Debian :: How-to Compile Dillo And Fltk

Jan 27, 2011

how-to/info stored somewhere? a bookmark? Problem is easy:[URL]says you need to install fltk2 first.Version in experimental is 1.3.If i pick the download of fltk2 i run into: " .... not declared in this scope" during compilation of glut. Error messages of that kind don't give me a clue, and the Web does it neither.The best i could find are some tips at the antix forum, about unpacking a puppy version.I want to make a deb, the problem is not only about running dillo.h3v seems like another option. But a) i ran into similar difficult problems and b) dillo seems to be known by more people.

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Debian :: Best Way To Install Dillo Web Browser?

Jul 15, 2010

Does anyone know if dillo can now be installed in squeeze/sid by adding an unofficial repository to synaptic or does it have to be installed (together with FLTK2) by following the instructions on the linked site?

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Debian Configuration :: Unable To Install Fltk-1.3.0

Aug 15, 2011

Cant install libfltk1.3.

apt-get install libfltk1.3
root@debian:/# apt-get install libfltk1.3
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


The following packages have unmet dependencies:

libc6-dev : Breaks: gcc-4.4 (< 4.4.6-4) but 4.4.5-8 is to be installed
E: Broken packages

I Have debian squeeze but i have install same programs from wheazy and sid reposity.i try to install fltk 1.3 from wheazy, sid and experimental reposity but none of the work.i want to try a program that use the fltk1.3 (dillo3) and cant becouse i cant install fltk 1.3!

I try to compile the fltk but this dosent work, the last text in the terminal was:

configure: error: Configure could not find required X11 libraries
./configure: line 11558: exit: aborting.: numeric argument required
./configure: line 11558: exit: aborting.: numeric argument required
make: *** [makeinclude] Error 255

How i cant install fltk-1.3.0

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Fedora :: F13 - No Browsers Except Dillo

Nov 20, 2010

I'm running F13 (goddard) on my dual boot netbook along with xp. I set up the wireless just fine at my gfs house which has a WEP connection, was able to browse and use yum to update and install software and what not. Now I go to my house, WPA2/PSK connection, set up the connection which connects fine. I am able to use yum to update and downloads packages and apps, but no browser except Dillo. I've tried firefox, midori, and aurora none work except dillo.

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Software :: Draw The Graphs In Fltk?

Dec 9, 2010

iam doing a project in GUI.. inthat i have to draw graph(sine wave)by the obtained values.. iam using fltk2.0 in linux 2.6 kernel.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Keep Getting Lines In Attached Screenshot / Install Dillo?

Jan 26, 2010

Tried to install dillo with the following command
and keep getting the lines in the attached screenshot. Any ideas?

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Ubuntu :: Error "cannot Find Fltk-config"

Jul 1, 2011

While running the command cmake the Build directory within stage-4.0.0, I got an error msg "cannot find fltk-config" aborting, Don't know what to do?

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Debian :: Gcc Won't Compile - Getting Error

May 1, 2010

When I try to compile it get there errors: [URL].... compiling with: gcc -v execv.c -o hola I already installed build-essential, what could be happening with my gcc compiler? this is my code, as you can see it's not complex


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Debian :: How To Compile From Source

Jun 1, 2015

I can't compile using the instructions on the package... the package in question is this: [URL] ....

Just trying to play with old and good windowmaker. When running make it just says "make: nothing to be done for 'all'.

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Debian Configuration :: Compile The Kernel?

Dec 16, 2010

Trying to compile the kernel. Its not the first kernel I've compiled, but I've run into a problem I've not come accross before.

While compiling I get this error.


Looks like the headers sys/eventfd.h and linux/virtio_rng.h haven't been selected in my .config file. I just copied my old config from the last kernel I built. This was a while ago (2.6.30), but I thought I'd give it a go anyway.

what config option they are under or what I can do to get rid of this error?

