Ubuntu :: Show Date And Size Of Files During Files Replacement?
Jan 16, 2011
I am newer to Linux ( using Ubuntu 10.04) : I have noticed that during replacement of a file , no date and size of the new and old files are shown in the dialogue box so how to show that ( like the one in windows)
I know that it is easy question , but i really don't know how to do that , by the way I have checked folder preferences and system --> preferences but i did not find something for that
I have bought an external usb hard drive on which I back up my three computers every once in a while.Space will quickly be used up.I can't find that little bit of research that I need yesterday.Here is what I would like to find:An application that eliminates doubles in identical files and renames files that have changed by appending the last saved date yyyymmdd to the file name.Does such an application already exist?
I need a script that will take all the files in a given directory and create new monthly sub-directories and sort all the files based on the creation date into the appropriate directory.For example, all files created between 01/01/09 and 01/31/09 will be placed in 'JAN-2009'
I'm looking for a method for modifying some jpg photo files last modification date with the corresponding timestamp creation date of each file.The reason is that shotwell import pictures in folders according to last modification date which is stupid on my opinion.
I have noticed that the files and folders search in Unity, only shows up those files which have been amended (or possibly just opened) since the install.
i was wondering if there was a way i could have the search index (or something vaguely equivalent) all the files on my machine. This is especially important given that i reinstall the OS every six months on a new distribution cycle, copying all my old files across.
Without being able to see my old files the search is pretty much reduced to a recent history search.
I run a Squeeze system and have recently updated various packages. As far as I can tell one of the changes has deprecated HAL FDI files (used for, among other things, configuring various input devices). I am hence wondering how one should go about configuring such devices --- without having to resort to an xorg.conf file.The two devices in question, an TouchPad and TrackPoint can both be configured via XInput when I log-in, however, it is somewhat tedious. Writing a log-on script to do this also seems rather hacky.So my question is: what is the most elegant way of configuring XInput devices?
How can I replace one instance of a word in a text file with a piece of text that spreads several lines ? I know sed or awk is the way to go but don't know that how I can introduce new paragraphs using these tools
I'm looking for a terminal command that gives me the latest created folder in a directory tree.
ls -lR --sort=time --reverse
this i almost good, but a) it gives me files (rather than folders only), b) it sorts the files by folder (rather than just giving me a plain list of everything) and c) it takes way to long.
I had a program run riot and it has created hundreds of spurious files in one directory. Fortunately they are all dated 4th November so are easily identified. What bash command can I use from the console to delete them all?
Currently I'm using `ls -l | grep "Mar 13" ` for listing today log files.Output :-rw------- 1 root root 2188192 Mar 13 10:33 audit.logBut my requirement like below,note permission,date,size...audit.log Note : Where 10 logs file are same directory in different date , But I'm looking files which are logging in today date (Mar 13)
I clone my entire notebook hdd once a month to a USB drive with an identical disk once a month using dd. I would like to find a way to automatically or manually do incremental backups at shorter intervals.
The first problem is that my incremental backup drive is not the same as my full backup drive (which is my clone). Is there some way to backup or copy all files on a document partition modified after a certain date?
The second problem is that my document partition is NTFS-3G. I guess this could be done pretty easily using "dump" if I stored my docs on ext. [I don't because I want to make sure that my docs are accessible from any machine (say in an Internet cafe) should my MacBook die and I need to rip out the hard drive and run to do my homework on another system; that is why I keep my docs on my Vista partition].
I have a list of .jpg files from two cellphones that I would like to rename to the file creation date... but so far I can't seem to find a suitable script (or anything remotely close to what I need).
These are jpg's snapped on cellphone cameras, so no EXIF data exists.
Is there any way to untar and only extract those files that are above a certain date including directory structure??
I restored a backup on a play server but it was a few days old. However I have a tar archive of the entire structure that is more up to date and healthy so now I want to extract all files (including directory structure) based on a date filter on the files if possible?
I am running ubundu 10.10 and want to copy all files revised after a certain date (01.02.2011) to a certain location (usb memory stick) for backup purposes. How do I use the "cp" command, or do I have to use any other command ? Or may be this is not possible in Linux ?
This looks good, the files expected to be seen are output: find /usr ( -newer /tmp/empty_file -a ! -newer /tmp/empty_file1 ) -print
But this shows me files that should not be output and likewise when I replace ls with tar it is tarring a whole bunch of stuff I do not want: find /usr ( -newer /tmp/empty_file -a ! -newer /tmp/empty_file1 ) -exec ls -l {} ;
In the end I would like to replace the "ls" with "tar cvvfp some.tar {} ;", but can't figure out what is going wrong here.
I was going to do a rsync -r -a -z -v -p -e sshto move some files frome server to another, but then realized all I really need are files which have dates starting June 1, 2008 to current. Is there a way to have rsync only sync those files?he directory structure that's my source goes all the way back to 2004.
how I should go about rotating files that end with a date stamp. This is the configuration I have to rotate my Apache access files, but it is not working:
I have hundreds of MTS and AVI files since 2000 and would like to rename them in the following manner based on the date created: DD-MMM-YYYY HH.MM.SS_X; where X begins at 1 and increments by 1 if there are dublicate date/time stamped videos.
