Fedora :: Grouping Windows Of Same App

Jun 5, 2011

as i am planning to buy a new computer at the end of this month i am willing to give fedora 15 a try. right now im trying out gnome, xfce and the kde release on my laptop.i really like the feature of kde to set window behaviour for whole applications but i couldnt find one setting that i hoped i would.on mac os x, different windows of, lets say, the browser are all spawned behind one another but a little shifted to the bottom right. does kde have this feature, too?

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Ubuntu :: Oddity With AWN And Grouping Common Windows

Jun 1, 2010

I am running a fresh install of Lucid 64bit with Desktop effects enabled and the latest driver from Nvidia 195.36.24 (but had the problem also with the ubuntu repo driver. The issue can be reproduced as follows. Set AWN to group common windows (I believe this is the default) Open several gedit windows (or any other app) Then open firefox and maximize the window (or simply move the window so it's directly above your gedit dock icon.) In the AWN dock, select the gedit icon and try and select an open gedit window. When you click the gedit icon in the AWN dock, you'll see a popup with all of your gedit windows. If you move the mouse to attempt and select one of the gedit's, the menu disappears and you can't select anything.

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Ubuntu :: AWN Grouping All Wine Applications Under One Icon?

May 14, 2010

I'm having an issue with my AWN dock where I have enabled it to'group similarapplications', i.e multiple windows of the the same applicationIn 9.10, AWN distinguished between different WINE applications and used their native icons.In 10.04 AWN doesn't distinguish, see the pic belowScreenshot-2.jpgs you can see AWN groups my WINE applications under one icon, the spotify icon and you can see the MS Word logo to the right. This is very irritating since I would like to have separate WINE shortcuts on my taskbar! I'm sure this will affect some other users too.Anyone know how to sort this out?N.B I can't use cairodock as I have issues with freezing and icons not appearing, and i feel docky isn't up to speed with the same functionality as the others for the time being.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Side Bar And Display Tabs Without Grouping

Jul 12, 2011

The GUI design of Ubuntu 11.04 really drives me nuts. It was completely silly and nonsense, especially the auto-hide feature. For instance, whenever I open Gvim, the toolbar is automatically hidden, I'm like wth, I need "this bar". Another annoying this is I can't keep track of which tab that I'm currently working on, they grouped all together on the left hand side, and the size of these icons are ridiculously huge. How could I change it back to the bottom and keep each tab separate from each other?

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Software :: Right Order And Grouping Of Sudo, Nice, Output Redirection And "&" To Start A Program?

Mar 1, 2010

I have an X11 GTK program, let's name it "foo".I would like to start it from command line, either from a text console, or from an ssh log-in. I want to run foo with Administrator privileges and in higher priority, and I need redirect standard output and standard error. Standard errors must go to syslog, except "libglade Warning" messages and empty line messages. Standard output is redirected to a file.I wrote a script, called "foo-start". The "foo" program must run continously, so the "foo-start" script should not wait for "foo"'s termination.The scrip actually looks likelike this:

cd "FOO'S DIR"
(sudo nice --10 ./foo --display=localhost:0 &) 3>&1 1>foo-output.log 2>&3 | grep . | grep -v lobglade-WARNING | loggerr -p local7.err -t foo &


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Ubuntu :: AWN Grouping Chromium Shortcuts Under Chromium

Oct 22, 2010

I made a shortcut with chromium browser to listen.grooveshark.com. This is great as it's almost like the grooveshark VIP desktop application like this. However AWN dock groups it with other chromium windows like this:Kuvakaappaus.jpg

Is it possible to force AWN to group this specific chromium window under the Grooveshark launcher that I have in the dock? Turning off grouping does not solve this either, as it just shows grooveshark as another chromium window.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Dual Booting SL6.1 And Windows - After Editing The Grub.config To Include Windows

Jul 2, 2011

i am having some issues with dual booting my SL6.1 and Windows. The situation is that i recently acquired an old hard drive from a non-working computer of mine with Windows already installed (i know the windows is functional, as i tested it on my new PC with SL6.1 currently installed & everything runs fine)

The problem is that after editing the grub.config to include windows, windows will no longer boot after an attempt to install a legit version of McAffee anti-virus software which coincidently was only after the first attempt at running both OS's in a dual-boot fashion. Except past the windows start up screen before the dreaded blue-screen.
Which is weird because SL6.1 OS will still boot & works perfectly fine like always, so it doesn't really make sense.