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Debian :: Bluez 4.34 Compile - Error

Mar 31, 2009

Bluez 4.34 Compile - Error...make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/bluez-4.34/audio'

./configure and make output.

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Debian :: Compile Php With Zlib On Lenny (5.0)?

Aug 24, 2010

I need to ensure that PHP is compiled with zlib as I would like to use the zip functionality provided with net2ftp. which option would I use with the php configure script

<php-x-x-dir>/configure --with-zlib


<php-x-x-dir>/configure --with-zlib-dir=/usr

or both

<php-x-x-dir>/configure --with-zlib --with-zlib-dir=/usr

before compiling, what apt-get install commands do I need to perform to ensure I have zlib on my system as I am not to sure as to which library to use I was thinking of using the following please confirm if this is correct.

apt-get install zlib1g-dbg zlib1g zlib1g-dev

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Server :: Compile MySQL For Debian?

Dec 24, 2010

I'm missing some features only available from MySQL 5.5.6 and therefore neither Debian's archive or dotdeb supports my needs Is it difficult (link / guide) to compile MySQL myself from my Mac or virtual debian and then distribute it to my servers, will it likely cause more problems and will I be able to compile upgrades later or change back to Debian archive (or dotdeb) when they are releasing a sufficient version? I've been administrating my servers for 2 years now and have some knowledge how things is working :-)

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Software :: How To Compile Squid3 On Debian

Apr 14, 2011

How to compile squid3 on debian ?

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Debian :: Compile MPV On Wheezy - Harfbuzz Required

Mar 2, 2016

How to compile mpv on wheezy? if requires nowadays "harfbuzz" and says

configure: error: Either DirectWrite (on Windows), CoreText (on OSX), or Fontconfig(Linux, other) is required. If you really want to compile without a system font provider, add --disable-require-system-font-provider

but if if i do

./rebuild --disable-require-system-font-provider

is still get same error. i really need mpv on wheezy because jessie is too new for system. it used to work some months ago.

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Debian :: Compile Ffmpeg By Hand Want X264?

Mar 1, 2011

As I understand (and remember) debian does not package x264 with its ffmpeg. [I say remember because I have a debian-multimedia line in my sources.list that I believe I added when I wanted a x264 enabled ffmpeg]

Is this status still the same? Do we still need to compile ffmpeg by hand if we want x264?

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Debian :: Compile Wheezy's 2.6.38 Kernel On Squeeze?

Apr 16, 2011

I'm trying to compile the 2.6.38 kernel (from the Wheezy sources) on my Squeeze laptop and get the following error: "dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2" After doing apt-get build-dep linux-image-2.6.38-2-amd64 and apt-get source linux-image-2.6.38-2-amd64 I did dpkg-buildpackeg and here is what happened:


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Debian Configuration :: How To Compile A Minimal Kernel

Sep 1, 2010

I am using the Debian stock kernel. I want a minimal kernel that works on my Pentium 4, 1GB DDR RAM machine. What do I have do to get a less resource hungry OS. Is there already a minimal kernel binary available?

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Configuration :: Compile Debian Kernel As I686?

Dec 25, 2010

Could someone give a step-by-step tutorial on how to do this, for someone with no more than a basic understanding of navigating the OS?

I'd like to include architecture specific flags instead of the generic i686 ones if possible.

So far, my tests have revealed that Arch Linux runs faster than Debian several media apps. I initially thought this was due to the i686 optimization of Arch, but other mentioned it could simply be a kernel timer issue.

I know for a fact the differences aren't due to bloat, and I've installed both OSes from minimal install means. Only the absolutely needed dependencies have been installed.

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Debian Multimedia :: Compile Handbrake 7.8 - Terminated

Feb 27, 2015

Has successfully compiled Handbrake from source and got it to run? I've been trying to get this working for a while now, and everything I find on the interwebs is for Debian 7.6, and it seems as though things have changed a bit and those suggestions don't work.

