Ubuntu :: Use External Had Drive From Text Console?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm not able to login to my GUI. So I have to use text console only. But the hard drive is not getting detected from text console. What should I do ?

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Fedora :: LVM On External USB Drive - Recovery Console?

Jan 17, 2010

I'm having an issue with LVM on an external USB drive. When booting, the system drops into a recovery console if the external drive is not powered on because it cannot find the volume group and members. The setup is one system drive with fedora 12 installed, one internal data drive; LVM volume group vg1 with 5 partitions and one external backup drive LVM volume group vg2 with 5 partitions. Both the data drive and external backup are the same size and identical layout.

I use an rsync script that I wrote to execute backups (mirroring actually).
fstab is set 'noauto' on the external partitions.
I am new to LVM and I'm stumped as how to make the system 'ignore' the external drive at boot, if not powered on.

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Software :: Ubuntu Installed On External Hard Drive, Can't Startup Without External Hard Drive?

Jan 14, 2009

I have 2 ubuntu's: 1 on my ineternal hard drive, 1 on my external

When I startup without my ext drive =>GRUB error 21.

And when I plug it in I can choose: the standard ubuntu kernel is the one on my external, and the original one is listed under other...

I'd like to be able to startup without external hard drive and make the ubuntu on my internal drve the standard.

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Ubuntu :: See Console Text On Restart/shutdown?

Aug 4, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 on an IBM Thinkpad T60, when I try to Logoff, Restart, or Shutdown the system just goes to a black screen and I'm forced to do a hard reset to restart the system. I did a reinstall and things seemed to be working fine until I applied updates and reloaded my package list from my previous install then I got the same conditions as before. I suspect that this my be a result of a bad package or update. What I want to know is if their is a way to display console text of the shutdown process so I can see where the system hangs and possibly remove the problem application. I have an AMD 64 bit desktop running with the same package lists and have no issues I suspect it is a hardware specific issue for the laptop or an error with a 32 bit install.

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Ubuntu :: How Does Karmic Set Text Console Screen Resolution

Jan 21, 2010

I'm trying to track down a screen resolution issue (Karmic on an Acer SK20 [Intel 945 graphics] with Acer AL1511 flat panel via VGA) and mechanism for setting the framebuffer screen resolution after GRUB2 has loaded the kernel but before X starts.

Before I forced it to behave itself by adding an xorg.conf with a lone "Modes" entry for 1024x768, X was setting the panel to 640x350 by default. It appears from looking at get-edid | parse-edid that this is because 640x350 is the only resolution this idiot panel's EDID says it knows about, even though its native resolution is in fact 1024x768.

So the GUI works fine now, but all the text consoles (Ctrl-Alt-F1 through F6) are still operating at 640x350 and look terrible; also, because usplash doesn't know what to do with 640x350, I don't get my nice white Ubuntu logo before GDM starts.

In previous releases, I would have dealt with something like this by adding vga=791 to the kernel boot options. That doesn't work for the Karmic kernel, and GRUB2 whines about it being deprecated and tells me to use "set gfxpayload=1024x768x16,1024x768" on a line before the "linux" command instead.

Things I have already tried, with no success:

1. Adding "set gfxpayload=1024x768x16,1024x768" into the boot sequence, right before the "linux" line, by using GRUB2's inbuilt boot sequence editor (Ctrl-E): no change.

2. Changing the GRUB_GFXMODE= line in /etc/default/grub and running update-grub: changes the resolution used for GRUB's own menu, but as soon as the kernel boots it's back to 640x350 on text consoles.

3. Same as (2) but also adding a "set gfxpayload=keep" line in /etc/grub.d/00_header, right after the "set gfxmode=${GRUB_GFXMODE}" line: same effect as (2).

4. Removing the "splash" option from the "linux" line. No change (I guess this is because usplash didn't work anyway at 640x350). By the way, usplash.conf is set up for 1024x768 and yes, I did remember to dpkg-reconfigure -phigh usplash to rebuild the initramfs after checking this.

where exactly does Karmic set the screen resolution for its text consoles, and how can I force it to ignore this LCD panel's bogus EDID?

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading The NVidia Driver At The Text Console?

Nov 13, 2010

using Ubuntu 10.10 amd64, my older NVidia card suffered a hardware failure last week, and so I replaced it with an NVidia GTS 450.

As the driver that was previously in use was nvidia-173, at the next boot with the new card the X server didn't start. I got to the text console, where the /var/log/Xorg.0.log had the message that the GPU/chipset is unknown to the driver. (well, ok )

Some web searches revealed that the chipset GF106 of the GTS 450 is only supported by the NVidia 260.19.12 driver, which is not in the Ubuntu stock repositories, so I followed the instructions at http://halvar.at/blog/?p=258 to install the latest driver from the PPA repository:

sudo aptitude install nvidia-current
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude full-upgrade

In short, although all of the above worked fine, the problem is that even after a reboot, the system still uses the nvidia-173 driver (according to Xorg.0.log, and starting X still fails).

