Fedora Installation :: F15 Upgrade From DVD - System Hangs

May 26, 2011

I upgraded F14 to F15 using installation DVD. I have been upgrading since F11 with no problems. Upgrade went well, no issue. After the reboot, the system hangs after the last line systemd.

These are last lines from boot.log:
Starting LSB: start and stop xinetd...
Started LSB: Mount and unmount network filesystems..
Starting Permit User Sessions...
Starting xinetd: Started Permit User Sessions.
Starting Display Manager...
Started Display Manager. [OK]
Started LSB: start and stop xinetd.

Right now I am on system rescue CD, can mount partitions and read logs. I would like to avoid fresh installation if possible.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 10.04 Hangs - System Not Booting

Nov 22, 2010

Just upgraded to 10.04 from 9.10. upgraded from update manager. System would not boot. Booted live cd and used the 9.10 menu.lst. Now boots but takes a long time. I don't know much about the kernel. I assume they are listed in the /boot directory and are called by menu.lst (dual boot w/ XP) (btw: I am ready to get rid of XP once I get this fixed). 9.10 appears to use 2.6.31-20-generic, therefore, I assume 10.04 uses 2.6.32-25-generic.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Upgrade To Koala (9.10), System Hangs On Boot?

May 15, 2010

In the last few weeks I upgraded my Ubuntu from 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04. No problems, everything went well. But yesterday I tried to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. Everything seemed to go OK until the upgrade was finished and I had to reboot. After the reboot, no Ubuntu anymore... I get GRUB, but when I continue to boot the latest kernel, I don't see any harddisk activity anymore after about 2 seconds.

Here on the forums I read that one should run the boot_info_script when having boot problems, so I already did. I booted the system with a 8.04 live USB stick. And here is the result of the boot_info_script:


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Ubuntu Installation :: System Boot Hangs At Battery Check After Upgrade?

Apr 28, 2011

I've just upgraded to Natty. During the upgrade no errors showed. However, when I now boot ubuntu (either recovery mode or normal), the boot process hangs at:

'checking battery state'

I searched for similair problems in this forum, but the solutions in other posts(sudo apt-get update & upgrade etc.) did not help. I'm not sure if it is related or important, but when it hangs, it also shows something like:

'starting automatic crash reporter [fail]'
'not starting jetty'
'saned disabled'

(I can't copy there of course, so it is probably not exactly like this, or in this order...) What can I do to get my ubuntu boot again?

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Hangs After Upgrade From F11 To F12

Dec 19, 2009

I have just upgraded my F11 x86_64 system using the DVD ISO.

After rebooting as requested:
1) Cupsd fails to start - it can't find libaudit.so.1 (this doesn't worry me in itself).
2) Boot process proceeds until starting hald. This gets an OK response, but then the process hangs. No further output appears on the console. Pressing [ENTER] just causes a blank line to appear on the console. Pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL causes a reboot, and the same symptoms re-occur.

I'm tempted to boot with the rescue disk, save a few critical data directories, then start afresh with a clean install, but is there anything I can do to salvage the upgrade?

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Fedora Installation :: GRUB Hangs After The Upgrade?

Jan 22, 2010

I've attempted to upgrade my FC9 machine to the latest Fedora 12. I downloaded the iso image onto DVD and booted from the DVD into the installer GUI. Everything proceeded flawlessly until I tried to reboot from the new installation on the hard drive.When rebooting, the word GRUB appears and the system hangs. I've rebooted in rescue mode and the grub.conf appears to make sense, although I can't say that I understand all the entries. Based on some research, I suspect that the problem is ocurring even before grub.conf get read.

Can someone give me a tip on where to begin? I don't expect a detailed answer, but I don't even know where to get started. As far as I know, I have no unusual hardware configurations. No RAID, no booting from USB. The system is old (bought around 2002), but has plenty of memory and storage. One possible clue: my USB keyboard would not work during the installation phase, and I had to replace it with one that plugged into the PS/2 port. USB mouse seems to be fine.

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Fedora Installation :: 14 Hangs When Booting After Upgrade From 12?

