Debian Hardware :: Connect Also The TV In DVI-I/VGA To Clone The 2 Screens?

May 15, 2010

I use Debian 5.0.4 At nVidia video board I have connected the LCD monitor in DVI-D and all works. Now I try to connect also the TV in DVI-I/VGA to clone the 2 screens, but when I start Debian both monitor and TV shown a black screen without error messages, but with Windows all works.

Video board uses default driver of Debian installation. How can I solve the trouble? To clone can I use default driver of Debian installation or I have to install driver from nVidia web site?

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Debian :: FireFox Clone SwiftFox 3.6.3

Jun 8, 2010

For those who are lusting for FireFox, there is SwitFox 3.6.3 which is optimized version and had .deb package, Try it see if meets the expection. [URL]

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Debian :: Clone A System That Uses Spanned HDs Via LVM?

Oct 1, 2010

i recently installed Debian Lenny on my dad's EEE 900A. I initally tried Ubuntu's 10.04 version but it gave me problems with the WiFi function keys. Debian took me a while to configure based on the excellent Debian EEE wiki, and everything's so much saner now.

I installed Debian Lenny using LVM2, spanning the files over the built-in 4 GB SSD and a plugged-in 8 GB SDHC card. I followed the instructions in this wiki to set it up. I was wondering if there's a way to easily clone this system so that if my dad accidently screws it up the in the future, he would be able to restore it back easily. Obviously, he would have to make backups of his documents, etc. on a separate drive so he can restore them back after the cloned image with the basic drivers, partitions, apps, etc. is restored.

Here's the system's info. There are three partitions on /dev/sda (the SSD) and one partition of /dev/sdb (the SDHC card). /dev/sda3 and /dev/sdb1 have been combined to create a Volume Group, called 'vol-1'. 'vol-1' has two Logical Volumes - 'root' and 'home'. The file system on all partitions is reiserfs.


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Debian Multimedia :: Startx - No Screens Found

Nov 19, 2015

I tried to install NVIDIA drivers to my asus computer . When I rebooted startx did not launch.

These are the commands and source i used to install nvidia driver

Code: Select alldeb jessie main contrib non-free
apt-get update
apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-dkms nvidia-xconfig nvidia-settings
shutdown -r now

Here is my log

Here is my lspci | grep -i vga

Here is my xorg.conf file

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Debian :: 4 Monitors But Cannot Drag Windows Between Screens

Feb 2, 2011

So I have four monitors set up on Debian Lenny. They all work, but I can't drag windows to any other screens. I can open terminal on one screen and web browser on another fine, but if I try to open web browser on one screen and open it again on another it automatically goes to the same screen it is already open on. I need the four screens for network monitoring through the web browser. So I need one instance of web browser opened on each screen and can't do it. Here is my xorg.conf file.

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier " Configured"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
Screen 1 "Screen1" RightOf "Screen0"
Screen 2 "Screen2" RightOf "Screen1"
Screen 3 "Screen3" RightOf "Screen2"
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
Option "Xinerama" "3"
EndSection .....

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Debian Multimedia :: Clone Desktop On Projector In KDE

Oct 15, 2015

I need to clone my laptop's desktop in a vga projector. I'm using debian 8 kde spin. If I simply connect it, the projector become the extension of my desktop (like dual monitor). Of I go on monitor setup in kde settings, I can just enable or disable One of 2, or setup the main, but there si no option to clone from the laptop to the projector.

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Debian :: Custom Istallaion Iso - Software - Clone The HDD Of A Remote Pc?

Jun 9, 2011

I know about things such as clonezilla and partimage but what I really want is the ability to make an iso from the current installation so that I can use it in a virtual machine. That wayI can develop freely without worrying that Ill crash my pc.

Also when I tried cloneziila it only chose the partitions on the local hard drive, is there software that can clone the HDD of a remote pc?

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Debian Configuration :: No Screens Found (EE) After Installing Nvidia Drivers

Jan 19, 2015

I just installed debian (Jessie) in my computer and tried to install Nvidia drivers. This is a task i have done many times and never got a problem but today...

Here you have my output...

X.Org X Server (1.16.3 RC 1)
Release Date: 2014-12-09
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 x86_64 Debian
Current Operating System: Linux PC-Server 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ck

[Code] .....

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Debian Configuration :: When I Startx / My Two Screens Stop Receiving Any Signal

Jul 17, 2010

I've been looking for help on the #debian irc chan, this was my problem :when I startx, my two screens stop receiving any signal.I was using the vesa driver, so the guy told me to use radeonhd driver instead (I have a radeonhd graphic card)when using radeonhd driver, it tells me that no screen or monitor is found then he told me that I should install fglrx and that he couldn't help me for this

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Debian Installation :: Clone Root System And Make It Bootable?

