Debian :: Jessie Freezes - When Run Several Applications Kernel 3.16 Fails

Dec 1, 2015

I have dist-upgrade from Wheezy to Jessie, however it randomly freezes. Everything was okay with kernel 3.2, but when I run several applications kernel 3.16 fails.

At below you can see the dmesg output of Jessie:

Code: Select all[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[    0.000000] Linux version 3.16.0-4-amd64 ( (gcc version 4.8.4 (Debian 4.8.4-1) ) #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u6 (2015-11-09)

[Code] ....

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Debian :: KDE Freezes On Wake From Sleep (Jessie)

Jun 10, 2015

I have installed Debian 8.1 with KDE desktop on Lenovo t431s with intel HD4000 graphics.

When using it with dual monitor configuration, I experience the problem when I put system to sleep (by closing the lid), then remove the external monitor cable (from miniDP port) and then try to wake system from sleep. The login screen freezes and I am unable to move the mouse or type in credentials. In case I had music player running I can hear the music after system wake , but it shutters while playing.

This does not happen on some other distributions, but the problem is that I very much like my current setup and I would like to fix this problem and keep it.

I do not know if this problem is due to KDE or KDM or it's Debian base.

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Debian :: Jessie Hangs / Freezes After Fresh Install

Dec 8, 2015

I installed Jessie day before yesterday on a freshly formatted partition. After a random time, it hangs. If I am playing music at the time, the music continues for a few more seconds _after_ the mouse and keyboard become unresponsive, if that is useful.

Sine I did not understand how to pick the desktop during the installation, I installed Gnome. Afterwards, I installed KDE. Now I have a lot of Gnome stuff around I don't really need. But they are in principle compatible, right?

This morning, the hang was almost immediate after logging on. Only Iceweasl and Amarok and a Konsole were running. I attempted to start Icedove, when everything hung.

Here is the relevant part of the syslog.

Dec 8 07:41:38 jon-desktop rsyslogd:
[origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.4.2" x-pid="775" x-info=""]
rsyslogd was HUPed

[Code] .....

My clock said 07:41 at the time of the hang.

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Debian :: 8.0 Jessie Freezes Randomly On Mid 2009 MacBook Pro?

May 14, 2015

I have installed Debian 8 Jessie on my mid 2009 (5.5?) macbook pro. My computer is dual booted with OS X. I installed / on a partition with 30GB space, /home with 40GB, and swap with 4GB. My computer states are: 4GB ram, Intel Core Two Duo CPU 8700 2.53 Ghz x2, Graphics Gallium 0.4 on NVAC. The system has been running great compared to any other distro I have tried, except for that it randomly freezes sometimes. I've been running it for 4 days now and it has locked up 4 times.

Twice waking from suspend, once when changing the desktop background photo, and once after a reboot. I've a little afraid of messing with NVIDIA drivers as I tried that with various other distros and every time I rebooted after using these drivers the system would never boot into GUI and crazy kernal panic would insue. This is the closest I have come to successfully running linux on my mac. If there are any logs or information I can provide to find a solution to the freezing that would be amazing, because I absolutely love this setup!

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Debian Multimedia :: Periodic Screen Freezes In Jessie

Apr 15, 2015

For months I've been experiencing periodic screen freezes in Debian Jessie. I've tried many ways to debug/fix it without any luck...

I'm running GNOME 3 in Debian Jessie...
Code: Select all$ gnome-shell --version
GNOME Shell 3.12.2
$ cat /etc/issue
Debian GNU/Linux 8

On a ThinkPad X60 with a SSD.

Code: Select all$ lspci | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)

My screen freezes periodically.

By freeze, I mean that the mouse can still move, but everything else behind it is frozen entirelyI can switch to a terminal with CTRL+ALT+F1, it's ... I guess... X or gnome-shell or something that's frozen? Not the whole OS thoughThese freezes last anywhere between 5 or 10 seconds and 3-5 minutesI can't predict when they will occur, but often, after a suspend/resume, they will start occuring much more frequently. Also, they often happen after I enter my password and press ENTER on the lock screen after a resume from suspend. But not exclusively -- they can happen at any other time when I'm doing pretty much anything in GNOME...

Things I've Tried...