Nov 26, 2010

I have just upgraded my desktop (x86_64) from Fedora 12 to Fedora 14, using a DVD.At the end of the upgrade I rebooted as instructed. The boot process never writes anything to the console. I don't see a cursor or a prompt. I can't do anything iexcept ctrl-al-del to reboot, so I appear to be completely stuck

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade Through Yum Hangs On Boot

Jun 21, 2011

I recently upgraded through 'YUM' from Fedora 14 to Fedora 15. The upgrade appeared to be successful until it re booted, ever since then it hangs at
Started SYSV: Enable monthly update of smolt.
I have downloaded the ISO and burned it to DVD on another system which I used to try to rescue the installation, so far to no avail. My system specs are in my signature below (Laughlin is what I upgraded from).

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Fedora Installation :: GRUB Hangs And System Don't Loading After Installation?

Feb 6, 2010

I installing Fedora 12. I did ALL the same as in the installation guide, GRUB installed into MBR. And after installation and rebooting - nothing happens, after BIOS messages there is nothing - computer hangs. GRUB seems to be not installedI have 2 hard disks. At first I tried to install on the 2-nd drive(it is slave). Afterward I detach one disk and try with only one hard disk(it is master). Nothing changes - computer hangs.

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Fedora Installation :: System Hangs On M3A78-T Motherboard?

Mar 1, 2009

I got an Asus M3A78-T motherboard last year, along with a Phenom 9650 CPU and 2GB of RAM. I originally tried to install Sabayon, but it would occasionally hang while running. I decided to give Fedora another try (wasn't happy with FC4 a few years back) at the constant chiding of my friend.

My first try was with the x86_64 Fedora 10 ISO, using an IDE hard drive and CDROM. It would hang a little bit into something like 'copying system files, at the same place every time. Thinking it was a bad burn, bad iso, or something (checksum and image verification passed) I went ahead and got the DVD ISO. The DVD would always hang a little bit into "Formatting file system." At this point, I have tried EVERY other combination of hardware - swapped out ram, CPU, PS, bought SATA hard drive and DVDROm drive, unplugged the mouse, and even the case pigtails for USB and Firewire. It always hangs in the same place. Somewhere along the process, I took the motherboard back and exchanged it for a new one. Still fails, and in exactly the same place.

The system hang is a hard lockup. Mouse freezes, no keyboard activity (even LED status changes.) The drive activity LED will go out and the progress bar stops advancing.

I'm surprised I'm not seeing anyone else with this problem - I thought this board was a bit more prevalent, but I'm guessing not! What's my next step? I would create a bug report, but I don't know what subsystem is causing the hang. I suspect SATA drivers, but I'm not sure how to test that.

And one other clue - I get a scrambled video screen before it comes up to the first X install screen:

It only lasts for 5 seconds or so, then comes up okay.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgraded To FC11 From FC10 / System Freezes / Hangs

Jun 24, 2009

I upgraded from FC10 to FC11 yesterday.I had no problems using FC11 after I looked into the bootloader (not intuitive - Ha!).Tried to boot up this morning; and things seemed to work well until I tried to call up Firefox (added a few themes yesterday).The window pops open; but the computer freezes on the spot with an alarm (generic "beep", w/o the finishing "p").Tried it with Epiphany; and I get the same results with the exception of actually getting to the Home Page.Yum works for the most part - I reinstalled Firefox (no effect); but couldn't reinstall epiphany (keeps saying "there is no such package - did you mean 'epiphany'". No typos on my part - go figure). Doing Software/Package Updates (via System Menu) freezes the box as well.Did it with the system monitor on. It doesn't appear to be related to CPU Usage.

Had a FC10 liveUSB and used it for awhile (e.g. to check out the forums). After giving my ISP some grief about downloading speed, immediately received a note from their Abuse Department, saying that my machine had been infected with a virus and had been sending spam emails (post upgrade to FC11).

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade F11 System To F13 Using Preupgrade-cli?

Jul 26, 2010

I want to upgrade my F11 system to F13 using preupgrade-cli. Can I do that directly, or should I first upgrade to F12 and then to F13?

I have read elsewhere that Anaconda can skip one but not two versions, is that correct? If so, I assume that moving directly from F11 to F13 is OK, right?

