CentOS 5 :: Xinetd Xvnc 'Teminal' Sessions - Only One Allowed At A Time?

Mar 2, 2009

I'm setting up my CentOS server and I'm having issue with the VNC server. I've set up xinetd services for connections all of which work individually bringing me to a login window. But only one will work at a time. If I kill the process or if I click the disconnect button I can make a new one but as they are terminal sessions (using wait) I wanted to be able to leave one logged in and have the option of another connection if I wanted to log on a different user.

Can someone help with the setting which would be to allow more than one connection? I know if you setup permanent session paths in vncserver this should work but (and I'm sure this has worked for me in the past) the xinetd method is supposed to open up sessions as required. I am working from a write-up for doing this in Ubuntu and aside from odd path differences the only noticeable change is the guide uses vnc4server rather than vncserver that comes pre-installed on CentOS. Should that matter?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Would Xinetd Point To Script Instead Of Xvnc Binary?

Mar 23, 2010

I have xinetd starting the VNC server.I'd like to leave the system at runlevel 3.Before xinetd starts Xvnc I want it to execute telinit 5.When there are no connections to the VNC port, it should drop back to runlevel 3.Is this possible? Would xinetd point to a script instead of the Xvnc binary? How would I switch to runlevel 3 once all connections dropped?

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General :: Xvnc Sessions Do Not Allow Program Or Terminal Launching?

Feb 12, 2010

I just added 8 additional vncserver sessions(Xvnc) (using a well-documented procedure my predecessor used) to my RH Enterprise 2.4.21-4 (OK it went by fast) server. This brings the number of session listed in my /etc/sysconfig/vncservers file to ~32. Applications and terminals now seem to choose if they will open or not in the Xvnc session and not all sessions start at boot. I can start them manually, and they will work, but then they stop working properly. You can open a session, view the active desktop, click on menus and associated drop-down items to try and open apps, but the apps/terminals just won't open. Is there a limit to the number Xvnc Sessions that can be managed? If so, what is it? This happens whether I try to connect from a Winddows box or another Linux box.

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CentOS 5 :: Xvnc Crash In 5.4 X86-64?

May 7, 2010

When running Matlab ( (R2010a), 64-bit (glnxa64)) on CentOS 5.4 using vnc, the Xvnc chrashes and this is logged in syslog:

# grep vnc /var/log/messages
May 5 15:37:47 hornsund kernel: Xvnc[7195] general protection rip:594c79 rsp:7fffa0085318 error:0
May 6 12:30:43 hornsund kernel: Xvnc[7003] general protection rip:594c79


CentOS is up to date as of beginning this week. Doing a quick net check suggests HW-problem ( HP DL380 G6), but I've tested both memory and cpu(s) without errors. We also had the same problem on Scientific Linux 5.4.

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Server :: Set Time Limit For A Service Managed By Xinetd?

Aug 13, 2010

Is there a way to limit the time an instance of a service can run? For example, I want to limit all telnet sessions to 30 mins. Users will be automatically logged out after 30 mins.

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General :: Kill Process After It's Been Allowed To Run For Some Time?

Jun 17, 2010

I want to limit the time a grep process command is allowed to run or be alive.For example. I want to perform the following:grep -qsRw -m1 "parameter" /varBut before running the grep command I want to limit how long the grep process is to live, say no longer than 30 seconds.How do I do this?And if it can, how do I return or reset to have no time limit afterwards.

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Ubuntu :: Determine The Time Of Last Reboot And Open All Sessions?

Sep 1, 2011

Is there a way to determine the time of last reboot and open all sessions and/or files that were open with a BASH script?

Oh also on this topic, does anyone know where a good repository of BASH, PERL and other Linux System Scripts are?

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Fedora Security :: Why Is Httpd Allowed To Start Binded To Port That's Not Explicitly Allowed?

