Fedora :: Install VirtualBox 3.2 On Fedora 13?

May 26, 2010

This is my humble tutorial on how to get VirtualBox 3.2 up and running on Fedora 13. It's located on my web blog here: How To: Install VirtualBox 3.2 on Fedora 13 [Tutorial] There are also some other VirtualBox tips in the Appendix, so be sure to glance at those as well. Note: The following is an excerpt from my blog entry that I linked to above. Chances are that I will update that one more often than this one. Keep that in mind.

This is a step by step tutorial on how to get VirtualBox 3.2 up and running on Fedora 13. Specifically, this guide was written using the VirtualBox 3.2.0 (32-bit) version. It can be adapted to upcoming versions and different CPUs (64-bit). The folks at VirtualBox have made it easy to install for Fedora users and I�m going to show you how in a few easy steps. Right, open a terminal window and let�s get to it�

Step 1: Download, Copy, and Edit Repository File This is a one-liner command that will download, copy, and edit the VirtualBox repository file at once.


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Fedora :: Install VirtualBox 3 On F12?

Oct 28, 2009

This is my humble tutorial on how to get VirtualBox up and running on Fedora 12. It's located on my web blog here: How To: Install VirtualBox 3 on Fedora 12 [Tutorial]

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Fedora :: How To Install VirtualBox On 13

Jul 2, 2010

What is the best way to do this..and should it work well with F13? Can it be done with yum? I read here that you need to install Qt first but am not clear if that is really a requirement or if that can be done with yum as well:[URL]Are there any other installation requirements necessary? I saw posts mentioning specific kernel versions and deleting old kernels.... looking for the safest and simplest way to set this up

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Fedora :: How To Install Virtualbox Using Yum

May 13, 2011

I'm on Fedora 14 and tried to install virtualbox using yum install virtualbox It seemed to install but wouldn't run and I got messages saying there was an issue with it not recognising the kernel. I used the Add/Remove software function and added the right kernel but on reboot it didn't complete the boot up process. I get as far as the loading progress bar being fully loaded but don't get to the login screen I've tried loading earlier kernels to no avail - the same issue.

I can access the install via my live CD but I'm not that experienced a user and how to proceed. My guess is I need to remove all the Virtualbox components but I don't know how from where I am.

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Installation :: Fedora 14 Won't Install In VirtualBox / Why Is So?

Feb 10, 2011

I am trying to take a look at Fedora for the 1st time and usually like to have a good tryout of a distro in VirtualBox.

Firstly, the live cd image boots up fine and seems to work ok except for a Kernel crash at the beginning of the gnome session, but it does enable basic usage within the live system.

But, when trying to do an actual hd install (still within VBox) Fedora 14 just keeps on crashing the VBox??, every install attempt just aborts, I have given the virtual machine a 20gb virtual hd, 2gb ram, 128mb video ram and have not applied any "unusual" extra settings. All versions of Ubuntu, Mint and PCLinuxOS work flawlessly within VBox.

Has anyone else tried installing into VirtualBox here?? (not just running the live environment)

I've wasted a good few hours with this, is it just that some distros dont like VirtualBox or is this indicative of what Fedora would be like on a real non virtual install??

ps, I have the latest VirtualBox fully updated and a flawless host (Mint 9), and perhaps I should add that I'm not a Linux expert and have only been using Linux for just under a year now.

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Fedora Installation :: Looking To Install Either Vmware Server , Virtualbox With F11?

Oct 21, 2009

I'm looking to install either vmware server, virtualbox or another solution.

Which works the best with fedora 11? I'm interested in USB and performance.

btw, I wasn't sure which forum to put this in

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Fedora :: Unable To Install Virtualbox Guest Addons?

Apr 10, 2010

I just installed Fedora 12 VM using Virtualbox. The next thing I want to do is install the guest addons.So I mount the drive and go the the folder and I use the command:

su (my username) VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run After that I give my password. The message I get is that This program must be run with administrator privileges. Aborting What Have I done wrong? I used su and gave my password, but it still is refusing to install.I am sure I am missing something very simple.

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Fedora Installation :: 'Install To Hard Drive' Does Nothing - 13 On Virtualbox ?

Aug 28, 2010

I want to install Fedora by live disk on virtualbox.

1. I ran the live disk, it works.
2. I click "Install to Hard Drive", it shows normal.
3. I complete the installition and reboot.