When frozen, I've tried to CTRL+ALT+F1, login, and run gnome-shell --replace... [*[When frozen, I can successfully CTRL+ALT+F1 and run `service gdm restart`... with the obvious downside of losing everything I have open. But the screen responds immediately and I can log back in to GNOMEI tried running `Xorg -configure` to generate an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to edit, but received an error about not being able to generate configuration for multiple screens or something (I can retry and provide the exact error if this is a useful direction to try) is it the gnome-shell freezing? Is it X? Is it a problem with the X driver I'm using?

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Debian Multimedia :: Random Freezes After Jessie Upgrade

Feb 13, 2016

I just upgraded my Debian Wheezy XFCE 32-Bite to Jessie.

Now some strange freezes occur. After 10sec - 3min after login the GUi freezes and the screen gets blurry and some "lines" appear.

I never suffered from this bug under Wheezy. What could be wrong? Some conflict with the X-server?

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Debian :: MAC Spoofing In Jessie Fails

Feb 23, 2016

I keep most of my files on my server, but fiddle with them using NFS from one or another of my laptops - so they all have static IPs assigned by my router. If I want extra speed I plug in an Ethernet cable. My old DI524 wireless G router seems quite happy to have two MAC addresses (Ethernet and wireless) assigned to the same static IP, so long as I don't try using both simultaneously. However three Wireless N routers I've tried won't allow this, nor will dd-wrt.

I really don't want to have to set up every laptop as two separate hosts on my network. 'orrible complications.

Best solution I can think of is to get the Ethernet card to spoof the wireless MAC address with e.g. macchanger, as per this excellent page here: [URL] ....

I don't mind running a script manually to do that on each occasion.

This works perfectly on my old R50 Thinkpad running Debian Squeeze, but on my R60 (running Wheezy) and T400 (running Jessie), macchanger works initially, BUT as soon as I hit 'enable networking' in the Network Manager applet, the ethernet card reverts to its original setting. So of course then my router allocates a random IP and so NFS won't work.

Exactly the same goes for the iproute method 'ip link set dev eth0 address [fakemac]' - ifconfig shows it's worked, but it reverts as soon as NetworkManager goes back up.

I don't know where Network Manager (if it is that) is getting the Ethernet card's original MAC from, it seems to be listed in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, so on the T400 (Jessie) I've even tried creating a file in /etc/udev/rules.d/75-mac-spoof.rules along the lines suggested in that archlinux page I mentioned -
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", ATTR{address}=="[original MAC]", RUN+="usr/bin/ip link set dev %k address [fake MAC]"

but it seems to have no effect.

Short of reverting to Debian Squeeze on all my laptops, I don't know what else to do. Or getting into my router and reassigning the IP / MAC address by hand every time (!).

(If there's a better way to swapping easily from wireless to Ethernet when required, I'd like to know.)

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Debian :: X11vnc Fails After Jessie Upgrade

Jan 18, 2016

Using x11vnc server on Debian host, and TightVNC viewer client on Windows 7. All was working fine until a server host upgrade, from Wheezy to Jessie. Now, when I try to connect, TightVNC retrieves the certificate as normal, compares and accepts it, and starts stunnel. The next step would normally be to prompt for the VNC password.

Instead it gives an error:

ReadExact: Socket error while reading.

I'm guessing that some thing is missing or misconfigured after the Jessie upgrade, which broke many other things too, as Debian upgrades always seem to do. I have removed and reinstalled the x11vnc package, no effect.

The errors in the log file don't mean a lot to me.

The server is started with this command:

Code: Select allx11vnc -ssl -display :0 -usepw >>vnc-log 2>&1 &

If I start it up without the -ssl flag, and connect from the Windows system with a different client (Mobaxterm) it all goes well.

Relevant part (tail) of the server log file:

Code: Select allThe SSL VNC desktop is:  myhost:0

19/01/2016 12:31:10 SSL: accept_openssl(OPENSSL_VNC)
19/01/2016 12:31:10 SSL: spawning helper process to handle:
19/01/2016 12:31:10 SSL: helper for peerport 51942 is pid 11193:
19/01/2016 12:31:10 connect_tcp: trying: 20000

[Code] ....

