Fedora Installation :: Testing A Bug Fix At "Build System"?

Aug 3, 2011

I posted a bug to HFS+ DVD mounting at Bugzilla. This has resulted in with a solution by a contributor hosted at "Fedora Buildsystem". I want to test this but I do not understand how this site works. Will someone explain the basics of implementing a bug fix hosted/documented here?

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Fedora Installation :: NVIDIA Quadro FX And 10 - System Always Locks Up During The 'Anacron' Testing Sequence

Feb 18, 2009

I recently purchased a Quadro FX 4800 and tried to install it on Fedora 10. During the installation, Fedora didn't recognize my new graphics card and began installing the OS in text mode. I stopped the installation and tried to start over, this time I passed the following command: linux resolution=1024x768. I then proceeded with the installation, and again, I was posed with a text mode installation. I continued with the text mode install and when Fedora was done installing, I rebooted and system just locked up.

At this point I was frustrated, so I reinstalled my old 8800 graphics card and started a new install with something that worked in the past. When the install was done, I loaded the latest NVIDIA drivers and the rebooted. I reinstalled my new graphics card (Quadro FX 4800) then powered up my system. I thought everything was good to go and all of a sudden my system flickered and then locked up during the 'Anacron' testing phase. I then rebooted with the "Ctrl+Alt+Del" hotkeys, but my system always locks up during the 'Anacron' testing sequence. I am aware that the Quadro FX 4800 is a few months old, but how can I get it to work in linux? It has gotten so bad, that I had to resort to using MS Vista.

System specs:
Intel Core Duo Quad Core
4 gigs DDR2
Mobo: 680i SLI
800WATT Power Supply

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OpenSUSE Install :: Build A Multiseat System (Build A Six-headed Six-user System LG #124)

Oct 1, 2010

I am trying to build a multiseat linux system(Build a Six-headed, Six-user Linux System LG #124). I am posting some outputs output of lspci | grep VGA

00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2)
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G98 [GeForce 8400 GS] (rev a1)
ls /dev/input/mouse*
/dev/input/mouse0 /dev/input/mouse1 /dev/input/mouse2
more /proc/bus/input/devices


I am having trouble in configuring xorg.conf. I am running Suse 11.3 desktop on my PC. Also, I have one onboard nvidia graphics 6150SE and I have put one nvidia 8400GS 512Mb in the 16X PCIe slot for the additional seat...

So kindly tell me what should I do now or what things are missing ?? For any further info abt my PC plz tell me to post outputs(specify the commands for the same..)

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Fedora Installation :: Error - "Your System Does Not Seem To Be Set Up To Build Kernel Modules"

Dec 27, 2009

I'm trying to install Sun VirtualBox Additions into Fedora 12 which is installed in VirtualBox running on top of Windows 7. As the Fedora install was originally a live distro which was then installed to the HD, it may be missing some essential files for compiling.

My attempt to install the VBoxLinux additions is incomplete and I can't get the full range of video displays. The largest is This is the error message: "Your system does not seem to be set up to build kernel modules".

Should I update Fedora to install all the updates available? I did find one webpage which gave an accurate list of files to install for this purpose but can't find it now.

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Debian :: Getting Address Of Ftp Server That Has The Latest .iso Of Testing (weekly Build)

Aug 30, 2010

I need address of ftp server that has the latest .iso of Debian testing (weekly build).unfortunately, cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/ is useless to me as it does NOT support ACTIVE FTP.

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Debian Installation :: Testing - All Logins Fail / System Error Message From The Passwd Command?

Mar 18, 2010

I just installed Squeeze on an older PC. Installation seemed to go fine. But when it booted up on the installed system for the first time, I could not login - username/password failure. I tried every possible typing error and CAP LOCK error I could have made - still nothing.

I brought up a console window and tried logging in as root - same problem.

I booted into single user mode and entered passwd command to set new root password - I got a SYSTEM ERROR message from the passwd command.

I booted to a Live CD, went to /etc/shadow and deleted the encrypted password. Rebooted on the hard drive, went to console window and logged in as root, with no password required. So far so good. I entered passwd command to set new password and got the same SYSTEM ERROR message.

