I plan to install Debian on a machine that will have no access to the internet but I would like to install some packages in it (such as build-essential). I was thinking of downloading them here and transfer and install them on the other machine at a later time but because of dependencies I don't know what packages I'll need besides of the ones I really want, for example: After the fresh install from the cd, I would like to install build-essential which requires g++, make etc... but is there a way to download all that instead of doing it manually? Since I don't really know when to stop downloading dependencies. I tried aptitude download but it only gives me the meta-package. I also thought of chroot to a fresh system, install the packages and retrieve them from the local folder where they get downloaded but I was looking for something less complicated.
On Debian repo I found virtualbox-ose packages there. What will be the difference in operation/function between their packages and the packages download on virtualbox.org website?
I was wondering how can I re-download only all currently installed packages. I would like to save them to removable media, because I use netinst disc to install, and on slow connection it's hell to download 1GB of packages with console-only.
I'm hitting my head against the wall trying to figure out (and find any information on) how to download a package and all its dependencies.I've tried to clean the cache,$ sudo apt-get clean and then download a package and its depednencies,but it doesn't download dependencies that are already installed.I need to do this to install a package on a machine that doesn't see the net.I remember doing this somehow ages ago, and I think I might have even combined the package and its dependencies into a single self-contained .deb using dpkg.
Here's the deal: I'm in the backwoods with this mini-laptop and I'd like to do some composing with it. I don't have much internet here so I can't start googling around or download hundreds of MB's of packages. Anyone able to recommend me a good, lightweight midi notation software?
I have a computer with internet access with amd64 architecture running Debian stable (Lenny). I have another computer with NO internet access with i386 architecture running Debian stable (Lenny).I want to download some packages for the i386 computer using the amd64 computer. So far, the only way I can see to do this is to use dpkg-architecture to temporarily change to i386 on the internet computer, run aptitude with the download-only option to retrieve the packages I need with all suitable dependencies, then switch the internet computer back over to amd64.
I can't imagine I'm the only person who ever needed to do this, and yet I've had no luck finding any advice. The method I described seems rather awkward - is there a more elegant solution?
I apologize to the membership, I realize now the absurdity of this subject. Having now studied the online repository search functions closer, I see it appears packages are automatically retrieved with all necessary dependencies. As such, it is not necessary to use apt and its various functions to do the job.
I'm trying to do a net install with the latest release of debian - but my ethernet card is not recognized/the drivers are not available because I have a card that requires a linux kernel version of 2.6.35. This is obviously a problem because I can't download any additional packages, and I can't update the version because I'm not able to connect to the internet. I have installed it, but it's only text (which I assume is because I could not install the graphical interface, correct me if I'm blaringly wrong here). So what can I do to install debian on my laptop and be able to use my Intel Centrino Advanced-N 620 network card?
I have just installed Debian Lenny and was trying to upgrade the installed packages from the packages.debian.org site. when i asked synaptic to add the downloaded packages the would not appear, but when i checked the .xsessions file there are entries saying that the packages were being ingnored because they were either different versions, the MD5 did not match or even "can't find pkg". i have to use the local library to download the packages because i dont have an internet connection at home.
Upon installing Debian, it asked me if it can use a mirror to get updated packages. I said no, yet it ignored my command and fetched packages. Why did Debian disobey me?
After installing debian 5.0.4 basic from first dvd, I extracted all other dvd images to hard disk and pointed /etc/apt/sources.list point to all these directories. after refreshing using synaptic package manager, I got list of all 20,000+ packages, and did a "apt-get -y install ......(all 20,000 names)". It failed due to some conflicts. So I used "--force-yes -f " option as well.
It went on for nearly two days to install everything. (in between due to power failure, something was done half way and was able to login to KDE boot option and see lots of software installed.) After complete install - it shows a startup screen of Debian EDu - but fails to boot up.
Is there a way to install all softwares + all XWindow systems simultaneously?
I am working on a project which targets both 32 and 64 bit architectures at the moment. My system is amd64. I added i386 architecture using this guide. However, my problem is
Code: Select allapt-get install package-name:i386
prompts the removal of currently installed packages (amd64 arch.) which is the problem.
Code: Select allReading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following extra packages will be installed: libportaudio0:i386
[Code] ...
Some of the packages I am talking about are
-libegl1-mesa-dev:i386 -libportaudio-dev:i386
Now, as of now, I want to carry out the compilation using 32 bit libraries, however, I really don't want to install 64bit version of all prerequisites each time I switch the compilation from 32 bit to 64. Is there any way to have both architectures at the same time?
I haved tried 3 times to download DVD-7 from http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/...md64/jigdo-dvd, and every time it has failed with just 5 files left to download.
It says: I cannot begin to describe. All those hours of downloading for nothing! What the heck is happening here? When I try to just continue on, I get error code 3 aborts and have to just start all over.
On Fedora repo I found VirtualBox-ose packages there. What will be the difference in operation/function between their packages and the packages download on virtualbox.org website?
