Debian :: Rhythmbox Won't Burn CD's?

May 27, 2010

I installed Squeeze without a DE. Then I installed gdm and rhythmbox, but rhythmbox won't even react to the Create CD button. I have the brasero-cdrkit and cdrdao packages installed for brasero to burn audio CD's which works perfectly. I have the rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder package installed too, but no go. The CD spins up, but no dialogs at all from rhythmbox

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Ubuntu :: Can't Burn Cds Through Rhythmbox

Apr 25, 2010

I'm having sort of an odd problem trying to burn Cds through Rhythmbox on 9.10. Sometimes it has no problem burning the disc, but lately after I hit "burn" nothing happens and my fan starts running really loud. I think the disc just sits there spinning.

I can still burn discs using brasero, but it seems to be taking a lot longer than it should be. I'm hoping someone might have a quick fix for burning playlists straight from rhythmbox.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Will Not Burn Playlist?

May 19, 2010

A severe problem with Rhythmbox. You cannot burn playlist. I've looked at bug reports and they just give you the run around. Nothing in the forums except to go to something else. That is no solution to the problem. I can't believe this problem is being ignored. Nothing comes up on these applications got so screwed up from one version to the other and what the cure is?

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Software :: Debian's And Debian Based Distros With Disk Space - Burn Video On Hard Drive

Aug 13, 2010

Debian and debian based distros issue has a issue that has come to make it self aware to me when I was trying to burn a video on my hard drive with braseo and it won't let me burn more than 4.4 gigs to a dvd with 4.7 gigs of free space even a file that is over the 4.4 gig limit by a megabyte with windows i didn't have this problem. One more thing I have 16 gig flash drive and on debian and debian based distros i can only use 13.1 gigs of it but on fedora I can use all 16 gigs.

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Debian :: Debian Squeeze - How To Burn CD/DVDs

Mar 23, 2011

I have not been able to write to DVDs since the install except for once when luck seemed to play more a part than anything else. Does anyone have a fix for this?Well, after letting it sit and sit and sit, it looks like it does write the data. But, it's writing about 1/2 of a DVD for just 2 500K files.

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Slackware :: (rhythmbox:15745): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Could Not Open Device /dev/radio0

Aug 8, 2010

we were watching Clint Eastwood in Pink Cadillac on DVD. Earlier, I had been checking out the streaming internet radio on my roommates Mint laptop using Rhythmbox, and found it to be pretty cool. Usually, if I stream any music, it's just from the CBC (like the U.S.'s NPR), so I just stream it directly from them, but all the stations on rhythmbox (there's a whack of them) got me interested. At the start of Pink Cadillac, I proposed myself a challenge: Could I manage to get rhythmbox (a GNOME application) to work on my Slack64 -current box, before the movie ended? There's probably (maybe?) a similar app that installs and works more natively on Slack, but that's not the point; I wanted to try installing rhythmbox in < 2 hrs. Well, I got it installed finally, *just* at the end of the movie credits, but it won't play! And sometimes it segfaults. So, I wonder if anyone has any tips about what I might be missing or whatever.

Here's what I typically get when I first start it up (though it starts & runs OK):


sasha@reactor: rhythmbox
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".
(rhythmbox:15745): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_pixbuf_get_width: assertion `GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)' failed
(rhythmbox:15745): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Unable to grab media player keys: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name


Seems even on systems with some sort of 'natural' support for installing this thing, a lot of people are getting the same or very similar errors, but I haven't found a solution (obviously - I wouldn't be posting otherwise ) but people, myself included, have discovered that there doesn't seem to be a 100% accurate list of *required* dependencies for rhythmbox; it needs stuff that it doesn't tell you it needs.

EDIT: Disclaimer (just to cut the 'dependency-hell' arguments off at the pass, so to speak): This is just a fun experiment for me. I don't suggest Slackware newbies start trying to install <xyz Gnome application> into their Slackware boxes unless you want to spend HOURS fixing stuff like this, and you want to have fun doing it, and have it maybe bork your box up. And if you *do* decide to try it anyways, don't blame Slackware for giving you dependency hell. Gnome doesn't come with Slackware (here's the ChangeLog). I like Slackware exactly the way it is - it comes with more than enough apps to satisfy most people, all nicely working out of the box, so installing stuff like this is not really necessary - but I'm choosing to do this one anyway, and am not deterred by this "mess" of stuff.If this dependency stuff isn't your 'cup of tea', an 'automatically-dependency-resolving' distro might be better for you; I prefer to mess my machine up on my own, rather than let my package manager do it for me.

