Ubuntu :: What Packages Were Removed By The Last 'sudo Apt-get Autoremove' Command
Jun 12, 2011
Is there any way to find out what packages were removed by the last 'sudo apt-get autoremove' command? Is that info in a log somewhere? I am setting up a recently installed minimal install and my last autoremove seemed to remove some dependencies which has in turn killed my network connections, wired and wireless.
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Aug 21, 2010
From the terminal I got this message: The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: libqt4-opengl freemat freemat-help libgfortran3 libsdl-ttf2.0-0 libmikmod2 libqt4-svg libblas3gf libamd2.2.0 libsdl-mixer1.2 libumfpack5.4.0 freemat-data libsmpeg0 Ok, what I really don't understand is that why is it that Freemat, my most important software, is listed as "no longer required"? Of course if I use sudo apt-get autoremove will remove all the mentioned packages including Freemat.
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Feb 10, 2010
I got one of these broken packages message but can't remember the command to fix broken packages from the terminal.
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Sep 26, 2010
I'd like to clean packages on my Lenny with Gnome using apt-get autoremove and I get this output:
# apt-get autoremove
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
bluez-gnome libsdl1.2debian libsdl1.2debian-alsa libepc-ui-1.0-1 python-gst0.10 libmtp7 gcalctool libpth20 gnome-nettool libepc-1.0-1 libgtk-vnc-1.0-0 libgksu1.2-0
python-notify aspell pkg-config libgda3-common python-gnome2-extras gucharmap libgksuui1.0-1 libosp5 evolution-exchange libspectre1 gnome-network-admin libsvga1
gnome-power-manager unzip gnome-cards-data totem-plugins gnome-screensaver rhythmbox w3c-dtd-xhtml python-gdata gedit liblircclient0 python-gtksourceview2 gtk2-engines-pixbuf
system-config-printer libpt-1.10.10-plugins-alsa gnome-themes seahorse libggzmod4 mysql-common totem-common vinagre swfdec-gnome libpt-1.10.10 libgpod3 libgadu3 libgalago3
guile-1.8-libs libmysqlclient15off python-gtkmozembed python-gtkhtml2 p7zip gedit-common gnome-themes-extras libhesiod0 finger libmusicbrainz4c2a fast-user-switch-applet arj
gnome-volume-manager gtk2-engines libgtksourceview2.0-common libkpathsea4 eog libgtksourceview2.0-0 libavahi-gobject0 gnome-backgrounds python-eggtrayicon python-sexy
python-xdg gnome-spell libggz2 vino evince gnome-app-install libopal-2.2 totem-gstreamer libgnomevfs2-bin zip python-gdbm gnome-core dmz-cursor-theme python-4suite-xml
liblua5.1-0 libmeanwhile1 libgda3-3 svgalibg1 libpt-1.10.10-plugins-v4l libgpgme11 libggzcore9 libgmyth0 gconf-editor libzephyr3 gnome-system-tools gnuchess
gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs libavahi-ui0 gstreamer0.10-tools totem-mozilla libgdl-1-0 file-roller libopenobex1 libspeexdsp1 libgdl-1-common gnome-vfs-obexftp
The following packages will be REMOVED:
arj aspell bluez-gnome dmz-cursor-theme eog evince evolution-exchange fast-user-switch-applet file-roller finger gcalctool gconf-editor gedit gedit-common gnome-app-install
gnome-backgrounds gnome-cards-data gnome-core gnome-nettool gnome-network-admin gnome-power-manager gnome-screensaver gnome-spell gnome-system-tools gnome-themes
gnome-themes-extras gnome-vfs-obexftp gnome-volume-manager gnuchess gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs gstreamer0.10-tools gtk2-engines gtk2-engines-pixbuf gucharmap guile-1.8-libs
libavahi-gobject0 libavahi-ui0 libepc-1.0-1 libepc-ui-1.0-1 libgadu3 libgalago3 libgda3-3 libgda3-common libgdl-1-0 libgdl-1-common libggz2 libggzcore9 libggzmod4 libgksu1.2-0
libgksuui1.0-1 libgmyth0 libgnomevfs2-bin libgpgme11 libgpod3 libgtk-vnc-1.0-0 libgtksourceview2.0-0 libgtksourceview2.0-common libhesiod0 libkpathsea4 liblircclient0
liblua5.1-0 libmeanwhile1 libmtp7 libmusicbrainz4c2a libmysqlclient15off libopal-2.2 libopenobex1 libosp5 libpt-1.10.10 libpt-1.10.10-plugins-alsa libpt-1.10.10-plugins-v4l
libpth20 libsdl1.2debian libsdl1.2debian-alsa libspectre1 libspeexdsp1 libsvga1 libzephyr3 mysql-common p7zip pkg-config python-4suite-xml python-eggtrayicon python-gdata
python-gdbm python-gnome2-extras python-gst0.10 python-gtkhtml2 python-gtkmozembed python-gtksourceview2 python-notify python-sexy python-xdg rhythmbox seahorse svgalibg1
swfdec-gnome system-config-printer totem-common totem-gstreamer totem-mozilla totem-plugins unzip vinagre vino w3c-dtd-xhtml zip
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 107 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
After this operation, 216MB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
Have you never get problems after apt-get autoremove?