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Debian Multimedia :: Jessie Gnome 3.14 - Installed Applications Not Found

Dec 31, 2015

I have did a clean installation of Debian Jessie today on my laptop and my computer.I use the Gnome 3.14.1 Desktop environment.

I installed Spotify-Client via PPA, and i installed the gconf-editor, gufw and Google Earth. Those 3 applications are not visable in the Gnome applications menu.

If i run then via the terminal, e.g. spotify-client, gconf-editor, gufw and google-earth, the applications are started. They seem to be installed correctly. I tried either running apt-get purge spotify-client gconf-editor google-earth-stable gufw, and reinstalled those applications, to no avail.

I even tried installing another desktop environment, mate-desktop. The shortcuts to the applications do exist in /usr/share/applications. Only not in the Gnome 3 menu. It's strange, because this problem happens both on my desktop and my laptop computer.

I run:
Debian Jessie 8.2.0 with Gnome 3.14.1.
Kernel 3.16.0-4
amd64 architecture

I also tried reinstalling Gnome-Shell and GDM. But it doesn't work.

Before, Debian Wheezy 7.9 was installed, and there was no problem. My Debian installation is fully up-to-date.

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Debian Installation :: Installing Jessie In Virtualbox Fails

Aug 6, 2014

I'm just trying to install a Jessie i386 image in Oracle Virtualbox.

My host specs are:
Windows 7 Home Premium x64

Wheezy is installing correctly, but Jessie is not. It fails during the partitioning of the disk, and gives an error message like: unable to write to disk, start = 236342 length = 0. This is not the exact message but I'm unable to try again at the moment.

When I install Wheezy and apt-get update / upgrade to Jessie, I get a black screen after reboot..

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Debian Configuration :: Jessie With XFCE - Service Fails

Feb 10, 2016

I am using Jessie with XFCE and I tried to write a service which executes a script to change my wallpaper. When I try to start the service with systemctl start wallpaper.service it fails and I get the outout below from systemctl status wallpaper.service

I don't think it to be a permissions issue, they are -rw- r-- r--

This service is called by a timer that goes off daily. Below is wallpaper.service

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Debian Installation :: Jessie 8.3.0 Installer Fails To Load Software

Mar 10, 2016

I am trying to clean install Jessie 8.3.0 onto an old PC, where I already have wheezy 7.7 working. I am using the 3 DVD- i386, which passed the integrity check.

Installation goes on smoothly till completing the "Select and Install SW" stage from 1st and 2nd DVD. At this point I get the warning that "Installation step failed, ..", giving the choice to repeat.

When repeated, the process gets completed (without asking for 2nd DVD), the new installation boots normally, but the KDE desktop opens irregularly, with some basic applications missing, and some flaws during certain operations.

The APT does not show any missing/broken link. I tried and repeat the installation with different choices as for kernels and/or desktops, but got the same result. I cannot guess where the problem originates, nor whether it is a known bug of the installer.

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Debian Configuration :: Update-initramfs Fails When Upgrading To Jessie

Oct 17, 2015

I'm just completing an upgrade from wheezy to jessie and get the following error

Code: Select allProcessing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.120) ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-amd64
E: intel-microcode: unsupported kernel version!

With a message like this I'm wondering if it's safe to reboot as well as how to resolve.

Is this somehow related to the change to only update the microcode on boot as reported earlier in the upgrade?

Code: Select allintel-microcode: microcode will be updated at next boot

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Debian Hardware :: Jessie - Broadcom BCM57810 Fails To Load

Nov 4, 2015

My server has 4 1Gb eth interfaces, and an additional Broadcom dual 10Gb card. It runs Debian Jessie.Problem is, that the card fails to load, although it is identified, and its drivers is installed.I tried to update the driver with apt-get install firmware-bnx2x, but it was already up to date.

Code: Select allroot@pxe-server:~# lspci |grep -i broadcom
03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5719 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (rev 01)
03:00.1 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5719 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (rev 01)
03:00.2 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5719 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (rev 01)
03:00.3 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5719 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (rev 01)
07:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM57810 10 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 10)
07:00.1 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM57810 10 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 10)


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Debian Installation :: Jessie Netinst Fails For Chrome Book Pixel

Feb 8, 2015

I have been happily running Wheezy on the Chromebook Pixel with little or not issues. Recently I needed to re-install and decided to try Jessie. Again I was following the excellent instructions at [URL] .... except with the Jessie image.