4. The live disk ran again, where is the OS installed on hard drive? or it was not installed at all?

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Software :: VirtualBox 2.1 On Fedora 64-bit Won't Install Windows 7 Beta 64-bit

Jan 10, 2009

I just downloaded the Windows 7 Public Beta 64-bit. I am running Fedora 10 64-bit with VirtualBox 64-bit version.

When I try to install Win7 from the .iso, I get an error that says: "Attempting to load a 64-bit application, however this CPU is not compatible with 64-bit mode."

This is bogus because VT-x is enabled in VirtualBox for this vm.

Has anyone installed 64-bit Vista (and/or the Win7 beta) with VirtualBox successfully?

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Fedora :: Can't Install Nvidia Driver On VirtualBox Guest Win2k

Feb 16, 2010

I have the nvidia 121.21 file for XP and Win2K. I have the driver running on this box on a dual boot win2k install. works fine. The same file on my guest win2k VirtualBox install says no driver available for my current hardware setup. My video card has the 8400 GS chip set. It is currently running 3D on This Fedora 12 install. Is the problem the VirtualBox will not allow the 3D driver to be installed. The installation had a comment about no 3D when it started. I also have not been able to get control of a USB port Device I need. There any way to have Virtual and 3D video drivers with a USB port?

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Fedora Installation :: Install F13 In Virtual Machine Within Virtualbox / But Its Not Working

Jun 28, 2010

My laptop is running Linux Mint 9 and I am trying to install Fedora 13 in a virtual machine within Virtualbox. However, it's not working. It takes forever to get past the initial white/blue loading bar when it first boots and then it just goes white, so I can't see anything. I've already tried modifying the bootline parameter of the live CD to include noprobe, noacpi, noapic, nousb, and nofirewire. However, the result is the same. Am I missing something? Is it possible to install this?

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Software :: Fedora 15 Alpha Wont Install Inside VirtualBox 4.0.4

Mar 20, 2011

I am attempting to install Fedora 15 alpha in a virtual machine on Virtual Box 4.0.4 from Oracle uname -r returns this:[Gary@Fedora13 ~]$ uname -r This is a machine I built myself, 3.3g dual core processor and 6gigs of memory and two terabytes HD space.

I've already installed Ubuntu 10.10 in a VM on this PC without any problems. BTW I tried to install Windows XP in a VM and it always says no bootable medium found, not so worried about that now unless there's a quick fix.

The Fedora disk starts install routine like normal - example vmlinuz... and initrd.img... and then several things flash by on the screen. It always hangs on this - [ 2.7168291] [<c040377e>] ? kernel_thread_helper+0x6/0x10

One error message I received complained about permanently enabling I/O cache for the disk controller (I believe) but I did that and the error message hasn't returned.

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Fedora Installation :: Software RAID Under VirtualBox & Fedora 13 - INT18 Boot?

Sep 2, 2010

So I decided to build a server using two HDDs and after checking the net I decided to go with Software RAID.Before I mess around and go ahead and buy two 500 GB HDD, I decided to try it out first in virtual box.(my system is F13 64bit with 4GB)

I set up a virtual machine with 2 X 10GB HDD.Mount the live CD (f13 32bit).Run regular install > choose custom layout and do as follows: SDA & SDB will both have Software RAID 500 MB and another software RAID of about 9500 MB I will have md0 /boot (sda1 & sda2 = 500 MB) And another md0 having LVM group loaded with / + SWAP I choose to install boot loader on md0 the first time and I receive the following error when I boot from HDD: FATAL: INT18: BOOT FAILURE I tried installing boot loader on sda same thing.

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Fedora Networking :: Port Forwarding From Fedora To VirtualBox

Mar 8, 2011

I am using Fedora 14 x86_64 as the host and Windows XP under VirtualBox 4.0.4. I have added two ports (TCP and UDP) to the firewall settings in 'other ports' in the Fedora firewall setings. Do i need to do this?I noticed the port forwarding option in the Fedora's firewall settings which asks for either the ports to be forwarded to either local or an ip address. Do i need to do anything here?

In the settings under VirtualBox under Network adapter 1 (which is enabled) and attached to NAT, there is a port forwarding option in the advanced settings. Can the host and the guest port be the same number? If i use 'open port checker' to check if the tcp port is open in windows xp, will it work as it does in firefox under Fedora?