Before I tried the above, I also tried

sudo aptitude install nvidia-current

alone, in order to get the latest driver that is in the stock repositories, but the result is the same in both cases.

What do I have to do in order to activate the nvidia-current driver (either stock or from the ppa above) instead of nvidia-173??

I tried to modify the proper blacklist file in /etc/modprobe.d/... (sorry if the file names are slightly wrong - I'm typing all this from the top of my head, as the affected Ubuntu system has no graphics, and thus no graphical browser etc. ), but then there is the error:

"Error: API mismatch: the NVidia kernel module has version 260.19.12, but this NVidia driver component has version 173.14.28 ..."

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Ubuntu :: The Text In Recovery Mode Console Is Unreadable?

Apr 30, 2011

When I try to load Ubuntu (recovery mode) or if I press Ctrl+Alt+F1, the image gets corrupted showing a white screen with black writing on it, but which is unreadable. Also the words seem to be spelled backwards. I'm trying to install an NVIDIA driver and I need to stop first the X server.

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General :: Not Able To Log Into Text Console / Resolve This?

Jan 7, 2010

I have just come over from the darkside (Microsoft) and am finding problems with a few items.

I am trying to configure the monitor/video card as I am having problems with the nvidia geforce 4 integrated video card. Some instructions I have sat to press ctrl alt and f1 to go to the text console. I do but it asks for a login and does not accept my user name and password.

What have I done wrong?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty Alpha 1 Console Text Corruption?

Jan 17, 2011

fixing a text corruption issue / advice for filing a bug report (if necessary). So, generally speaking the stability I am experiencing with Natty is as I expect; I'm fully aware that this is a very very early development release and so all sorts of things can go wrong. I just wanted to point that out So while Gnome/Unity are up and running, graphics run more or less perfectly, the boot process text is completely garbled and if after everything is fully loaded I hit Control+Alt+F1-F6 the text looks like:

* this
* the above image close-up

The above links are supposed to be of the ubuntu login prompt. The problem occurred after running the upgrade command:


sudo do-release-upgrade -d

As is standard upgrade procedure. Is there anything obvious going on that I can tweak to make it all happy again? Since I have a working GUI.

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Ubuntu Security :: Sever Doesn't Clear The Console Text

Apr 9, 2011

When I'm logged in, physically on the server as root and logout the lines doesn't get cleared like when you logout as a normal user. This could be a bug and if it is, it could be a security problem. The last actions done shows.

Additional information:

Ubuntu Server 10.10 (32 bit)
Server used as: webserver, database, gaming server.

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Ubuntu :: External Monitor Fail When Switching To Console?

Feb 2, 2010

I am using an external monitor on a laptop whose default screen is dead. This works fine with Gnome or KDE, but when i do a switch to console (ctrl-alt-fnX) my monitor loses it's signal, and i wind up with a black screen. Alt-fn7 gets me back fine, but i am really missing the console...

Ubuntu 8.04.4

Computer switch monitor key (fn-f does nothing, even tho it works fine when in Gnome.

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Fedora :: Download The Recovery Through Text Console?

Sep 26, 2009

My computer isn't booting up or logging in, period, and I was wondering if I could run any of those Grub fixes if I downloaded it through the console. Can I run anything online besides yum using the console? I have a 4 gig USB Flash drive if necessary.

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Fedora :: Can't Change The Resolution Of Text Console On 13

Aug 8, 2010

I have install Fedora 13 on my machine (Intel 815 Chipset with graphic card of nVidia GeForce 256), but the default resolution of text console wound have be about 1024x768. I intend this machine as a simple samba server (without X Window), so just a low-resolution monitor will work with it. However, this monitor can't work with the resolution higher than 800x600, I have to change the resolution lower. I have searched the solutions for this problem on Google. Most of them thought I should fix /boot/grub/grub.conf, append "vga=769", "vga=771" or even "vga=ask" to the end of the line start with the word "kernel". I have tried but all of them doesn't work. Just like Fedora 13 use the value from the other configure file overwrite the one list in grub.conf. As everyone knows, if I installed and launched X Window on my machine, I could query and change the resolution with command "xrandr". Are there some similar ones that can work on text console?

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General :: Finding A Console / Text Based XDM / GDM?

May 22, 2010

I would like that users can log to X but this with a text based xdm + how to active it as last in inittab since it is text what contains my inittab


1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3


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General :: Kmail Notification When In A Text Console?

