Fedora :: Changing 14 Splash Image?

Oct 31, 2010

For those who wish to change the default login splash background in fedora 14, the offending graphics are to be found in /usr/share/backgrounds/laughlin/default.

Step 1 is to add your preferred ping image alongside the laughlin.png in whichever directory your monitor uses. I am apparently "normalish" so I put my background there. 1280x1024 RGB.

Step 2 - edit the "laughlin.xml" file in the "default" directory, replacing "laughlin.png" with the name of the file you added above.

To get the proper dimensions for an image, you can load laughlin.png into the GIMP and read Image/Properties. While there, you could erase the contents of the image and replace with your own, similar to rinsing out your mouth. Then spit.

If you use a graphic from outside fedora, don't forget to run restorecon on the file, or else SELinux won't allow gdm to display it.

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Debian Configuration :: Changing Grub Splash Image?

Nov 27, 2010

I decided to finally change the grub 1.98 splash image today and found a few tutorials on how to do so. They all pretty much said the same thing. Resize an image to 640 x 480, save it as a .tga, stick it in /boot/grub/images/desktop-base. I did so and opened /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme and changed WALLPAPER="/usr/share/images/desktop-base/moreblue-orbit-grub.{png,tga}" to WALLPAPER="/usr/share/images/desktop-base/56871.{png,tga}". After that I ran update-grub. When it told me the image it found, it said it found desktop-grub. I don't know what I did wrong but it's not finding my image. Like an idiot I forgot to back up the original file but the only thing I changed was that WALLPAPER line, like I said. I had copied that version of the file and pasted it in another document before messing around with different parts of the file to see if I could get it to work. Everything ended in failure so I copied the back up in the other document and simply pasted it over the one I had been tinkering with. However, when I try to update grub I get a syntax error which I didn't before with the exact file I have now. The error reads:

/etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme: 65: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "}")

Here's my grub file.

#!/bin/sh -e
. /usr/lib/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib
# this allows desktop-base to override our settings


I'm completely lost at this point, both on how to actually change the splash image and why I'm getting a syntax error.

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Fedora :: Splash Image At Grub?

Jun 6, 2010

I wanted to know if the plain blue image of grub screen can be changed to a saved image. that is customize the grub splash screen and how can we do it. I am using Fedora 13 and gnome. though i think gnome should not make a difference since it is after boot.

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Fedora :: Changing Grub Splash - Boot Windows By Default

Apr 21, 2011

The grub splash were you choose which os you want to load. Is there a way to change it and make it look like iuno.... lm5/6 or opensuse? Obviously I'd change the image. I just don't want to just change the image. How can I change it to boot windows by default instead?

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Fedora :: Disable The Blue Sun Splash Image On Console Boot?

Dec 7, 2008

I upgraded my lappy to FC10 and I boot to console mode. The blue sun image comes up there, I can get rid of it by hitting escape a couple of times but I want to disable it completely. It's messing up my desire to boot with the framebuffer.

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Fedora :: Changing Plymouth Theme Background Image?

Nov 11, 2010

I want to change the background image for a Plymouth theme on FC13. I'musing spinfinity and I'd like to just have a blank background or somesolid color rather than the Fedora logo. I've found the sprites in /usr/share/plymouth/themes/spinfinity.

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Ubuntu :: Changing Splash Screens In 9.10

Apr 12, 2010

I am a new Ubuntu user and am looking to make my screen look more like a mac. Is there any possible way to change the splash screen? I keep reading about ways but they don't work on my distro. I am using 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Splash Screen Not Changing Back?

Feb 11, 2010

I just installed kubuntu desktop on my system, now when I boot my system, the kubuntu loading screen comes up (after the grub loading and before the login page). I've tried to change the screen by editing the grub menu list as told in some forum topics but it makes no change. How do I change my splash screen back to that of ubuntu or ant other image.

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Ubuntu :: Cant Boot After Changing Splash Screen

Feb 22, 2010

My friend was showing me how to change the splash screen and used a app called start up manager (SUM).He changed the resolutions for GRUB and something else. The GRUB screen resolutions has changed fine but after that I get a line of text which I cant read as its too quick.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 And Disable/changing Splash Screen?

Nov 5, 2010

I would like to modify the splash screen that you see when booting up Xubuntu 10.10. I want something light. What dimesions should I have it at like 800X600 1280X768 and etc. I will be using this on many different resolutions. Also where does the splash reside on this build?

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Ubuntu :: Changing Boot/splash Screen In Lubuntu?

Jan 18, 2011

I would like to know how to change the boot/startup splash screen in Lubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Changing The Dell Bios Splash Screen?

Jan 31, 2010

For anyone reading this I was wondering if there is a way for me to change the dell bios splash screen to another picture, like Tux the penguine or something like that.I've seen alot of people say not to do this due to the editing of the bios and the probability of crashing your system.I was wondering if there was a safe and easy process for doing this???