May 28, 2010

While reading some papers on securing apache with selinux, I have tried to bind httpd to port 3000 expecting to be blocked by the selinux, since port tcp 3000 isn't on the http_port_t list. However I was able to start the service...

I'm preety sure selinux is enforcing. Also, if I bind httpd to tcp 81 selinux denies the start of the service, as expected!Did I miss something? Why is httpd allowed to start binded to a port that's not explicitly allowed?

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CentOS 5 Server :: No Xinetd Installed By Default?

Jul 18, 2009

yesterday I installed my first CentOS system. Before I was always using Debian for my servers. When I configured my vsftpd I was just wondering how to setup xinetd or inetd for listening on ports and starting vsftpd. I found /etc/xinetd.d. But there is no xinetd installed by default. Why? Shall I start all my services in standalone mode? What is the concept of CentOS in this issue?

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CentOS 5 :: Cannot Find Xinetd.conf In CentOS5.4?

Nov 18, 2009

I can not find xinetd.conf on my server (CentOS 5.4 operation system).

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CentOS 5 :: NRPE And Xinetd Running Every Minte

Jun 10, 2011

I have nagios/nrpe installed on a client and for some reason, the xinetd service is running/checking every minute. The log is just getting larger by the minute with the start and exit of xinetd.

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Server :: /etc/xinetd.conf Vs /etc/xinetd.d

Apr 24, 2009

I installed Subversion and xinetd and added Subversion as a service to xinetd.conf as instructed at http://www.codeandcoffee.com/2007/06...rver-on-linux/

I restarted the xinetd service using /sbin/service. however, Subversion does not end up being listed in /etc/xinetd.d nor does it seem to be running and occupying the port altogether.

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CentOS 5 Server :: LDAP Client - Nss_ldap: - Authenticate SSH And Sudo And Not Services Like Httpd - Nrpe - Xinetd

Aug 9, 2011

When ever I have an issue with our LDAP server (which I was able to fix) we see the following errors in /var/log/messages and it causes problems with our services running on that box, e.g. httpd, nrpe, xinetd, etc. Aug 8 17:44:42 hostname httpd: nss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server ldap://serveraddress/: Can't contact LDAP server Aug 8 17:44:42 hostname httpd: nss_ldap: reconnecting to LDAP server (sleeping 64 seconds)... I am only wanting to authenticate SSH and Sudo and not services like httpd, nrpe, xinetd etc.

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CentOS 5 :: Autostart Rdesktop 1.60 Failure Using Sessions GUI

Oct 1, 2009

I am trying to build a fat client on an old pc. I have CentOS 5.3 installed standalone. Basically when the user turns on the pc, it automatically logs into a linux account and the desktop appears. I have installed rdesktop 1.60 to connect to a Win2008 server. From the command line or from a launcher icon I created on the linux desktop everything works fine. What I want to do is for the system to automatically execute rdesktop after the automatic login to linux. So I used the Sessions GUI. (Go to System, then Preferences, then More preference, then Sessions.) Within the Sessions GUI, I clicked on the "Startup Programs" tab and click on the "Add' button.

I type in :
rdesktop -f servername (where -f gives you full screen, and servername is the name of the windows server)
This works a couple of times, then it fails. When you reboot the linux pc, it will auto login, then show the rdesktop screen for a split second, disappears and then it shows the linux gnome desktop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Teminal Service - Clint System Login On To The Server Without Hard Disk?

Dec 6, 2010

As a thin clint mode is possible on ubuntu ? like windows clint system login on to the server without hard disk...

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General :: To Xinetd Or Not To Xinetd ?

