Fedora :: 10 - October 4 Update - Blinking Cursor

Oct 6, 2009

i worked on my notebook as usually. The only thing i did with the system was the update. The little screen appeared and I clicked to update everything. After the logoff/logon everything worked fine. But the next morning (yesterday) the system loaded and finished with the blinking cursor on the black screen. the yum.log output is the following (from 4th Oct):


i did the system update but it haven`t fixed it.

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Fedora Installation :: Nothing But A Blinking Cursor After Grub?

Jun 18, 2009

I installed F11 without issue but after rebooting all i got is a blinking cursor with no error messages or indeed any other form of feedback.

To check i was even getting as far as grub i went into rescue mode from the dvd and edited the grub.conf to remove the hiddenmenu option and set the timeout to something a little larger. This confirmed that grub does in fact seem to be loading fine. Selecting the Fedora entry still however leave me with just a blinking cursor.

Next i tried removing quiet from the boot commandline. same result.

Just in case i had the wrong disks configured in grub i tried swapping root(hd0,0) with every combination available with as expected various errors about either partition not being suitable or files not found.

Using grub to boot manually to a usb disk worked fine so grub does seem to work.

With no feedback at all i tried all the common options people suggest just in case the kernel is booting but not getting far enough to output to the screen. So far i tried noapic acpi=off nomodeset.

I tried installing 3 times so far with slightly different configurations just in case but still no luck.

Basic partition layout in case it helps:
/dev/sda <-- boot loader installed here.
/dev/sda1 /boot ext3 2GB
/dev/sda2 swap 4GB
/dev/sda3 / ext4 634GB

Various other disks are present but not part of the configuration. I double checked they are not mentioned anywhere in the common places like fstab.

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Fedora Installation :: Blinking Cursor After F12 Upgrade

Nov 23, 2009

I used the F12 DVD to upgrade my system, before all the NVIDIA warnings were posted. I have a Geforce 7100 (7 series) card and used the rpmfusion drivers on Fedora 11. After the upgrade, I get a blinking cursor at boot time. What I should do to repair the mess.

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Fedora :: Blank Screen With Blinking Cursor?

Feb 22, 2010

Whenever I boot the system after the fedora 12 bubble fills up I see a blank screen with a blinking cursor. Though I am able to access tty2 by pressing alt+ctrl+F2.

I have seen the boot logs and it shows a warning:

Warning: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/

I have an ATI Radeon 3xxx series card and I have recently installed mesa-dri-drivers.x86_64. I guess the blank screen problem is because xorg for fedora 12 doesn't support these drivers.

I want to remove this package using yum, but when I try to do it using "yum remove" it shows 95 packages that would be uninstalled with it. I don't want to remove those packages as it has some that I use like Konversation.

how do I remove mesa-dri-drivers and what were the drivers that were being used before I installed mesa.

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Fedora :: Black Screen Appear With A Cursor Blinking?

Jul 11, 2011

I am using fedora 15 on my dell studio 1558 . Sometimes a black screen appears with a cursor blinking when i tries to reduce the brightness of the laptop and somethimes it automatically happens . And i am not able to do anything its just like the blue screen of death as in windows . the only way to get back is by restarting the computer

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Only Get Blank Screen Alone With Blinking Cursor

Nov 13, 2010

After installation of Fedora core6, only i can access to Graphical interface(ctrl+alt+F7) only. When i press ctrl+alt+F1 ,F2, etc.only get blank screen alone with blinking cursor. My system configuration is PIII, Intel 810 chipset.

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Fedora Installation :: Blinking Cursor When Booting Install CD?

Aug 28, 2011

I am having trouble booting the install CD for Fedora 15? As soon as I select a boot option I get a grey screen with a blinking cursor even if I pick the option to use basic video. I have tried using the intel_iommu=off parameter which makes no difference.

I also seem to have a similar issue when trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 on this machine too. I am using a Athlon x2 5200+, 5GB Ram, ATI 3850 if that's.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: See A Black Screen With A Fast Blinking Cursor

Jan 11, 2010

I am installing Fedora 12 on a VIA pico ITX and am running into some issues.