However everytime I went to install it (after adding in the mem=4G line) it just rebooted and brought me back to the same install screen again. I just downloaded the Wheezy image again and it is installing now perfectly.

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Debian Configuration :: Dmraid Device Fails To Mount After Jessie Upgrade

Oct 18, 2015

I eventually gave up and migrated to mdadm. Works just fine. Having upgraded to jessie and solved one problem

[URL] ....

I find the next one. When I boot into jessie my RAID device (just a data partition not /) is not found causing the boot to fail as per problems reported here

[URL] ....

After booting I can mount my RAID device but if it's in the fstab when booting it fails. Also, I notice that some of my lvm device names have changed. After a bit of hunting around I found a couple of solutions pointing to running dmraid as a service during boot and changing the entry for the RAID device in fstab to use the UUID.

[URL] .....

This seems to work. However this seems to be a workaround and as the lvm device paths for my / and /usr partitions have also changed, I'm wondering if there is a bug here as mentioned in the second link?

The / and /usr paths changed to /dev/dm-2 and /dev/dm-3 from the /dev/mapper/ form.

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Debian Hardware :: ATI Radeon 9200 Fails With Firmware Installed Under Jessie

Jun 30, 2015

As the subject states i have a desktop with a radeon 9200 card, when i install the firmware-linux-nonfree the system hangs when x starts(sometimes you can see the login manager, sometimes not, but you cant login at all) and i cant access any of the terminals ctrl+alt+f(1-6), after removing the firmware-linux-nonfree package the system boots, but the graphics are under software render...

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Debian :: Installing Kernel 3.16 On Jessie

May 13, 2015

So, I did the upgrade to Jessie today and everything went fine and I do like the gray look of the Gnome Classic Desktop. Not much change here.

But it is impossible for me to install the 3.16 kernel.

When I try, I get the following error (sry, it's german, but you should get the point):

Code: Select allE: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-3.16.0-4-amd64_3.16.7-ckt9-3~deb8u1_amd64.deb: Extrahierte Daten für »./lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/kernel/drivers/media/rc/winbond-cir.ko« können nicht nach »/lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/kernel/drivers/media/rc/winbond-cir.ko.dpkg-new« kopiert werden: Es konnte nicht geschrieben werden (Auf dem Gerät ist kein Speicherplatz mehr verfügbar)

It basically says, there is not enough space on /lib to copy the modules for the new kernel. (I have about 100M free there.)

df -h says:
Code: Select all/dev/dm-1               322M    209M   97M   69% /
udev                     10M       0   10M    0% /dev
/dev/dm-2               8,3G    5,6G  2,3G   72% /usr
/dev/sda1               228M     28M  188M   13% /boot
/dev/mapper/linux-var   2,8G    577M  2,1G   22% /var
/dev/mapper/linux-tmp   368M     11M  339M    3% /tmp
/dev/mapper/linux-home   58G     55G  628M   99% /home

So, as you can see, there isn't that much space on / at all - don't blame me, blame the Lenny Installer. Personally I can live with the 3.2 kernel but I wonder if there is any possibility to install the never one without a total re-partitioning.

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Debian Installation :: Kernel Backport For Jessie (8.0)?

May 16, 2015

I installed the 32 bit version of Debian Jessie (8.0) on an Asus X205TA. The Asus X205TA laptop is quirky like a lot of Intel Baytrail Atom laptops/tablets in that it has 32 bit EFI but a 64 bit capable CPU, and installing Linux on them is an exercise in frustration. Jessie is probably the first distro to support 32bit EFI out of the box, and the install went surprisingly smoothly. As expected the sound and built in WIFI does not work, but everything else seems to work well.

I spent half a day compiling the 4.03 kernel but it crashes on boot, and I ended uninstalling it in frustration.

Is there any backport of the 4.0 (or 4.1 which is currently a release candidate) for Jessie? Debian also seems to have pulled the kernel image off of their "experimental" repository.

[URL] ....

