Fedora :: Cleanup Installed Packages - Running Of Disk Space?

Nov 25, 2010

Is there an easy way to see what packages use the most disk space? I am running of disk space and need to cleanup.

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Ubuntu :: My Disk Keeps Running Out Of Space

Apr 27, 2010

A few days ago, I got a message that stated I had zero bytes of disk space left.Odd, I thought, but I had been doing video transcribing and thought that may be the issue.I moved a video (4 GB) off the hard drive to an external drive and then went about my business.This morning, I got the message again. I enclosed a screen shot. I moved a few more items off my hard drive - but then was soon out of space again. (Less than an hour later.)I logged in as root and poked around. I noticed that /var/archives had almost 60 GB of data in .tar.gz files.I moved them off to an external drive and am okay for now.

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Ubuntu :: Running Out Of Disk Space?

May 7, 2011

I have a dual boot system that only has about 6.5 GB of total file space for Ubuntu on the disk. Recently I upgraded to 11.04, and have had problems logging on and in downloading and installing programs. Occasionally I get messages that say available memory [edit: I meant disk space, not memory] is too low.

I see from the disk analyzer that a folder called tmp is very large. Can that file be safely deleted? Anything else to clean up and scavenge more space?

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Ubuntu :: Getting A Warning About Running Out Of Disk Space?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm a little puzzled as to why I'm getting a warning about running out of disk space. It seems others have similar issues but with little resolvI received a warning about how I have little disk space remaining. I got the message when writing files to my /home directory.The output of df -h is:

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 7.4G 5.9G 1.1G 85% /


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Ubuntu Installation :: Increase Disk Space When Installed From Windows?

Feb 28, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 from Windows 7 and given 17GB default space for Ubuntu. I installed different programs and ...now I ran out of disk space when I tried to install Oracle XE. I tried GParted from Live CD to allocate the space, but it shows the complete partition as single partition for Windows and Ubuntu of which I could not able to allocate the specific space to Ubuntu.I don't want to reinstall the Ubuntu again as there's a lot of office work has been done.

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 Making HUGE Log Files--running Out Of Disk Space?

Feb 2, 2011

I started getting errors about running out of disk space in root this morning. I hunted up what's taking all the space; var/log is 39GB (Ubuntu is installed on a 50G partition.) It's specific files that live in that directory, not subfolders. The files are:

kern.log = 11.6 GB
messages (plain text file) = 11.4 GB
kern.log.1 = 6.1 GB


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Ubuntu :: Tool Similar To Windows Defrag - Disk Cleanup?

Jul 8, 2011

Does Ubuntu have any tool similar to Windows defrag or disk cleanup that cleans up your hard disk and clears up some space?

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CentOS 5 :: Install CentOS 5.2, And The Installation Ran Out Of Disk Space After Running For About 2 Hours?

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to install CentOS 5.2, and the installation ran out of disk space after running for about 2 hours.I checked the FAQ, and it said 1.2 GB. The disk is 3 GB. The default install was selected, and I think that it checks for sufficient available disk space before installing. Still, it ran for quite a while before announcing that it was out of disk space.The Installation Guide is not very helpful, since there is a blank page where the disk space requirement is supposed to be. I just picked the default installation. A search of the forums on "not enough disk space" did not return much.

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Server :: Running "yum Check-update" On A List Rather Than Installed Packages

Nov 24, 2010

I've been google'ing around recently for some good solutions for creating local yum "update" repositories without syncing entire repositories. (or adding hundreds of exclude statements in config files)

I have several boxes with a common base build (centos 5.5/x86_64), one has nagios3, another has apache, and another tomcat6 (also a couple of others) For tomcat and nagios I'm obviously using 3rd party repositories (jpackage, epel, rpmforge to name a few) Everything is installed via RPM from kickstart.

I would like to make an updates repository which contains the updates for everything that's installed (including centos base).