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Debian Installation :: Burn ISO On DVD

Aug 27, 2014

I have been facing lot of problems installing debian with missing firmware until I found this file: URL....which I suppose it will include the missing firmware (bnx2-mips-09-6.2.1a.fw).I would like to ask what's the best way to burn the file on a DVD and make it bootable? any recommended free tool on Microsoft Windows?

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Burn *.iso On Dvd

Sep 5, 2010

For many moons I had no problem burning *.iso images on dvds on my Debian Lenny system.

I simply inserted a blank writable DVD disk into the burner followed the directions on the dialog window and it worked. Can't even remember the name of the software.

But, it's now stopped working.

1. I now get a small dialog that says "Blank DVD Inserted ... Make DVD."

2. I click on "Make DVD"

3. I get cd dvd creator. But window is blank; write to disk is grayed out-- as is "files... Browse Folders."

- This is not what I remember... and not all clear what to do next.

4. I tried installing K3B. But, it tells me it can't find a cd/dvd device on my system. But I have two a Sony DRX-830U connected through USB and generic installed on my system.

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Debian Hardware :: Can't Burn A DVD

Jul 16, 2010

I have an internal ATAPI dvd burner/cd burner. It mounts whatever media I drop in just fine (cd or DVD), and will burn to CD media without a hitch. However, it seems to refuse to actually burn DVD's It has worked before when I was running PClinuxOS but started to burn coasters on an intermittant basis. I was having other issues with PC linuxOS so I have tried a few different distos since. All distros will read media and burn to CD, but I still can't burn a DVD. I have tried k3b, Braseo, and xfburn What error messages should I look for?

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Debian :: How To Download ISO Image And Burn It Into CD

Sep 20, 2010

I am new to Linux currently using Lubuntu , Puppy etc . What I did with Lubuntu I downloaded iso image burnt it into a CD and boot from that CD thats it. Apparently Debian has no iso download link. It is asking me to install with jigdo (I am not familiar with it). I dont want to use a CD with minimal install (because of slow internet speed) How to download an iso CD image

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Debian Installation :: Bad Burn On Squeeze Rescue CD?

Feb 12, 2011

Looking at the versions of Squeeze available on Live CD's from I noticed a Rescue CD. I decided to download and burn the 386 version in order to get a look at it. I did so and checked the MD5Sum. It indicated a good download. I then used k3b (which I prefer because it has proven to be somewhat more reliable than Brasero) to burn the iso file. I did it at the lowest speed k3b allows (10X for CDs) and asked for verification of the burn. The disk was verified.I then booted the disk and the disk failed to load citing a read error at block 144640, sector 1157120.

I downloaded another version of the same iso file and again checked the MD5Sum, which was good. I again burned with k3b in the same manner as above and got the exactly the same error.I have had no indication of any problem with my TSST CD/DVD drive and I doubt very much that two consecutive Memorex CDs would be bad. What am I missing here?One other question: Is there a way to check the MD5sum on a disk that has been burned? Should it be the same as the MD5Sum shown for the iso file? I see that I can check the MD5Sum for individual files on the burned CD. Given the very large number of files, which one might it make sense to check?

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Debian Installation :: Need To Burn All 8 DVDs To Install ?

May 30, 2011

Do I need to burn all 8 DVDs to install Debian? Is there a simple way that I can just burn a small bootable CD/DVD/USB Flash Drive, and add upon everything else I need afterwards by Internet?

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Burn Audio CD In Jessie

Sep 15, 2015

Brasero is broken ([URL] .... - "impossible to link plugin pads") and neither Devede nor CD/DVD Creator offer me the classical Audio CD format.

What is a simple and fast way to get Debian/GNOME to burn an Audio CD. Blimey, that can't be that difficult??

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Debian Multimedia :: Brasero Failing To Burn Cd?