I am a new Debian 6 user. I have Downloaded debian-6.0.0-amd64-CD-1.isodebian-6.0.0-amd64-CD-2.isodebian-6.0.0-amd64-CD-3.isodebian-6.0.0-amd64-CD-4.isodebian-6.0.0-amd64-CD-5.iso
I am going to start reading about how to create Debian packages. Yet I would appreciate a simple overview about the process.Specifically, I would like to start with something simple: building a package with the Firefox 3.5.7 tar.gz pre-compiled binaries.If I understand correctly, the source files from Debian are modified in some way from the upstream provider, but my little Firefox project is not dealing with sources at all. The binaries are already compiled. So I'll appreciate a simple overview about creating a package from those Firefox binaries.
I realize the Firefox binaries can be installed as is, along with needing to create three sym links. That is not my goal. I figured starting with pre-compiled binaries will be an easier start into the Debian packaging process. Further, I prefer to install software with a package manager as that provides a system that is easier to maintain long-term.I suspect that an aide to my learning would be to extract the Iceweasel package and then draw similarities from that.
I download all packages of Fedora 12 64 bit and all rpmfusion packages , all of them free and nonfree. all of them is near 20GB, I download all of them by rsync.I download them in work,In home I use Fedora12 64 bit and do not have internet connection , I copy all packages with USB flash and copy them to my Fedora box , and I want install VLC and other codecs and Nvidia driver for some games.What I must do ?I said again I do not have internet connection in home but I have all packages , free and nofree and rpmfusion packages
I can't find gnome-mount using aptitude, but certainly it is listed in packages.debian. org/squeeze. Maybe I need add a new repository. But how do I know what is that repository?
I'm currently using squeeze, and planing to update to sid.. But looking at packages.debian.org I found that sid has the same old packages that squeeze has. chromium-browser (6.0.472.63~r59945-5) linux-base (2.6.32-30)
I am new to Debian and I am trying to apt to install some packages When trying to get tango-icon-theme it says: E: Package tango-icon-theme has no installation candidate And when trying to get arandr it says:
APT - it really has me mystified at times so I'm looking for an idiots guide on how to use it. I've googled and read the APT How to on the Debian site, as well as a lot of other APT pages, so I understand what it does and the command structure, but I can't seem to download one off packages from the Debian site.
I've managed to get the updates to work (ran an update the other day) so I know my source file is working (my source.list points to deb http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/ lenny main) however I don't understand/can't figure out how to get single packages from Debian.
As an example I want to get the rsynch package which has a download page in Debian and my mirror in the source.list file can be used. However when I do apt-get rsynch I get an error message that says it can't be found.
Looking at the Debian package website it does say that the rsynch package can be requested from the subdirectory of pool/main/r/rsync/ at any one of the listed download sites (of which the site in my source.list file is one of those listed). Do I have to add the pool/main/r/rsync/ information to my sources.list file, or add it to the apt-get command?
After installation the Debian Squeeze when installing some packages the system asks for the installation debian CD. I wonder how i can change the configuration so that the system can install the packages without the CD?
i'm can't install the g++ compiler. I've got the packages to install with the command "dpkg -i xxxx.deb", but i see a cross dependence between g++-4.3 and libstdc++6-4.3-dev. Or am I missing something?
I am tired of Microsoft Windows. So I am going to try Linux. I downloaded the ISO file and installed it. It did fine.My problem is I can't figure out how to install additional packages. Can someone tell me exactly what I need to type in to install packages from E: my CRDOM.Where can I download the complete GNOME DESKTOP package.Also, I am using Netzero Dial UP. Can you help me with this also.
Does anyone use peer-to-peer software in Debian?I wonder if I made a mistake going with a pure Debian install.I wanted a low resource distro / DE so I chose Debian LXDE since I have some familiarity with Ubuntu.I have used Lenny before as well.But, when I install software apps, it doesn't always go in the menu. I don't mind starting the app from CLI but how do I know what to type then?!?I found that Azureus goes into the menu via 'Vuze.' Okay. But, then nothing downloads... it just sits there forever at '0.' I then tried the same file in the Windows partition and it starts downloading after a few seconds.
This pissed me off so much I started a thread in the 'Coffee Lounge' about downloading in Linux. It's complicated enough and then there's differences when using it in Linux so that it doesn't run. I am not sure what's going on but maybe there something inherent in the Debian system or Linux in general that prevents it from working?I thought maybe it is security and I have to enable something or run it in 'root mode' or something? My experience in peer-to-peer applications is mostly in Windows so I'm not sure what to do. I thought I had it working in Linux eons ago but my laptop was set up with a new install so that would have been under a different OS (version) anyway.
seems like after a recent upgrade of stretch, i get a message (in italian)
Code: Select all $ sudo apt-get install kde-full Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto Generazione albero delle dipendenze Lettura informazioni sullo stato... Fatto Alcuni pacchetti non possono essere installati. Questo può voler dire che è stata richiesta una situazione impossibile oppure, se si sta usando una distribuzione in sviluppo, che alcuni pacchetti richiesti non sono ancora stati creati o sono stati rimossi da Incoming. Le seguenti informazioni possono aiutare a risolvere la situazione:
How to find packages with aptitude. If I use the shell to type "aptitude search nethack" then I get a list of several nethack versions from which to choose. If I use the aptitude GUI and type Ctrl-T and then arrow over to the search option and type in "nethack" and hit Enter, the only option that I see is nethack-spoilers. Why do I not see all of the other nethack options?
I'm referring to Exaile, which seems to have lost the interest of the maintainters judging by how far behind they are on releases, and lack of any excuses more info on package pages.