Fedora :: Cheese Not In Gconf-editor / Want To Change Where It Saves
Aug 4, 2011To change where Cheese stores photos/videos you have to change it in gconf-editor.under /app/cheese...But it's missing. What am I missing?
View 3 RepliesTo change where Cheese stores photos/videos you have to change it in gconf-editor.under /app/cheese...But it's missing. What am I missing?
View 3 RepliesI can use the gconf-editor to disable the screen-saver lock and set it to activate when its idle. But no matter what I change /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_delay to, the ScreenSaver UI is never updated and stays at the default 5 minutes. There seems to be no link between the slider bar in the ScreenSaver Preferences and the value that lies at /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_delay...
The reason why I'm doing it through gconf-editor is so a start-up script I have created can use gconftool-2 to alter settings for certain users on login.
Is this broken in Ubunto 10.04 or am I looking in the wrong place.
The rpm for gconf-editor is not on the list of mirrors for fedora, Where can this be downloaded.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently installed this awesome distribution - Fedora 15 x64 because of the Gnome 3. I love it. But i have problem with adding music library folders to rhythmbox. I' ve been using gconf-editor for that on all debian based distributons i worked until this. I installed gconf-editor 3.0.0-2 but cannot find the entry for rhythmbox player. Can you tell me how to fix this ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to run 'gconf-editor' in UNR 10.10.However, I cannot open the 'Run' dialogue box, and so I am unable to do it in the usual way.Is there another way of running gconf-editor?
View 9 Replies View Relatedin ubuntu i used gconf-editor to disable "show desktop". how can i do it in fedora 14? i don't see any gconf-editor when i try to run it..
View 7 Replies View RelatedI opened Alt-F2 > gconf-editor > metacity and used command_1 in keybinding_commands. The type was string and the value xterm. I then moved to global_keybindings and used run_command_1. The value was now <Control><Alt><Shift>p. Nothing happens when I press the key combination. I've tried other key combinations also. And I've tried to run root as root and as user. rebooted. Nothing happens. If I change an existing key combination it takes it immediately an xterm pops up.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use Debian Lenny and iceweasel as my browser on a gnome core desktop. I also use JFOREX (java application) for my trading platform. It works fine. The problem is when I click on portfolio statement in creates an error which states: "Error in launching web browser". I googled the error on the web and read some sites and it says that I should install gconf-editor and modify the URL handlers in order to point to iceweasel.
The problem is I am practically a noob when it comes to gnome and sadly I am not technical enough to understand the values that needs to be changed using gconf-editor.
I have been installing and uninstalling stuff about mouse properties and xorg.conf mouse section... and now I have several "extra" keys in gconf, exactly these:
I'm having trouble removing entries in gconf-editor (GUI).
I have searched everywhere: manpages, internets, forums, can't find anything related.
Here's the situation: I installed Avant Window Navigator and it naturally created entries in gconf-editor for interface, applets etc. The thing is that when I uninstalled it the entries are still there, and yes I have deleted the corresponding folders in home/.gconf/apps. Also did a search of my filesystem for awn, avant widow navigator, avant-window-navigator etc and nothing came up. Looked in /etc, nothing. Looked in /etc/gconf, also nothing.
I was trying to make Gnome display the date in a better format. I tried using gconf-editor as described in the thread at [URL], but I also found that apps > panel> default_setup > applets > clock had no prefs item.
Unfortunately, the solution which worked for quixote (stop running as root) didn't help me as I was running as the only account I've set up on the system, and all of the files in ~/.gconf are owned by that user.
Does anyone know what else could cause options to vanish like that? I'm running Gnome 2.32.0.
For some reason my gconf-editor does not have a ftp entry. (/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/ftp)This is annoying as it sets all unknown urls to firefox. I always liked Nautilus as the default.
I tried creating a %gconf.xml file to $HOME/.gconf/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/ftp/ and still no luck.
I have changed the default gnome-terminal preference but it is ignoring the default geometry I set using gconf-editor.
It is opening in 80x24 and I have it set at 100x25 under
- gnome-terminal
Anyone have an alternative to gconf-editor for changing the idle dim time? I have a Vaio, which hasn't exactly been compatible with ubuntu but I've been making it work.What I'm looking for is an alternative, like the the one I'm using to control the back light (nvclock).
