Ubuntu :: Syntax Ls Command Question For Generating Links?

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to find out can I use the ls command to list my wav files in such a way that it follows this format: <OPTION value="/home/filepath.wav">My first file </OPTION> I would like to know if there is a way I could simplify this because I have about 100 wav files. They all have names and if I could get them listed then a space then the name again with something behind it I could use the find replace feature to generate a bunch of links . If not is there a script out there that could use this format to generate links under this format? BTW this is for a pull down menu that would control windows media player

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Ubuntu :: Script Syntax - Chmod Command Not Found

Jan 20, 2011

I am just starting to learn to script and I need to know what this doesn't work, here's the error I get:
"chmod: command not found"
The error goes away when I delete the line with "dirname $NAME" in it.

echo "enter file name with extension and path"
read NAME
FULLPATH=`dirname $NAME`
echo $OPENFILE > /Users/admin/Desktop/tmpLink
echo $OPENPATH >> /Users/admin/Desktop/tmpLink
chmond +x /Users/admin/Desktop/tmpLink

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Programming :: Can't Get The Syntax Right In This Pyqt3 Command?

Mar 14, 2010

x = self.spinbox37.value() * 40
y = self.spinbox38.value() * 40


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General :: Links Command Not Working

Nov 23, 2010

I read and saw a video that says that typing in 'links' command followed by a website, will open a site in terminal.

However, when I type in the links command, terminal returns the error 'bash: links: command not found'.

What package or library needs to be installed to get this command to work.

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General :: Command Syntax To Modify Multiple Files

Sep 26, 2009

I have a program I use, rrdtool. I need to modify a ds value on every file at the same time. However, using a wildcard (*) to try this operation of all files does not work and instead only updates one file.

Here is the command syntax:
rrdtool tune <file> --maximum traffic_in:100000000000 && rrdtool tune <file> --maximum traffic_out:100000000000
So, how can I do this on every file in the directory?

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Software :: Vim - Command Input For Creating Syntax Files

Jan 25, 2011

There is a syntactical feature I would like to see in Vim, and so I thought to write myself a syntax file for my needs, but I am having trouble finding the exact type of syntax highlighting I want to incorporate'emulate. Currently in Vim, from the terminal instead of say gvim, when I place my cursor over a parenthesis or brace, the corresponding brace or parenthesis will highlight, or block its character. In my case, instead of a single character they will be full words specified within the syntax file.

I want to do something similar. For example if my document has three words:

I want the syntax file to tell Vim that when I have my cursor over the word Element1 or Element2 that Group will become highlighted. In the same, to have the cursor over Group will cause both Element1 and Element2 to highlight. I have looked here but understanding still eludes me: [URL]. I would also be happy with creating some sort of command input, where I type in the group name and the elements highlight. Like a very specific search function that searches for only and all instances that are contained within the group named.

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Ubuntu Security :: GRsync --Exclude Command Syntax / Backup A Whole Startup Disk To Another?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm trying to backup a whole startup disk to another with GRSYNC but I don't need some files or directories. For example, I don't want to backup my 'swapfile1' (I do not have a dedicated swap partition) or the 'media' directory' in order to no enter a looping sync.I've searched the web for the correct syntax of the --exclude command but none have worked if applied in the advanced option "before" rsync starts. These a sample of NOT workin syntaxes:

exclude /media or -- exclude 'media' or -- exclude "media"

same for swapfile1:

exclude swapfile1 or -- exclude 'swapfile1' or -- exclude "swapfile1"

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General :: Download 'complex' Links Via Command Line?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm not sure how to explain my situation. I would like to download the file <https://www.vmware.com/tryvmware/p/activate.php?p=free-esxi&lp=1&ext=1&a=DOWNLOAD_FILE&baseurl=http://download2.vmware.com/software/vi/&filename=VMware-VMvisor-Installer-4.0.0.Update01-208167.x86_64.iso> via the command line. I've tried a few different methods with wget, the best I get is an index.php file. I'm not at all familiar with php but a search for "wget php" yielded nothing helpful.

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General :: Tail Command Syntax To Print A Sequence Of Line ?

Dec 21, 2010

How to print a sequence of line say line number 10 to 20 of a 50 line file ?

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General :: Command Syntax Ignore Remaining Portion After Space?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm currently studying for my Linux+ test and I'm getting conflicting information regarding the rm -rf command. Yes, I know this a dangerous command, but my question is in regard to how the command functions. In one book I'm studying it says that rm -rf / home/myfolder (there's a space in there) will delete the entire root directory because there is a space between the root and home directory. It says that if there is a spacing such as this, it will ignore anything after the space, so in this case, it would delete the root directory and stop, not that there would be anything left anyway. Then in another book I have, it says that if you did a rm -rf folderName / (with the intention of adding the trailing slash to indicate it is a directory and not a folder) it will delete everything in folderName (assuming it's a child directory of your pwd) and then CONTINUE on and delete the root directory. Now, those two statements contradict each other. When you remove a directory, does the command line ignore anything after a space or not?

