Ubuntu :: Set PulseAudio To Auto-start During Boot?
Sep 16, 2010
How do you set PulseAudio to auto-start during boot? Just upgraded ALSA versions, but pulse audio does not appear to be starting at boot time and I have no sound. RT-Kernel-33
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Mar 30, 2010
I broke PulseAudio accidentally, when I was trying to fix something else. I'm not sure what I did, but PulseAudio no longer starts automatically when I log in. That means I get no sound. I can start the PulseAudio daemon manually by running:
pulseaudio -D
at the command line, but I also have to go into sound preferences and select the correct hardware (Audigy 2 ZS card) instead of my motherboard's sound device (which is not connected to my speakers) to get sound back. How do I make all that happen automatically?
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Jun 13, 2011
I am using Deluge on my Debian server, for a simple auto start at boot I us the following lines in the /etc/rc.localsudo -u User delugedsudo -u User deluge-webDeluge is running after boot but i wane check if its running with User account and not as root.So I did a ps -aux | grep deluge and notice a line that root is trying to run the command sudo -U User deluge-web (i think its trying).
User 1735 1.5 1.0 187680 21604 ? Sl 16:30 0:04 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/deluged
root 1736 0.0 0.0 20924 1168 ? S 16:30 0:00 sudo -u User deluge-web
User 1737 1.5 1.1 70400 24084 ? S 16:30 0:04 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/deluge-web
The question is what does this mean? can i leave it running, is it better to kill it if so how to prevent that it happen on start-up.
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Aug 13, 2015
I have a debian 8.1.1 server running owncloud and a proxy server at home. I have everything working fine, with one exception. The proxy server won't start on boot. If I ssh into the server, then run "sockd -D" as root, it starts up and runs just fine. Any guides I find refer to the init.d script method that worked in Wheezy, but that isn't working. I think it has to do with Jessie switching to systemd? I had used someone elses script in init.d, and ran update-rc.d, but it still doesn't start.
With Jessie, how can I make "sockd -D" execute on system startup?
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Jul 8, 2015
I'm not using one atm, tried "exec startxfce4" in my .xinitrc but didn't work.
System is Debian Stretch.
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Aug 1, 2011
I have tried different methods to auto start wpa_supplicant at boot on Ubuntu Lucid server on a laptop which can't be connected to Ethernet.
The only thing that worked is adding the wpa_supplicant command before exit0 in rc.local. It solve my problem of wpa_supplicant auto start and annoyance on not be able to ssh before local login. But the screen stuck at Ubuntu Logo. How can i get pass Ubuntu logo screen to regular tty or xbmc in future?
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Jan 2, 2011
How do I program a virtual machine to auto-start/boot upon boot up of the host system? I am experimenting with SNORT network intrusion detection system and have installed it inside a virtual ubuntu box which I want to start automatically.
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Dec 3, 2010
I'm having trouble getting pulseaudio to start without gdm/X11.
Briefly, I have a Via C7VCM mini itx system running Ubuntu 9.04
32 bit desktop that I want to run as a timed audio recorder for
a public radio station. The machine's limited in memory and
can't handle more recent installations of Ubuntu, 9.04's sufficient
for my needs.
I'm porting some old code that worked
under Red Hat 7.3. I want the ability to run X11, but normally
gdm/X11 will be disabled. The audio commands I need are aumix,
arecord and sox/play.
When I log in under X11, pulseaudio starts up and everything code...
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Nov 23, 2009
The upgrade from 11->12 went very smoothly for me on multiple servers except for one seemingly small item that had me tearing my hair out for a few hours. Three of my machines are MythTV frontends, which rarely do anything else. As such, I have them fairly stripped down package-wise and run MythTV on GNOME with xorg-x11-xinit-session to kick it off via an .xsession script. This scheme has worked flawlessly for years across many versions of Fedora until last week when MythTV mysteriously would not start and the computer would just get stuck in an automatic login loop. I discovered that I could start MythTV after I logged into the GNOME desktop and through some testing and log inspection came to realize that it was PulseAudio that was not starting automatically. I also discovered that I could just SSH in while it was in this loop and issue 'pulseaudio -D' and the next automatic login attempt would start MythTV properly.
As a quick hack, I just tossed 'pulseaudio -D;sleep 3' into my .xsession script and it seems to be working for now. I am interested to know how it used to start up without logging into the desktop before the upgrade. Could this possibly be related to udev or dbus? I have practically no knowledge of those, but do see config files for both in the pulseaudio package.
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May 22, 2011
I've had nothing but trouble with Pulseaudio in Fedora 14. I had managed to get rid of it in Fedora 10 with the command: su -c "yum remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio pulseaudio" I just don't want to have to deal with Pulseaudio anymore. It does not like my sound card and gets in the way. Is there a Linux distribution that does not use Pulseaudio ?