My current setup is:
Disk 1: Solid-State:
Boot Partition
SL6 LVM1: Root Partition
Disk 2: Hard Drive:
SL6 LVM2: User, Temp & Swap Space Partitions (Different LVM to Root)
Disk 3: Hard Drive:
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

My guess is its windows MBR. The reason i say this is because the Hard Drive contents of the Windows software still appears intact when accessing the drive from the Linux OS. I don't won't to go through the rigmarole of re-installing both OS's. So hopefully their is a relatively simple solution.

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Fedora :: Get And Install Windows 7 Theme (windows Style - Menu And Tastbar) For 13

Aug 2, 2010

i have recently installed fedora 13.. and its having KDE 4.4.2 desktop.. i would like to know, how can i install windows 7 look like theme for my pc.. i checked [URL] and its having a theme called vistar7.. but that only supports to ubuntu where can i get and install windows 7 theme (windows style, menu and tastbar..etc)

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Fedora :: Run Xming Which Is A Xserver For Windows To Display On Windows Machine?

Apr 23, 2010

I currently have two computers at my desk, 1 is Fedora 12 and the other is Windows Vista. I am using the synergy client to share mouse/keyboard but I would like to run Xming which is a Xserver for windows to display on my Windows machine. I have 3 monitors 1 is connected to the Linux machine and then I have 2 connected to the windows vista and I want to share 1 one using a windows Xserver. I have the server installed and setup on my windows machine and I just curios on how to configure my Xorg.conf file to use my Xming Xserver as a seccond monitor.

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Fedora Networking :: Fedora 10 Unable To Access To Windows Share Folders On LAN

Jan 8, 2009

I am using F10 desktop edition, all the computers using windows are able to access the shared folders over lan except me using F10. I have tried many things with smb but still unable to connect.I am new to linux so i dont khow much of its technicalities.kindly suggest how can i be able to access the shared documents ..

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Fedora Networking :: How To Access Shared Windows Files From Fedora System?

Mar 24, 2009

How can I access shared Windows files from a fedora system

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Access Fedora 10 Shared Folder From Windows

Aug 17, 2009

Linux OS : Fedora 10 (No graphical mode)Windows OS : XP and Windows Server NT...I am able to access from my windows to linux using following step//fedora10 ip username of admin and password...I am able to view the admin and shared printer of fedora 10.When i try to enter in the admin folder i am not able to access it. It is giving error "Access is denied".

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Fedora :: Mounting Windows Server08 From Fedora 8 With Read/write Permissions?

Oct 7, 2009

I have Fedora 8 and we just switched over from a Windows "File Server" to Windows Server 2008 ( I updated my fstab file and now when I go onto the Windows folders, I can list and read files, even save them, but new files are always read only.

fstab file (some, without the asterisks):
// /home/mriuser/Desktop/fs cifs rw,username=jsadino,password=**** 0 0

I've tried ntfs-3g, auto, ntfs, smb, some umask combinations, changing ownerships, changing permissions, everything I could think of, but still can't modify new files.

[root@localhost tmp10]# mkdir tmp2
[root@localhost tmp10]# cd tmp2
[root@localhost tmp2]# touch tmp
[root@localhost tmp2]# ls -l


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Fedora :: Installing Fedora On Partition - Installed Only D Drive Without Harming Windows?

Jul 20, 2010

I have C: and D: on my computer. the D drive has 250 GB of free space. I would like to install it on the D drive without harming my existing windows. I have booted through an USB and it has an icon that says "install fedora on your hard disk". How do I make sure that it will be installed only my D drive without harming my windows?