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Ubuntu :: Links Browser Script - Automatically Fills In The Credentials On The Links Login Page?

Dec 6, 2010

At my Uni, we use a web-based login for our internet connections. Its based off of Cisco, and every Wednesday night every computer on campus must re-enter their credentials to use the network.

Normally on my several computers I simply pull up the Terminal, point links to google.com using


And enter my credentials when Cisco redirects to the login page.

Literally, the process is


Then ENTER to accept the redirect, down arrow to skip over the logo image, USERNAME, ENTER, PASSWORD, ENTER, ENTER.

Naturally, this is EXTREMELY time consuming, as I have about 5 computers located around campus and must physically walk to the machines and login every single week.

My question is, How would I formulate a program that does the following;

1) checks for connectivity (i.e. is able to reach/resolve to the greater part of the internet) and

2) automatically fills in the credentials on the links login page?

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General :: $PATH Variables, Soft Links, And Command Not Found?

Sep 17, 2010

I am having problems with symbolic links and the $PATH variable.I have a directory:# /usr/rulerX/squarewhere /usr/rulerX/square is a symbolic link such that:

# ls -la
square --> square.hg.current
My path variable is set as:


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General :: Can't Open File/abcd/configFiles/vim/syntax/syntax.vim?

Mar 7, 2011

When ever i open vim, i get the error that the following error: E484: Can't open file/abcd/configFiles/vim/syntax/syntax.vim There was a .vimrc file in my home folder that i have removed.

Still i keep getting the same error. Presently in my home folder there is no .gvimrc or .vimrc file.

But still i keep getting the same error. I am not too sure where this file is mentioned.

Background info: The SHELL has been changed from tcsh to bash Earlier i had created a .vimrc file in tcsh, i have removed the .vimrc in bash SHELL.

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General :: Repeatedly Getting Command Substitution - Line 3 - Syntax Error Near Unexpected Token

Aug 31, 2010

I am repeatedly getting error:

I need to pass the value of:

I am using #!/bin/bash

This command works on shell without any issue.

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General :: Bash - Links -command Not Found - Error In Apache Server

Nov 6, 2010

I am using rhel5 with ip am using rhel on vmware 7. when i run links then i got error "bash : links : command not found" i want to know why this error is showing? when i use red hat without vmware then there is no problem.

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Programming :: Write A Command Line Script To Make Symbolic Links?

Oct 20, 2010

I am trying to figure something out as part of something else I am going to do. I was just wondering the easiest and quickest way to run a loop at the Linux command line which will make x amount of symbolic links when I need them.

I am using Debian 5.

I figure its something as easy as ~# foreach statement, then I just do a loop with the command to make a sym link.

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Programming :: Scripting : Change Markdown Links To Wikitext Links?

Feb 3, 2009

I have a personal wiki of notes, with now thousands of links in markdown format:

[link text](http://example.com)

but now that fckeditor is available for mediawiki (very beta), it has become much better to just stick with wikitext format. There are only a few conversions to do: tables, links, and bulleted lists. The lists are a fairly simple regex and fckeditor magically reformats the tables, so all I'm left with is the links. But I'm not a regex master. How do I reformat code...

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General :: SUSE 10 Syslog-ng Syntax - Bash: Syntax Error Near Unexpected Token "("

Apr 20, 2011

I am a Novell (now defunct) CNE tring to learn Linux and am having a lot of trouble finding out where the WB 6-6 is wrong in the syntax for adding local4... the the syslog-ng config file. In the instructions there are discrepancies between commas and simi-comma, they are both in the statements in no particular order. there is no pattern to them. Here is what the book shows:

filter f_local4debug { level(debug) and facility(local4); };

When I try to input this in the Gnome terminal window to try and find out where it goes wrong I get the following: -bash: syntax error near unexpected token "(" If I can get the correct syntax I belive I can use the info to get past the rest of this portion of the lesson. I am desperate to learn Linux as the only jobs out there for a Novell CNE are migrations to MS, which really sucks, since MS really really sucks.

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Ubuntu Security :: Generating Numeric Dictionary For Wpa?

Jul 18, 2010

i just got a new internet connection from the local service provider. While installation, he insisted that i use my mobile number as the wpa password for the wifi. From what Ive heard, this is company policy. Im a little skeptical about this as ive read wpa is crackable using a dictionary if the password is in there. So i looked around and found the air-crack suite to test the security for my access point. As my password is only numeric, i couldn't find only a numeric dictionary to use with air-crack.

So, i would like to create a dictionary that has only 10 digits, and the first two digit should be "05", because thats what mobile numbers here start from. I would be really grateful if anyone could point me to a way to do this easily.

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Ubuntu :: Generating A List Of Installed Apps?