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General :: Install VirtualBox Guest Additions On Fedora 14 Guest?

Apr 3, 2011

I installed a Fedora 14 guest on a Fedora 14 host with Virtualbox, then i run these commands on the guest:yum install kernel-devel kernel-headersbut if i try to install the virtualbox-guest additions on the guest, is still complains about that it's unable to find the kernel source directory?Ha anyone succeded installing the guest additions on a guest Fedora 14?

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Debian :: VirtualBox Error - 'install Virtualbox-ose-modules Package For Kernel And Execute 'modprobe Vboxdrv'

Apr 27, 2010

my error when trying to run a VB (Virtualbox). Error as copied from error box. install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel and execute 'modprobe vboxdrv' as root. VBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED).


I get this when trying to launch a VB after making one with wizzard.

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Fedora :: F12 - Can't Get VirtualBox Running ?

Dec 29, 2009

I've been trying to get a converted virtual disk running in VirtualBox for the past several days. The VM begins to boot in a window but never gets past a black field. Until today the title bar would always change from "running" to "suspended" and just hang there. Now it just keeps saying "running" but never boots so I'm thinking the virtual disk may have become corrupted from repeated shutdowns without ever booting.

The User Manual at VirtualBox.org is of little help since it appears to assume you're using their packages. They also make references to utilities or scripts like "/etc/init.d/vboxdrv" that aren't even in the latest version so I think it hasn't been updated in a while.

There doesn't appear to be many hints in the Vbox.log either - couldn't find a way to get more verbose logging. Until now I'd get to this point and it wouldn't change until I shut it down:

I'm guessing the reason for the suspension was the message immediately above the notice. Now I just see the "unmapped device" message and the guest window says "running" indefinitely. I've attached copies of logs from a couple of sessions, one where it suspends itself (a vnc session) and another where it just stays running (a console session). Some googling suggested that the "unmapped device" message implies it can't find the boot drive or the boot sector on the virtual disk.

The host is normally accessed through a VNC session to a virtual console but VBox log messages indicate that it cannot determine the keyboard type when accessed this way so I now have to physically sit at the native console. If anyone knows of a way to overcome this limitation I'm all ears.

People don't usually respond to my threads so I'm basically talking to myself outloud here. I'll read it again later an maybe come up with something else to try. For now I'm going to remove all the VBox packages and re-install them, starting from scratch. If that doesn't get it working I'll delete the converted virtual disk and re-convert it from the original. If I still can't get VBox working after that I'll be forced to install VMware Server (resource hog). I'm getting desperate now...

[Background] Until a few weeks ago we were happily using qemu-kvm but encountered a bug when using the "-smb" argument after updating the host from Fedora 9 to 12. (re: F12: qemu-kvm with -smb hangs then dies) In an attempt to get our virtualized MS Windows Server 2003 back up and running I installed VirtualBox-OSE-3.0.10-1.fc12.x86_64 and friends over the Christmas break. I converted the qemu qcow2 image to raw then to vdi format using qemu-img and VBoxManage tools. There were no errors during the install of VirtualBox. In the beginning Bug Buddy notified of a crash whenever we started up VBox but after some digging and experimenting I believe the crashes were caused by running VBox in a VNC session instead of at the console. I haven't seen a crash when starting it in a native console session. Unfortunately, this means I can do very little remotely.

[Host Hardware]

[Host Software]


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Fedora :: Virtualbox With Windows 7

Jul 27, 2010

I am running Fedora 13, I have installed virtual box that is running Windows 7. I am attempting to run a few star wars video games. Everything works in the virtual machine however it doesn't see any 3D hardware therefore not letting me run these games. I had W7 installed on the computer before and I love fedora and I don't want to dual boot. Is there anyway that anyone knows how to get this working or is there another program that can run a virtual machine for me? Quick update, I installed somethings using the Device menu and Install Guest Additions. That go some mouse and a better video resolution to work however, when using dxdiag in Windows 7, it says that the 3D Acceleration is unavailable. In the settings I have 3D accelration enabled of course.

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Fedora :: Upgrading To Virtualbox 4 On F13?