May 13, 2011

I'm having troubles with brasero 2.30.3 running on sid, it fails to burn iso. I've tried 3 cds and still getting error:

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Ubuntu :: Burn A Mp3 Cd But Brasero Can't Burn Mp3 Cd

Dec 25, 2010

I want to burn a mp3 cd but brasero can't burn mp3 cd. How can I do this. If any further software need burn mp3 cd

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Debian Multimedia :: Dvd Burn Success Wont Read ?

Oct 29, 2010

I burn a dvd with k3b or braseo and it says it completed the burn w/o error but when I go to put it back in to read it just keeps the read light on on the drive and wont read. I have tried to read the DVD on windows 7 as well and get the same result. I had this issue with Kubuntu 10.04 as well and wrote it off as a quirk of Kubuntu. Before that I had Gentoo installed for many years w/o issue. So I have a hard time believing that suddenly when I switch from Gentoo that I am having this problem with my drive.

The following is the dmesg |Tail from inserting a dvd burnt w/ k3b:

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Debian Multimedia :: Possible To Burn Files From Network Share?

Jan 7, 2011

I'm trying to burn a DVD using k3b, and would like to access files from a shared network drive from a Windows machine. I can see the files in Nautilus from "Network Servers" and drilling down to the right directory, I can open the files no problem, but I can't get k3b to recognise them.

Firstly I can't navigate to the network drive from the file tree on the left in K3b.

If I drag and drop the files from Nautilus into k3b, it says "Problems while adding files to the project: No non-local files supported".

If I use Project -> Add Files I can then get to the network drives, but when I select and add the files it says "Remote files not accepted - You can only select local files".

In the end I had to copy all the files using Nautilus from the network share onto a USB stick, burn the DVD and then delete the files again. (I used the USB stick just to see if that counted as more "local" than a network share). Was there an easier / more efficient way to do this that I missed?

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Debian Multimedia :: K3b Burned Cdr Is Empty After Successful Burn?

Feb 14, 2011

I tried four cdrs and I can't get my dvd rom or dvd-rw to list the contents even though k3b says it was successful. If I open k3b it see the cdr and say sessions 1 appendable yes. I burned the cdr as multisession. I can only view the contents of the cdr by doing a continue multisession while in k3b. I'm using squeeze and kde.

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Debian Multimedia :: Stretch - Rhythmbox And NFS Don't Go Together

Jan 9, 2016

I've recently installed Debian Stretch and Gnome. After setting up everything I ran into an issue with Rhythmbox, which apparently only occurs if NFS mounts are present in /etc/fstab, independent on the question of whether they are actually mounted or not. I'll attach the results from running it from console with 'rhythmbox -d': [URL] .....

I guess, the last lines are the "problematic ones" but I can't make sense out of them. After the last line, a window opens telling me that rhythmbox isn't responding, whether I want to kill it.

And the /etc/fstab entrys (in case any of those options is an issue):

Code: Select all192.168.1.100:/media/daten/backup /media/sicherung_htpc nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount,rw,soft,bg,user 0 0 /media/musik_htpc nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount,rw,soft,bg,user 0 0 /media/bilder nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount,rw,soft,bg,user 0 0 /media/transfer nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount,rw,soft,bg,user 0 0

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Debian Multimedia :: No Tray Icon In Rhythmbox

Jul 22, 2009

There doesn`t seem to be a tray icon for Rhythmbox. The only way to minimize it seems to be to the taskbar. I have used Rhythmbox. I am using a fully updated Debian Testing with Rhythmbox 0.12.3.

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Debian Multimedia :: Get Iphone Working With Rhythmbox?

Aug 18, 2010

I am trying to get my iphone working with Rhythmbox. I have followed the wiki but I fail at the point of creating the sysinfoextended. I can mount the phone in PCmanFM and read the data on the partition but it doesn't show in Ryhthmbox. Has anyone else managed this?

This is the content of my terminal:


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Debian Multimedia :: Rhythmbox ID3 Tag Demuxer Missing?