Jun 9, 2010

GNU/Linux kernel 2.6, Slackware 12.0
KDE 3.5.7, Kmail 1.9.7

To any user of an email program running on KDE: Let's call Kmail to such a program. When I am in the GUI, Kmail notifies me of any email that is entering. It does so by playing a .wav file through the loudspeakers (and displaying a little window in the desktop). But what happens if I am in a text console? Let's says I pressed Ctrl+Alt+F3. So now I am in virtual console #3. Shall I hear the sound? This question mortifies me.

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Slackware :: 13.1 Text Console Horizontal Alignment?

Feb 16, 2011

I use various hard disks in my computer. When I install a 13.1 disk, the six text consoles <Ctrl-F1> through <Ctrl-F6> are shifted to the left such that the first 2 characters in the line are off my flat panel screen. I use several different disks on this machine and all other disks are properly aligned. change the vga line in /etc/lilo.conf to vga = normal rather than vga = 773. This didn't fix the problem and resulted in another problem. If I adjust my flat panel horizontal adjustment, when I start XWindows, those screens are too far to the right. Is there a way to adjust the horizontal offset only for the consoles?

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Slackware :: Can't Change The Console Text On Netbook

Aug 16, 2010

I just installed Slackware 13.1 on my Acer a0531h. My first problem is the size of letters on pure console. It's too small. I tried tweaking lilo but even using 'normal' doesn't change the size of letters. I haven't changed the default font (I think it's called default8x16). The text looks pretty sharp though, so I'm wondering whether this is its native resolution. The text during installation was huge, and quite blurry. I just want to have a text size I can easily read and if possible be sharp. I know I can start X and have whatever font family and size I want, but somehow I feel better using pure console. Just in case it matters, I want to say that eventually I want to have UTF8 support on the command line (so that I can read and write Greek).

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Ubuntu :: Easiest Way To Search For String In Text File In GNOME Or On Console?

Jan 3, 2011

What's the easiest way to search for a string in a text file in GNOME or on the console? I used to do this in kfindfile back on KDE.I'd like to avoid downloading something like desktop search if at all possible because I'm away for the holidays and stuck on a dialup connection.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Logo And Background For Text Only Console?

Dec 28, 2010

I installed OpenSUSE 11.3 in text only mode and on 1st console (tty1) I see background (wallpaper) and logo at upper left corner: I know that I can to disable this splash permanently (menu.lst) or temporarily ('echo 0 > /proc/splash'). How I can:

1. Change the background (/etc/bootsplash/themes - is this here?).

2. Change the logo on my picture

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General :: How To Color Part Of Text Of Output To Console

Jun 9, 2011

Is there a way to color particular words printed on console based on user preference? For example I need to color text 'error' when a particular program is compiled.

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Server :: Disable Console Blanking In Text Mode?

Jan 6, 2010

I run a custom build of linux running kernel 2.6.24 and busybox. At the moment I'm investigating a kernel panic. The problem is that after 10 minutes the screen is blanked, i.e. it is still on but has been turned black. If you press a key then the command prompt is shown once again, but if the kernel has crashed then this won't work and any info about the panic is inaccessible. So I'd like to prevent the display being blanked. I've tried booting with 'apm=off' and 'apm=off acpi=on' kernel parameters but neither had any effect.

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Software :: Viewing An Updated Text File On The Console?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a program which logs the results of a test in a text file. I want to display this file on the console and display the updated file each and when as each test is updated. Is there any console command which will refresh the display everytime the file is updated?i tried using the "tail" command but it works(refreshes) only if the last field is updated.

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Slackware :: Change Base Console Text Color

Sep 5, 2010

I'm interested in changing the console text color. I can change the console color easily in X, but I'd also like to change the color of the text when my computer first boots up (like right after LILO).Is this something I can modify without rebuilding the kernel? If not, does anyone know where in the source I could make a change like this?

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CentOS 5 :: Setting Wide Text Console 1440x900?

Aug 8, 2010

Where can I set the 1440x900 wide screen text console on my laptop?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get Out Of Text Console And Back To GUI - Read Lost Login Name And Password?

Jan 17, 2010

The author (somewhere on these Ubuntu forums directed........ Ctrl + Alt + F1 which I thought was going to be the "Terminal" but nothing similar. I have about a half dozen different names/passwords for Ubuntu but none will work to log in. How to get out of this text console and back to Ubuntu GUI? And, how to read my lost LogIn name and password for this "Text Console"?

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Fedora :: Text Size In Console Got Sidetracked To Discussing Fbterm?