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Fedora Installation :: After Upgrade From F13 To F14 System Not Starting

Nov 3, 2010

I have a problem after upgrade from F13 to F14. I used the DVD i386 Iso on my Netbook MSI Wind U100 but it's don't start. It's load the services and it's stuck in the Fedora logo. I boot into Runlevel 1 to see the logs but there is no error. Then I run init 5 and it's stuck after the service ATD load. I don't want to do a clean install.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade 10 To 11 / After Installation System Is Not Booting?

Jun 17, 2009

I try to install Fedora 11 from DVD BUT after installation system is not booting. Windows XP is a 1st OS is already installed in my system.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade To F11 Failed System Is Crushed?

Jun 23, 2009

I had F10. Today the system suggested to upgrade to F11. In the middle of upgrade (during the installation of files) my computer had frozen for a 10-15 min. I rebooted it. Nothing is working now. I can not boot F10 and upgrade F11 does not want to continue.

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Won't Boot On LVM/RAID System After Upgrade

Dec 9, 2009

I upgraded from F10 to F12 using preupgrade. The upgrade itself completed with no errors, but I'm unable to boot afterward.

Symptoms:...Grub starts, the initramfs loads, and the system begins to boot. After a few seconds I get error messages for buffer i/o errors on blocks 0-3 on certain dm devices (usually dm0 and dm2, but I can't get a shell to figure out what those are). An error appears from device-mapper that it couldn't read an LVM snapshot's metadata. I get the message to press "I" for interactive startup. UDEV loads and the system tries to mount all filesystems. Errors appear stating that it couldn't mount various LVM partitions. Startup fails due to the mount failure, the system reboots, and the steps repeat.

Troubleshooting done:...I have tried to run preupgrade again (the entry is still in my grub.conf file). The upgrade environment boots, but it fails to find the LVM devices and gives me a question to name my machine just like for a fresh install. I also tried booting from the full install DVD, but I get the same effect. Suspecting that the XFS drivers weren't being included, I have run dracut to create a new initramfs, making sure the XFS module was included. I have loaded the preupgrade environment and stopped at the initial GUI splash screen to get to a shell prompt. From there I can successfully assemble the raid arrays, activate the volume group, and mount all volumes -- all my data is still intact (yay!). I've run lvdisplay to check the LVM volumes, and most (all?) appear to have different UUIDs than what was in /etc/fstab before the upgrade -- not sure if preupgrade or a new LVM package somehow changed the UUIDs. I have modified my root partition's /etc/fstab to try calling the LVM volumes by name instead of UUID, but the problem persists (I also make sure to update the initramfs as well). From the device-mapper and I/O errors above, I suspect that either RAID or LVM aren't starting up properly, especially since prior OS upgrades had problems recognizing RAID/LVM combinations (it happened so regularly that I wrote a script so I could do a mkinitrd with the proper options running under SystemRescueCD with each upgrade).

I have tried booting with combinations of the rootfstype, rdinfo, rdshell, and rdinitdebug parameters, but the error happens so early in the startup process that the messages quickly scroll by and I just end up rebooting.

System details:4 1-TB drives set up in two RAID 1 pairs. FAT32 /boot partition RAIDed on the first drive pair. Two LVM partitions -- one RAIDed on the second drive pair and one on the remainder of the first drive pair. Root and other filesystems are in LVM; most (including /) are formatted in XFS.

I've made some progress in diagnosing the issue. The failure is happening because the third RAID array (md2) isn't being assembled at startup. That array contains the second physical volume in the LVM volume group, so if it doesn't start then several mount points can't be found.

The RAID array is listed in my /etc/mdadm.conf file and identified by its UUID but the Fedora 12 installer won't detect it by default. Booting the DVD in rescue mode does allow the filesystems to be detected and mounted, but the RAID device is set to be /dev/md127 instead of /dev/md2.

The arrays are on an MSI P35 motherboard (Intel ICH9R SATA chipset) but I'm using LInux software RAID. The motherboard is configured for AHCI only. This all worked correctly in Fedora 10.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 10.04 Boot Hangs?

