Debian :: The Ssh Answer Is Too Slow?

Mar 2, 2009

When I connect to ssh server ( server running Redhat ) from debian it takes a long time to give me the prompt, while I receive the prompt rapidly when I connect from slackware or solaris?

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Programming :: C/C++: Broadcast Receives No Answer - Can't Find Right Answer

May 18, 2010

How can I set the outgoing port for the socket? In wireshark, my outgoing port is 1024, and i want to set it to 6800 (or a similar port) I see the outgoing broadcast-message in wireshark, but no answer. There are three ECU's in the LAN, which should answer. The following code is a mixture of C/C++ and jointed from different articles:


In wireshark I can only see the outgoing message. But the "recvBuffer" (in the lower part of the code) contains the same content as the sendBuffer. Is it right, that I need a sender and further more a receiver? Or should I receive the broadcast-answer on the same socket on which I send the bc?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Seem To Find Answer?

Aug 23, 2010

I've been googling around and can't seem to find my answer. I've got an old ATI 9700 pro that I'm removing from my system. I'm replacing it with an Nvidia GeForce 6200. What do I need to do to switch these in Karmic? I tried switching the cards, but I only get a white screen with the pointer on the new card. I can't do anything else. I'm guessing I have to uninstall the open source ATI driver first. How do I do that?

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General :: VPS Does Not Answer Any DNS Request?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a VPS CentOS 5.5 32 bits. It does not answer any DNS request made to the server.

I need to configure Bind to answer these requests.

I have been reading about that for several days and here: [URL]

But it is uncompleted.

I need to configure these too:

chroot DNS with BIND avoid cache poisoning avoid being an open resolver port randomization

I have found several tutorials but all of them have different points of view.

I am looking for a good tutorial that has everything:

Setting up bind on CentOS 5.5 chroot DNS with BIND avoid cache poisoning avoid being an open resolver port randomization configure iptables for bind

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Fedora :: Sed Can't Find Related Answer For?

Aug 30, 2010

I'm trying to sed out X and Y coordinates from a identify command. I get back from the identify:

I need:


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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Gobi2000 Does Not Answer

Sep 5, 2011

Opensuse 11.1 with custom kernel from Kernelorg and KDE3.5

uname -a
Linux linux-2c5j 3.0.4-41-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Sep 4 18:51:01 CEST 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

The device is correctly visible:

Bus 002 Device 003: ID 05c6:9204 Qualcomm, Inc.
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0020
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 046d:c012 Logitech, Inc. Mouseman Dual Optical


The modem responds with O.K if interrogated in kppp but the response on AT are not there. It does not dial. The modem has been installed as dev/tty/USB0I did compile Gobi loader 0.7 and it did run make and make install without error. The gobi rules are correctly installed and I did copy the firmware in the respective directory. The problem is: did I copy the right firmware? Is there some other problem. How can I diagnose if the firmware is the correct one (I unpacked the windows ones on a windows machine and there are 6)? I do not see usb0 offered by networkmanager (the network traffic is regulated through networkmanager).

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General :: Automatically Answer 'Yes' When Using Apt-get Install?

Jul 16, 2010

Is there a way to make apt-get install answer "yes" to the "Do you want to continue [y/N]?"?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find A Clear Answer?

Nov 5, 2010

I've done a bit of googling, but can't find a clear answer on this. If I format a USB drive using NTFS, so I can store copies of files from my Win 7 machine and my Lucid machine, will it work.

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Programming :: C++: Broadcast Receives No Answer

Dec 22, 2010

It could run on my computer. But there is no result.


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General :: Can't Get An Authoritative Answer From A DNS Server

Apr 23, 2011

When I type 'nslookup some site',the result I always get is a non-authoritative answer. How can I get an authoritative answer?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Configure DNS To Answer IP Of Eth3?

Feb 11, 2010

My test box is running 9.10 desktop,bind,dhcp,LAMP. Everything is working good, except for one thing. How do I configure the DNS to answer the IP of eth3 (, no matter what the client asked for? If you ask my DNS for, I want it to return I know this can't be that hard, I just can''t figure it out.

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General :: How To Auto Answer Fsck During Boot Up

Dec 27, 2010

I wanted to know how can I make fsck automatically fix HDD errors when it needs to check HDD during boot up and do not ask user for it . I found some of fsck related scripts in /etc/init/ and /etc/init.d/ but I don't know what to do with them.

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General :: Check When A User Was Created,but Got No Answer?

Jul 14, 2010

tried a lot to get an answer for howo check when a user was created,but got no answer. know the command or how to check when a user was created?

