Ubuntu :: Start Without A GUI With Grub2?

Jul 12, 2011

I've been trying to figure out how to start Ubuntu without a GUI with grub2 (I had it figured out for legacy GRUB). Done several searches, and there are a few threads, but they all give different advice that I either don't understand or that don't work.

I tried editing /etc/default/grub with GRUB_TERMINAL=console then updated grub. gdm still loads automatically. I'm probably one of those people "The Idiot's Guide" were written for,can you tell me specifically where the configuration file is that I may have to edit, and exactly what goes on the line that I have to edit? And what does "editing on the fly mean?" I see that a lot in these GRUB tutorials.

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Won't Start Other Distros

Apr 10, 2010

Difficult problem of booting due to the presence of 2SATA hdd (sda,sdb) and 2IDE hdd (sdc,sdd). At the moment I have kubuntu-karmic on sda booting itself and bothe win7 and xp on the same hd. I edited, the custom grub.d file to add Suse and Mandriva installed on sdc and generated a new grub.cfg. Neither the entries grub2 finds by itself nor the ones generated by my files start. No error of sort. I select the entry and nothing happens....it just hangs.I had hoped to have solved the problem of booting as grub legacy installed itself on the wrong disk/partition and never found its stage 2.

i copy here grub.cfg


# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Can't Load Window 7 After Recovered Grub2 Using Live Cd To Boot Windows 7

Mar 7, 2010

i initilally installed ubuntu 9.10 then installed windows 7 ,then i recovered grub2 using livecd as told in the post [URL] i did "sudo update-grub" and got windows 7 menu entry but when i select that entry windows 7 does not load but the grub2 is reloaded again.
i cant boot to windows 7.

Windows 7 have 100 mb partition "System Reserved" the grub2 points to that partition but still windows 7 not loaded.

sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x3c3a81f5


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Dosn't Save Windows As Last Selected + Boot Into Cdrom From Grub2?

May 17, 2010

I went through so many post but I haven't found the proper answer yet hope you have an Idea1. Grub2 saves only Linux OS as last selected no Windows OS2.It is possible to boot into a cdrom (drive)?

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Fedora :: Dual Booting - Grub2 To See F15 Or Be Installed Using Grub2?

Jul 11, 2011

I installed Fedora 15, which was my first real departure from Debian based Linux OSs. I absolutely love the new Gnome 3, and was able to configure F15 to work as I wanted it to. On rebooting I realized that there was no boot loader screen, that F15 just booted and didn't give me a choice as to which OS I wanted to use. Eventually I was able to configure grub to let me see the boot loader and added my old boot loader as a choice. This worked well, maybe not a perfect solution, but it worked. This weekend I installed LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) to another HDD. LMDE uses grub2 and after the install F15 was not recognized.

Two questions: Is there a way for grub2 to see F15? or Can F15 be installed using grub2? I really don't mind re-installing from scratch.

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Fedora :: Load Grub2 From Grub4dos / Load Directly Grub2 Core Without Passing By Bootstriping Code?

Jan 24, 2011

I want to load grub2 from grub4dos.I want to load directly the grub2 core. I know how to load first 512 bytes from some patition by chainloader and load grub2, but what I need is to load directly grub2 core without passing by bootstriping code (first 512 bytes).So, my first boot manager is grub4dos, then I can load grub2 and later I load Ubuntu. But I think I have to edit --set-root
What I dont know is how.

In hdd 0,7 (sda8) I have Ubuntu 10.10 and /boot/grub/core.img is in sda8 (hd0.7)

I tried this way:

title grub2
find --set-root /boot/grub/core.img
kernel /boot/grub/core.img

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Ubuntu :: Start Synergy On Startup Wont Start Automatically On Server

Oct 13, 2010

Im trying to run synergy on startup. This works fine on the client, but it wont start automatically on the server. I put this line in an entry in startup applications:


but still no dice.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adobe - When Click On Icon In Start Menu Or On Desktop It Fails To Start

Oct 27, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit, downloaded Adobe reader '.bin', from the terminal

It extracted and asked me for a installation location, to which i put [~]

It then finished the installation.

But when i click on the icon in the start menu or on desktop it fails to start, when i also click on a .pdf document it also fails to start!

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Slow - Start Up Time Is 30 Minutes But It Usually Doesn't Start Up At All

May 4, 2011

I did a clean install of Ubuntu 11.04 64bit and the start up time is abnormally slow. If I start up the computer and don't press anything, the start up time is 30 minutes but it usually doesn't start up at all. It just boots into a purple screen, no splash, then it sits there and the computer doesn't have any loading lights flashing.

I had a similar problem with 10.10, but I assumed it would go away when I did a clean install of 11.04.

I can't get a read out of what's going wrong because when I press Esc it doesn't display anything, though weirdly it can sometimes get the start up process moving. I have also found that pressing enter really fast can sometimes help and something that seems completely oxymoronic, if I press the power button while it's starting up that can make it work, but nothing works every time.