I get this error when I try to configure it

Code: Select all  : ../libhb/common.c:16:18: fatal error: x264.h: No such file or directory
  : compilation terminated.
  : make: *** [libhb/common.o] Error 1

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Debian Multimedia :: Compile Wine 64Bits ?

Apr 8, 2011

Actually, it's recommended to compile (and build) wine 32bits. But, it's possible to build Wine in 64bits and 32bits with the same sources. The solution is explain in this page : [url]Building a shared WoW64 setup.

With this solution, if Wine 64bits is installed on your system, you can create a 32bits wineprefix by this command :

To use this command, you must to compile and make wine twice in 2 differents folder, like explain :

How to compile and make twice without problem in the "rules" files in the debian folder when i want to build a package?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Compile OpenACN On Debian Squeeze

Mar 18, 2010

I cant compile OpenACN on Debian Squeeze, I've followed this guide: [URL] When I'm trying to build OpenACS with the command "ant" it results in this:

[javac] location: class org.openacs.utils.Jms
[javac] private QueueSession queuesession;
[javac] ^
[javac] /home/johan/openacs/acs-ejb/src/java/org/openacs/utils/ package javax.jms does not exist
[javac] private javax.jms.Queue queue;

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Debian :: Re-compile My Current Kernel's Source?

Dec 29, 2010

For sake of a clear picture of the problem, pretend I don't know anything about compiling.

How would I re-compile my current kernel's source? It's the i686 optimized kernel I selected from the install disc.

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Debian :: Failed To Compile Aget On Squeeze ?

Mar 23, 2011

I'm trying to compile aget in 0.4.1 on my debian squeeze 64-bit but it failed:


It seems that this tool was abandoned since 2009. If there's any alternative to an application that can download files from network by splitting the download like aget.

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Hardware :: Compile Your Own ATI Drivers In Debian Distros ?

Mar 4, 2009

This probably isnt the correct place to put this, But I can hardly understand how this forum is organized. And forget blogging, I dont even know what that is, let alone how to make one.

Anyway i see tons of requests for installing the ATI drivers in linux, I can only help with the debian based distros.

This was originally posted here


Finally, after many days of research on how to install Ati proprietary drivers on Mepis 6.5 with 3D and dual-monitor enabled and my Radeon x1950Pro I have come to a successful install and i will share my method below.

My system specs are below.

I read a lot of documentation and tried many guides on Ubuntu/Mepis forums with no or limited results until I found a guide on a french Ubuntu forum that guided me to success.

I had to modify the guide to my needs since it was aimed at installing on Ubunto 7.04 Feity Fawn. Since Mepis 6.5 is based in part on Ubuntu 6.06 the core parts of the guide were adequate.

If you follow every step to the letter eveything should work right away, and fast. (Make a backup of your xorg.conf before you do this!) Make sure your monitor(s) is setup or detected properly in xorg.conf

So here it is customized, adapted and translated to english:

1)Go here and download latest ati drivers: [url]

In our present case these are:


2) If you tried installing previous versions of fglrx Use synaptics search function and remove everything with "fglrx" in its name before we start.

3)Open a console

Here is a one liner you can use that does everything above in one shot:

4)Reboot PC (Will probalby be command line logon with no GUI (X))

Login to your user and then su to root and enter: aticonfig --initial or in my personal case

aticonfig --dtop=horizontal --overlay-on=1 --force-monitor=crt1,crt2

I noticed on some of my tests that sometimes the xorg.conf files dissapears during this process. Seems like a bug. In such a case restore your backup and repeat the aticonfig routine.



5)When you are rebooted you will have a working gui but no 3D acceleration yet. So open a console and su to root

kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf


To the end of your xorg.conf


Test in console as root and you should have 3D



You can also run:


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General :: Compile Firefox From Source With Debian 5.0?

Nov 13, 2009

I hope I'm in the right section, if I'm not, please forgive me, I just installed Debian 5.0, and I want to install firefox, and then install graphics drivers, etc, I downloaded firefox, but I don't know how to compile programs from source, I googled how to compile firefox but the results are very vague and some are very outdated. I downloaded FF from their site, the file name is firefox-3.5.5.tar.bz2, how do I compile this?