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Fedora :: Virtualization With Fedora 13 As Host And Windows Vista As Guest Activation

Sep 2, 2010

I have windows vista 32bit oem that originally came with DELL system when I bought new. On the PC, MS$ sticker has the product key for windows vista.When I reformatted the disk and re-install windows vista natively on the machine for which it was licensed, it got automatically activated and passed MS$ genuine check. But I got into problems when using windows vista as guest os from fedora 13 host os using virtualbox on exactly same machine for which vista is licensed for. I go that MS$ : x -days to automatic activation, activate now link. Clicking on activate now it says invalid product key even I entered correct product key as it is on the PC.

I tried to create new windwos vista guest os 2 ways:
1) using existing native installation of windows vista by using vmware converter to create vmware disk image of the running windows vista and shutting down and log back into fedora 13 used this disk image as the storage in virtualbox and create windows vista guest. It starts up ok except for that activation issue.
2) using the windows vista dvd and using that as the source for new windows vista installation in virtualbox. All fine except got that activation issue.After killing my 2 days just for this I dont know whats next. Does that not make sense that I have a license for using windows vista on this specific pc, I am entitled to install it on that same pc as virtual or native or even both ways ?

This link: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/bott/vista-vi icture/360 says starting with service pack 1 MS$ now allows virtual installation of windows oem. My native installation was updated to service pack 2 and I also updated the fresh dvd install of windows vista in virtualbox to service pack 1 and then service pack 2 but still no effect in regard to license activation.Did any one solved the problem in some way regarding this issue for windows vista, I would like to know.

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Fedora Installation :: Install The Original Version Of Fedora 15 And Make It Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Aug 17, 2011

So I want to install the original version of Fedora 15 and make it dual boot with my Windows 7. Problem here is that I don't have a cd/rom. and the iso file didn't have a .exe thingy.....

so now what? Also this is my partitions> http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/9853/unledtlh.jpg

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Fedora Installation :: Windows 7 Beta Won't Boot After Fedora 10 Install

Jan 31, 2009

Originally I had Ubuntu running on my machine. I installed windows beta 7 with a working dual boot. Get everything working in grub again. I decided to give Fedora a try and wiped my Ubuntu partition and installed Fedora. Everythings all good...except the reconfiguration of grub has left out my Windows 7 partition (nothing out of the norm) I tried manually adding windows 7 to /boot/grub/menu.lst but it's not working, when I try to boot into Windows 7 i get a little flashing "_" for a really long time and nothing happens.

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Fedora Networking :: Trying To Access Restricted Windows Share From Fedora

Dec 27, 2009

I've lasted a lot longer than usual before resorting to asking around, but I've finally gone delightfully mad. I've been trying to access shares based on Windows 7 Ultimate with limited user access on said shares. I've managed to get into my XP machine, another mate's Vista machine and various Linux boxes with no issues, but that's only for shares that are accessible by everyone. The moment I try to get into a share that requires user credentials, I get "Error returning browse list: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED".If I try to access restricted shares (be it machine or folder) through Nautilus, I will get a user logon prompt, but it fails. Using smbclient results in just as little success, and now I'm munching through O'Reiley's Samba manual from '99, after realising that I need to basically learn Samba in its entirety to have a hope in hell at getting this to work. The trouble is though, every HOWTO and relevant forum post I get my hands on all seem to concentrate more on the server side of things, and usually servering from a linux box, not the other way around as I'm trying to.

The above Windows 7 machine won't even allow me to view its share contents, whereas the XP machine previously will allow me to browse, but won't allow me to access folders with restricted access. I'm pretty sure there aren't any major issues with the way the Windows 7 machine is setup, as it can be accessed with logon from my Xbox, Ubuntu machine, XP and Vista, with only Fedora having problems getting in as it constantly fails logon. What I'm trying to establish is, if Ubuntu can get in, is there something in my Fedora samba config I'm missing that's preventing me access? My thanks in advance to those of you who've been able to put up with me rambling.

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Fedora :: Associate The Windows Key On My Keyboard To The Fedora Applications Menu?