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Apr 2, 2010
Remove the sudo command software packages without damaging my system?
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Oct 27, 2010
i'm using ubuntu 10.10.
1. why is it that when i add a ppa to the repository and then i type sudo apt-get update,it has an error for that ppa but i can still install it? deluge is the main one that does that.
2. when i install apps, it tells me to use apt-get autoremove to remove unused packages but i need some of them like java etc. how do i take some apps off of the autoremove list?
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Sep 7, 2011
I've been using Debian for around ~3 months now, though before that a certain derivative thereof since the start of the year.Long story short is that I was installing packages, as you do, when apt-get prompted that I run apt-get autoremove, as it does. So, trusting the computer, I do, not bothering to read the chunk of packages that it recommends to remove. Life goes on, until a reboot reveals that there are issues.Short story shorter, a quick cat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep remove spits out the following:
root@kubrick:~# cat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep remove
2011-09-05 22:04:09 startup packages remove
2011-09-05 22:04:09 remove gnome-user-share 2.30.1-1 2.30.1-1
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Dec 29, 2010
I want to remove to help reduce vulnerabilities..
would 'apt-get autoremove make' be the proper command? It wants to remove about 30 or so packages. I don't want to lose anything i might need to run apache2 and similar packages (self-configured web server). Running Lenny.
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Sep 23, 2010
I made a mistake on my friend's Ubuntu system when trying to get hard drive permissions right. I wanted to add a user to a certain group with usermod -G, but without realising I should also use -a, with the result that the user is now not longer in the sudo group. This is the only (regular) user on the system, which means I can not sudo usermod again to get it right. So what to do? The only solution I can think of is using a live disc to restore the group belongings, but I want to know if there's a quicker way. Also, I don't know what more groups the user was in. Is there a history? Or else, what are the default groups?
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Jun 23, 2011
OS: RHEL / CentOS If I use "yum" to add / erase packages, OS will log the info to file /var/log/yum.log.
But if use "rpm -e" to remove a package, there is no related log file to show which rpm package got earsed. I have to run "rpm -qa > /tmp/$TIME", and then diff the /tmp/$TIME file to get the difference.
Is there is command to show the erased packages (erased by using rpm -e)?
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Jan 25, 2010
I've just joined this LQ forum as I couldn't find my answer on the web.
I am trying to find if there is a way to check/find out what packages were removed. In other words, I am looking for the history of packages that were ever removed.
I already know how to find what packages were installed using <rpm -qa> command, but it doesn't tell what has been REMOVED.
For example, how do I know if the <gcc> package was ever installed before, and when it was removed?
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Apr 26, 2011
I removed the linux-image-2.6.32-31-generic package (and all the older ones) from my 64-bit Lucid Lynx machine. When I boot up, the grub menu only has memtest as a choice.
I am able to boot the machine with the LiveCD and can mount the drive. (look like it's read only mode right now.) But now, how do I reinstall the linux-image-2.6.32-31-generic package(or any package for that matter) onto the disk partition that represents the machine?
