Fedora Installation :: F13 On Old Machine - No GUI?

Aug 4, 2010

I have installed Fedora13 on an older machine that runs Fedors Core 5 OK. The install installed approximately 180 packages, but I have no GUI, nonetworking, no mount for the CDROM, no FTP apparently. I was able to get minimal networking via IFCONFIG, but I cannot even load additional RPM's from the DVD because I cannot figure out how to get it mounted. All of the help presupposes I have access to the GUI. I generally am looking for help to complete my installation (I just was a simple mailer server).

Q1. What do I have to do so I can see the cd so that mount /mnt/cdrom works and I can load packages from the instlllatation DVD?

Q2. Is there any specific help resources for someone in my position just trying to get an older system up and running under Fedora 13??[URL]..

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Fedora Installation :: Install Packages Of Online Machine Into Offline Machine?

Jan 20, 2009

In Ubuntu I can easily transfer packages from offline machine into online machine using APTonCD feature. In fedora ,Is there anything similar by which I can transfer my packages of online machine into the offline machine

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Fedora Installation :: Install Fedora 10 From Vista In Virtual Machine

Feb 14, 2009

I am an inexperienced Linux user, I have tried Knoppix and Ubuntu in the past. Since we use Fedora servers at work I have wanted to try Fedora for some time and I tried running it in a virtual machine.My virtual machine is Sun VirtualBox and my OS is Vista Ultimate. Everything worked well until it was time to decide where Fedora is to be installed.Alright, screenshot time yet? This is where I hit the wall, the screen where you select installation drive/partition. The field is greyed out as you can see.

I have prepared a partition, at first I formatted it in FAT32 but because I didn't see it in the installation screen I just re-formatted it in NTFS.Installing with virtual machine should be working? Why is the field grey? What to do? Is it because I have mounted the dowloaded disc image instead of burning it?
I have a 64-bit architecture AMD processor with 2GB RAM and have tried Ubuntu 64-bit in the past, is there a 64-bit version of Fedora and would that be better or worse for me than 32-bit version?

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Fedora Installation :: Install F14 Rpm In F13 Machine?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a f13 32-bit machine

$ uname -r

is it safe to install gcc-gfortran's f14 rpm in my machine?

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Fedora Installation :: Lan Access To A New Machine?

Jun 19, 2011

Just built a new machine with FC15, and as I'm moving stiff from a old FC10 machine.I'm moving stuff over, and one of the things is an apache server. Did a yum install apache, but can only hit apached from the local machine. Then I noticed there was no xinetd running, so did a yum install of that.Both apache and xinetd I manually start, as the "services" manager in fc15 doesn't seem to know about them.NOTHING seems able to be able to hit the fc15 machine over the local lan. No httpd, ftp, telnet.What am I missing?BTW, I can ping the new box, and it sees others on the lan.(I'm building a server which will also be for dns and sendmail)i found I had a new firewall in my way on 15, and got apache to work. I opened the firewall for the specif ports for FTP and Telnet, and infact opened the whole interface on the machine!

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Fedora Installation :: Machine No Longer Boots

Jan 22, 2009

In completely new to Fedora. After a clean install, I went through, configured yum, did all yum updates and rebooted. I then installed the graphics card (m9500 gs) using RPMfusion and restarted again. After doing so, the comp shows the fedora loading bar but once it finishes, it hangs there and you see a small flashing box. I have no idea how to uninstall that nvidia driver.

to my xorg.conf. Still same issue. Finally I went through and added the "notap" to the grub.conf. I am at a complete loss here. When I try and manually load the driver, the Nvidia installer gives and error about not finding any preconfigured kernels for the package. Then It try's to build its own kernel but says its missing the "cc" in the "gcc" package. Any ideas? If you want to know exactly what I've done so far, I pretty much only followed the guide at my-guides.net. As you might be able to tell, I am very NOOB.