Aug 10, 2010

Running Squeeze here. I added a new SSD to my system. Root is /dev/sda3 and I want to clone that system to the new SSD on /dev/sdb1 and make it bootable. I tried:

mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ssd_root
cp -dpRx / /mnt/ssd_root




grub-install --recheck --root-directory=/mnt/ssd_root /dev/sdb

but to no avail. I cannot get the new system to be bootable and available through Grub. Part of the problem is that I do not know my way around Grub v2 so well, I could probably manage quite well with legacy grub. So, whats the easiest way to clone a system and make it bootable on another partition? Should I be using debootstrap, and importing/exporting the package list to install the same packages on the new system as the old? or is using cp -dpRx to copy the old ok? How do I make the new system boot?

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Debian :: Booting From A Live USB - Screens Turn To Garbled Static And It Just Hangs There

Aug 2, 2015

I am trying to make a live usb drive with persistents and so far I have used win32DiskImager to write the debian-live-8.1.0-i386-gnome-desktop image to a usb drive. (im using a windows machine to get this set up) and it all went fine. The problem shows itself when i boot from the drive however. it boots fine and i select the live option when prompted. then i get the debian loading screen and once it finishes loading both my screens turn to garbled static and it just hangs there.

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Debian Multimedia :: 7.8 Startx - No Screens Found > Wlan0 Doesn't Exist

Apr 17, 2015

Installed Debian 7.8 KDE next to Windows 8.1.

Installed perfect perfect (except for network part). Grub came up, I selected Linux. After start up I typed

Code: Select allstartx

And I get the

Code: Select allFatal server error: no screens found

Also when I run

Code: Select allsudo iwconfig all I get is
Code: Select alllo        no wireless extensions

eth0            no wireless extensions

Running lspci I get (vga for startx problem and network for WiFi problem)

Code: Select allVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation  ValleyView SSA-CUnit (rev 0e)
Code: Select allNetwork controller: Atheros Comm. AR9485 Wireless network adapter (rev 01)

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Debian :: Create A Warm Backup (clone Disk) Of O.S. Without Restart Computer?

Jan 17, 2011

I use clonezilla cd live to backup my Debain Squeese O.S.,

there is the possibility to create a warm backup (clone disk) of O.S. without restart the computer ?

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Debian Installation :: Clone From 1 Server Be Used On Another Server?

Jul 15, 2010

If I clone a debian linux from a server to a harddisk, can I simply plug this clone harddisk to another server and boot it up to use as the primary OS disk for this server, even though the 2 servers may not be the same configuration, same make and model?

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Debian :: Connect To The Source List To Update But It Can't Connect To The Server?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm a new debian user. I install a Debian in Virtualbox, and try to connect to the source list to update, but it can't connect to the server, while network and internet connection works. This is my sources.list

deb squeeze main
deb-src squeeze main
deb squeeze/updates main
deb-src squeeze/updates main
deb squeeze-updates main
deb-src squeeze-updates main

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Debian Configuration :: Network - Cannot Connect To Any Other Websites And Apt Will Not Connect To Any Servers

Feb 18, 2011

I am using Squeeze and all appears OK at first... I have a DHCP lease, PING to router works, apache servering fine in and outside the network, Epiphany seems to connects to default only, BUT I cannot connect to any other websites and apt will not connect to any servers. I installed once, tried to fix problem, gave up and reinstalled and still have the same problem.

I unistalled Network Manager thinking that was the problem, but still the same issue. Is there a default firewall blocking certain connections or am I missing something I'm supposed to know about? I installed some non-free firmware in the beginning of install and all worked... and I connected fine when downloading packages during install.

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Configure X-Server - Errors "device Not Found" And "no Screens Found"

Apr 15, 2011

I installed debian 4.0 (etch) on an old computer with some pickled graphics card in it, and then I upgraded the computer to one with slightly newer hardware only without the graphics card (the new one used on board graphics). I moved the hard drive from the old one to the new one but when I booted it up it failed to start the X-server and I got some errors listed for "device not found" and "no screens found".

I tried using "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" however I can't seem to find a working configuration. It seems pretty silly that when installing debian it can detect all this automatically with no problems but when it comes to changing some hardware around you are left in the dark with a complicated re-configuration process. Is there not some way to automate this? I'd rather not have to re-install everything

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Ubuntu :: Two Screens With Different DEs

Sep 1, 2010

Is this possible: I tried everything but Gnome extends its desktop on screen2. I have an nvidia FX5500.

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Ubuntu :: Changing Splash Screens In 9.10

Apr 12, 2010

I am a new Ubuntu user and am looking to make my screen look more like a mac. Is there any possible way to change the splash screen? I keep reading about ways but they don't work on my distro. I am using 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Have Program Window Over 2 Screens?

Apr 30, 2010

I'm using two monitors in ubuntu karmic and it works great. Is it possible to have a program window over both screens? I tried resizing, but it's limited to the active screen.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - OOo Dialog Screens Comes Up Maximized

May 8, 2010

When I use a little helper window (like the find and replace dialog) in OOo 3.2 on 10.04 UNR it always comes up maximized, which is kind of irritating, because I have to restore it before it's usable. It's weird that such a window should even have a maximize button, but there you go. No biggie, clearly, but if anyone knew of a workaround that would be great! I'm using the clearlooks theme, although I tried with the new black shiny one and it seems to exhibit the same problem.