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Debian Installation :: Compile A NIC Card Driver On A New System?

Jul 23, 2011

I have a new machine with an Intel 82579lm network card (needs an e1000e driver, I believe). I got Debian installed, but it doesn't have access to the Internet, because it needs a driver for that card. So, I managed to download the card driver on another computer and transfer it to this computer. Problem is that when I run 'make install' for the card driver, it turns out that my Debian install doesn't have 'make'.

I could compile the card source on another computer with Debian. Problem is that computer has a different architecture (old amd 32 bit machine vs. new intel i7 64 bit) than the machine with the problem card. Am guessing that the compiled driver module won't work on a different kind of machine.

Another possibility is to check in synaptic on my old 32-bit machine and use "Generate package download script" to determine where synaptic is getting the 'make' package from and all its dependencies. I also would need to modify the downloads to get the packages for the 64bit machine. *Assuming* that a) the dependencies in Synaptic on the old 32-bit machine will be the same as for a 64bit machine and b) I correctly identify all necessary packages and their proper names for the amd64 architecture, I should be able to move the files to the new machine and compile what I need to compile.

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Debian :: New Kernel Source Compile Missing Firmware

Dec 21, 2015

So I am new to linux and i upgraded my kernel to 4.3.3 and to add the bfq patch. When i enter the command make install I get the following Code:

Select allupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.3.3
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8107e-2.fw for module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8107e-1.fw for module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168h-2.fw for module r8169
W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168h-1.fw for module r8169

[Code] ....

Now my ethernet drivers are not working.

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Debian :: Installing Kernel Sources - Compile And List

Apr 5, 2010

I am not new to Debian and used to use commands like "apt-get install <package>", "apt-get update", "apt-get upgrade" and "apt-cache search <string>" regularly. But I never understood those Debian programs and the Debian package system with it's numerous programs and way to install things and work on software and configurations. Now, I just wanted to do something that I thought to be really easy. Get the source of an existing package. And despite spending over 3 hours - including reading the man-pages of commands - I cannot find a way!

Two things:
dpkg --get-selections | grep openvz
linux-image-2.6-openvz-amd64 install
linux-image-2.6.26-2-openvz-amd64 install

I already don't understand why I have two such packages installed. I would like to download the source of my kernel: apt-get source linux-image-2.6.26-2-openvz-amd64. This downloaded linux-2.6_2.6.26-21lenny4.dsc, linux-2.6_2.6.26.orig.tar.gz and linux-2.6_2.6.26-21lenny4.diff.gz

Then, I wanted to patch this - having found no explanation, I did:
cd linux
patch < ../linux-2.6_2.6.26-21lenny4.diff

That seemed to patch the kernel. But I am not sure - there are new files like this now_
Only in linux-2.6-2.6.26: xenctrl-capabilities.patch
Only in linux-2.6-2.6.26: xenctrl.patch
Only in linux-2.6-2.6.26: xenctrl-privcmd.patch

So, how can download the complete Debian kernel source? And what do I need to be able to compile it? And - HOW to just list all available sources and search in them?!? I found lots of webpages where tools like "make-kpkg" are used, which I do not understand again. Under SuSE, I could just select the package from a list, say "make oldconfig install modules modules_install" and be ready. Under Debian, I just find no way ...

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Debian :: Can't Compile A Driver From Source (make Cmd Fails)

Nov 14, 2010

I'm trying to compile the D-Link netcard driver from the official source, and when I first ran "make," I got an error that "make" couldn't be found. So I installed "apt-get install make," then make told me that it needed gcc, I installed "apt-get install gcc." Now make says: make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/build: No such file or directory.  Stop. make: *** [LINUX] Error 2 and exits.

I suspect that I need to install some package group which will handle the make and make install (rather than manually trying to fix one hole after another)

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