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Ubuntu Servers :: MySql Database Won't Start - How To Make It Start

May 4, 2011

I have a mysql database and i use it with apache for my webpages. And I guess it dosen't start when the computer starts so I have to manually start it with "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start" This returns fail so i went to '/var/run/mysqld/' and the folder was empty. I don't know if this is the problem or not. How can I fix this?

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General :: Start Script Bash When System Start Stop Reeboot?

Dec 10, 2009

I have 3 script BASH. I want start this script when the system start,stop and reeboot.

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Fedora :: Schedule A Process To Start At A Specific Time (not On Start Up)?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm trying to find how to schedule a process to start at a specific time (not on start up). How would I schedule a process/application to start at a specific time (if it matters, it will be a background process). For instance, have process abc start every weekday at 5am. I've done this for windows many times though have only been using linux regularly for a few months and haven't figured out the best way of doing this.

So far the best solution I have is to create a program that will start on boot and have it check the time and sleep until the required time and then start the required process(es) at the required time(s). But this seems more of a hack since I'd expect there to be a proper way of doing this.

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General :: Start Up Script That Displays Icons On The Far Right Of Start Panel?

Sep 2, 2010

I am using Rhel5 and I'm new to linux so pardon me for sounding a bit green around the ears.Anyway..I got an error message a few weeks ago about how the start up script that displays icons on the far right of my start panel was malfunctioning and it was going to be deleted from the start-up. didn't really know what it really meant and I just clicked ok.wireless eth0 status icon as well as my amarok status icon are hidden on the start panel. How do I get it back/add that script back to the start-up

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Server :: DHCPD Will Start In Debug But Will Not Start As A Normal Service

Jun 7, 2010

I have setup a CentOS 5.5 server as a DHCP server. That will be it's only task in a Cisco callmanger VoIP environment The DHCP server that comes with CentOS 5.5 is from ISC V3.0.5 -redhat.

The server (HP DL360) has two physical NIC's of which only NIC1 is used (ETH0)

ifconfig shows:


The interface has a fixed IP setup.

My dhcp.conf file looks like this:


When I start (try to) dhcpd via the service interface or via the prompt as

Code: service dhcpd start

I get an [FAILED] message and the following is in /var/log/messages


But when I start the DHCPD on the comamnd prompt in debug mode it looks as follows:


and /var/log/messages shows:


Why does the system ask a declaration for eth0

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Software :: Samba Refuses To Start On Startup - But Will Start Manually

Apr 14, 2009

I just moved my / from sda1 to an ide drive, hde1. i dont see how this could have caused any of these issues, but it did.

First my network card failed to start. i added a line in my rc.local file (where i put all of my additional programs, etc i want to start):/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1

The above now starts my network card with my static ip configured. dhcpcd also worked but i wanted this static.

Now samba will not start. i have the following line in my rc.local: /etc/rc.d/init.d/samba start

This used to work just fine. at first i thought that samba may be trying to start before my network card gets an ip, but the line is *after* the network startup line. just to make sure, i made an additional script called startsamba which contained a sleep 60 followed by samba start, to delay the startup of samba even further.

The message samba reports is very vague, something like failed - core dumped. most of the core dump log is garbage characters, but here is the beginning which seems like it might contain some info:


ERROR: Can't log to stdout (-S) unless daemon is in foreground (-F) or interactive (-i) after the system starts, i can drop to a console and type "/etc/rc.d/init.d/samba start" and the service starts just fine. i've also tried starting samba manually with "smbd -d" which also produces the core dump when started from rc.local, but not when started from a console after startup.

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CentOS 5 Server :: DHCPD Doesn't Start - How To Make It Start

Sep 2, 2010

I'm configuring a new Centos 5.5 server in replacement of an old W2K server.The topology of our network is simple : one file/dhcp/dns relay server and workstations (PC's and some MAC's) plus network printers and scanners.All the workstations have dynamic IP addresses (easier because a lot of 'dynamic' changes : new persons with their own laptop, ...) and the server and printers/scanners have fixed IP addresses.I edited the dhcpd.conf (see here underneath), I have the file dhcpd.leases but it doesn't start !

ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;


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OpenSUSE :: Start Apache And Ktorrent On The Systems Start Up?

May 11, 2010

i want to start apache and ktorrent on the systems start up, is there a program that will do it for me or do i need init scripts?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Start SCRIPT Command At START Of TERMINAL?

Feb 15, 2009

I want to monitor my work on the terminal.I know we can use script command.But every time when I start the terminal, I have to type script to start it.I want to automate it. So where should I include this command so that it will start as soon as I start the terminal ?

MY WORK TILL NOW: I have put this "script" command in the .profile.The when I start the terminal, it became an INFINITE LOOP.I am able to "echo".Thats coming only once.....but if I write a "script" command then it is becoming an INFINITE LOOP.

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Networking :: Start-up Script To Start Wlan Interface

Aug 29, 2009

I've been fighting to get my wireless working and I've finally made some progress. I can actually manage to connect to my wireless network and so far it has been quite stable (fingers crossed).