I had the same board but with an PATA/IDE drive, and on that it installed just fine. I needed a bigger/better drive so I did get an SATA drive for it.

After the install it either freezes/hangs when the post install begins or IF the post install works (when I use ide=nodma) it won't boot. I do get to see the grub screen (if I change the timeout in grub.conf) but as soon as the kernel starts loading it freezes. and I see a black screen with a prett fast blinking cursor.

With the live cd, if I try to boot: it reports, no root available going to sleep.

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Fedora Installation :: Fresh Install - Blinking Cursor Appears

Jun 29, 2011

I have just installed Fedora 15. I have tried both the desktop edition and the LXDE Spin on an AMD X2 64 5800+. It's hard-drive so I select "Use All Space", meaning all the partitions will be removed and recreated. The installation completes normally, when I reboot without the CD, I get the screen with blinking cursor same as [URL]... Adding intel_iommu=off to the grub.conf did not help. I presume the default installer works correctly however the installed boot configuration puzzles me. The boot partition is /dev/sda1 and the mount point is /boot. If boot from the cd after the installation, I mount:


Is this how it should be? This is me being new to Linux probably, but I should /boot contain the boot information if that's where the boot partition is mounted? Is there any way to "turn on debugging" so I can get a better insight on what's not happening?

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Fedora Installation :: Fresh Install Hangs On Boot / Black Screen Blinking Cursor

Aug 9, 2011

After installing Fedora 15 from LiveUSB and rebooting it just hangs on a black screen with a blinking cursor (underscore) in the top left of the screen. If it's reached grub, it isn't responding to any commands, and mashing several key combinations (such as ctrl-alt-f1) will produce a beep usually emitted only by the BIOS (hinting that it may never be making its way to grub).

The only particularly interesting thing about the install is that by default it wanted to boot itself from the MBR on my primary-master (Windows) disk. Instead I selected the option to boot from "the first partition in sdb1", which is my primary-slave (Linux) disk, (the first partition being /boot). This way I can change which OS boots by changing the boot order in my BIOS, and so avoiding bootloader wars.

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Fedora Installation :: Nouveau And NVidia Drivers - Jet-black Screen And A Completely Inexpressive Blinking White Cursor

Nov 29, 2009

Although I managed fairly quickly to get 3D enabled on the GF 7600GS of my desktop, it took me longer to get 3D up on the GF 9650M GT of my Asus laptop M70Vn. Although I made extensive use of the numerous procedures outlined here, none of them worked and booting my laptop always ended up with me facing a jet-black screen and a completely inexpressive blinking white cursor. My solution was simple: I did not blacklist Nouveau and problems mysteriously disappeared.

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Fedora :: Get A Black Screen With The Message "serial8250: Too Much Work For Irq17" And A Blinking Cursor?

Mar 7, 2010

I just got an update notice two hours ago and after updating I rebooted my machine to find that it no longer boots. The update was for 23 bug fixes for Nvidia drivers and Nvidia support software. I get a black screen with the message "serial8250: too much work for irq17" and a blinking cursor. How do I recover from this?

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Debian :: Blinking Cursor On Reboot

Apr 2, 2015

I've recently installed Debian 7.8.0 amd64 gnome on my new ASRock Q2900 mobo/cpu combo (It has an embedded Intel J2900)

The system boots fine but I am unable to restart it. If I tell the system to restart I see the mobo splash screen but before I see any mention of grub it gets stuck with a flashing cursor in the top left.

At this point I can hold the power button for 5 seconds and after it shuts down, I can boot it no problem. I can work my way around this issue but there shouldn't be any reason to need to.

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Ubuntu :: Blinking Cursor In Usb Installation?