Jul 21, 2009

I've been reading the RUTE Linux book and they recommend the use of xinetd to run services. However, this book is already a bit outdated, and I was wondering whether this still applies to today's circumstances?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Monitor / Graphics - Only Allowed 60 Hz But Fedora Auto Detects Refresh Rate At 85 Hz

Jan 11, 2011

I recently switched my desktop from Fedora to CentOS. On Fedora it auto detects my refresh rate at 85 Hz. On CentOS by default it only allowed 60 Hz. I looked at the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and the display settings were:


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CentOS 5 Server :: Vncserver Freezes Some Sessions / Can't Click / Need To Restart Service

Nov 24, 2009

I'm running VNC Server on CentOS5 on a brand new installation, this is for some of my students to use specific software via VNC on their machines from home that they otherwise don't have access to on their Windows machines. This has been working fine on our previous server for a few years but the hardware is now outdated so I have upgraded and put a fresh install of CentOS 5 on. This works fine for about 24 hours and then eventually one of the session ends up freezing where the user then can see everything on their session, the cursor can move but they cant click a single thing.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: No Wired Network Connection From Time To Time At Logon?

Oct 20, 2010

In the right upper corner of your screen,you can see if you have a network connection or not.Most of the time I do not have one according to Networkmanager (?).So I have to enable my wired connection manually.I already tried a lot to change my settings so I would have a network connection at boot,but it doesn't seem to work....Firefox is in Offline modus when I logon..

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OpenSUSE Network :: Xvnc, TightVNC And The Missing Pound (�) Sign?

Nov 17, 2010

I am running 11.3 with Remote Admin(VNC) turned on. This has installed TightVNC.I also have also enabled xinetd to manage the startup of new (incoming) VNC requests.All this is working just fine. So, what's the problem, you ask? Its that missing Shift+3 symbol. To reproduce, I run TightVNC (viewer) from a variety of clients (Win & OpenSUSE) to a number of OpenSUSE servers with xinetd managed VNC services enabled. The Xvnc sessions start and the clients display the KDE log-on screen. You will notice that in the username field that the sign is not displayed.

I have run a parallel VNC service (is it Xvnc or vncserver?) which gave me a twm session. It also is missing thesign, so I conclude that it is not KDE that is causing the problem?Secondly, a scan throughog file produced by the parallel VNC service shows:Code:KbdAddEvent: unknown KeySym 0x3a - allocating KeyCode 92 Has anyone any suggestions on how I can get my pound sign?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To See Login Using Xvnc (when No Screen Connected)

Aug 27, 2010

I have a VNC connection running to my Ubuntu 10.04 server [URL]. This was running fine for a day or 2 after that, sometimes it worked and sometimes not. When it didn't work, I could connect with VNC (i got a gray window with the cursor) but no login screen was shown.

After some testing I now know what the root cause is. When I disconnect the screen from my server, I don't get the login screen. When I connect the screen (even if it is not powered) after a reboot, I can see the login screen. Next I was looking for some logging that could indicate some problems. I looked into "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" and there I see a difference when I connect/disconnect the screen. When the screen is disconnected, the log says:


(II) intel(0): Integrated Graphics Chipset: Intel(R) Pineview G
(--) intel(0): Chipset: "Pineview G"
(II) intel(0): Output VGA1 has no monitor section
(II) intel(0): EDID for output VGA1


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CentOS 5 Server :: Time On Xen VM's Drifting Ahead Of Real Time?

Aug 4, 2009

I am hosting two Virtual Servers both running Centos 5.3 on a host machine also running the same OS. The VM software in use is Xen, as supplied with the OS.The host machine's time and date is fine, however both Virtual Servers are running ahead of real time consitantly.Running /etc/init.d/ntpd restart will resolve the issue however one of these is running MailScanner and when the time suddenly goes backwards, sometimes by as much as an hour, it stops working properly.

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CentOS 5 :: Succeed To Install Vmware Workstaion 7.1 On Centos 5.5, But Have Run-time Error?