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Server :: Getting Modem To Answer On The Correct Ring

Aug 2, 2010

I am having issues getting the modem it the dial-in server I have set up to answer on the correct ring. I have the /etc/inittab set:

Code: S1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -n 7 -x 6 -D ttyS2 yet I have to play with 'init q' and minicom to get it to answer on ring 7. Then a reboot destroys the setting and I have to go through the whole hassle again and it goes back to answering on the first ring.

This is not acceptable. This dial-in server is only a very back door into my network. It is only turned on when needed. Most of the time it is not powered up. When it is turned on it is by a non-tech person with out the ability to jump through the hoops to get it to answer on the correct ring.

Ideally I want this modem to just listen to the line after it stops ringing to check for a data signal and if it does not find it just hang up. If it finds a data signal then establish a connection and all that. That way it does not interfere with answering machine on the line. Google has yielded very little info about setting up dial-in servers. Modems are not used very much any more.

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Programming :: Atoi() Not Giving Correct Answer?

Jun 20, 2010

i m using atoi() to convert char value to int. and then passing that int as a swtich variable.switch goes in a case and exectuing that particualr function but returning 0 value....for example: i am finding no of process() and system up time().when switch program goes in system up time it gives right values means correct no of days, hrs , min and sec but when it goes in no of process() it gives 0 answer.

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Find An Answer To Yum Segfaulting?

May 15, 2010

I have been looking for a while and I am unable to find an answer to yum segfaulting.

I have tried:
yum clean all
rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__*
rpm --rebuilddb

I tried upgrading yum and rpm to the newest versions in 5.5 and I still run into the same problem.

fcntl64(6, F_SETLK64, {type=F_RDLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=1073741824, len=1}, 0xbfcaf694) = 0
fcntl64(6, F_SETLK64, {type=F_RDLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=1073741826, len=510}, 0xbfcaf694) = 0
fcntl64(6, F_SETLK64, {type=F_UNLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=1073741824, len=1}, 0xbfcaf694) = 0
access("/var/cache/yum/base/primary.xml.gz.sqlite-journal", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
fstat64(6, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=20480, ...}) = 0


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OpenSUSE :: Connect To PC With Sftp Subsystem: No Answer 11.1 X86_64

Feb 22, 2009

When I try to connect to my PC with sftp, the connection closes right away. Connect with ssh works flawlessly, and so does fish:// ! I run openSUSE 11.1


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Ubuntu :: Make Skype Not Blink When People Answer?

May 8, 2011

I put my skype chat on another workspace so I can focus on my school work and I have two windows on my first workspace so that i can alt tab easily but every time someone talks on skype it comes to my first work space and ruins my alt-tabbing comfort. How do I make it stay in its workspace and leave me alone? I rather something in the taskbar blink or if that's not possible, I just want no blinking at all. This is frustrating me since I need my laptop for my homework.

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Networking :: Parameterize The Time Of Answer Of A Snmp Request?

Sep 14, 2010

haow can I parametrize the time of answer of a snmp request?

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Programming :: Write Little Quiz To Give Different Answer When Given Yes Or No Reply?

May 20, 2010

I am trying to write little quiz to give different answer when given yes or no reply, however I got stuck with this. I am very very new to Python so please have patience. Can someone give me a sugesstions?

This is my code so far:
name = raw_input("
What is your name")
print "
Hello, " + name + "."


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Server :: DNS In Centos - Enter Ip Or Address Nslookup Does Not Reply Any Answer

May 5, 2010

When i enter ip or address nslookup does not reply any answer. It shows no server found. "servfail". This is my named.conf file:


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Programming :: Getting Closer To The Answer - Python Iterations Over Nested Tuples?

May 22, 2010

tupe=("File",("Open","Open a file"),"Edit",("Cut","Cut a file"),("Paste","Paste a file"),"About",("About","About the program"))
for items in tupe:
if type(items)==str:


I'm trying to understand how to make "File" be the parent information for "Open","Open a file" and "Edit" to be the parent of "Cut, Cut a file" and "Paste", "paste a file". Does anyone have a suggestion for accessing the a nested tuple in this manner? The above code does not quite do what I want it to. The above code is for visual purposes, but I'm learning how to refactor for wx.python.