Aug 12, 2010

I was running Ubuntu 9.10 on my Toshiba A40 Laptop and decided to take the plunge and upgrade to 10.04. Everything seemed to go well until the Restart. Now it only gets to the Splash Screen (Purple Screen with "Ubuntu" and dots under it) and then there is a flash and the text becomes blocks briefly before going to a blank screen! It seems like it might be a video problem but...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10 Hangs At Login

Nov 27, 2010

Recently I decided to upgrade my 10.04 installation the lazy way, by clicking the upgrade button instead of a clean install (32bit). Now, I can only get into Ubuntu with the recovery mode. If I let the system boot the normal way, I end up at the login screen where I (correctly) enter my password and then nothing else happens. I can move the mouse, the clock ticks on, and I can even use the restart button, etc. But the login screen stays gray and does nothing else, so no desktop. With recovery-mode I can use the failsafeX option to get into the desktop, everything works fine there. And even though it calls it a low-graphics environment or so, everything looks normal, its even my native resolution of 1440x900.

My first idea was some driver issue for my Ati Radeon HD 2600 Mobility card, so I looked into that. I've checked/done the following:
- Installed the drivers manually (downloaded from AMD)
- Uninstalled those drivers
- Used aptitude to remove any fglrx things
- Installed Jockey
- Installed the drivers with Jockey
- Removed the drivers with Jockey (Ive read this is the cleanest option)
- "no drivers" at this point
- Use generic/default X config, make specific X config (both from the failsafe X boot thing)

Nothing worked at all, booting still only works with recovery option and then the low graphics mode. Otherwise, it will just "hang" on the login part. When I boot first recovery mode, and then pick the resume option, I'll see some errors near the end of the booting process.

I've seen 2 errors which might be related to my issue:
- "Unable to allocate crypto cipher with name [ecb(aes)]" (home is encrypted, and accessible with safe boot)
- BUG: CPU#1 stuck for 61s!

Now, the second error seems to "match" with hanging at login. I login, something is stuck and churns the CPU... and never gets unstuck, so login just hangs there. However, I can't find any information related to that stuck CPU thing. Only changing PIDs and other numbers/stack traces, no processname or any other name to work with. So I'm at a loss here.

Big dump of possibly interesting part of kern.log:
Nov 26 20:31:25 lexmortis-laptop kernel: [44.572381] BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 00000021
Nov 26 20:31:25 lexmortis-laptop kernel: [44.572386] IP: [<c027c1b0>] sysfs_delete_link+0x30/0x70
Nov 26 20:31:25 lexmortis-laptop kernel: [44.572397] *pdpt = 0000000035f29001 *pde = 0000000000000000 .....

Despite that with low graphics mode everything works, it seems to be a non-graphical issue here (stuck CPU on some process?). Unless I missed another option I can test for the graphics / drivers. ow I could find more info on stuck CPUs during boot?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Hangs With The Mysql Package After One Apt-get Upgrade

Apr 19, 2010

I'm running Lucid, and after one apt-get upgrade I get hangs with the mysql package: Preparing to replace mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu11 (using .../mysql-server-5.1_5.1.41-3ubuntu12_i386.deb) ... no matter what I do I can't get it to remove or install the mysql package. I've tried doing:

sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq mysql-server-5.1 but even that just hangs forever. I just want to remove the package so I can install the other updates

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Ubuntu Installation :: Tried To Do Online 10.04 Upgrade Now Hangs On Boot

May 15, 2010

I was really enjoying the speediness of 9.10 on my HP Pavilion ze4900. Once I got the wireless driver loaded correctly, anyway. Tried to do an on-line upgrade to 10.04, but figured I should have had a hard-wired internet connection when I got installation messages that "Could not set up..." the network. But, installation continued without any other apparent issues. As soon as it rebooted at the end, the problem started. It hangs right after the ubuntu logo, with a completely blank screen.

My questions:
1) Can I get this to start booting properly?
2) If not, what would be the best way to retrieve my evolution mail files, so I can do a clean install? If I boot from a CD, will I be able to retrieve those files and maybe put them on a memory stick?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Hangs On User Selection After Upgrade

May 16, 2010

I recently went the upgrade route and something went wrong either with the download or the installation or 10.04 and my hardware are having issues. I am looking for some advice for either fixing what is wrong or getting some additional data backed up to USB before wiping the partition and starting new.