The machine seems fine when running on the Live CD, and the install seemed to go fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Build Essentials And System Does Not Pick Up ./Configure

May 29, 2011

In order to get my Ubuntu system up and running on the Internet I need to install Sakis3g, and when installing, the system does not pick up ./Configure. My first thought was that the Build Essentials were not present but turns out that they are already installed, so now I'm at a dead end as I cannot finish my install. Has anyone else had any problems similar to this one?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Build A RAID-1 System With The Two 320GB SATA HD's The Machine?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm trying to install a box with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server with a typical LAMP system in order to replace my old Ubuntu 8.04 server I have at my school to have a "backup" system and also trying to replace NIS authentication with LDAP. Well I'm getting stuck on the first step: installation of base system.

I want to build a RAID-1 system with the two 320GB SATA HD's the machine has, I have a little experience in installing RAID because I installed my old 8.04 server with RAID-1 aswell.

I boot my box from an USB stick with Ubuntu 10.04 Server 64bit, the systems boots well, asks me about language, keyboard and so, finds the two NIC cards and the DHCP configuration of one of the card is done. Then it starts the partitioner.

One of the HD's already contains three partitions with an installation of a regional flavour of Ubuntu, the other HD only contains a partition for backups, I don't want to preserve all this stuff, so the first thing I do is to replace the partiton tables of both HD's with a new one. This is done without problems.

Then I go to the first disk, by example, and create a new partition, the partitioner ask me for the size, I write 0.5 GB (or 500 MB), then I select that it has to be a Primary partition at the beginning of the disk, all goes OK. Once created I go to the "Use as: " line, type Enter and select the option "Partition for RAID volume", when I hit Enter the error appears: the screen flickers in black for a second or two, then it shows a progress bar "Starting the partitioner..." THAT ALWAYS GET STUCK AT 47%!!!

Sometimes the partitioner allows me progress a little further (for ex. lets me activate the boot bit of the partition, or it allows me to make another partiton, even once the error didn't appeared until the first partiton of the second HD!!) but it always get stuck with the same progress bar at the 47%.

I've tried a lot of things: I downloaded again the ISO and rebuilt the USB, same result. Downloaded the ISO and rebuilt the USB from another computer, same result. Unplugged all the SATA and IDE drives except the two HD's, same result. Built a CD-ROM instead of an USB, same result. Downloaded the 10.10 server ISO (not an LTS), and the USB stick can't boot, is another error, but only to try.


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Fedora :: Testing Firefox 4 Without 3.6 Installation Or Profiles?

Jul 18, 2010

Firefox 4 Beta RPMs are available at [URL]. The RPMs do not upgrade or modify the existing Firefox installation and instead create a new profile to coexist with the stable releases.

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Fedora Installation :: Yum Dependency Error: Package: Abrt-1.0.7-1.fc12.i686 (updates-testing)

Feb 20, 2010

i tried running (yum update, also yum install vlc) and i get these error


Error: Package: abrt-1.0.7-1.fc12.i686 (updates-testing)
Requires: librpm.so.0
Removing: rpm-libs-4.7.1-6.fc12.i686 (@anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386)


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Fedora Installation :: Build The Wireless Driver?

Dec 12, 2010

I have a new install of the F14/64 bit. I'm trying to build the wireless driver. I got the source from here:[URL]...At any rate, I'm in the part of the readme where is says to do a:

make clean
This is the terminal output:
[root@localhost hybrid-portsrc_x86-64_v5.60.246.6]# make clean
KBUILD_NOPEDANTIC=1 make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd` clean


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General :: How To Build Fedora Automatically Installation ISO

Jan 24, 2011

I want to install Fedora 12 on lots (>100) machines with the same system. These system is a little special:

Each has 4G to 12G memory, but no HD. So we need to install system into memory.

We want to:

1) Automatically installation through network: just power on the machines, all the machines install Fedora 12 OS into memory automatically.

2) We don't want lots network I/O after the installation finishes (it's better the whole OS is in memory). The installation may done through mounting a ISO through network.

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Fedora :: Install "inkscape" \ Checking Build System Type... I686-pc-linux-gnu?

Jun 6, 2011

I tried to install "inkscape", but when I typed Code:makeit said:

checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu


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General :: Looking For Online System Testing Environment?