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Nov 24, 2009
I've been trying to get my internal microphone to work in F12, and as part of the things I've tried I had the seemingly bad idea of reinstalling pulseaudio. The problem now is that pulseaudio fails to start... The following is from /var/log/messages, and is repeated several times:Code:Nov 24 08:51:20 localhost pulseaudio[6300]: main.c: Daemon startup without any loaded modules, refusing to work.
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Oct 9, 2009
I just installed TuxGuitar - very cool - and to get the sound to work I had to install Timidity++ as well. Before I start TuxGuitar I have to execute:timidity -iA -Osin a terminal window first, which is kind of a pain to do every time I run TuxGuitar.How do I get this line to execute on startup such that timidity is running when I start up? I tried adding that line to rc.local
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Apr 28, 2010
I know 10.4 is not final but I am running it and loving it. I am trying to have synergyc start and be working at the logon box of ubuntu 10.4. I can get it to autostart after the user is logged in. But I want it to be working before the user is logged in. how I can do this with 10.4
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Apr 30, 2011
I'm on Natty, but this was a problem for me on Maverick as well. Since my mouse is way too fast in Ubuntu even on the slowest settings (a topic for another discussion), I run a shell script at startup to fix this. Of course, the script is only run when I log into my account. Is there a way to have this script run at system start so that it affects all users? I already tried copying my fixmouse.sh script to /usr/share/gdm/autostart/ to no avail. If it's germane to the discussion, here are the contents of fixmouse.h:
xinput --set-prop 10 "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" 2
xinput --set-prop 10 "Device Accel Velocity Scaling" 1
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Sep 18, 2010
I am setting up a streaming audio server. I would like to have Darkice and sc_serv (Shoutcast server) start automagically on boot.
I have set Xubuntu (10.04) to auto login
Both Darkice and sc_serv are command line apps and I would like them to each run in their own terminal window so I can monitor any status messages they produce. For instance sc_serv displays connections disconnections with time connected, and current number of listeners, and I want to see that.
One important note: sc_serv must be up and running before Darkice can be started.
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Dec 4, 2010
I've created a soft raid w/ 2x 1TB drives by using Disk Utility. (used for mythtv storage, not system, swap or anything else)
If I start the raid array in the Disk Utility mount and everything works as it should, but on reboot the raid array isn't started so I have to go into Disk Utility, start it, then run the mount.
How can I get it to start automatically?
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Mar 1, 2011
What command can I use to get a research app to auto start under wine?
I have tried:
wine /directory/app.exe
It does not work
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Apr 3, 2011
I usually add torrents to transmission through my iPhone. I have Transmission watch the 'Attachments' folder in my Dropbox. I also have Transmission auto add the torrent and delete the torrent file when done. Thing is if I don't have Transmission running when I add the torrent to my dropbox folder. Transmission doesn't start up to download the torrent. Is there a script that can watch for torrent files in my Dropbox folder that I can run in Scheduled Tasks to run every 5 min or so. Also when I have it up and running and I do have auto add on. It auto adds it to transmission but then the popup dialog appears to ask if I just want to download one of the files from the torrent or all 10. Is there a way to bypass this?
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Apr 3, 2011
I have it set up to start my music player (RBox) and torrent program (Transmission) when I log in. The problem is all my data is set on my 1TB external hard drive, because my internal hard drive only has 80GBs of space. When I start up the programs open but the external hasn't had time to link the file directories which messes screws up my torrents into having to verify every time and my music has to "recalibrate" as it were.
This isn't an issue when I manually open the programs after a minute or so but what my question really comes down to is... Is there a way to delay an automatic startup? Say, run application 3 minutes into boot up?
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Apr 10, 2011
I have created a RAID 5 array using the built in Disk Utility.This is great and formatted it with ext4, and mounted it.However on reboot in Disk Utility as RAID Array is not running and under state Not running, partially assembled.I have to stop the array then restart it, then mount it before I can access what is on it.Obviously this is not very good as I often have the system shutdown at night to converse energy, and having to do this every time it boots is a pain.Could someone please explain in plain english what I need to go to get my array to start and mount on startup
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Jan 27, 2010
How does one get the wifi to auto connect upon start up, instead of having to manually select it every time i log on? I think the following script is what i need but im not sure where i would even need to install it.Automatic WLAN Picker Script
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Apr 30, 2010
I've just upgraded Ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 on my eeePC. Everything seems to be fine so far except one thing: metacity does not want to start automatically, so I have to run metacity --replace each time after login.