Ex: 19-Nov-2002 08.12.30.avi, 19-Nov-2002 08:13:30_1 and 19-Nov-2002 08:13:30_2
Someone previously wrote the following script for me, and it works great for photos. It uses EXIV2 to get the image date created info. I have tried to understand the script, but am struggling. The video files I have can use the date modified since I have not modified them since I filmed them.
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import stat import pyexiv2 import time directory = '/home/david/Desktop/test' [Code].....
I often record music from the webradio with Streamtuner.How can I rename the mp3 files recorded in a way that numbers are added to the beginning of the filename representing the order in which the titles were played on the webradio station?I am looking for an automated solution like a renaming tool since there are usually hundreds of files in a directory. I used autorename / ARen for windows back in the day when I was still on XP. What I could do with the tool was:a) Sort the files by date of creationb) add an increasing number at the beginning of the filename based on the position in the sorted list.
I know find can do what I am looking for, but I am wondering if there is an alternative way to find files on the filesystem either created before/after a certain point, or at a certain time.
Typically I rely on updatedb & locate for most of my file searching needs. Issues with those tools, though, are that it only has directory and file names, and it only creates a database of local directories, not anything mounted via CIFS|NFS or via -o loop (eg, .iso images).
So if I need to find files created after yesterday across the entire system (local and remote filesystems), I am currently needing to use find.
What other tools, if any, would accomplish this in a similar fashion?
I have tried ls and grep, but that requires (in my attempts so far) multiple searches:
ls -lR | grep Aug | grep 10 ls -lR | grep Aug | grep 11
the moment the file name goes as backup-"$(date +%d-%b-%y)" so something like backup-13-Feb-11.I have already setup in my script to make sure the backup was successful and is not corrupt what I need to do next if for exampleif I backup for 21st feburarybackup-21-Feb-11if it finds anything older than five days for examplebackup-13-Feb-11 it will delete this. I want the old delete part to work on the filename not a system time stamp
I have some basic experiencing creating simple scripts/making directories/changing permissions/etc. but I'm stumped on this one.
I have two linux boxes. I have a script set up on box 'A' to SCP into box 'B', grab a copy of a database backup and store it on box 'A'. It looks like this:
I have generated a public key on box 'A' and placed it into the authorized_keys file on box 'B', so a password is not required and the file copies over successfully when the script is run. On to my problem...
I need to know what date the 'dump.23.gz' file was originally created when I'm viewing it after it's been copied to box 'A'. If I ls -l on box 'A' it only shows me the date it was created on box 'A' when it was copied.
What would I need to add to my script to append the backup's original creation date on box 'B' to the filename so that when it gets copied to box 'A' I know when the backup was created on box 'B'. I'm sure this is probably confusing. I've done lots of searching and can only find information on how to append the current date and time to a file name. I need to append it's original creation timestamp to the filename when it copies over.
I am trying to find a command which will copy all the files in the folder with extension ".log" which is created one day before the current date. By going through other threads in this forum I found the half solution to this problem
find /mnt/hd -mtime -1 -exec scp {} /mnt/usb ;
This command copying the all the files created one day before(not only *.log) to the /mnt/usb folder. what is the modification required to above command.
I currently have a command to backup a directory it will zip the directoryand place it where i have told it too, Now what i am after is a command i can run before my code, that will delete and tar.gz files before todays dateso i my ideal world it would be something like this, delete <'date +%m_%d_%y'.tar so this will delete all the files in this folder before todays date,
I need to know all files modified within a date and time range.E.g: All modified files between 20 April 2010, 1100-1200 Hrs."find / -mtime +10 ! -mtime +11" :: this i found for date but how to include time as well.
I'm trying to write a script that searches my files and lists them by date. Can someone point me in the right direction? I've been looking through the books that i have but i'm just not finding the right commands to search dates.
I wanna copy all folders and files created from 01.01.2011 until today to new placeie:cp -r /home/moviecar/public_html/wp-content/uploads/ /home/teaser/public_html/wp-content/uploads
I am trying to configure logrotate on APP/DB servers.As per my backup policy,logs will compress in daily basis and and will be moved to a Central storage device.
My tomcat generate several application logs with date extension as well as .log extension.For eg app.log,app.log.2010-10-23-14,catalina.out,catalina.2010-10-25.log etc.
Currently my tomcat logrotation /etc/logrote.d/ #cat /etc/logroate.d/tomcat/ /usr/local/tomcat/logs/*log {
But its rotating logs only with .log extension..ie app.log.2010-10-23-14 (with date extension) is not rotating.If i put "*" instead of "*log",its rotating all files including rotated files. How can i rotate files which is having date extension.Also i dont want to keep rotated logs for more than 3 days.
I have a folder with hundreds of .txt files (logs of some java application) that I have to merge in to one single .txt file. This application produces a new log file everyday:
day1: logFriday10September2010.txt day2: logSaturday11September2010.txt ... day8: logFriday17September2010.txt ... and so on...
I could merge the files easily with "cat" and ">>" however, the problem is that I have to do it by taking into account the date (creation or modification) of the file.
If I simple use the cat command the output file will receive for example, all Fridays in a row, then all Saturdays, etc. and in that way I'm not considering the date.
I've searched for the options of the find command, since the files after creation are not modified...I try to use this for example:
$ find . -newer <some old file>
but that lists me all files after that <old file> and not by correct date.