Jul 31, 2010

I would like to find a Linux testing environment , my PC is slow , it is not good to install VM and I do not have laptop , besides , I want to do testing at different places , can advise is there online Linux testing environment ? I just want to test the Linux command .

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Software :: Testing A Database Restore On A Different System?

May 24, 2010

I am running tests on doing a postgreSQL restore, and part of the procedure is to import the dump file into the database. The database, version 8.1.3,s from HP-UX Internet Express Version A.14.00 Bundle and was installed onto an HP-UX 11.11 server.As part of the testing process, I was planning on setting up a Linux system with the latest available version of PostgreSQL, and import the dump file generated on the HP-UX server into database on the Linux system. Once that was done, we would connect to the latter system, and test the database.My questions are the following:1. Can the dump file be imported to a remote system rather than the one that generated it?2. Is this a good test to determine the viability of the dump file?

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Fedora :: Software From Updates-testing Repo / Grabbed From Testing Repo When Run Regular Updates?

Jun 22, 2010

I am using Fedora 13 and I have one program (wine) that I need to start grabbing for the updates-testing repo instead of the default repositories in order to get newer versions. I think I can figure out how to add that repository, but I need to know if there are any others I need to disable or any other changes I need to make to my system so that I don't confuse my set up with conflicting updates.

Also, is there anything special I need to do to be sure that only that one program is grabbed from the testing repo when I run regular updates?

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Debian :: Setting Up A Testing/Unstable/Experimental System?

May 17, 2011

EDIT: This thread has taken a different turn, please go down to viewtopic.php?f=30&t=64242#p370832 Below is I originally wrote, now totally irrelevant.:D I am delighted/bored with my one Debian Squeeze install, so I've decided to free up a partition to play with another configuration of the universal OS.At the moment I am liking the looks of the supposedly not so unstable Sid; what's the ideal download/install path to get Sid up and running? Is it:1) I already have a live Squeeze GNOME DVD lying around; should I install that again and upgrade to Sid?

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Debian Configuration :: Wireless Config With System In Testing?

Nov 8, 2015

I'm trying to set up my Intel Wireless 3945ABG (which is supported in the kernel) and I don't understand where to start if I want to use systemd to do this.

I've installed my Debian (Stretch Alpha4) base system using the wireless to download the necessary components but when I boot into the system I need to set up the wireless card separately.

I would prefer to be able to install wireless without the requirement of connecting via ethernet so no package installs other than what is downloaded by the installer.

I can't even find documentation on this specific issue because everyone seems to reference /etc/network/interfaces which AFAIK is not supported in systemd. How do I configure a wireless card using only systemd?

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General :: Cron Job For Testing First System But It Doesn't Work?

Oct 5, 2010

I created a very simple cron job for testing my first Linux system but It doesn't work. After open the crobtab file by typing crontab -e, I put a line like this to send email in every 2 minutes to report disk usage:MAILTO=dan@gmail.com*/2 * * * * du -s /homeI tried to restart cron several times but I still got nothing worked. /etc/init.d/crond restart

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General :: Testing Efficiency Of Memory System Part

May 7, 2010

I have applied a patch in linux kernel version-2.6.31(fedora core 12)source code.Now I want to check whether the performance of the memory management part has been enhanced. So how to test the efficiency of this new modified code?

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Debian Configuration :: Testing Version In VMware Vs Normal System

May 25, 2010

I've installed the latest testing version, which has 2.6.32 kernel perfect for me. I was very amazed when check system monitor and saw it runs with 90MB RAM, meanwhile my ubuntu desktop takes only 400, and the pocket version of ubuntu on vmware has 180MB RAM.

The questions is: Debian runs on vmware 7. Could the amount of RAM change when switching to a normal environment? Or I have to test and see what is happening..What problems could occur when using a testing version?

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Debian Configuration :: Configure Skype On System (testing, X86) But Unsuccessfully?

Oct 3, 2010

but I have been literally banging my head against the wall.I am trying to configure skype on my system (testing, x86) but unsuccessfully.Let me say that I am now using skype (static) as downloaded from skype website.

$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/PM/GMS/910GML Express Processor to DRAM Controller (rev 04)


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General :: Possible To Build An LFS System On Another Computer Through Ssh?