My computer is dual-boot using Grub2, the other OS being Windows Vista. I can get to Windows Vista fine via GRUB. When I select Ubuntu (says kernel 2.6.31-21) though I don't get very far.

At this point I can get 10.04 all the way to the user selection screen, where it immediately freezes, forcing a hard reset. I can boot into recovery mode, but if I select failsafeX it freezes at the first screen that comes up--the notice you are running in low res graphics mode.

When I did the upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 I used the update tool in Ubuntu. However I also now have a 10.04 install CD.

My graphics cards are twin NVidia 9600s in SLI. I would say it is a graphics card problem since the first graphical screen that comes up both in regular boot (the login screen) and failsafeX (the notice screen) I get a hard lock. However booting off the CD it loads the desktop just fine!

I would just wipe clean however my last data backup was partial and there is some stuff I would like to go back in and get. However neither method I have used to try and go back in to get what I need has succeeded. I have a 320G USB drive I use for backing up certain data. If I boot using the CD, it gives me an error message about the isntaller then goes to desktop (which works fine, even though I can't get past the login screen when booting 10.04 from the hard drive) I can then plug in the USB drive fine and it shows up, but some of the files on the Ubuntu installation don't give me permission to copy them. There is an 'X' on the icon and I don't know whether there is a way to get me authenticated in order to copy them from the CD desktop.

Alternatively, I can get to a root prompt if I boot into recovery mode (not the CD, just recovery mode from GRUB). I assume I can move them from there and that the permissions issue won't be a problem but when I plug in the USB drive I don't get any errors but I am not seeing it show up in /media. Also if I put a DVD-RW (all I have on hand) into my DVD-RW drive maybe I could back the data up to that, but I'm not familiar with how to do that from the command line.

If I could get to a point where I could verify that I have this extra bit of data backed up then I wouldn't have any problem wiping the partition and starting over.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Hangs After Each Upgrade To Beta

Jan 31, 2011

Every time I upgrade to the current beta releases (natty) the boot process hangs mostly because of nvidia desktop graphics problems. Luckily the system is still running and remote login to console prompt works too. Is there really no reliable way to reset the graphics (and the rest) to minimum configuration. I am really tired of having to try all the repair options to get the desktop running again. How can Linux ever become a reliable solution if everything takes hours to fix and not even the boot process stays the same from one version to the next.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Upgrade Hangs / Crashes On Load?

Apr 30, 2011

I upgraded my laptop from 10.10 to 11.04 yesterday. On the reboot part of the installation and on all subsequent boots, the loader gets as far as the initial Ubuntu splash screen before switching to verbose mode and dying in interesting ways.

If I boot using wireless, the display flashes six times, then sometimes hangs around before reporting: iwlagn 0000:08:00.0: Aggregation not enabled for tid 0 because load = 4 (this number can be anything from 0 to 10)

If I boot using a network connection, I get the same splash screen and six flashes before the system hands, usually at the message: Stopping userspace bootslash [OK]

I am not keen on reinstalling from CD except as a last resort as I have a number of files that I do not want wiped.

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Fedora Installation :: 11 From External LILO - At The Middle Of "after Boot" Loading The System Hangs And Stops The Usual Driver Detection

Jun 19, 2009

I've just installed the new Fedora 11 (just released) through a Live CD having 3 partitions created:

"/boot" - ext3,
"/" - lvm (part 1)
swap - lvm (part 2)

now, I want to add my new Fedora system entry to my "central" lilo.conf, resident on another linux distribution. So, i've done


my lilo fedora entry boots fine but... at the middle of "after boot" loading the system hangs and stops the usual driver detection, etc (normally, it hangs on the CDROM detection or USB 2.0 camera detection).

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Fedora Installation :: Firefox Freezing System In New FC11 Install Not Upgrade

Dec 20, 2009

I installed FC11 from installation cds twice and I'm having a problem with Firefox freezing the system. The mouse cursor will move but nothing else is responsive, including mouse buttons and keyboard.I checked the media on every disc and they all check fine.I never had this problem with FC10. I tried upgrading Firefox -- with the necessary dependency upgrades too but without success.I tried to downgrade to FC10 Firefox and ran into a great big hassle with that.