Feb 22, 2010

I want to associate the other short-cut keys - like pause, play etc. How can that be done?

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Fedora :: Use Existing WIndows 7 As Guest Virtual Machine In Fedora 12

Apr 5, 2010

My company's default OS is Windows 7. I convinced my manager so that I could use Fedora 12, since I am mostly familiar with development environment in Fedora. However there are a few things I need in Windows 7, and I want to stop going back and forth in two OS'es in dual boot-up setting.

I've searched online for easy way to use the existing Windows 7 as guest virtual machine. I first tried VMware's Vcenter Converter Standalone in Windows 7, but it failed with some error code, and searching the particular error code didn't turn up any solution. I also tried to use Sun's VirtualBox, but I get segmentation fault error in Fedora. I tried to see if VMware server has a tool, but installation exists with an error, and searching the web for the error code didn't turn up anything either.... I wonder if I am having this much difficulties because I am using x86_64 version of OS'es.

Anyhow, if anyone has done it successfully - using existing Windows 7 as guest virtual machine in x86_64 version of Fedora 12.

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Fedora Hardware :: Fedora 12 - Print From Windows Printing Server

Apr 29, 2010

I have installed Fedora 12 with latest updates. My problem is printing from Winstar Networking USB 2.0 Server (WS-NSU62P). This device is attached with LAN cable to Windows XP machine. HP LaserJet 2200d is connected on WS-NSU62P with USB cable. This printer works fine with Windows clients (when you add printer with standard procudure for WinXP OS). Before adding the printer I have to install some drivers witch i found on install cd. I didn't found any drivers for Linux. Specification has info about supported protocol on WS-NSU62P (Network Protocol IPX, TCP/IP, NETBUEI, APPLETALK, LPR, smb (Over IP)

How to set my Printer configuration in Fedora 12 to enable printing from HP LaserJet 2200d connected on Winstar Networking USB 2.0 Server (WS-NSU62P)?

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Print To Shared Windows Printer From Fedora

Feb 20, 2011

I am trying to set up printing on my Fedora 14 laptop, on my home network.


- Home network, single subnet, the desktops are connected to the switch portion of my Linksys via Ethernet and all have static addresses. Name resolution between them is via hosts file entries. The router is running wireless (WPA2/AES/DHCP) to accommodate my laptop which is dual boot XP Pro and Linux Fedora 14.

- The printer is an HP Deskjet F4180 printer. It is attached via USB to a Windows XP Pro box and shared. The XP box is wired and static ip.

- I am able to see all the shares and print to the shared printer from any of the Windows boxes, wired and wireless, including my laptop when I run Windows on it.

- My Fedora 14 is working fine on wireless, using Network Manager and KDE desktop. I am able to access all the Windows shares on both of my wired desktops. One desktop is XP Pro, the other is Windows 7.

This is what happens when I try to set up printing on Fedora:

- I go to Administration / Printing and click to Add a Printer.
- I am prompted for the root password twice, which I put in.
- I select Network Printer / Windows printer via samba and click on Browse...
- It finds my WORKGROOUP and machine name mig29 and prompts for user ID and password which I type in.


the user ID and logon on Fedora is different from the one on Windows. During setup I am prompted for credentials. It seems to me that somewhere down the line Fedora supplies not the credentials I supply but my local user ID and password and it obviously fails.

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General :: Fedora Messed Up Ubuntu - Only Fedora And Windows Boot Up

Jul 10, 2011

I had Ubuntu 11.04 and Windows7 installed on my computer. I thought of trying fedora 15 and installed it on a different partition. Now only fedora and Windows boot up. Can I triple boot my system and how? If not, how to get back Ubuntu 11.04 and Windows 7 as before.

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Fedora Networking :: How To Share Internet From Windows Xp To Fedora 10

May 15, 2009

I am just struck in a situation of sharing internet connection with windows xp and fedora. the scenario is i'm connected to internet via wireless card in winxp system, i connected fedora and winxp through ethernet cards via cross over cable.