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Server :: Splash Image For Grub?

Feb 13, 2011

how to add images to grub window in Ubuntu and how to zip a image that to be used in grub.

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OpenSUSE :: Changing GRUB Boot Splash And Installing Screensaver ?

Aug 16, 2010

Today I found out how to change theme in OpenSuse 11.3 64 bit. I'm running KDE 4.4. Naturally I went to KDE-Look.org and trawled it through for eye-candy. I got this HAL-9000 boot splash: HAL-9000 KDE-Look.org

Its a .gz file and uncompressed its called .xpm, I think its just an image, that I should put somewhere, but I don't know where. I tried the bootloader settings through yast, though it didn't tell me anything.

Secondly I got a screensaver, which I'm supposed to compile and install: KCometen4 KDE-Look.org

I tried following these instructions, as best as I could:


KCometen4 also comes with a simple configure script that should work for a generic local install. If it doesn't suit your needs, you will need to edit the cmake settings by hand.

Quick installation steps:

Cmake's equivalent to 'make distclean' is 'rm -rf build'.

If you do a local installation, you might not see KCometen4 in the Screen Saver Settings module. In that case, you will need to do one of two things.

First, you can set the $KDEDIRS environment variable in your X session startup script so it includes your local installation prefix:

Or second, you can set this for all users by adding your local installation prefix to /etc/kde4rc:

After that, you may need to manually refresh the system configuration cache by running 'kbuildsycoca4'. KCometen4 should now appear in Screen Saver Settings.

So I installed kdebase-workspace-devel but I couldn't find libqt-opengl-dev, but it didn't seem to be a problem, according to the console output:


It mentions some Q_WS_WIN, Q_WS_QWS and Q_WS_MAC, that it doesn't find. Could that be the problem.

I tried to see if the new screensaver got into the screensaver menu, it didn't.

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Ubuntu :: Changing The Kubuntu Boot Splash Theme At Startup?

Jul 22, 2010

I recently installed kubuntu-kde and it changed the boot splash theme from an orange logo on a purple background to tourqoise on blue. How do I change it back?

In KDE, I can navigate to Settings > System Settings > Appearance > Splash Screen but that's not what i'm looking for. I'm not trying to change KDE's Splash Screen that shows when you load the KDE window manager after logging in as a user. Further, I'm not trying to change grub's boot splash image, which renders this guide useless.

I want to change the boot splash theme which lasts 25 seconds that is shown between the time your select the kernel in grub2 and the time gdm loads. Right now it says "Kubuntu" in an ugly way and I want to change it back to what it was originally before I installed KDE. I want it to say "Ubuntu" as it should by default.

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Ubuntu :: Throw A Splash Image On Shutdown?

Mar 10, 2011

I am wanting to throw a splash image on shutdown. How do I do it ? I am using CentOS 5

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General :: Boot Splash Image In Ubuntu?

Mar 4, 2010

Changing GRUB image I am using ubuntu 8.04 I read [URL] got gnu-head.xpm.gz (it has 12 colors & 640x480 resolution) Added following line at beginning of menu.lst splashimage=(hd0,5)/boot/grub/gnu-head.xpm.gz
Remember no space after (hd0,5). I did that mistake once and got error Failed to read ((hd0,5)⏏/boot/grub/gnu-head.xpm.gz) Press any key to continue Coming back to point . Now run # update-grub

Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub
Searching for default file ... found: /boot/grub/default
Testing for an existing GRUB menu.lst file ... found: /boot/grub/menu.lst


Isn't this interesting. If you want to change the image during bootup then see [URL]

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Splash Image / Don't Mention Anything About Enabling It

Nov 18, 2010

I have installed backtrack4 on my laptop with windows7, and installed grub2.I am having a problem on showing a splash screen.I don't have a splash screen that shows neither on grub2 nor grub legacy.I have searched too many tutorials, but I don't know what's the problem, because all of them shows how to change the splash image, but don't mention anything about enabling it.Note that the live cd loads an image.So I don't think it's my vga or something.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Splash Screen Does Not Show Up Anymore After Changing The Boot Up Resolution

Mar 25, 2011

i changed the boot up resolution in the boot up loader to 1366*768 (native res of my monitor) the boot option is still set to quiet splash however, instead of showing the progress bar, it would now always display the complete boot up log ( the list of starting services and such) i then manually changed the boot option from to 1024*768 at boot loader screen, and teh splash would show up, but then on next boot up if i stick with 1366*768, it doesnt work again

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Change Splash Image On Grub 2 / Fix It?

Sep 14, 2010

I want to change the image that is presented to the user when i choose operating system on startup eg back.jpg i have looked at tutorials and no luck
i am running gnome on 11.3.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Splash Static With Green Lines Across Image

Mar 17, 2011

Upon boot up the usual little mouse splash boot is suppose to come up. Once I first installed it (10.10 via usb) the boot screen worked perfectly but after I updated via the update manager the boot splash became all static and green lines across the image. It still boots up to the login screen but it's just ugly looking at it.