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Fedora Installation :: F12 (Install Or Upgrade Existing System) Sony Vaio

Jun 22, 2010

I've had such good luck with Fedora (and this Forum), I'm attempting to put F12 on wife's brand new Sony Vaio, a VPCEB11FM, a 64bit system. I downloaded the Fedora-12-x86_64-netinst.iso, made sure it was ok with sha256.exe, then burned the image to DVD. Booted it up and let it default to "install or upgrade an existing system". It dead-ended in a dark blue or black screen. I re-started and examined the other options. Thought I'd try the one that says: "Install system with basic video driver". Got all the way through to where it got ready to start downloading files. Can't get past that point because it attempts to get to the Internet using the Sony's wireless card! Why would it try the wireless when there's a wired NIC card in this PC that requires no special driver etc. How to proceed from here?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 10.04 Hangs When Finding Existing Kernels?

May 5, 2010

The title's not especially clear, so I'll post a screenshot of what's happening. The upgrade keeps finding instances of the same kernel; the list in the terminal is constantly scrolling down, finding 'new' instances.

It's been doing this for about half an hour now. BTW, upgrading from 64bit 9.10 to 64bit 10.04.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Hangs After 10.4 Upgrade From 9.10 On Toshiba Laptop?

Sep 12, 2010

I just used Update Manager to upgrade to 10.4 and all I get is the Ubuntu logo screen with the dots and then the screen goes black and there's no other response. This happened after the upgrade completed installing and I received the message to restart the computer. I have never been able to get it to boot.

I can boot fine by selecting the next older kernal although I do get some messages that I don't understand. It all works so I presume it's OK. The kernal that was installed with the upgrade is 2.6.32-24-generic and I've seen other posts about boot problems with it. The laptop is dual boot with Windows XP and Windows boots normally. I saw a suggestion on another thread about booting into an older kernal and then issuing the sudo update-intramfs -u -k command. I tried it and it didn't help.

Next I tried 2.6.32-24-generic recovery mode and I tried the option to fix damaged packages. It seemed to do something although I saw error messages about not being able to find various software sources. I tried a normal boot afterwards and same problem. Recovery mode has another menu option about repairing grub but I don't want to try that. I'm not a power user and this is all over my head. Before I turn the laptop into an unusable door stop,

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hangs On Boot As VirualBox Guest After 10.10 > 11.04 Upgrade

Apr 28, 2011

I just upgraded my stable 10.10 64-bit desktop edition VirtualBox guest to 11.04. Got no errors during the upgrade. When I try to boot into 11.04, it hangs on the boot screen where it says ubuntu with the 5 dots below that. There's no animation on this screen--I think the dots usually have a progressive animation?

I've attached a PNG screen shot of the hanging Ubuntu instance.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mythbuntu System Hangs After Regular System Update: "out Of Memory" Errors

Aug 4, 2010

I have Mythbuntu 10.04 installed on an exclusive HTPC and working great... until tonight. After letting the system update some packages (161 packages if I remember right), I suddenly have an issue where the graphical system won't start. After researching I found three error messages that might be causing that.

1. At the start of splash screen I see "UUID=xxxxxxxCD7 not ready yet or not present" I checked in /etc/fstab and found that this is the swap partition. I don't remember seeing this before so this could be the culprit.

2. I'm not at the computer in question right now but I saw a Plymouth error about "mountall" and then the message "plymouth command failed". Not sure if this could be the main error.

3. after a while (usually ca. 1-2 min) I receive thousands of errors of the kind "out of memory"... "kill process XXXX" (process vary wildly e.g. dbus-daemon, mysql, etc)... "process killed"..."respawning"

After error 3, I'm not able to switch to graphical console (ctrl-alt-F7). If I was in the graphical console at this moment, I simply can't switch to the CLI console. I'm always afraid of updating my system since I've seen lots of things breaking afterwards (usually the proprietary graphic drivers) but this is really strange.

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