Dec 5, 2010

How can I generate a list of all the apps I have installed in my Ubuntu installation?

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Security :: Generating A Key Compatible With PGP?

Jun 24, 2010

I am currently using [URL] to send and receive faxes at work. I need the faxes to be encrypted. They offer public key encryption with PGP 9.8.2 They just need my public key to be compatible with their PGP version. I found a few statements at the GPG site, which may not be true for newer versions of gpg: PGP, Inc. refuses to accept Elgamal keys of type 20 even for encryption.They only support type 16.PGP 5.x does not accept v4 signatures for data material but OpenPGP requests generation of v4 signatures for all kind of data, that's why GnuPG defaults to them. By default, GnuPG encrypts your secret key using the Blowfish symmetric algorithm. Older PGPs will only understand 3DES, CAST5, or IDEA symmetric algorithms. PGP doesn't do Elgamal signing keys at all, so they are not usable with any version. I attempt to avoid using trial and error here, because an incompatible key may provoke loss of crucial information. It is difficult to estimate how long it would take them/me to find out that the key provided was not compatible; but probably it would entail a significant loss for the business.

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Ubuntu Networking :: System Generating Lot Of Network Traffic

Apr 4, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10, upgraded a few weeks ago from 10.04. I noted from the system monitor that the system was generating a lot of network traffic, on the order of 10Mbps if the information is correct (using system monitor and iftop). From the process table, it appears that smbd is accumulating a lot of CPU time, which sort of makes sense as I use Samba for printing from a Windows 7 laptop. But the traffic seems to be making a round trip as I just rebooted the system and it reports in about 10 minutes of uptime 1.2GB was send and 1.2GB was received. Laptop is used for work, it is sitting idle for the last 30 minutes (VPN connection, etc); no backup or other interaction with the Ubuntu system.

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Programming :: Generating Excel Charts From C?

Feb 24, 2011

how to generate excel charts from C, or if it's possible at all? For example, if I had 2 arrays that I wanted to export to excel and graph against each other. I know how to export it to a csv file, that's no problem, but I have no idea where to start with generating a graph of the data. I can't seem to find any examples anywhere. Just a simple example to show you what I mean: Code:

char arr1[] = {'a','b','c'};
int arr2[] = {10,20,30};
int main ()


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Generating Own Socks 5 Proxy?

May 8, 2009

I want to generate my own socks 5 proxy not for lan but for my use on internet I want to access that proxy from any pc and any connection. Like proxy supplied by atomintersoft.com or xroxy.com i want to create my own 300 socks 5 proxy. I can have dedicated server if required to do so.

1)tell me steps to create my own socks5 proxy.What are general system requirement.

2)Which Distro will be best for this purpose.I am new here and dont have idea about linux but can grasp everything faster than u!

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General :: Generating Two Bash Arguments From 'ls'?

Jul 3, 2011

I have a directory containing the following files.




What I want is something like:


for i in *.pdb
python my_script.py 1-res-opt-I189N-00{1..10}.pdb 3-res-opt-I189N-00{1..10}.pdb

such that always the two files with corresponding index are submitted together to the Python script. How do I do that?

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Security :: Looking For Documentation For Generating Certificates

May 10, 2011

Is there a guide somewhere that covers all the security module topics for Linux, somewhat from top to bottom. Such as LDAP TLS RSA secure auth... generating certs etc etc. All of it and how it all ties together. Sure I can find you should use this etc., or guides that don't explain much or how they work together to complete the sweet. TLD seems to suffer from the same thing that I just stated...

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Server :: Generating A Self Signed SSL Certificate?

Jul 22, 2009

I have a server which I use for mail:


The above is the machines actual FQDN. Now because I also use it as a web server to access my website and webmail, I have a pointer record with my domain registrar to also forward all [URL] to the same IP as [URL]. when I generate a SSL self signed certificate for my server. Do I generate one for [URL] or [URL]?

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Server :: SARG Is Not Generating Reports?

Jul 21, 2009

SARG seems ok but it is not generating any reports.... "Now generating Sarg report from Squid log file /var/log/squid/access.log squid and all rotated versions .... Sarg finished, but no report was generated. See the output above for details. There is also no view generated reports too.

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Programming :: Code For Generating A Pop-Up Window In C

Aug 4, 2010

Unfortunatelly since i have no background at all about GUI programming, i dont know even the keyword for that i want to generate a pop up window from my program (written in C) which show a message and an OK button. in my opinion, maybe i should use directly the Xlib library and not the GTK or QT library for example so the program can work almost on every linux system. A code snippet/hint for the pop-up window then?

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Programming :: Generating Grpah Form Rrd On The Fly?

May 9, 2010

Im strugling with script that wil generate graph on demad. I put it in cgi-bin directory but cannot get it to work. i googled for perl generating images and tried few examples but none worked.

When I execute perl script in command line it throws picture i a bunch of characters so it creates it but wont show when I access it through a web page.


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