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Debian Configuration :: How To Load Own Kernel-module (KO) In Jessie

Mar 14, 2016

I built a kernel-module for a new usb wifi-card. This worked well and resulted in a 8821au.ko-file. But now I'm trying to load this kernel module since half an hour and it doesn't work. I copied the ko-file into /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64/kernel/drivers/edimax. If I just type

Code: Select allsudo modprobe 8821au

I get a

Code: Select allmodprobe: FATAL: Module 8821au not found..

But if I enter the full path inside the /lib/modules/3.16.0-4-amd64-folder:

Code: Select allsudo modprobe -v ./kernel/drivers/edimax/8821au.ko

it seems to work:

Code: Select allbuiltin ./kernel/drivers/edimax/8821au.ko.

But lsmod doesn't show me the module after that.

I also added

Code: Select all./kernel/drivers/edimax/8821au.ko

to /etc/modules but this also doesn't seem to work. When booting I get an error-message, but it's too fast to read it and I can't find the right log-file, where the booting-part with the "[ OK ]"-messages is reported.

So my driver is ready, the onliest thing which I can't get working is loading it as a kernel-module.

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Debian Installation :: Automount Of NTFS Partitions (Jessie Old Kernel)

May 23, 2015

I've just upgraded my system and I'm having some issues to boot with the latest kernel (cf: [URL] ....)

Hopefully I can still use the previous kernel (vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-686-pae).

I'd like to watch a movie that is on an NTFS partition.

From gnome-classic, I went in Places->datas (name of my partition) and I get this error message:

Code: Select allFailed to open "/media/mb/datas".

Error when getting information for file '/media/mb/datas': Input/output error.

The result of a df -h gives me:

Code: Select all/dev/sda3      fuseblk    96G   60G   37G  63% /media/mb/datas

mb is the username I'm currently using.

Previously it was only trying to mount the partition (after asking for the root password) in /media/datas

Is it normal that now it tries to mount it only for my current user in another folder?

If I look in the /var/log/messages, I only see this:

May 22 23:53:06 Tieum-Latitude gnome-session[2092]: Thunar: Failed to open "/media/mb/datas": Error when getting information for file '/media/mb/datas': Input/output error

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Debian Configuration :: Kernel 2.6.32 And Xserver Freezes - Crash Fubar?

Sep 28, 2010

I run an old Toshiba Satellite M35x S114 Laptop with Debian Testing, it always runned smoothly - although it IS testing . Since the latest update to kernel 2.6.32 , the X server just freezes. The init goes all the way to gdm, and then a blank screen , no mouse pointer, no way to get out of this screen (not CTRL+ALT+BACSPACE not CTRL+ALT+F1 / F2 ... etc) just a hard reset.

I can boot to the older .30 kernel with absolutely no problem, gdm starts normally login successfull (as I am able to write this on the reffered machine and all).

Here comes the gory details:

>>> The graphic card:
lspci | grep gra
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)
00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)
>>> When it works with .30 kernel:
cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log

Noting that there are no more Modlines in the new Xorg.0.log

Besides, X is disabling the mouse and keyboard in the configuration.

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Debian Hardware :: Acer Aspire ES1-311 Freezes After Kernel Upgrade

Jun 4, 2015

After upgrading to Kernel 3.1.16-0-4 my Acer Aspire ES1-311 freezes during startup. I can still enter the recovery mode maintainer shell (sometimes), but sometimes it also freezes after giving me the root shell prompt.

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Debian :: Jessie 8 Update - Boot Grub Shows Now 2 Kernel Versions To Boot From

May 2, 2015

After some updates Jessie 8 my boot grub shows now 2 kernel versions to boot from.


- How do I know which one is the newest and if happy with it, how to remove the older one?

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Debian Configuration :: Resume After Suspend Fails With Kernel 2.6.36

Aug 27, 2011

I'm having problems with resume after suspend to RAM. The machine starts to wake up, but the screens (multi mon VGA and DVI setup) are black and the keyboard doesn't light up. After ~20 seconds there's some brief disk activity and then the computer reboots. 100% repeatable with affected kernel versions. My test method is simple, I boot the machine on the kernel's recovery option, log on as root and run "PM_DEBUG=1 pm-suspend". I haven't found anything in the logs after a failed resume.