Updates will be downloaded on a separate box, but not sure how to get the list of packages required on that box where the packages are not actually installed. I've looked at reposync and mrepo, but appear to be syncing from what's available rather than what's required.

I was hoping that I can provide an "rpm -qa" output, compare this to a "yum list" or perhaps running "yum check-update" on a list rather than installed packages. I could then use the yum-downloadonly module to get the packages which have changed from available sources.

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General :: Why Is Used + Available Disk Space Always Less Than Total Disk Space

Feb 24, 2011

root@localhost:~ $ df /dev/sdb1
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1 1922858352 23247088 1801935664 2% /mnt/external/sdb1


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Not Enough Disk Space

Jun 22, 2011

I use windows and I want to install linux redhat beside it. So, in windows, I shrinked my Local Disk C 120gb, with Disk Management (control panel). During installation of redhat, I got to the step where I have to choose the partition where it will be installed.

First, I tried the 4th option ( use free space to create a partition), but it gave me error: Not enough disk space. So, I tried the 5th option ( create a new partition). It showed me the partitions on my pc, and showed me : Free, of size 120 gb. I tried to create a new partition, but it gave me the same error.

Why is this happening although I have 120 gb free (unallocated)?

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Slackware :: Disk Space Lost- Root Partition Has Very Little Space Left

Jan 31, 2010

Today I was installing a lot of software since I'm just setting up my Slackware system again after a fresh install, and I realized that my root partition has very little space left.

Here is the output of df -h:


As you can see, I have a 20G (19G here for some reason) root partition, 8G /var, and 86G of /home. I thought this would be plenty since many recent recommendations for / are 10-15G. Now, though, 17G are used up for some reason! How is this possible? I thought a full slackware install only had about 4G of software! I don't have any music or movies or any crazy huge files that I know of, and those would be in my /home directory anyway. Is there any way I can see which files are taking up all this space?

If it's necessary to allocate more space to my / partition, is it still possible to boot up a GParted live Cd, shrink /home a bit, move some partitions to the right, and expand my root partition? I would REALLY prefer I don't have to reinstall since I just spent a ton of time setting up my system again, but if worst comes to worst ... :'-(

In case you're curious, here's my /etc/fstab:


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Hardware :: Reduced Disk Space / Use The Total Amount Of Space?

Aug 25, 2009

OS: RHEL AS 5 64-bit

HDD:300 GB Hardware mirror (HP blade bl460c)

While installing OS, in partition window after OS file system structure I've left 277 GB. But after installation it shows Size - 255GB and available disk space is 242 GB.

Isn't it weired? How can I use the total amount of space in Linux? I need the whole 277GB exactly. What should be my workaround?

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Fedora :: Enable Disk Space Notifications In F13?

Jul 3, 2010

Is there a way to enable low disk space notifications in f13. It's very useful sometimes. I couldn't find any obvious way and it has been bugging me for a while.

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Fedora Installation :: 14 - Error 5 - No Space On Disk?

Mar 2, 2011

I was going about tweaking it and preparing it to my needs, While installing through yum I dont have much other than the fact that I have to search for the packages. But when I open "Add/remove software" of Fedora. I am greeted with " No space left on the disk" and when I seek for more details it says " Disk Error :[errno 5] Input/output error"I did some research and I saw that it usually occurs during installation, but here I have successfully installed it.Can someone help me with it? Later on I even had notification of the same warning. And mind you I got loads of free space.

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Fedora :: Out Of Virtual Disk Space With VBox?

Mar 6, 2011

I have Fedora configured using XP and VBox. I am now out of space. As anyone run into this issue? What do you recommend that I do to transfer my current Fedora contents to a new virtual file?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Troubleshooting Disk Space Inconsistencies?

Apr 23, 2010

I have been tasked with finding out why we appear to be running out of disk space on our Redhat server and am coming across some strange inconsistencies in the way disk use is reported.For example, df -h is showing...