Mar 9, 2011

I am trying to install any version of ubuntu (I even tried so far another version called jollicloud) but the result is always the same...The computer is a Dell Mini 9. I have pulled out it's SSD because it has broken.I managed to install about some months ago an ubuntu netbook version (10.04, not sure) which all worked fine from a 8GB usb stick Here are my steps:

1. Download ubuntu either netbook or standard version

2. Make a bootable flash with Unetbootin from ubuntu or other programs from windows

3. Put the flash disk and the second 8GB flash to the dell mini 9

4. Boot Ubuntu live from the first flash (sometimes I think I must put the second flash after the boot so it finds only the live version... If I have put both flashes sometimes it won' t boot)

5. install ubuntu to the other flash (to the 8GB flash drive)

6. reboot

and then...only a blinking cursor is appearing to the top left of the screen with nothing else happening...Shift does not do anything.I have some suspicion that there is no Grub at all but I am not sure for this.I am sure there is a way to make it because I ve done it before, but I don't remeber how!

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Debian Installation :: Blinking Cursor After GRUB

Apr 21, 2015

I'm thinking about switching to Debian from Ubuntu, so I installed Debian (debian-7.8.0-amd64-DVD-1) in dual boot with my Ubuntu 14.10 (Uefi install). Installation process was OK (I think), I got a working GRUB that recognizes both OS, but Debian boots to a blank screen with a flashing cursor in the top left corner (Ubuntu boots perfectly). I also ran into some graphics-related problems while installing/booting Ubuntu, due to my AMD GPU graphics, that I solved adding the nomodeset option to the kernel in GRUB, but that no longer seems to do the trick here. Here's some info about my machine:

HP Envy 15
00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 15h (Models 10h-1fh) Processor Root Complex
00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Richland [Radeon HD 8650G]
00:01.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Trinity HDMI Audio Controller
00:04.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 15h (Models 10h-1fh) Processor Root Port
00:10.0 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH USB XHCI Controller (rev 09)

[Code] ....

I don't know why they are listed as microsoft basic data.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Blinking Cursor At Boot

May 31, 2011

Today I decided to play with my new 11.4 Opensuse dvd. It installed and booted without any problem, and I didn't face any problem until I rebooted the computer to test my newly installed nvidia graphics drivers. openSuse wouldn't boot. Well, the important side is: there are no kernel panics, no "hit enter to restart computer" to find the reason. Just a blinking cursor after an attempt to find the kernel. I only could get out of that by pressing the reboot button. I decided to press c and boot manually:

grub> root (hd0,4)
Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
grub> kernel /boot/vmlinuz-

and the computer just froze. At this stage pressing tab for autocompletion at kernel line freezes the computer, too.

Maybe additional boot parameters?

Well, considering that installation brought me to a desktop, the system seems to be up and ready to run. Nothing seems wrong with my menu.lst:

title openSUSE 11.4
root (hd0,4)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda5
initrd /boot/initrd-
(I did not install a bootloader with openSUSE. This is legacy grub bootloader of Debian)

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Install Disk - Cursor Appear Blinking

Apr 2, 2010

I put the ubuntu 9.10 disk to install it I wait a long time then at the left upper corner a cursor appears blinking then I wait more then nothing happens.

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Ubuntu :: Installed, Rebooted, Blinking Cursor?

Jul 12, 2010

Installed the minimal system ( didnt check any of the boxes when it asked me what i wanted to install.I just want a command line system to build from btw )Finished the installation and i just get a blinking cursor now.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Don't Boot - Blinking Cursor

Oct 20, 2010

I have a box with lucid I rarely boot. When I do there is usually some trouble, as now. The only thing that happens is that a blinking cursor appear, and nothing happens. Usually the box also never shutdown, I end up with having to hardboot it.

What causes this, is there anything I can do to fix it? As of now I can't get the beast back up. I'm running x64, a cheap raedon 5xxx card and an amd x4 processor.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blinking Cursor No Grub After 10.10

Oct 21, 2010

I decided to swap my media center PC over to Kubuntu after I had some issues with the Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 update. It has had Ubuntu on it for probably 3 years now. Most notably, the same issue is occuring now with any installer later than 9.04 which leads me to believe it is all Grub2 related.

The install runs without errors, but after booting from HD I get only a blinking insertion cursor. No Grub at all. I've held in shift, nada. I booted to Live CD and reinstalled Grub manually but still no love. It acts as though Grub simply isn't there.