Apr 8, 2011

I am in the beginning stages of building an LFS (http://linuxfromscratch.org) system, but the thing is I don't have any space on my laptop to build it on. However, recently the GPU on my desktop went down and I have been unwilling to take the steps to have it fixed (variety of reasons). My main worry about building an LFS system was about rendering the computer unusable, but since this machine was already broken...I am looking at this as an opportunity.

I had two hard-drives on the desktop, one with linux (ssh enabled) and the other had windows which I subsequently deleted. Since I can't use the desktop directly because of the broken GPU, I am thinking of using ssh to connect and build the rest from there. So far, everything seems to be going according to plan, but I am just beginning the build, so thus far I have only partitioned and built the filesystems.

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General :: Build System For OpenSuse 11.3

Feb 13, 2011

I'm new to Linux, and want to build a system for openSuse 11.3 on Friday.I plan to buy everything then.I'm using Ubuntu now on my laptop.My question is what do you think of the P4 prescott e series 800 mhz FSB as a processor for openSuse.Offer other processors if they will do a good job.

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Debian Multimedia :: Build A System That Uses Jack2?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm trying to build a system that uses jack2. So far as I can see, the jack version in Lenny repos is jack, rather than jack2. The jack website implies there is a .deb for jack2, but doesn't reveal how to access it. What should my next move be?

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Software :: Build A Custom Distro For System Maintenence?

Apr 19, 2011

scanning them with Avast! and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or by running registry cleaners like Ccleaner.However, I think it would be cool to have a Live system that I could boot from my flashdrive that I could have programs installed to do all this with.It would be cool if I could use Puppy Linux, since it loads and runs from RAM, which gives a huge speed boost when compared to running a live version of a distro like Ubuntu, but I don't really know my way around Puppy, or how to make my own "pupplet". Also, from what I could tell, Puppy Linux didn't have a package manager like Pacman or Aptitude.Here's a list of programs I would like to have a Linux alternative to use:-Avast! Anti-virus-Ccleaner (registry cleaner)-Malwarebytes Anti-Malware/Superantispyware (malware/spyware cleaner)-Perhaps also a Defrag program like Defraggle

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Software :: Build Pygtk With Non System Default Python?

Apr 13, 2011

I'm on Debian Lenny. I've built and installed python-3.2 in /opt/python-3.2. Then i want to build and install pygtk, pycairo with /opt/python-3.2 and install them in that folder and not to use system default python (which is python-2.6) for their build process.

How do I tell pygtk and pycairo 's configure and makefile script to use /opt/python-3.2 's interpreter, include file and library for their build process(and not the system default python)?

I tried doing ./configure --help in pygtk folder but there was no option for specific non-system default python's folder location. Anyone has any ideas?

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Programming :: Build An Accounts System Database For A Project?

Apr 21, 2010

I have recently trying to build an Accounts system database for a project. When you run the program it goes in the main menu sort of like this.

Accounts System
Add a Customer With a Contract......1
Add a Customer Without a Contract...2
Display all Customers...............3
Find a Customer.....................4
Edit a Customer.....................5
Print a Statement...................6
Print an Invoice....................7
Load File...........................8
Save and Exit.......................9

When you add a customer with a contract, you add name, address, start contract, end contract, payment and email address. Now, is there a code I could write to get back to this menu. To not confuse anyone, all I just saying is supposing I accidentally push number 1 on the keyboard and suppose I didn't want to add a customer. In other words I need a code that can cancel (or stop) adding a customer to go back to the accounts system menu.


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General :: Build A Shared Library On System Using Same Command Used For Solaris?

Jun 22, 2011

I am able to build a shared library under solaris with
/usr/local/bin/g++ -G -o output.so file1.o file2.o file3.o.
How do I build the shared library under linux using the same files?
I have tried to use the same command /usr/local/bin/g++ -g -o but I got some undefined references, even if those references are defined in one of the object files.

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CentOS 5 :: Do I Need To Build Rescue CD Containing Directory Info Of Specific System?

Sep 14, 2010

I have been reading about rescue CD's but haven't found out whether I can make one using my currently running Centos(centos-release-5-4.el5.centos.1 ).I tried to use a Centos cd we have here and it looks fine till it asks where the 'tree' structure is located, when I select cd it ejects it and asks the same question again. Do I need to build a rescue cd containing directory info of my specific system?This is related to wanting to fsck my file system.

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