Jul 2, 2010

[URL]VMware Workstation 7.0.1 Release Notes has a list of supported OS:[URL]According to that, RHEL 5.4 is listed as supported for both host andguest but CentOS 5.4 is only for guest. This is quite strange and, ifit is true, that could be a serious issue.I succeed to install vmware workstaion 7.1 on centos 5.5, but have run-time error:

[root@ ~]# /etc/init.d/vmware start
Starting VMware services:
VMware USB Arbitrator [ OK ]


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CentOS 5 :: How To Sync Time Of Two Centos Servers

Jun 5, 2009

I have one server running a daily cron to sync its time using ntpd:e.g.ntpd -qgI would like to sync my second server's system time to my first server. How can I do this?

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CentOS 5 :: Change Only Date And Keep Time In Centos?

Jan 2, 2010

I want to change only the date of my Centos server but keep the time as it is. Which command to use?


Sat Jan 2 22:04:39 ICT 2010

I want to change with a command to:

Sun Dec 12 22:04:00 ICT 2010

but the command need only works on the date, the time need no to be modified. How can I do it?

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CentOS 5 :: X/Gnome Takes Long Time To Load And Sudo Takes Long Time To Execute

Oct 13, 2009

I am running Centos 5.3. I ran no updates, performed no installs, nor changed any configuration immediately prior to this issue. My problem is this: when I run the command startx (default runlevel 3), it is a long time (5-10 minutes) before Gnome startx, and once it does start applications will not run. Also, when I try to use sudo (from any environment, even ssh), it is a long time (5-10) before the command is executed.

I cannot say for sure, but it seems like this is an intermittent problem. Sometimes X takes a long time to start, but once it starts it will launch programs. Sometimes X takes a long time to launch, but once it starts it will only launch certain programs. Though presently X always takes a long time to start, and I cannot successfully launch any programs.

A while back a had a similar problem to this (x taking long time to start, sudo taking long time to execute) and it ended up being a DNS problem. Unfortunately, I cannot remember exactly what it was and I stupidly did not document it. Maybe this is also DNS related, I don't know.

I don't know what log files to look at for problems with X, Gnome, and sudo taking a long time to start.

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Server :: Run /usr/bin/foo Through Xinetd ?

Apr 28, 2009

If i run /usr/bin/foo through xinetd and have /etc/xinetd.d/foo conf file something like:

1 service foo
2 {
3 port = 3691
4 socket_type = stream
5 protocol = tcp
6 wait = no
7 user = www-data
8 server = /usr/bin/foo
9 server_args = -x
10 }

Is /usr/bin/foo supposed to be listed in the list of all processes on that machine (ps aux)? i added the conf file, bouced xinetd daemon via /sbin/service, yet foo does not seem to be running. the xinetd doc online seems pretty incomplete.

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General :: Ssh Not Working Under Xinetd?

Apr 15, 2011

I'm trying to restrict ssh connection using xinetd , so my xinetd configuration files are :



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General :: Xinetd And Trying To Get R-1 To Work ?

Jul 8, 2009

I am really not very experienced with linux and have only just started working off the command line in windows as well.

I know the basics but I am trying to install R-1 and I was having a lot of difficulties and figured out that it was that xinetd was not running.

So I tried to run it service xinetd start and it said unecognized service so then I installed xinetd and there was already a xinetd.d directory with all of the processes i needed with the .conf file but so when i run xinetd -d


My xinetd.conf file looks like this:


# All service files are stored in the /etc/xinetd.d directory
includedir /etc/xinetd.d
# End /etc/xinetd

This is what one of the files in xinetd.d looks like


I need to get xinetd running so that i can finish installing R-1.

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Programming :: Pixelserv With Xinetd ?

Oct 22, 2009

http://www.pastebin.org/47041. pixelserv is a http-daemon which returns a pixel for every http-request. It was originally written in perl [url], but this is a tad too heavy for a small linux device like a DD-WRT router [url].

I was able to compile it and it runs fine standalone, but I want to run it under xinetd using this configuration-file.


When I do a "wget [url]" from the console of that router it will fail with this in /var/log/messages


It seems it's incompatible with xinetd, but I lack the knowledge and experience to modify this. A whole community will be grateful if someone is able to make this runable under xinetd.

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