I've removed Compiz installed previously and set window manager to /usr/bin/metacity using gconf-editor, but still Ubuntu starts without window manager running. As a workaround I've enabled session state saving, so metacity now starts together with my other applications, however I would like to find a prettier solution.
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Jun 2, 2010
I've configured a pptp VPN using KNetworkManager. It works fine. Now I want to have it started automatically then my network interface is assigned a particular IP from my home DHCP server. I don't need it in other places. I guess there is no such built in functionality, but may be it can be scripted somehow?
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Nov 22, 2010
I'd like Synergy to auto-start before and after login. After login is fine, but I can't find instructions for getting it to start before login (ie: so I can use synergy to enter user id/password). The Synergy docs don't cover LXDE.
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Feb 16, 2010
On my local network, I use my Linux machine running dhcpd and IP masquerade as a gateway to the internet. As it is, the setup works just fine, and I've enabled dhcpd in all runlevels in the services dialog, but for some reason, it still does not automatically start when I boot the machine. If I select it and click "Start", it operates normally, and if I run "services dhcpd start" from a command line, that works too. My only guess is that it's some problem with my config file... it's the same setup I used with previous versions of Fedora without issues, but maybe things have changed?
The contents of /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf:
ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;
subnet netmask {
option routers;
option subnet-mask;
option domain-name-servers,,;
option ip-forwarding off;
range dynamic-bootp;
default-lease-time 21600;
max-lease-time 43200; }
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Dec 1, 2009
I'm a Karmic user, using a Nvidia Geforce 9500GT video Card.
I'm telling you about my GPU, because since I upgraded to the 190.42 Nvidia "official" new drivers, what's happening is:
My Compiz is no more able to save it's configuration across the sessions, and every time I close my PC or when I simply need to restart my active session, Compiz needs to be started again manually, It do not auto-activate by the compiz setting preferences.
Doing: System --> Preferences --> gnome-appearance-properties (TAB: "Visual effects") and click on "normal" checkbox, to activate the compiz visual effects.
Is there anyone able to teach me how to save the compiz activation, in order to avoid the manual, boring, repetitive, activation each time?
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Jun 18, 2010
I have just visited this page here, Updating openSUSE - openSUSE I have been trying to update my OpenSuSE system for a week now and I have absolutely no idea what causes this problem. The update would start but would stop right in the middle and refuse to install some pulseaudio(...) package... It would indicate that network is down while I am sure it is up.
I am behind a proxy and I have again and again made sure that the proxy settings are correct and alright. Since it downloads some of the packages in the start I believe my connection and settings are OK. Maybe the SuSE server is down, but not for a whole week, I don't think so. I would also like to mention that I have only tried updating through YaST GUI and I am, as of yet, unaware of any console or command-line methods of updating.
I really would like to update my system because I happen to be paranoid in matters of computer security. (Just kidding) But since I cannot install any updates it should mean I might have problem installing new software. So my digital life is literally crippled because of this problem.
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Jul 28, 2010
I've gotten hold of 3 old pc's that I've installed with Jaunty & use Loki as a quick and dirty render farm manager.
I've got one display between them and so i can check that each one works on its own as a 'grunt' of the 'master' (my main pc).
To get the grunt to work I have to log in to a cli (to save on ram), start nm-applet (the only way the wireless cards work at mo) & start Loki in grunt mode. All whilst connected to a display.
I'd like to learn how to script all this so I can simply switch the pc's on without needing to use a display. Do i need a boot script and how does that work?
How do I set them to auto log in to command prompt?
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Sep 28, 2015
I have a "time-server". It's sending time to different devices through different ports/protocols. The problem is that it has no operator and that makes some extra difficulties.
Now when i try to start it using terminal Code: Select allsudo ./myprogram works fine and
Code: Select all./myprogram doesn't work.
It is so because without sudo i have no access to ports. As a result If i add my program to System->Preferences->Startup Applications it has the same problem. So i need to start it as root, auto-start, right after auto-login to system but without entering password cause nobody will do it.
Also I need to start ntpd but it also asks password sometimes I've tried googles but it offer a few ways with entering password that isn't suitable for me or writing some scripts/changing system files but with no example I'm afraid to break it all. So is there a way to start Myprogram and NTPD as root with no password entering?
My system is Debian 6.0.10 Squeeze, Kernel 2.6.32-5-686
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Jun 16, 2010
every time I reboot the box, I have to run:sudo /etc/init.d/vmware startin order to start the vmware support processes.
There are entries in /etc/init.d/rc5.d
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 2010-06-08 18:08 K08vmware -> /etc/init.d/vmware
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 2010-06-08 18:08 S19vmware -> /etc/init.d/vmware
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