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Fedora Installation :: Put F10 On An Old Machine In The Basement Which Does Not Have A DVD Drive

Apr 9, 2009

I am trying to put Fedora 10 on an old machine in the basement, which does not have a DVD drive, so I downloaded the CD images from BitTorrent to my upstairs machine (running Fedora 10). I burned all 7 disks, but when I go to install and run the disk test, disc 2 always says it has errors. I have burned three different disks from two different downloads, and tested each twice. Is there something different about Disk 2?

I am not a pro, and in fact am pretty new to Fedora and Linux. I assume I am doing something wrong, but I cannot figure out what it is.

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Fedora Installation :: Virtual Machine Is Not Booting

Feb 4, 2010

I Installed fedora in Virtual PC after adding the line while booting as shown in the forums. But after installing to the hard disk, The Fedora virtual machine is not booting. The window closes without any notice automatically.

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Fedora Installation :: APACHE Web Server & PHP On Machine?

Aug 7, 2010

Do I need to install APACHE web server & PHP on my machine ? or it is inbuilt there ? If it is so then how to use the server ? I have Fedora 9.

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Fedora Installation :: Windows Xp On A Fedora Machine?

Oct 12, 2009

I have a machine having fedora. I want to install windows in it , but I am scared that I might loose my fedora.

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Fedora Installation :: 15 In A Virtual Machine On Fedora 15?

Jun 6, 2011

Using x86_64 Fedora, with virt-manager, and trying to make a Fedora 15 virtual machine. Using Fedora-15-x86_64-netinst.iso to try to install it. When I boot the virtual machine, it gives the boot screen. If I choose the first install/upgrade option, I get console messages but it hangs when it gets to "Trying to unpack rootfs as initfs."

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Fedora Networking :: Getting A Machine To Update Its Machine Name In The DNS ServerSounds Doesn't?

Feb 20, 2011

I have an issue with the manner in which Network Manager is configuring the network and short of ditching Network Manager I can see no solution.The issue : Getting a machine to update its machine name in the DNS serverSounds simple doesn't it I operate a FreeBSD based firewall / DHCP / DNS server, using a default Network Manager DHCP configuration the Fedora clients do not register their names with the DNS server when they obtain an address.

I have traced the communications with Wireshark and the Fedora clients are NOT supplying the PC's hostname as part of the exchange so this is NOT a DNS server configuration issue. If I uncheck the option 'Automatically obtain DNS information from provider' under the DHCP settings the Fedora clients DO register the hostname that is put into the Hostname (optional) databox. They do NOT however store the DNS server IP address or any other records defined by the DNS server.

Is there some hidden settings or is this a bug because it isn't acceptable 'DHCP' behaviour if it isn't possible to automatically set DNS server IP addresses and at the same time register the hostname during the DHCP negotiation. Before it is said I know I can use a fixed DNS IP address but am not prepared to long term, I am also not prepared to define the Fedora clients with a 'static' IP. I am similarly not interested in playing around with scripts or any other such 'frigs' to achieve what should be a standard activity - registering a host with DNS during the DHCP negotiation.

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Ubuntu :: Copy SCP A Couple Files From 10.10 Machine To A Fedora 12 Machine

Dec 8, 2010

I have been trying to SCP a couple files from my Ubuntu 10.10 machine to a Fedora 12 machine. Before today, did it with out any problems, always worked. Today however; after the SCP is complete from my machine, the file on the other machine is zero bytes, an empty file. The only thing I can remember getting changed was the new kernel that was in the update I did today. But I don't think that would have changed the SCP works.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Make Machine To PXE Boot Windows From Another Machine Having RHEL5.2?

Jul 23, 2010

I want to make my machine to PXE boot windows from another machine having RHEL5.2. I know the procedure to PXE boot linux, but I want to know is it possible to PXE boot your client machine with windows XP.

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Fedora Installation :: Mkisofs Rpm Package For Core 6 On 32 Bit Machine?

Apr 12, 2009

Since the yum repository for FC 6 is no longer available, I'm looking for a place to find the latest package of mkisofs that can be used on FC6. I could not find a decent place to download it from.