Now i shared the wireless connection in winxp by checking "allows other user to share this internet connection."

I have given ethernet adapter in windows xp an ip address""

I have given manually an ip address " with gateway" in fedora computer .

I have run the network setup wizard in winxp and name the workgroup as Mygroup then changed the smb.conf file as follows:

The probelm now is i can't able to get internet access in fedora i can able to ping fedora ip address from win xp. but in my network places ->workgroup computers there is nothing .

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Fedora :: Dual Boot With Windows Vista And Fedora 12?

Dec 26, 2009

I know how to do a dual boot. I have done it many many times. But 1 I always installed Windows first so I would not have any problems with Fedora grub, and 2 the computers I did dual boots on were ones that I didn't really care if something went wrong on. But I want to do a dual boot on my laptop which I do care if something goes wrong on. I have all my stuff backed up so its ok if I something goes wrong and I have to reinstall. But I would rather not have to set everything up on my laptop again. So my question is what is the best way to do a dual boot with Windows Vista (the one that came with my laptop) and Fedora 12. I already have Fedora 12 on my laptop. I need to do these things:

1. Make my Fedora 12 partition smaller to make room for Windows Vista.
2. Install Windows Vista without Windows Vista Grub messing up my Fedora 12 grub.

I understand that I am doing this at my own risk so please dont not respond. Like I said I have all my data backed up so I can reinstall if I need to. I would rather not but its doable.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Fedora 13 & Windows XP?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a PC with two seperate hard drives. One has WinXP running on it, and on the other drive I've installed Fedora 13 from a live CD downloaded from the fedora website. How do I get the system to allow me a choice of which OS I want to start on boot-up.

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Fedora Networking :: Vista / Fedora 13 - Can't See Box In Windows Network

Oct 19, 2010

I recently bought a new Netgear WNDR3300 Wireless-N router, and cannot seem to see the linux box in my windows network. (We have multiple Windows machines on my network, all in the same workgroup.) I also recently bought Avast anti-virus, and I think I have enabled the IP range of all computers to enable communication. I wonder if a media router has different needs than just the regular router I used to use. My samba file is minimal, I will post an example. I wish my Windows computer to access a drive marked /terminal on my linux box. I have a drive on my Windows marked E:Cher on my Vista box. My workgroup name is BRCR.

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Fedora :: Copying Files Between Sata (fedora 13) And Ide (windows)?

Dec 30, 2010

I currently have three hard drives: (2) 150GB IDE drives (windows) and (1) 500GB SATA drive (fedora13). I'm trying to move files on the IDE drives to the SATA drive so that I only need the SATA drive. The SATA drive is running Fedora 13 and the other two were old NTFS drives that I just use for space now. So most of the files copied fine, however, for a handful of them I receive the following error:Error splicing file: Value too large for defined data type This happens when I try to copy files not only from drive to drive, but even from folder to folder on the same drive. I've read about a 2GB file size limit, but none of the files are that size. I have no idea why this is happening.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Windows 7 And Fedora?

Mar 11, 2011

I looked for threads about this but didn't find them. If they are out the and I could be pointed to them it would much appreciated. I'm in the midst of building a new system and it will be a dual boot system with Windows 7 and Fedora. There will be two separate hard drives for each OS.

Currently I have a dual boot Win XP and Fedora system with a hard drive dedicated to each OS. The nice thing with this is that I found here on these forums a change to one of the Windows files that allows Windows to recognize that there are two different operating systems without having to spend the money for something like partitioning software. It was a simple one line change to an ini file, I think. Can this be done with Windows 7? If I'm not clear on what I'm asking let me know. It's been a while since I last did this so I'm a little fuzzy on it all.

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Fedora Security :: Decrypting Fedora Drive From Windows?

Jul 10, 2011

I have a dual boot at home with W7 F15. The Fedora drive is encrypted because that's where all my important stuff is. On the rare occasion that I do boot into Windows, I wondered if there would be any way of accessing my encrypted Fedora drive? Is it possible to decrypt and mount from Windows?

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