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
63G 56G 3.9G 94% /


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Fedora Installation :: YUM Can Only See Installed Packages?

Feb 22, 2009

i'm having issues with looking for extra softwares to install... YUM can only see already installed softwares, i can't see any extra...

this happened after i modified the yum.repo.d files for installing softwares from DVD... i edited the files back to original.. i've triple checked my repo files and they are correct...

is there anywhere else YUM has files for handling updates and software installations? like yum.repo.d? some config file of some sort?

i can't run update either... well i all can run but reports no updates available

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Fedora :: Reinstall All Installed Packages?

Nov 16, 2009

Running F11 x86_64 on recently rebuilt desktop with new processor/motherboard

I tried to build mplayer from source, and something got messed up. When I realized I had done something wrong, I did a "make remove", and then tried to reinstall mplayer from rpmfusion using yum.

(There is a bug in mencoder that was fixed in the latest source tree - a documented bug that has to do with subtitles. I don't think I can patch a library with a diff line of code, so thought the best answer to get the update would be to install mplayer by source. I love using Fedora, and would like to make that next step in learning linux by building a few custom packages. Apparently, I don't have all the skills yet!)

That being said, my system is still not quite right. I figure the easy answer is to wait until tomorrow, upgrade to F12, and all should be well. But... I will probably compile something else and mess something else up - that's just how I roll...

I can get a list (sort of) of install packages with "yum list installed". Is there a way to strip off all of the extra information, then pipe this to yum reinstall? I may resort to doing this by hand, but there has to be an easier way!

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Fedora :: Find Packages Installed Into Old HDD?

Jun 7, 2010

1 laptop with HDD(1) - old, small,5400. Fedora 12 installed on it backup user settings - on external USB HDD (/home/myusername) for fun - tried to upgrade to 13 using preinstall - failled put new HDD(2) and clean install F13 update the F13 install "remembered" package move back from backup all stuff from external hdd to /home/myusername onto new HDD(2) - everything is back as I know now I need to verify what packages was installed onto the old HDD I have access to it (i have one USB SATA addaptor) for the new install I can issue one

rpm -qa
my question is what I need to do to make the rpm to check on the old HDD

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Fedora :: Running Out Of Space - How To Extend Partition

Mar 4, 2011

I have an Asus eee, it has a solid state drive which has been partitioned with a 4GB and 8GB partition. I installed Fedora 14 onto the 4GB partition but I am running out of space. I have formatted the 8GB partition with ext4 but I am unsure the best way to create more space for the default installation. Can I extend my / partition onto the 8GB partition or possible move the /swap partition onto it?

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Fedora Installation :: Fedora Disk Requirements - Need 9 GB Of Disc Space

Jan 19, 2011

I was reading the fedora Disk requirements and it said you need 9 GB of disc space. Which partition should this 9 GB of space be on? I plan on having a / root partition, /home partition, a swap partition, and a /boot partition.

Quote: 1.2.3. Hard disk space requirements for all architectures The complete packages can occupy over 9 GB of disk space. Final size is entirely determined by the installing spin and the packages selected during installation. Additional disk space is required during installation to support the installation environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of /Fedora/base/stage2.img (on Installation Disc 1) plus the size of the files in /var/lib/rpm on the installed system.

In practical terms, additional space requirements may range from as little as 90 MiB for a minimal installation to as much as an additional 175 MiB for a larger installation. Additional space is also required for any user data, and at least 5% free space should be maintained for proper system operation. [URL]

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Ubuntu :: The Problem Is Running Out Of Disc Space \ Can Add More Space?

Apr 23, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 with wubi and i have been enjoying my Ubuntu experience a lot. I installed quite a bit of programs and spent a couple hours customizing my machine. The problem is im running out of disc space. Any ideas on how i can add more space. I have gparted but i dont know where to move the free space to because wubi installed it.

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Fedora :: OS Drive Not Releases Freed Disk Space?