I do have a second hard drive in the box that has Ubuntu 9.04 on it that I use as a backup if the OS HD gets messed up, but it is second in boot order and shouldn't be causing an issue. Besides, if that HD was booting it would be giving me legacy grub, not a blinking cursor.

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen With Blinking Cursor?

Nov 10, 2010

Just did a fresh Ubuntu 10.10 (minimal) install on my Asus EEE PC 1001PX.Before the minimal install I had Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10 which worked flawlessly, now all I get is a black screen with a blinking cursor:for the amazing quality, but I guess it's better than nothing.ctrl+alt+Fx does nothing, ctrl+alt+del reboots the computer.Booting with the usb-stick that was used for the install takes me to the login...

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Software :: Blank Screen With Blinking Cursor?

Feb 22, 2010

Whenever I boot the system after the fedora 12 bubble fills up I see a blank screen with a blinking cursor. Though I am able to access tty2 by pressing alt+ctrl+F2. I have an ATI Radeon 3xxx series card and I have recently installed mesa-dri-drivers.x86_64. I guess the blank screen problem is because xorg for fedora 12 doesn't support these drivers.

I want to remove this package using yum, but when I try to do it using "yum remove" it shows 95 packages that would be uninstalled with it. I don't want to remove those packages as it has some that I use like Konversation. Also I am not able to install anything using YUM. It gives the following error:

[error 14] PYCURL ERROR 6-""
I work behind a proxy.

Please help as to how do I remove mesa-dri-drivers and what were the drivers that were being used before I installed mesa.

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CentOS 5 :: 5.6 Install Blinking Cursor At Boot?

Aug 20, 2011

Im using 5.6 DVD install to a HW raid1 Card (2 x SSDs in raid 1, Arcea Card Natively recognized by centos anaconda).I select to wipe the entire drive and remove ALL partitions (ive also tried setting this to just remove linux partitions). The install location (raid drive) is /dev/sdh the A-G are other 1.5TB drives.I also un-check EVERY drive except the raid drive (sdh). it then asks me if it ok to wipe/reformat drive (Prompts Yes or No, i click yes)Every time i do this install i get the blinking cursor after post. Im told this means i dont have GRUB installed, i do NOT disable grub or anything related to the boot-loader in anaconda installer (all those setting are left at default). ive also tried setting this to NO boot loader, and i get the same result.

This DOES work as i have gotten it to install and run prefect for a few weeks. I think what i did then was removed ALL THE DRIVES except teh raid drive, and then did the install then. This way the install drive was /dev/sdA and all worked, even when i added the drives back online after the install, the machine ran great and booted several times this way (i had to do a os re-install or else i would have left it as is.)YES bios is 100% set to the raid card as the first device to boot from, Centos 6 installed to the same raid drive boots and works great - but i need 5.6.no google help on this one, searched hard, only one article on Ubuntu doing this all the time.also everytime im retrying to install 5.6, i go into the HW raid card's bios and delete and recreate the raid1 volume (it takes about 10 min for it to format and initialize the raid1 array

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Debian Installation :: Stuck With Blinking Cursor While Booting

Oct 31, 2013

I installed Debian 7.2.0 (amd64) on a Toshiba Satellite C870D-121 with the graphic installer. It already has Windows 8.1 installed on another partition, and for Debian I'm not using the same partition of course. Actually, the Debian installation is replacing a Ubuntu 13.10 installation that was working fine.

After choosing Debian in the Grub menu, I can see the boot log entries adding and then the screen clears and all I get is a blinking cursor. After a while, some '^@^@^@' symbols appears. Of course I can Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get a virtual Terminal in order to login and try to investigate the problem, but so far I haven't been able to reliably identify the problem.

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Debian Installation :: Failed Install On HP / Blinking Cursor

Apr 20, 2015

I've been tooling around in linux on and off since I discovered KNOPPIX 3.2. No linux distro has ever been a daily driver for me, though I wish sometimes it were.I've tried many distros over the past couple weeks via virtualBox on my mac and decided to install Debian on my laptop. I've tried multiple times and it has always failed; quite disappointing.