I have (via hwinfo)
20: PCI 105.0: 0300 VGA compatible controller (VGA)
[Created at pci.318]
UDI: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_1002_5a61
Unique ID: ul7N.dFXV26GrjA4
Parent ID: vSkL.CTscIjbcyd9
SysFS ID: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:05.0
SysFS BusID: 0000:01:05.0
Hardware Class: graphics card
Model: "ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 5A61 (PCIE)"
Vendor: pci 0x1002 "ATI Technologies Inc"
Device: pci 0x5a61 "Radeon XPRESS 200 5A61 (PCIE)"
SubVendor: pci 0x103c "Hewlett-Packard Company" .....
Primary display adapter: #20

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General :: Replace The Scrolling Text During Boot-up With A Splash Image?

Mar 10, 2011

I need some help in determining how to have a color splash image display in place of the Linux scrolling-text during the boot-up process on an embedded Linux device. The kernel used is a stripped-down version of Linux (kernel 2.6.29), which has been custom configured. I am using syslinux as the bootloader. I was told that Plymouth might be the way to go with this, but I'm not sure.

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General :: Display Boot Splash Image On Embedded Device Using Fbsplash?

May 13, 2011

I'm working on a project to have our company logo image display on the screen during bootup. Our platform is an embedded Linux device running on a custom configured linux kernel Our development distro is Ubuntu 10.04. I am currently trying to get fbsplash to work on our device with no luck so far.

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Ubuntu :: Changing The Image On The Frontpage?

Aug 19, 2010

what the code was for changing the image on the frontpage of the Ubuntu website as it does. I'd like to incorporate an effect like that into my own site.

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Debian :: Methods For Changing The GRUB-PC Background Image?

Mar 26, 2011

After much searching and trying of more complicated methods for changing the GRUB-PC background image, i found method that seems to work. The simplest one! I installed grub2-splashimages, which created a new folder in /usr/share/images, called grub. From there it appears to be as simple as adding the image of your choice, then adding "GRUB_BACKGROUND=/usr/share/images/grub/your_image" to "/etc/default/grub" file, the running "update-grub", of course.

Only problem is it doesnt work for the image i really want. So my question: What qualities should an image have if it is to be successfully used as a GRUB-PC (GRUB 2?) background? I have read that you do not need to resize the image anymore, indeed i tried resizing it to match the size a default image form the "/usr/share/images/grub" folder , and saving it with the extension .tga in Gimp and it did not work. The image i want to use is quite large, it is also black and white/grey-scale and in the .png format.

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Ubuntu :: Reset All Personalization Such As Splash Screen And Colors In Grub Splash To Default?

Apr 25, 2010

If I re-install Grub 2 from the live CD should that reset all the personalisations such as as splash screen and colours in the Grub splash to default? In my case they are not resetting. I would expect them to revert to the default black/white you get when initially installing the OS. the Grub timeout to be a lot less than its supposed to be? e.g. the default timeout setting of 5 seconds is more like 2 or 3 in reality, and when I set my prefered value to 2 seconds it results in being about 1/4 sec or so.

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Ubuntu :: Splash Screen Messed Up - Get Random Command Lines Mixed In With The Usual Splash

Jan 26, 2011

Since updating my graphics driver on ubuntu 10.10, My splash screen has been inconsistant and messed up. Sometimes ill get random command lines mixed in with the usual splash, sometimes the splash wont show and it will just be black till the desktop appears, sometimes it flashes on and off. I originally tried fixing the resolution and just made the problem worse. Then I tried installing a new splash via gnome-look.org, but it just made my shut-down splash blank and didnt effect my splash at startup. I just want the original splash that ubuntu is supposed to have.

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Ubuntu :: Splash Screen Startup - Goes Blank For A Minute Then Briefly Shows The Splash For 5-10 Seconds

Mar 26, 2011

I'm running 64 bit Ubuntu, and on the start-up after I pass the GRUB it goes blank for a minute then briefly shows the splash for 5-10 secs and then jumps to the login screen. Also the screen is offset by about 10-15 pixels but from the login screen onwards it is centred. (It's also like this for if I'm in recovery mode)
How do I fix this and Im wondering if it is a hardware problem?

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Ubuntu :: Getting A Blue Kbuntu Splash Screen Instead Of The Studio Splash

Oct 25, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu Studio and after an update the standard Plymouth splash screen began to show. I tried changing it back via the "sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth" method but I am getting a blue kbuntu splash screen instead of the ubuntu studio splash.

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Ubuntu :: Rotate Image (Script) Without Changing "modified" Date?

Nov 19, 2010

I am actually modifying someone else's script and I need some help. The original script rotated image files to the left but it changed the "modified date stamp" which is something I didn't want.

while [[ -n "$1" ]]; do


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