Oct 31, 2009

I have been having mysterious problems with my comp recently and I think it might have to do with my OS not releasing filespace. Previously, my OS partition was full, then I deleted/moved some files, but now it says that still no space is available:

[root@cluster log]# df -h (simplified):
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 7.9G 7.6G 0 100% /
/dev/md0 459G 110G 327G 26% /export
[root@cluster log]#

The OS being /dev/sda1 (I am 99% sure, didn't set it up originally) and is CentOS4. As you can see, I have only used 7.6GB, and I should have 300MB available. Only thing I can think of is that when it was full, I moved matlab from there to the /export drive and added in a symbolic link to where it was on the OS drive so it would still work ok. Could this be why the space is not being freed up? We are in the process of installing a 16TB drive so we can free up some space or expand the partition, but somebody else here at work is handling that, so some other option that I could do would be best.

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Fedora :: LVM Not Showing Correctly - Takes Up More Disk Space Than The PV

Jul 28, 2011

I've just managed to compress my LVs, extend my VG to my new SSD, move the LVs to the SSD and remove the old disk from the VG. All is well and good (mind you, I did kill my /home partition but it's sorted now...)

My next step was to shrink the PV (I think that's what I want to shrink?) so that I can add another partition to the SSD (to reduce compile times). See below for my current setup. I have a 35G PV with LVs totalling around 33G but the "partition" of the LVM is still 58G.


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General :: No Free Disk Space While Installing Fedora 15 / Get That?

Aug 20, 2011

I am on a windows 7 system trying to install linux fedora 15.

I am using Fedora 15 live image which I burned onto a DVD and booted. According to instructions I've found in a tutorial I go into the system tools and choose install to harddrive. I have previously shrunk the windows system drive to free up approx 200 GB of unallocated space. I did this through the
control panel >> administrative tools >> computer management >> windows disk manager.

While I try to install fedora on the harddrive I run into two problems.
1. I can't install it because it says "no free space available to create partition". it doesn't matter if I choose the auto partition option or the custom partition option.

Choosing the custom partitioning option I don't know what partitions I need to create. Terminology such as LVM and PV are all new to me.

The second problem is that I am after some random time ( it occurs in different time intervals) forced to re-login as a live user which kills the installation program and forces me to re-start the installation process

Anyone have clues to solve these problems?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Assign Disk Space Quota To Particular User?

Dec 24, 2009

i am using linux redHat 5 and fedora9 How can assgin disk space quota to particular user suppose i have 4 users


All four users have a each folder


i want to assign space limit/restriction of 100MB on each on folder.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Disk Space - Increase The The Size Of My Directory?

Mar 16, 2010

After installing everything I neded to get on to the web with my server, I discovered that my www dir only has 20 gb.

How can I increase the the size of my directory?

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Software :: Fedora 12 And 13 Packages Installed When Installing GNote And Inkscape On Fedora 14?

Dec 23, 2010

I recently upgraded from Fedora 13 to Fedora 14 and noticed something strange when I used Yum to install GNote and Inkscape. Yum installed the Fedora 14 version of the programs, but installed some dependencies that were actually from Fedora 12 and 13. The output below shows what packages were installed.

Yum output:

==================================================================================================== ===================================================================
Package Arch Version Repository Size


When I ran the yum command to list all of the packages for the dependencies in question, it only listed the version for Fedora 12 or 13. Is there something wrong with one of my repositories or do these Fedora 14 programs actually use packages from previous versions of Fedora?

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Fedora Installation :: No Kernel Packages Were Installed

Jun 20, 2009

I am installing to an empty hard drive (that for some reason is shown as /dev/sde - I don't know if it is related, but seems weird - why is it not sda, and moreover, not hda - it is an ide drive), and install goes through fine, but in the end it says "no kernel packages were installed, your grub configuration will not be changed", and the only option is to reboot. After rebooting, I get thrown into grub command prompt, and have no idea what to do there.

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