Laptop Specs;
HP Pavilion dv7 3169wm
64 bit AMD Turion II Ultra M620 2.50 GHz Dual-core

I started the install via the live ISO as the netinst & the DVD versions both failed, either by no suitable kernel or just flat out "installing base system failed". I've now found my computer to boot past the POST splash screen , and then to a black screen with a line cursor blinking with no input/output ability.To be clear, I did use uNetBootin to create the USB, and have successfully installed, and used multiple other distros (ubuntuMate, mint, peppermint, Arch, elementary) without issue, or at least nothing I couldn't fix.

How can I get past this and attempt to install Debian? I'd put my linux knowledge at a "beginner" stat, but I'm by no means daft about electronics and computers.

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Debian :: Blinking Cursor And Disappearing Behind Open Windows

Apr 1, 2015

My cursor blinks when hovering over the likes of web page tabs and disappears behind open windows especially if im in system settings its hard to know where my cursor is sometimes, its really putting me off and i don't want to install different distro because of it, i really like debian even being beginner with debian.

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Debian :: Booting From Another Drive - Blinking Cursor At The Top Of The Screen

May 17, 2011

I have a machine with Squeeze that currently boots from an USB thumb drive (that was the only drive on that box, referenced as SDA in /dev... Yep, no optical drive or HDD). I have installed an SSD on that machine. It is referenced a SDA, and the thumb drive has been nudged to SDB. I'd like to boot from the SSD and ditch the thumb.

I've partitioned and formatted the new Disk (ext4), created a swap file (to keep things simple, no swap partition), and used rsync -Sax / /media/USB0/ to clone the content of the root FS. I've edited the fstab file of the SSD to match the config (uuid of the drive, ext4 FS, swap file) then use grub-mkconfig -o /media/USB0/boot/grub/grub.cfg (I apt-get installed grub 2)

I've set the SSD as first boot device in the BIOS. Now when I boot from the SSD, all I get is a blinking cursor at the top of the screen (the thumb drive still boots fine). I guess I missed something .

I've been struggling with this for about 2 hours now (not the grub issue, the whole mess). I've tried googling this last problem, then searched this forum with no luck (I usually find stuff about people who want to boot from a drive other than the first one and must daisy-chain grub).

Bootloaders (and low level linux stuff) are new to me. I'm afraid to botch the bootloader of the thumb drive (grub 1.9x), and to be locked out of the machine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB - After Upgrade To 10.04 - Blinking Cursor

May 1, 2010

I have a single XP install on another partition, but can't boot to it now that I have upgraded to 10.04. Also, when starting Ubuntu, it takes a good 30 seconds to actually start booting ubuntu after I have selected it from the GRUB list (just sits there with a blinking cursor)

Noticed other users have been directed to run the boot info script, so here are the results from that.


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Ubuntu :: Slow Boot (Blinking Cursor) With 10.04 Upgrade

May 3, 2010

I am getting a much slower boot with the 10.04 upgrade. After choosing which partition to use I get the blinking white cursor in the upper left hand corner and the "Boot from (hd0,4) ext 3..." sits there for a while before coming to the log in screen. There have been quite a few posts about this, a lot of people are saying disabling the floppy drive in the BIOS has worked for them. I don't have a floppy drive on my laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Get A Black Screen With A Blinking Cursor After Start Up

May 5, 2010

A few weeks ago I installed Ubuntu 10.4 beta on a pc. I upgraded it to 10.4 RC and 10.4 final release. I think it was after upgrading to 10.4RC that I started having a problem during startup. Here is what happens:
I turn the pc on the bootstrap process occurres, then the grub screen comes up I let ubuntu boot. For a few seconds I get a black screen with a blinking cursor. The Ubuntu splash screen flashes on the screen for maybe a second or two. Then I'm dumped to the command prompt on TTY1.

At this point I can log in with a username and password type startx and I'm at the ubuntu desktop. If I log off I'm back at the command prompt on TTY1. If I press alt-ctrl-F7 at the command prompt this is what I see, these are the last four lines of text: init: ureadahead-other main process (742) terminated with status 4


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