Jan 19, 2011

I am running Fedora 13 and have VirtualBox 3.2 installed. I see in yum list that VirtualBox-4.0.i686 is available but apparently I do not get updated to this version running yum update. How can I update to VirtualBox-4.0.i686 ? I uninstalled 3.2 and simply installed 4.02 and everything worked fine. Previous virtual machines are compatible and still work as before.

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Fedora :: Virtualbox OSE Won't Update

Apr 8, 2011

In the about last 2 weeks is available an update for VirtualBox OSE, but it fail every time.The final error is "transaction empty" on the gui of the updater.Trying to solve I put the commands suggested by yum (--skip-broken and rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest) with no luck.

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Fedora :: Virtualbox - What Is This / How Its Different From Wine

Jun 10, 2011

Can someone explain to me what virtualbox is and how it is different from wine? I've tried to read up on it but I'm not really understanding what it does.

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Fedora Networking :: Get VPN In VirtualBox Through 11 To Work?

Oct 15, 2009

I've got a problem with getting my VPN connection from my virtual machine working (a XP64 running in VirtualBox). I really need to get it working so that I can nuke my windows partition, and because I would like run linux programs while using my XP VPN connection (as I need to run some XP programs at school). I've found this manual on how to do it on Ubuntu, but I am doubt about how to translate it to Fedora (and I really prefer Fedora). [URL]

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Fedora Installation :: F12 On Virtualbox OSE/ Ubuntu 9.10?

Nov 25, 2009

Wishing to test F12 final release, tried to install as guest on Virtualbox OSE/ Ubuntu 9.10. F12 installed text only and no X. Using 384Mb main and 16Mb video memory on 8Gb virtual hdd. Installed from tested DVD. F12 or Virtualbox? U9.10 guest install worked perfectly.

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Fedora :: Why Does VirtualBox Download Kernel

Jan 22, 2010

I wanted to try VirtualBox so I did:
yum install vboxgtk

In the list of dependencies I found that it needs to download kernel. I was just curious to know that why can't it manage with the PAE kernel. It requires the kernel whereas I've got its PAE version working right now. Can someone please explain why is it so?

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Fedora :: Is Anyone Getting Kernel To Work In Virtualbox?

Mar 2, 2010

When I install the latest F12 kernel, my F12 installation freezes immediately on boot. The previous kernel booted fine. It's a little strange, because if I edit the grub.conf to use the old kernel, the freeze still occurs.Is anyone getting Kernel to work in virtualbox? (both yes and no answers would be useful here)Does anyone have any idea of the cause (and especially, why updating the kernel would cause the _old_ kernel to freeze as well)

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Fedora :: Enable USB Ports On F12 With VirtualBox

Mar 13, 2010

I'm here to lend your support again. I just install "VirtualBox" in Fedora12, but would like to recognize USB ports, how can I do this?

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Fedora :: Printer Access In VirtualBox?

Sep 18, 2010

I just installed Win 7 In VB and was wondering how can I access my printer in it?

I installed the drivers, but when I turn the printer on it doesn't register in Win 7 (VB)

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Fedora :: Can't Run VirtualBox After System Upate / Fix It?

Nov 1, 2010

I am running Fedora 12 on an Intel Core 2 Duo system.
I ran a software update which installed a new kernel ( along with many other things.
I am now unable to run VirtualBox which I had installed and running successfully before the update.
I tried removing and reinstalling VirtualBox from YUMEX, and rebooting. This did not help.
When I launch VirtualBox from a terminal, it produces the following output:

VirtualBox: supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: dlopen("/usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox.so",) failed: VBoxVMM.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I'm not sure what it is complaining about. The files VirtualBox.so and VBoxVMM.so both exist in the /usr/lib/virtualbox directory.

What can be done to get VirtualBox working again on this system?

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Fedora :: VirtualBox Causes Errors In 14 Boot?

Jan 9, 2011

I installed Virtualbox ose on fedora 14 I686 latest version. then when I rebooted the computer,I see 2 errors that Virtual box client not found.

Then Fedora will not even get to the login screen.it hangs at ada.

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Fedora :: VirtualBox GUI Has Stopped Working?

Feb 26, 2011

I migrated a few VirtualBox vdi's to a new laptop. My Windows XP and 7 virtual hard drives imported nicely when I created and started the guests; however, Fedora bombs as soon as the boot progress bar completes. I get this error message: VirtualBox GUI has stopped working.

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