how to start it. In Gnome2 it was enough to click on icon of NetworkManager and i saw it there. But now, I'm lost.

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Fedora :: Postgresql Won't Start In F15

May 31, 2011

I upgraded some days ago from F14 to F15, I once had postgresql-server configured and running, but now I'm getting errors when starting the service and I can't understand where the issue is.

Here some infos

# /etc/init.d/postgresql start
Starting postgresql (via systemctl): Job failed. See system logs and 'systemctl status' for details.
# systemctl --failed


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Fedora :: Can't Start Two Terminals In F15?

Jul 25, 2011

In my new install of F15, I can: Activities -> Applications -> Terminal to start a terminal. I am unable to start a second terminal if the first is still running. I don't have any problems creating as many terminals as I like with F10. How do I create more than one terminal in F15?

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Fedora :: KDE Not Working On Start / Fix It?

Jul 27, 2011

When Fedora KDE starts with this return to the login screen after a few seconds to show me the loading screen.Data: Fedora 15 i686, with GNOME and KDE installed.Seeing the Xsession-errors file in my home folder it shows code...

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Fedora :: Videoporama Won't Start?

Aug 28, 2011

I just installed videoporama in Fedora 15. This is how I did it. I extracted the contents of the tar file and then went to the folder from terminal. Once there I ran : sudo python setup.py installthis is the output I got:

running install
running build


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Red Hat / Fedora :: KDE Not Working On Start

Sep 26, 2009

I have installed Oracle 10G on Linux Fedora 10. after installing the database everything went successfully even if I reboot my machine so I was very satisfied at this point. When started to install Oracle Developer but with not that's much of success but I got problem in the end of installatin, anyway I closed the installation and I shutdown the pc. In the next day I want to log to linux Fedora to using KDE I couldn't and I got this problem "Could not start kdeinit4. check your installation". KDE was perfect before installing the second oracle but I have no idea why KDE crash and how to have it back again. Actually I played in some library that related in Oracle directory not related to root but I don't know what happend exactly. Please help me in steps to sovle this problem. I'm really afraid of losing the KDE and need to install linux fedora from beginning.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Rtorrent Won't Start?

May 24, 2010

I know this thread rumours around for some time now and it is usually not a good idea to bump it to the head, but my problem is quite similar. I have set up the script, it is run and the screen starts. But rtorrent won't start. It starts only if I run the /etc/init.d/rtorrent start manually. The init script is from here, more or less the official version. Does anyone know why a app don't start with init.d? A big problem, of course, is that there are no logs to examine why it fails in the first place. It could be a simple dependency problem, but as it starts with prio 99, even this should be fine.

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Fedora Installation :: Probing EDD On F10 Start-up?

Feb 10, 2009

I have just installed F10 via DVD download onto my Dell Desktop with Nvidia GE6800 graphics card and twin LCD Monitors. I have configured Dual Boot with Grub (Windows XP Home and F10). After installing and configuring the correct driver from Nvidia I am now observing a strange problem when booting into Fedora.

On cold boot the system starts and gets to Probing EDD (edd=off to disable)... and then freezes, however if I then warm boot Ctrl Alt Del the system boots into F10 with no problem. I had to disable the latest Kernel update because I couldn't start graphical interface with it so I only boot into the original Kernel.

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Fedora Installation :: Get Into Interactive Start Up?

Apr 6, 2009

Posting from Splashtop as i can't get past keytouch-apid in the boot process,Yeah me bad so i would like to disable it so i can complete the process.Using the interactive startup seemed the way to go but how does one get there before udev starts up?Or is there something else i could try.

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