However there is one slight nag. My wlan0 interface driver refuses to start at startup. When I type iwconfig its just not there. To fix this I have to manually run "rmmod rtl8187" and then "modprobe rtl8187". Then it works fine.

I've been trying to make a script to automate this but without success. I've tried both editing my rc.local and kde startup .xinitrc

How I could get those two commands to run automatically at startup after the boot process? I'm running Arch Linux and KDE 4.3

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General :: How To Get Conky Start Automatically When Start Fvwm

Sep 22, 2009

I use Opensuse 11 with fvwm. How can I get conky start automatically when I start fvwm?

I setup the conky under fvwm session for my Opensuse 11 but it won't start automatically. I am wondering how to write some kind of scripts to force it to start automatically and with a delay about 10 seconds after fvwm starts.

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Ubuntu :: Way To Set Key Map In Grub2?

Feb 24, 2010

Is there a way to set a key map in grub2? I know you could do it in grub1 with the setkey option, but that doesn't seem to work in grub2.

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Fedora :: Auto Start A Program On Start Up?

Oct 9, 2009

I just installed TuxGuitar - very cool - and to get the sound to work I had to install Timidity++ as well. Before I start TuxGuitar I have to execute:timidity -iA -Osin a terminal window first, which is kind of a pain to do every time I run TuxGuitar.How do I get this line to execute on startup such that timidity is running when I start up? I tried adding that line to rc.local

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 On Partition (not MBR)

Jan 20, 2010

I tried searching for this both in the forums and on google but it seems that everything goes back to MBR installation. I know that "grub-install /dev/sda1" should install it to the sda1 partition, but instead of installing it keeps giving me the following error:

grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub.
No path or device is specified.
Try ``grub-probe --help'' for more information.
Auto-detection of a filesystem module failed.
Please specify the module with the option `--modules' explicitly.

I tried this with a fresh installation of Karmic on both of my PCs. I tried with --recheck option as well, same error. Installing it to MBR works fine, but I don't want it there, have another bootloader chainloading grub. Every single guide I found installs GRUB2 to MBR, and some briefly reference to "grub-install /dev/sdaX" without going into any detail. At first I thought the problem was because Ubuntu was installed on a logical partition, so I created a separate /boot partition and formatted it as ext2, still getting the same problem.

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 And Win 7 - No Such A Device

Mar 30, 2010

Grub2 fails when trying to boot into Win 7 from Grub2 menu. No such a device. I did run boot_info_script055.sh Here is the result:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================ Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks for


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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Not Finding All OS's?

Apr 13, 2010

I am in the process of trying out different Linux distros. This is what my hard drive partitions look like:

sda1 - Ubuntu
(Free space - about 150 GB)
sda3 - Windows (sadly)
sda4 - Windows Recovery

I successfully installed Fedora to the free space, which is now sda2, but when I was installing, I chose to keep my current bootloader so it wouldn't mess anything up. Now, I can't get Grub to detect my Fedora install, even after running 'update-grub' from the current Grub root (sda1).How can I get Grub to detect my Fedora install?

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Ubuntu :: How To Recover Grub2

May 27, 2010

Once again an update broke my Lucid When I start my laptop, I can't see the options to choose a kernal or Windows as I used to see before. know my grub is deleted or overwritten after recent automatic update (on 27th May 10). Now I have a bootable 10.04 CD.Please let me know how to recover the grub2. I don't want to reinstall my linux or windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Won't See The Xp

Jun 9, 2010

I have decided to dual boot again because I found a old hard drive laying around.

primary drive: sata 500 gb
ubuntu 10.4 64 bit installed with


secondary drive: 120 gb ide drive with xp installed. xp was installed first and wrote the mbr to sda1. I then installed ubuntu 10.4 and it overwrote mbr on sda with grub2. I have tried every combination of the 40_custom script for xp I have found here on the forums but to no avail. The 30_OS probe never seems to see it either. Grub 2 will not see xp. I have it in the menu from the custom_40 but it just reboots the system when I choose it. Any advice is greatly appreciated as I am ready to go back to legacy grub which only took 5 minutes to dual boot last time I did dual boot. I want to give grub2 a chance, since it supposed to be better, but I am getting frustrated.

Here is the output from the boot info script.


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #1 for /boot/grub.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb


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Ubuntu :: How To Reinstall The Grub2

Jun 18, 2010

I'm a hardcore ubuntu user and have ubuntu 10.04 on my dell Inspiron 1525. I dual booted it with fedora 13 recently and fedora grub has wiped out ubuntu grub2. I want to re-install grub2.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB2 Has No Entries?

Jul 11, 2010

Intalled GRUB using Live CD. My problem is very similar to these..

1. sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda
2. sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev
3. sudo mount -t proc none /mnt/proc


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Ubuntu :: Write Grub2 To MBR?

Jul 19, 2010

I have made a new /boot/grub/grub.conf file.

How do I write it to MBR? Do I have to be running from CD?

I can't find new Grub2 instructions anywhere.

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