Jan 7, 2011

A thread on text size in console got sidetracked to discussing fbterm. In an effort to not (further) hijack that thread, I've started this one.[URL].. Anyway, I was asked how I got ibus-fbterm working. I only really got it working in ArchLinux, not Fedora, but I suspect if someone works enough at it, they can get it working in Fedora as well. I do a minimal installation, installing X and fluxbox or openbox. One also needs to have framebuffer working--if you have nomodeset in grub, due to, for example, using an NVidia driver, this won't work. You will have a /dev/fb0. In Arch, this is owned by root:video. When installing fbterm, there's a message that one should add themselves to the video group in order take advantage of this.

I used it with ibus-anthy. First, I made sure that that worked properly in X. I then installed fbterm and ibus-fbterm. So, to get it working, first be sure that ibus and your desired input method is working in X. Then, you have to have rights to /dev/fb0--in Arch, this was easy, making myself a member of the video group, not sure about the best way to do it in Fedora. As a temporary experiment, I just did a chmod 777 on it, which is obviously not the best solution.

Now in console, start ibus
ibus-daemon --xim
Before running fbterm, run the command
setcap 'cap_sys_tty_config+ep' /path/to/fbterm

as root or with root privilege. In Arch, the setcap command was there, in Fedora, I had to install it. I'm afraid I forget what program provided it, I had to use yum provides */setcap Then call ibus-fbterm with ibus-fbterm-launch You'll see that your console looks slightly different. Now, if it works, you should be able to hit ctl+space and then input the language of your choice (in my case Japanese.) In Fedora, it didn't work. I would hit shift space and enter characters, but nothing happened.

In Arch, it was a bit better--I'd hit ctl+space and enter something. Then, when I hit enter, I would see the results of what I'd typed. I couldn't edit it until I'd left input mode by hitting ctl+space again. That is, after hitting enter, I'd see the result of what I typed, but couldn't backspace.or otherwise go back. What it would do is, when I was trying to select kanji, by hitting the space bar after t yping the phonetic, is, after the second or third hit of the space bar, it would show the kanji choices and I could pick one.

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Slackware :: Error Messages On The Text Console When Runnig Startx

Jun 10, 2010

Slackware 12.0 (GNU/linux kernel 2.6) I am said slackware is very stable (I suppose this means it has few bugs). However, every time I run startx to start the graphical interface, for a brief moment I can see (just before the screen is put in graphical mode) a lot of error messages. How can this be? I use slack 12 a lot and have reinstalled this distro many times. However the described behavior always repeats.

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General :: Turn Off Monitor (Energy Saving) While In Text Console Mode

Nov 3, 2010

How to configure Linux text console to automatically turn of the monitor after some time? And by "text console" I mean that thing that you get on ctrl+alt+F[1-6], which is what you get whenever X11 is not running. And, no, I'm not using any framebuffer console (it's a plain, good and old 80x25 text-mode). Many years ago, I was using Slackware Linux, and it used to boot up in text-mode. Then you would manually run startx after the login. Anyway, the main login "screen" was the plain text-mode console, and I remember that the monitor used to turn off (energy saving mode, indicated by a blinking LED) after some time. Now I'm using Gentoo, and I have a similar setup.

The machine boots up in text-mode, and only rarely I need to run startx. I say this because this is mostly my personal Linux server, and there is no need to keep X11 running all the time. (which means: I don't want to use GDM/KDM or any other graphical login screen). But now, in this Gentoo text-mode console, the screen goes black after a while, but the monitor does not enter any energy-saving mode (the LED is always lit). Yes, I've waited long enough to verify this. Thus, my question is: how can I configure my current system to behave like the old one? In other words, how to make the text console trigger energy-saving mode of the monitor?

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CentOS 5 :: Opening Console On External Server From Local Machine?

Mar 16, 2011

I would like to connect via SSH or similar to my servers located in a remote DC from a laptop running centos5. I normally do this on a puter running dows, and using secureCRT. Just wondering if centos has something built in for this, or if there is some preferably free software I can get.

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Debian Multimedia :: MPlayer Video Output In Layer Beneath Console Text

Jan 26, 2011

When I try to play a dvd and give mplayer no options, it defaults to "X11" for the video output, which maxes out the cpu. To get around this, firstly I tried to play the dvd using "cvidix" in the console.

I used the following command:
mplayer -ao alsa -vo cvidix -fs -framedrop -stop-xscreensaver -dvd-device /dev/dvd1 dvd://1
This played the dvd, but the console text was still visible over the top of the movie; i.e. mplayer was playing in the layer beneath the console text

Then I tried using xvidix in X:
mplayer -ao alsa -vo xvidix -fs -framedrop -stop-xscreensaver -dvd-device /dev/dvd1 dvd://1
This gives a green line about 5mm thick down the right side of the screen, but other than that it is ok.

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