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Jan 6, 2011
Kernel, Slackware 12.0
On the other hand
So, I do not understand why the notification "sudo: cd: command not found", considering cd is a bash built-in command.
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Apr 13, 2010
KDE 4.3 squeeze-SID
I've got a strange problem with my last "aptitude safe-upgrade". It had removed all my kde 4.3 and packages I have installed, I don't know why!
This is what aptitude removed :
$ dpkg -l | grep ^rc |awk '{print $2}' | xargs echo .....
I reinstalled kde-full (kde 4) but now with an aptitude safe-upgrade or dist-upgrade. It wants to remove my debian-multimedia keyrings and my wine-unstable and others each time.
# aptitude -s safe-upgrade
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants vont etre installs : <<<<<<<<< #new packages will be installed
libparted0debian1{a} libva1{a} libx264-92{a} libxklavier16{a} mysql-server-core-5.1{a}
Les paquets suivants seront ENLEVES : <<<<<<<< # packages will be remove .....
Here is my pref list :
Package: *
Pin: release o=apt-build
Pin-Priority: 989
Package: *
Pin: release o=Unofficial Multimedia Packages,a=unstable,l=Unofficial Multimedia Packages
Pin-Priority: 988
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=unstable,l=Debian
Pin-Priority: 987
Package: *
Pin: release o=volatile.debian.org,a=stable,l=debian-volatile
Pin-Priority: 986
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=stable,l=Debian-Security
Pin-Priority: 985
Package: *
Pin: release o=Unofficial Multimedia Packages,a=stable,l=Unofficial Multimedia Packages
Pin-Priority: 984
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=stable,l=Debian
Pin-Priority: 983
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing,l=Debian-Security
Pin-Priority: 982
Package: *
Pin: release o=Unofficial Multimedia Packages,a=testing,l=Unofficial Multimedia Packages
Pin-Priority: 981
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing,l=Debian
Pin-Priority: 980
And my sources.list:
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Apr 17, 2009
I've recently removed some packages and now have a problem with fonts. how to get list of removed packages (for example, last 10)?
P.S. I'am using yum-remove-with-leaves plugin.
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Jun 18, 2010
I am having trouble running commands by using sudo. I configured visudo file with localuser ALL=(ALL) ALL but I can't run any command, it tells me command not found.
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Nov 24, 2010
I do a lot of testing and developing on an Ubuntu machine at my university, and I don't have sudo access to the machine. It hasn't been a problem so far because the tools I've needed have been installed.
However, I have to build OpenCV, which has a lot of dependencies, some of which (notably, libbz2-dev) aren't installed.
I have access to localtmp on the local drive, and of course my own home folder (which is on NFS). Is there a way for me to install a local version of the tools I need using apt-get without sudo access? If not, is there another way to install them? I've been using CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/localtmp for some builds, but I'm not sure if this is the way to go, or if there is a better way.
tl;dr Is there a way to install applications locally without the ability to sudo?
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May 24, 2010
Recently I have facing issues with updating or installing packages on my lucid. sudo apt-get update spits the following
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Apr 14, 2011
By mistake i deleted imp folder which as certain imp files created, so i want to reterive it ? is it possible by using any specific linux commands only
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Oct 4, 2010
Today I accidentally removed my home directory which contains no. of other directories having my work done in last 3 years. I used the command rm -rf * . I looked for the problem in the google got some links pertaining to my problem, but got no solution. One among these links is: [URL]. Can I get back my lost data (so many directories in my home)
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Dec 28, 2008
As a follow-on to something Telemachos said in another post:
Originally Posted by Telemachos
You can see what kernels you have installed - to check if you have a virtual kernel and to clean up - by running this command:
If you've been installing kernel-headers along with the kernels (say to build modules for graphics or wireless), you should remove those when you remove the corresponding kernel. The command to search for those is parallel:
I would have thought that removing a given kernel package would trigger the removal of the older kernel headers. Can someone confirm that is, or is not, the behavior? I ask this because it seemed to me that the older kernel header packages were indeed removed when I removed some older kernel packages.