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Programming :: Create An SSL Certificate And Answer The Questions Inside A Bash Script

Jan 24, 2011

I'm trying to create an SSL certificate and answer the questions inside a bash script. The command used to create the SSL certificate

Code: openssl req $@ -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out /etc/apache2/apache.pem -keyout /etc/apache2/apache.pem
The first question asked is. Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:

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General :: Script (Case & IF Statement Syntax) - Easy To Answer If Know Shell Scripting

May 6, 2011

Im a bit stuck with a simple script that im practicing with... im trying to get my head around some simple scripting. Basically i want to write a script that will work as below: It will ask the user to enter their userid. If its correct it will say 'Correct' If its the wrong id (But the ID exists in /etc/passwd) then it will say 'incorrect' If its not a valid userid it will say 'doesnt exist'. What i have so far is:


# If the user enters their own userid they will get a comment saying 'correct' $LOGNAME) echo "Correct";;

# If they enter another users ID (That exists in the /etc/passwd), then they get a message to say 'incorrect userid used'. Im not sure what i need to do here to get it to check the /etc/passwd to see if the input exists in there.... im guessing some kind of simple 'if' statement to say ---- "if 'input' exists in /etc/passwd then echo "incorrect userid used"

# If its entered incorrectly and not a valid ID then they will get this comment. Again, im guessing this part would be similar to te above option..... *) echo "not a valid ID";;

Ive managed to work out how the basic Case staements work, but to add a conditional statement based on the input, i just cant figure out. I have tried looking on google, and found some help but it doesnt really explain how i check the input against the /etc/passwd.

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Debian :: Slow Su Since 6.0 Upgrade?

Apr 24, 2011

This is my first post here. Since upgrading to Squeeze from Lenny, I've noticed that authentication is quite a bit slower when running the command "su -" and sometimes "sudo" as well. Is anyone else having this issue?

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Debian :: When Run An Application Is Slow To Load?

Sep 1, 2010

I have debian lenny, when I run an application is slow to load (example: iceweacel open and it takes, I can hold him iceweacel work normally), I tried to change from gnome to another and the same thing, went down some services (samba, squid) and nothing. I open a terminal and it takes, I want to duplicate it and do it fast. From a terminal without X (tty1) with root run mc and moves quickly, also run as root "sudo mc" and takes to boot.Any action done with sudo it takes to run.Can not be what it takes to make starting the applications, not the PC because it is new, and from one moment to another I began to pass this

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Debian :: Slow Ping When Using Winbind

Oct 9, 2010

I have a NAS which I've re-installed with DEBAIN. Mostly its all working great but when I tell it to ping a NetBIOS name it takes 10 seconds per attempt rather than 1. Despite this it actually resolves the NetBIOS names very quickly (the first line from the ping including the IP address appears almost instantly) it just sits there for 10 secs every ping.

# ping -c3 qnap
PING qnap ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.175 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.167 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.158 ms

--- qnap ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 20036ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.158/0.166/0.175/0.016 ms
# ping -c 3 [URL]
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=49 time=40.3 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=49 time=25.4 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=49 time=25.7 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2022ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 25.491/30.518/40.313/6.926 ms

I'm really struggling to track down what may be causing this as it is strictly when resolving NetBIOS names yet it finds the IP immediately.

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Debian :: Slow USB Transfer Speed With MC

Nov 15, 2010

I have a 500gB USB drive connected to my laptop for backups and filestorage. But I can't get it to play nice with Midnight Commander. My transfer speeds max ut at 2MB/s wich is painfully slow when moving large files such as movies. Worker FM transfers the same files to the same drive much MUCH faster (not sure by how much, though). This leads me to the conclusion that the problem lies with MC.

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Debian :: Firefox 3.x Is Very Slow To Star

Apr 12, 2011

Firefox 3.x is very slow to start and slow to run but I'm used to it and everything works. Haven't tried 4 yet, waiting for it to land in the Mint repo.Chromium is really fast but lacks RSS feed handling. I have to right-click on a feed, copy the address and paste it into Liferea. Chromium used to be crashy but has improved a lot. I am using Chromium from the testing repo until something better comes along.Midori has poor bookmark management but is otherwise OK. On a gtk system it is really fast loading. I used it for a couple months but recently switched to Chromium.

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Debian Installation :: Squeeze: Apt-get Is Very Slow

Oct 21, 2010

Can't understand what's going on... Running 'apt-get update' I see that diffs are downloading with a normal speed (11.3 Mbyte by 49 seconds = ~ 227 Kbyte/sec - it's OK, my 'up' limit is 384 Kbyte/sec). But - running 'apt-get dist-upgrade' I see that packages are downloading w/ around 4000 byte/sec. WTF? What's the difference between downloading packages' diffs and packages themselves?

I've changed 6 mirrors - from oficcial ( to local ( I've tried netselect-apt - no result. Still normall speed on 'apt-get update' and terrifying speed on 'apt-get dist-upgrade'.

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