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Fedora Installation :: Reinstalling FC 10 On A Dual Boot Ubuntu - Machine ?

Mar 13, 2009

I'm trying to reinstall FC10 after a foolish mistake I've done that costed me operation of my Fedora partition (uninstalling SELinuxpolicycoreutils).

I have a dual boot Ubuntu - FC 10 machine and delete my old fedora partition with GParted. However when I try to install FC 10 from the live CD using the option "Use free space on selected drives and create default layout" I get the error message:

Could not allocate requested partitions:

Partitioning failed:

The following errors occurred with your partitioning:

You have not defined a root partition (/), which is required for installation of Fedora to continue.

This can happen if there is not enough space on your hard drive(s) for the installation.

Press 'OK' to choose a different partitioning option.

This is the output of fdisk -l :

Partition table entries are not in disk order

My last option is erase everything from my drive including the Ubuntu partition and start over the installation, something that I would like to avoid.

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Fedora Installation :: F11/12 On SB700 \ Cannot Find The Hard Disk In Machine?

Jan 8, 2010

I cannot install F11/12 into Sata hard disk with AMD SB700 neither full installation image or live image in USB drive. It cannot find the hard disk in my machine. But all the things are working fine with F10 installation. Does anyone have the same issue

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Fedora Installation :: Install F13 In Virtual Machine Within Virtualbox / But Its Not Working

Jun 28, 2010

My laptop is running Linux Mint 9 and I am trying to install Fedora 13 in a virtual machine within Virtualbox. However, it's not working. It takes forever to get past the initial white/blue loading bar when it first boots and then it just goes white, so I can't see anything. I've already tried modifying the bootline parameter of the live CD to include noprobe, noacpi, noapic, nousb, and nofirewire. However, the result is the same. Am I missing something? Is it possible to install this?

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Fedora Installation :: Virtual Machine Manager Doesn't Want To Start

Sep 27, 2010

installed vmm, then when i tried mounting i get this error message;Unable to open a connection to the libvirt management daemon.

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Fedora :: Finding A Software That Allow To Do An Automatic Installation On A Machine With Some Predetermined Rpm?

Feb 10, 2011

I am looking for software that would allow me to do an automatic installation on a machine with some predetermined rpm and partitioning.To start I went to the package mkcd, but quite complicated to use, I can not quite understand what to do. In looking further I found Bcd, which from a predefined XML file creates an iso, it looks easier to use but I do not know if I can do exactly what I want.A bootable CD that installs linux automatically with rpm added.

I found other software that can match my search as "KickStart" but made for RedHat and rather poor in tutorial, there is nothing familiar in the field. "Fully Automatic Installation" [URL] which at first might work with Fedora and others.

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Fedora Installation :: Install F14 Virtual Machine In Windows XP Systems

Mar 8, 2011

I am triying install F14 virtual machine in my Windows XP systems. I have downloaded .iso file from fedoraproject.org: [URL] I create my virtual machine and I continue with all steps to install but when installation process finished and I reboot, process installation starts again. Can you tell me how I can create my F14 virtual machine on Windows?

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Fedora Installation :: Capture Current State On A Machine And Create Live Cd From It?

Apr 24, 2009

I was just wondering if there is a way to capture current state on a machine and create live cd from it?

If not - what is the best way to create Live CD with optimazied system updates and configuration packages.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Take Backup Of All Machine On Central Machine?

Apr 27, 2010

Now I am using Fedora 7 and Fedora 11 on my all network machine. I want to take the backup of all my Linux machine on a central linux machine.

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Fedora Installation :: An Unrecoverable Processor Error Has Been Encountered - The Virtual Machine Will Reset Now

Jan 28, 2010

I been havin a problem whit the installation of fedora 12 on virtual pc, gives me the error:

"An unrecoverable processor error has been encountered.The virtual machine will reset now."