Here's the situation:
I have a SSD disk. To get TRIM support I have to use kernel 2.6.33 or later, which means that the standard kernel in Squeeze is too old.I have Nvidia graphics, and there was a change in 2.6.34 that breaks older versions of xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (version 0.0.15, used in Squeeze), I can't use Debian Squeeze with a kernel newer than 2.6.33.x.My machine (XFX GeForce 9300 motherboard) won't resume from suspend to RAM if I use a kernel newer than 2.6.36. There are no BIOS updates available.

My options:
Install newer kernel from Squeeze backports ( last time I tried). <--- Not doable b/c of resume problems. Upgrade to Wheezy, which uses kernel 3.0.x. <--- Not doable b/c of resume problems.Compile a vanilla kernel. So basically I'm forced to compile my own vanilla kernel, 2.6.33.x on Squeeze or 2.6.35.x on Wheezy. I won't be stuck with an unsupported kernel version in the near future, but so far I've failed miserably.

I know that the latest kernel version where everything works is 2.6.36.x (no longer maintained), and later cause resume problems (I've tried 2.6.37, 38, 39 and 3.0.0, .0.1). I've tried doing a git bisect on the kernel, but didn't succeed, ended up on 2.6.36-rc5 which is weird considering that works. There may be several suspend/resume bugs in different kernel versions that messed up the bisecting results.

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Debian Configuration :: NVidia Driver Fails With Built Kernel?

Jul 30, 2011

I've posted here before (viewtopic.php?f=5&t=66322) about problems arising from my attempts to get an nVidia driver to work with my custom kernel. Now those problems are all fixed, and I'm back to where I was: the built kernel boots fine, but the nVidia driver fails.

The custom kernel is as near to the stock one as I can make it, I'm just trying to find a working build process at present, before trying to build a later-version kernel.

I used sgfxi with "-! 40" to build the nVidia driver for my custom kernel; it reported that everything was fine.

With stock kernel - 2.6.32-5-amd64 ...

Extracts from /var/log/Xorg.0.log:
X.Org X Server 1.7.7
Release Date: 2010-05-04
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0

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Debian :: Boot Fails With Kernel Panic After Moving To A New Partition

May 16, 2010

Because I am using one of the new WD disks I am trying to aling my root partition with the real sectors, as described here: [url]

So I copied all files to a temp location, deleted my partition (/dev/sda3), recreated it a few cylinders later (same name) and copied the files to the newly created partition. I updated UUIDs in grub's configuration as suggested in this thread:[url]

But now it fails to boot with the following error:


I checked the filesystem on this partition and its fine. I tried to recreate the initramfs from Knoppix:


But it didn't change anything.

How can I either fix it or install a different kernel on this drive so I could boot into it and re-install my default kernels?

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Debian :: Installing Kernel Sources - Make Command To Build Package Fails

Jul 22, 2010

I'm trying to build the package zaptel on debian, but I'm encountering two errors:
1- When I try to run the "make menuselect" command, I get an error stating that I need ncurses which is missing. I tried to get it installed but didn't get to do it yet.
2- After that, there's the command "make" I think it's to build the package. Yet again this fails, and the error I get is "you do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.26-2-686 kernel installed".

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Ubuntu :: Computer Freezes - Then Applications Wont Run ?

Sep 12, 2010

Acouple of times now, my computer has frozen while I had firefox and eclipse open. when i restart it, firefox will not run because it is under the impression that it is already running; eclipse will start up, but does not allow me to access the necessary workspace because it is under the impression that it is still in use. how can i get rid of these problems? i tried pkill for firefox, but it does not show up on the list of processes running...

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Ubuntu :: Applications Hang And System Freezes?

Jan 28, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 on a Lenovo Thinkpad T61p with 2GB RAM. When I was on Ubuntu 10.04, one day suddenly Azureus hung at the 'loading plugin' screen as it begins. I had to hard reboot my system and it(Azureus) never worked after that so I removed it. Then after a couple of months same thing happened with Adobe Acrobat reader. As soon as I opened any pdf and started to scroll, it hung. System didn't respond and had to hard reboot. I moved to foxit reader Then I upgraded to 10.10 and now mplayer hangs occasionally if I try to switch it to full screen. System stops responding totallyn Where to begin debugging from ? I can't figure out any pattern or any way to reproduce it. I haven't tried Acrobat reader and Azureus on 10.10

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