Aug 30, 2010

I'm getting an error in Rhythmbox. It says that my ID3 Tag Demuxer is missing. I found this Ubuntu thread and I think it may have the solution:Unfortunately I can't do what it suggests because the command isn't recognised.gst-inspect id3demuxThis could also be an optionAnother solution is to remove gnome-codec-install

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Software :: Debian Squeeze - Rhythmbox Keeps Closing

May 11, 2011

I am running Debian Squeeze under the new kernel in the Debian updates. And I have a Walkman media player and whenever I start the program with it plugged in it will run for a few seconds and close. But when the device isn't plugged in it will run forever (the right way until I close it). While it was running I too a look at the contents of the walkman through the devices icon on the left and everything is listed as unknown. Whats going on here what do I have to upgrade/downgrade or install/uninstall.

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Debian :: Download Source - ISO File Burn And Load On Main Work Pc

May 31, 2010

I have a touchscreen panel pc that boots a version of Debian. I have very little experience with Linux in general. I need to quickly get up to speed with this operating system and Debian in general. The panel pc uses an ARM 9 processor, which I need to program to control a lighting system. I have a good back ground in C programming and embedded control. send me a link to an ISO file of Debian that I can burn and load on my main work pc.

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Debian Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Could Not Determine Stream Type

Apr 17, 2011

I was using Rhythmbox to listen to internet fine in Squeeze.After updating to Wheezy, some stations give me error "Could not determine stream type" - I think I have installed all the gstreamer packages - so how can I tell what is missing?

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Ubuntu :: How Rhythmbox Creates The "Open Rhythmbox" Button In The Nautilus Explorer Window

Jul 10, 2011

how Rhythmbox creates the "Open Rhythmbox" button in the Nautilus Explorer window ?I would like to create my own button that does something else (that deals with an iPod being plugged in).

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Debian Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Sees Ipod In Gnome But Not In OpenBox?

May 21, 2011

What's gnome running that openbox isn't that allows this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox - When Doubleclick On A Song To Play, It Doesn't Play And Rhythmbox Quits?

Jan 31, 2011

Whenever I plug my Zune in, Rhythmbox recognizes all the songs on it but when I doubleclick on a song to play it, the song doesn't play and Rhythmbox quits. Any suggestions on how to fix it? I'm running a Dell XPS 410 with 4GB RAM and a 1.75 GHz processor.Also, I imported a CD and it plays fine.

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Debian Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Does Not Play After Opening Flash Page In Firefox

Jul 14, 2010

My RhythmBox acts weird. It don't play if I recently browse a page that has a flash object in it. Rhythmbox will play if I log off and log in again. How to troubleshoot? I'm running GNU/Linux Debian SID on an AMD Athlon X2 4000+, 40GB HDD, 2GB DDR2 RAM - on board video and sound...

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Debian Multimedia :: Windows Media Player Plug-in / Codec For Rhythmbox / Iceweasel

Dec 7, 2015

[URL]So, I want to hear the state-owned Portuguese radio that plays Classical Music, called "Antena 2", by either (1) clicking its website's listening "popup" window - [URL]- or by (2) adding such radio to my Rhythmbox list.

And, I would like to hear such a radio without having to install the proprietary "Flash" plug-in... And, if I'm forced to install any proprietary plug-in, I would rather install some "gstreamer" package(?) instead. But, preferably, what I would like, would be to use a Free Software alternative, if possible.

But, in the meantime, this is what happens...

1. If I click the above-mentioned link, to the corresponding "popup" window ([URL]), I can't hear anything.

2. If I click on a link at the bottom of that same "popup" window, that says "Listen to the broadcast in Windows Media Player" - [URL] - I'm sent to an identical listening "popup" window/page, where I still can't hear anything - and whose difference is that, now, the link at the bottom of the page says "Listen to the broadcast in Flash" [URL]

That is, this radio's website presents me two alternatives. That are, to listen to it

(1) using the "Flash" technology ([URL]), or

(2) using some "Windows Media Player" technology/codec/format ([URL])

The first of which I would very much like to not have to install, and the second of which I suspect there might be some plug-in package for, that I can install, that will make it possible for me to hear this radio.

And, the reason I suspect the latter, is because, if I try to add the link to the "Windows Media Player" page ([URL]) to my Rhythmbox's list of radios, I get the error message: "Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in."

So, which package(s) do I have to install, to be able to listen to this radio on the web - or, even better, through my Rhythmbox list of radios?

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