View 2 Replies View RelatedTried to create a data DVD the first time and another surprise. Very slow to write. On a dual boot system, it takes Windows 7 ten times less to do it. When i tried to folllow the ideeas from forums, i couldn't find Brasero in /apps/ with gconftool or gconf-editor. With Nautilus i get the same low speed.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there any risk to deleting program entries from gconf-editor? It's very busy with software I'veuninstalled, which makes it fractionally harder to find entries when I want to edit them.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhere i can found gnome-appearance-properties because i would like to use effects on normal manualy each time i running my computer ? with bash i found this command : " gnome-appearance-properties -p effects " but after i blocked for add something after effects...i try on,enabled,normal etc nothing work certainly a tips
View 2 Replies View RelatedI used gconf-editor to change the close button to right side of the window. Now all of my programs have close button on right side except Firefox. Firefox have still close button, minimize and maximize button on left side instead of right side
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat are all the options available for the button layout? I know the following already:menu = brings up the window menu minimize = minimizes the window to the taskbar maximize = makes the window full screen or windowed close = closes the window spacer = puts space between entries Is there an option to raise or lower a window? Is there an option to keep a windows on top? Is there an option to have a window keep to the current active desktop?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to change the icon on my custom main menu on Ubuntu 10.10 doing this> sudo gconf-editor apps/panel/default_setup/objects/menu_bar.I gave object_type menu-object and custom_icon path as /home/ john/Pictures/menu.png then I checked use_custom_icon but with no luck (notice that I've succeed doing this in a virtual machine with the exact settings)Also I want to have icons on places and system, so I did thisdesktop/gnome/interface and clicked menus_have_icons.what I'm missing?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhenever I try to change maximus' exclusion list in gconf-editor, I get the "key not writable" error, as in this thread, but I do not have an entry for maximus in my ~/.gconf/apps folder. I've already tried reinstalling to no avail.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCheese works sucessfully with my webcam, but the stuff it records in .ogg is pukeish of quality. I have a dual core high performance laptop and am wondering if there is no way to crank up the resolution or lessen the compression on the videos that get saved for higher quality. Cheese seems to have no settings whatsoever.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I have done some googling and experimenting to change the GDM icon (Ubuntu 10.04) and have found the following ways:
Replace /usr/share/icons/LoginIcons/apps/64/computer.svg with your own svg
Change the gconf config setting /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/logo_icon_name to be the name of your icon in the theme. Then copy that file to the icon theme path: /usr/share/icons/LoginIcons/apps/64/.
I have gotten #1 and #2 to work. I am not sure how UbuntuTweak is actually doing it's magic (but would love to know). I do not like #2 as it seems messy and what not.
I can not get #3 to work. I have found post after post that says it should. I have tried editing the gconf DB in multiple ways:
gksu gconf-editor
gksu -u gdm gconf-editor
sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 --set --type string /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/logo_icon_name MYICONFILE
sudo gconftool-2 --set --type string /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/logo_icon_name MYICONFILE
And while all of those methods show that the value has been edited NONE of them actually change the icon (did a service gdm restart to check).
Given that:
The official docs state that this should work By replacing the computer.svg file it does work (so I know I am copying my file to the correct path)
im on ubuntu, and i was trying to change the settings under System->preference->network proxy
When i click apply system wide, it asks me for my root password wich i provide and then it asks me for this other password, with this message: Privileges are required to change gconf system values. What is this? is there a way around it?
after update f12 to f13 geany stopped to work correctly on remote storage (sftp). Geany opens file correctly, but when I try to save, it saves empty file. I tried "notepad" and "gedit", they work good on f13. Geany on f12 worked correctly too.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a program that will add cookies to my web browser (firefox or chrome, preferably). The application would ask me for the Cookie's:Name
Send For (type of connection)
Expiration Date
If no one knows of an application that does this, does anyone know what files i could manually edit in order to change a particular browser's cookie values?
I am connecting through putty and i am using vim editor in putty and writing program in perl. I dont have any particular vimrc file. My problem is that in vim comments are rendered in DARK BLUE on BLACK BACKGROUND.How to change that comments into some light color in vim or change some settings in putty?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can I change the default text editor for console programs in Ubuntu.When I run mutt and send a message, it currently loads up Joe and I would prefet to load Vim.I know I can change $EDITOR for me only, but would prefe to do it system wide.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using Thunar, and I would like to know how to change the default text editor. It's set to emacs (due to a weird install), and I'd like it set to gedit globally.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I change the EDITOR environment variable so it stays changed? I already put a line
in /etc/environment, and I also tried
sudo update-alternatives --config editor
to no avail; when I do gksu nautilus in Debian and open a config file I get abiword, and when I run the script "open as administrator" in Ubuntu I open Emacs if it is installed (I'd like to learn Emacs but not use it right away for simple editing tasks). How come? How can I make nano stick in all cases? I'll keep looking but have not yet found anything useful.