For example, the linux kernels I have installed are:
Also, the linux-headers packages I have installed are:
So, when I get around to removing the linux-image-2.6.25-2-amd64 package like this:
I would expect apt-get to automatically also remove linux-headers-2.6.25-2-amd64 and linux-headers-2.6.25-2-common. Is that what will happen, or do I need to explicitly state all three packages on the apt-get remove command?
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Jan 29, 2010
I've been reading up on ssh and I don't want anyone to connect to my computer. I am not interested in remote connectivity at all. Should I uninstall ssh? I ran Code: apt-get remove ssh and debian returned "package ssh is not installed. 0 packages removed."
I also looked online and found out about /etc/ssh/ssh_conf but all of the lines on my computer were #'d out. I also added "PermitRootLogin no" at the end. Am I safe from ssh attacks if I don't have ssh? Might be a stupid question but I don't want to fall victim. edit: it seems as though I -do- have openssh-client and openssh-server installed. Should I just leave my ssh config with PermitRootLogin no or apt-get remove openssh-client openssh-server.
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Oct 30, 2010
i changed to ubuntu completly..nomore windows for several reasons, but ofcourse being a newbie, im wondering a coupel things like where the program files are, also..what does the "sudo" command mean? does it just give you admin rights?? what are proprietary drivers, and can i emulate most games under wine?
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Mar 27, 2011
I have downloaded a tar ball and installed a program. This program needs root privilege to run. Say the command is nxt. The nxt has an option ERASE How do I make so that it runs as
sudo nxt ERASE
I have set up root password and everything, but don't know how to do it.
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Feb 27, 2010
Ubuntu won't let me use the sudo command in terminal. If I try, sudo: must be setuid root pops up. Also, if I try any tasks that require permission, the authentication box pops up and then disappears within one second.
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Oct 16, 2010
I was attempting to install the fglrx driver on my new ubuntu insallation, following a guide I found from google. At one point it says I need to login as super user, so I tried and no matter how many times I try it just keeps saying authentication failed. I even tried typing in my password with 1 finger, multiple times, every single time, authentication failed. So I decided to try the sudo command with fdisk -l, worked flawlessly. Tried the su command again, authentication failed, I have no idea what in heck is causing this but it just won't stop happening.
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Jun 24, 2011
I've been having trouble with CUPS.I uninstalled it and I wanted to re-install it. When I removed CUPS some other files were removed too. I don't have an option of installing the software or updating a system, in the Control Center.
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Sep 12, 2011
How i can run the following command (for Ubuntu) in Mandriva 2005 ? What is the similar command ?
sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8 pyro mercurial build-essential bison flex mercurial python-numpy
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Jan 20, 2010
On my Ubuntu server I'm running into an issue that I've never seen before even though I've been using Linux for many years. Basically sudo is not finding a command located in my path. Here is a transcript illustrating the problem.
prg ~: echo $PATH
prg ~: sudo echo $PATH
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Feb 17, 2010
When trying to open nautilus as root, I get the following message:
xxx@xxx-desktop:~$ sudo nautillus
[sudo] password for xxx:
sudo: nautilus: command not found
xxx@xxx-desktop:~$ sudo nautilus
(nautilus:3917): Eel-CRITICAL **: eel_preferences_get_boolean: assertion 'preferences_is_initialized ()' failed
Initializing nautilus-gdu extension
** (nautilus:3917): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'UploadFinished'
** (nautilus:3917): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'DownloadFinished'
** (nautilus:3917): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'ShareCreateError'
Initializing nautilus-clamscan extension
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
** (nautilus:3917): WARNING **: Could not inhibit power management: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files
--- Hash table keys for warning below:
--> xxx
--> root
--> inode/directory
--> l2050
--> l2049
--> staff
--> xxx
(nautilus:3917): Eel-WARNING **: "unique eel_ref_str" hash table still has 7 elements at quit time (keys above)
(nautilus:3917): Eel-WARNING **: "nautilus-directory.c: directories" hash table still has 12 elements at quit time
Shutting down nautilus-gdu extension
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