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Ubuntu :: Error: No Screens Found

May 9, 2010

I'm trying to install 10.04, but have hit a few bumps. The first time I tried to boot the live cd, the monitor frequency would go out of range. I fixed this by deleting the

ro quiet splash
from the end of the boot line, and replacing it with
ro vga=773 nomodeset

After booting with this modification to the kernel line, rather than booting into the live cd desktop, it takes me to a command setting. To try and get things moving I type


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Ubuntu :: How To Get Multiple Screens Setup

Jun 3, 2010

I was wondering when and/or how to get multiple screens setup and working in unison. Currently I have 3d rendering working but all of my screens work as separate desktops. They all have their own start menu and panel bar. I cannot move a window from screen to screen. I have to open a new window in that screen and then it is stuck on that screen and can not be move any where else. When is this going to be fixed because until it is unfortunately Micro Slop will still have my business. I am a power user and enjoy my 4 screens when they work in unison, not as individuals.

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Ubuntu :: Virtual Box VM And Dual Screens?

Jul 18, 2010

I use multiple screens on my computer in work which is running Ubuntu 10.04 it runs great apart from the VBox VM. I run a windows VM as some apps we use in the office are not compatible with ubuntu and I can't get them running right in wine. In single screen mode I use the VM in 'seamless' mode so the windows start menu just sits on top of the ubuntu panel and I can flip from ubuntu to windows as I please in the same interface (im sure anyone that uses VBox will understand what I mean).

The problem comes when I use a second screen. If I try to run in seamless mode on the main screen it works ok apart from the fact that the windows start menu sits behind the ubuntu panel instead of on top of it. When I move the VM to the second screen I cannot run it in seamless mode at all, if I try the resolution goes hay wire and I only get half the screen (if im lucky). So I just run it in full screen mode which stops me from dragging windows from within the windows VM back to the first screen.

What I want to be able to accomplish is to run the VM in seamless mode on either screen but be able to drag windows accross both screens. Is that at all possible?

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Ubuntu :: How To Move Panels To Different Screens

Dec 20, 2010

I'm setting up a second monitor connected to my laptop via Twinview in the Nvidea settings manager for my system. It is working just fine, except for the fact that when I enable it, it puts the Desktop panels on the secondary screen, as opposed to the primary one. Is there any way to make new panels on the primary screen, or to move them over to the primary screen? I am running Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit on an HP Pavillion dv7 laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Screens Grayed Out While Booting 10.04?

Feb 11, 2011

I have ubuntu 10.04 installed on the machine. I was trying to installed adobe coldfusion on my netbook , during the installation of the coldfusion the screen locked/grayed out . After rebooting, the ubuntu 10.04 it is Grayed out on the Login Page, I have todo power cycle on the netbook. I tried in the recovery mode but forsomereason , blank screen gets displayed in the recovery mode which made to do ctrl + alt + del.

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Ubuntu :: Splash Screens Are Corrupted?

Apr 29, 2011

However, during booting, the screens are corrupted and upon shutting down the screen becomes corrupted. Looks like white lines with possibly text behind it.

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Ubuntu :: Move Window Between Screens In 11.04?

Aug 14, 2011

I installed 11.04 and install second screen. It works fine. But I cannot do anything on the second screen, just to move cursor.

How to move some window (for example Firefox) to second screen?

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Ubuntu :: Making Screens Black?

Feb 12, 2010

How can I make the background white area on all of my windows to appear black?

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Ubuntu :: Get Desktop To Stretch Across Two Screens?

Jan 28, 2011

I am trying to get my desktop to stretch across two screens. (for reference, I am using Kubuntu 10.10) When I start up the system, it duplicates whatever is on the primary monitor onto the the secondary. Initially, playing with the options in the GUI I thought I had it figured. Under System Settings < Display and Monitor < Size and Orientation there is an option that lets me set the position of my secondary monitor to the "right of" the primary. However, on restarting the computer, this resets to its initial setting of "clone of" the primary.

So I did a bit of reading and found something I could put in the command line:

Code: xrandr --output DVI-I-2 --right-of DVI-I-1

Which again fixes the problem, but only for that given session. On restart we are back to the same scenario. A bit more reading tells me that putting things in etc/rc.local executes them on start up so I shouldn't have to each time I turn on my computer. Except that putting it in there didn't do anything. While I am reasonably pleased with myself having learned as much as I did in this little exploration (previously, the only command line thing I knew how to use was apt-get), I am feeling pretty frustrated at this point.

Is there somewhere else I should be putting this other than (or in addition to) etc/rc.local? Do I need to put something other than xrandr thing in there to make it execute?

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