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Fedora Installation :: Reconfigure Grub When Adding Disk To Machine Where Both Disks Have Own MBRs?

Mar 17, 2010

How do I reconfigure grub when adding a disk to a machine where both disks have their own MBRs? I have two volumes:Disk 1 - actually mirrored RAID-1 drives managed by ICH9R on the motherboard Disk 2 - a single drive managed by ICH9R on the motherboard, but without RAID. Disk 1 is the "old" disk containing WinXP on the first partition. The MBR of Disk 1 was created by Windows. Disk 2 was built on the machine while Disk1 was unplugged. Disk2 has Win7 on /dev/sda1 and Fedora 12 on /dev/sda7. Obviously, Disk 2 has grub installed on its own MBR.

When I plug-in both Disk 1 and Disk 2 at the same time, I would like to reconfigure grub so that it gives me the option to switch between WinXP on Disk 1, Fedora on Disk 2 and Win7 on Disk 2. (I may also want to install Ubuntu on another partition of Disk 1, but that's a separate issue.) The problem is that when I plug in Disk 1, Disk 1 becomes /dev/dm-0 and Disk 2 becomes /dev/sdc (instead of /dev/sda as when I installed it). (I don't think I can switch this order because I'm worried that Windows will become confused.) So, how do I keep all partitions the same and get them all to work from grub? On which MBR will I need to install grub? How do I configure it to see all 3-4 of my operating systems? Do I fix grub from the Fedora LiveCD?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot 13 Onto Windows 7 Machine - Can't Install Onto Unpartitioned Space

Sep 20, 2010

I am trying to dual boot Fedora 13 onto my Windows 7 machine. I have shrunk my Windows drive to create 100GB of unpartitioned space, but when trying to install Fedora onto this free space (it is recognized as "Free" space), the installer tells me that there is no space for the partition.

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Fedora Installation :: Make A Virtual Machine Using Exiting Installed Windows 7 On Laptop HD?

Dec 4, 2010

I have a Lenovo T500 laptop with 4 GB RAM. I have installed Windows 7 64bits OEM on my laptop HD. I also installed Fedora 14 on my USB External Hard Drive which it has it own boot sector. I don't want to have a dual boot. So if I plug in my external HD to my laptop and turns the machine on, it automatically my Fedora comes up, other wise my windows 7. (I set up start-up boot drive , first to USB External HD and then internal HD)

I installed KVM (Virtual Machine Manger) on my Fedora 14 and I am trying to install windows 7 64bits OEM on my Fedora 14 as Virtual Machine. After setting everything and start installing windows form CD, I got BLUE SCREEN right after "WINDOWS FILES LOADING..." finished. it shows me a blue screen and then it will stop


1- How can I fix that problem?
2- Is ther way to make a Virtual Machine on my Fedora using my exiting installed windows 7 on my laptop HD?

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Fedora Installation :: 12 - Error "kernel Requires An X86-64 CPU But Only Detected An I686 CPU While Installing Fedora12 In Virtual Machine"

Nov 16, 2010

i got an error this kernel requires an x86-64 CPU,but only detected an i686 CPU� while installing fedora12 in virtual machine..........

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Fedora Networking :: Can Access Unix Machine From Another Unix Machine?

Feb 23, 2009

i have been using samba to gain access into windows computer through my pc which has fedora 8 ..can i access the unix machine from another unix machine? is yes then what is the procedures ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Machine Crash During Final Stage Of Installation?

May 17, 2010

I was clean installing Ubuntu 10.04, and for some reason my machine crashed during the final stages (has been a bit unstable recently), when running the init scripts I think. As a result I think that some programs are not being run properly. For example, cups is never running - I have to start it to use printers. And CDs dont mount automatically. Here are the services states:

~ > service --status-all
[ ? ] acpi-support
[ ? ] acpid
[ ? ] alsa-mixer-save


What can I run to clean this up and get things to how they should be? Dont suggest re-installing - I have no time for that and it might crash at the same point.

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