Ubuntu :: Rsync Really Slow On Large Files?

Mar 1, 2010

I have Ubuntu on both my laptop and desktop machines, both are connected to the same network. I back up the laptop to the desktop by running the following on the laptop:

rsync -avv --stats /home/alisdt alisdt@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/home/alisdt/laptop_backup (with the IP address of the desktop instead of the many x, obviously). Whenever rsync hits a large file (greater than a few MB), the network use rapidly drops to ~60KB/s (that's kilobytes not bits). When I copy the same file to the same place using scp, I get > 500KB/s throughout the transfer. Things I've tried:

* mounting the desktop home dir on the laptop using SSHFS -- a simple file copy is fast, rsync is still slow
* ditto with NFS
* rsync --whole-file option, in case the delta-transfer algorithm was choking on large files
* rsync --inplace option
* HPN-SSH (http://www.psc.edu/networking/projects/hpn-ssh/) to enable dynamic window and unencrypted bulk transfer, just in case it was some ssh bottleneck I think it's either an rsync application problem, or a network problem that is only affecting rsync. Any ideas, or other ideas of what I can try to debug? In case it's relevant, I'm using 9.04 on both machines. (A standing bug prevents me from upgrading the laptop, and I haven't bothered to upgrade the desktop).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Network In When Copy Large Files From Main Desktop Pc To Mediaplayer?

Dec 28, 2010

I have just rewired my LAN using Cat 6 cables. Download- and Upload speeds to my main machine are great :However, it seems my LAN speed is very slow. when I copy large files from my main desktop pc to my mediaplayer, I only reach a speed of 3,7 MB/s in Ubuntu 10.10 using SMB protocol to connect to mediaplayer. I use a Sitecom WL351 Router that works fine as far as I can see. Using my dualboot Windows 7 I can copy the same large files using same setup (same pc to same mediaplayer) I can copy with almost 10 MB/s. I appreciate a little protocol overhead in Ubuntu, but this seems to be a little too much

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Ubuntu :: Rsync Vackup To Remote Server Of Large Dataset

Jun 18, 2010

I have cygwin on Windows XP running rsync to remote Ubuntu server over ssh using ADSL.My data set is about 20Gb! But, Cygwin will backup incrementally, so after the first backup the process should be relatively quick.With ADSL the first backups will take too long. I was thinking about doing the first backup by copying files to an external hard drive then attaching the hard drive to my remote server and copying the files. The idea being that rsync will pick up the files as if it had created them in the first instance. The incremental backups will then pickup from there.

Does anyone have any experience with this and/or can provide any advice? The external hd is fat-32 which is okay with Windows and should be okay with Ubuntu? From XP right click copy and then paste keeps the file dates intact on the external hd - is this enough to get rsync going incrementally?

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Software :: Run Rsync To Download Files From A Server Without Rsync Daemon?

Sep 18, 2009

I just tried to sync files from one server to another. After the sync process, I found the files are bigger than original ones.

I looked up the web and found someone mentions the rsync daemon. So I have to run the daemon on one server before I run the rsync?

The command I used is rsync --partial --progress -r source destination

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Server :: Rsync Can Not Rsync Files With Include Filter

Jul 21, 2010

use rsync to cp such files and dirs under /var/www/html/mydir directory but these two files(/dir4/1.html /dir4/2.html) cant rsync to dest mechine.

rsync configure file,below...

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Ubuntu :: Archive Manager Slow When Browsing Large Archives?

Dec 4, 2010

I have in my pc (ubuntu 10.10 32 bit) a folder with about 10.000 files. It is a samba shared folder and so far I could browse fast and easily those files in another old ( Pentium4 1,5Ghz) PC with WinXP. I installed ubuntu 10.10 but the browsing now is toooooooo slow , although the old Pc's performance is considerably faster than before (when I had WinXP). Also, although the old PC's speed is satisfatory now, would it become even faster if I installed an older ubuntu distro?

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Debian Configuration :: Seeing Slow Network Performance With Large Mtu?

Apr 22, 2010

I have 2 ASUS Boxes (one with 8GB, one with 4GB) When both mtus are set at 7200, using scp to copy a 56MB file takes 2:06. If I reduce either mtu to 1500, the speed is 2 seconds. I'm wondering if this is some kind of kernel bug or driver bug or what. For the moment, I've lowered the mtu to 1500 to get the performance out of the machines, but find it interesting that what should make it faster is actually slowing down. Where should I post this to get it looked at? Is anyone else seeing it.I see a similar performance issue with smbclient too.

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Ubuntu :: Command With The -r Option To Compare A Large Number Of Files And Files In Subdirectories

Jun 16, 2011

I am using the diff command with the -r option, to compare a large number of files and files in subdirectories. My main interest is to find out which files have been changed, and not what the actual changes are, and since a lot of files has been changed, it would be a lot easier to view the file names only. Is there and option for diff that might do this, or does there exist a similar tool/command that could do the job?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Rsync Transfer From Client To Server - Slow LAN Connection

Dec 7, 2010

This is a recent problem, and I can't pinpoint any change/upgrade that would cause this. Rsync transfer from Client to Server:
sent 11756196 bytes received 1032741 bytes 138258.78 bytes/sec
total size is 144333466390 speedup is 11285.81
Pinging back and forth from each machine is fine. No Ifconfig errors Client, but Server has RX packet errors.

Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:11:25:37:ee:44
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::211:25ff:fe37:ee44/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:41786 errors:2157 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:2157
TX packets:34138 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:55615449 (55.6 MB) TX bytes:4737538 (4.7 MB)

What's the next step?

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Software :: Local Rsync To USB Speed Is Horrendously Slow?

May 4, 2011

Long story short, I have a failing RAID3 array which is showing file corrupted blocks (and the RAID controller card is periodically not initializing). [URL].. I thought I had robust backups but as it turns out, my backup volumes seem to have been misplaced (don't ask ) so I have no viable backups. I'm trying to back up as much as I can before the inevitable impending catastrophic failure.

I must be doing something wrong because running rsync on my Unix FreeBSD/FreeNAS server (syncing to local USB drive) is really slooooow. Below you will see an example. A 500MB file took almost 10 minutes to sync to a local USB drive! I can FTP this file in a few minutes over my LAN.

Just ran a test and it took 20 seconds to FTP this file across my gigabit LAN where rsync took 10 minutes to perform a local copy)


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Debian Configuration :: Direct Ethernet Rsync To NAS Very Slow (74kbits)

Jan 30, 2016

So I have a GoFlex NAS driver, which according the specs has a theoretical maximum performance of 100 MB [URL] .....

I connected by ehternet to my PC (GNU/Linux, Debian 8 ) to do a backup.

I mounted it with cifs:

Code: Select allmount -t cifs "//goflexhome.local/GoFlex Home Personal" /mnt/gf/per/ -o credentials=/root/gfpass,uid=1000,gid=1000

And then tried rsyncing my home folder.


Select allDIR=/home

FLAGS=" --archive --one-file-system --acls --xattrs --numeric-ids --fake-super --progress  --human-readable --ignore-existing --log-file="backup.log" "                                                                                                                 


rsync ${FLAGS}   

I then used iptraf to check the performance and I get miserable results (from the PC), even below 1 MB:

total 74.7 kbits
in 30.4 kbits
out 48.5 kbist

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Fedora :: File Transfers (cp, Mv And Rsync) Slow System Tremendously

Aug 24, 2011

When ever I transfer large files using cp, mv, rsync or dolphin the system will slow down to the point that it's unusable. It will sometime hang completely and not accept any input until the file is transferred. I have no clue what could be causing this problem but I know it shouldn't be happening.I am using Fedora 15 ( with KDE 4.6. have a Phenom II 955 processor, 6 GB of system ram and the OS and swap file is on an 80 GB SSD. Copying files in the SSD doesn't cause any problem, but moving files between my other two large HDDs causes the extreme slow down. Using htop I can see that my system load jumps to between 3 and 4, but my RAM and CPU usage stays low during the transfer. Here are two commands that take about 10 mins to run and make the system unusable while it's running. It usually transferring around 2-20GB worth of data during the transfers:

cp -a /media/data.1.5/backup/Minecraft/backups/* /media/data.0.5/backup/Minecraft/backups/
rsync -a /media/data.1.5/backup/ /media/data.0.5/backup/
/media/data.1.5/ is the mount point for a 1.5 TB internal SATA drive, and /media/data.0.5/ is the mount point for a 500 GB internal SATA drive.

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OpenSUSE :: Dolphin Losing Files When Copying Many Files Or Large Folders?

Feb 14, 2010

I've discovered that Dolphin seems to lose random files when copying many large folders.

I first noticed this a few months ago when I tried to copy my music library from one folder to another on the same HDD. It consisted of around 600 folders and 6500 files. During the copy there were no errors but after the copy I found that some of the newly copied folders were missing files. I put it down to human error or a glitch.

Yesterday I tried to copy 13 folders containing rips of some of my DVDs. Each folder basically had one film of either 700MB or 1.4GB. Again no errors showed up during the copy but I found 3 of the newly copied folders were empty.

It's not so critical with music or films but I can't afford to lose work data like this.

Has anyone experienced or seen a similar problem with Dolphin? I'm going to have to do some more extensive testing but this is not good.

The first time I noticed the problem I was running KDE4.3.4 (I think) and now the latest was with KDE4.4.0.

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Software :: Differentiate Two Large Text Files Using Shell Script / Files Are Like Below?

Jan 20, 2009

I want to automate this using script.How to automate it?

s.no# 1 name:aaaaaa


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Ubuntu :: Moving Large Amounts Of Files

Mar 6, 2010

I am trying to move a large amount of files (over 30k and 86GB) to another HDD but I get a Augment list too large error?? I tried rsync, cp, mv and still the same error

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Ubuntu :: Cups: Large Files Do Not Print?

Nov 29, 2010

i have a problem with cups on a lucid/64 machine.

"Unable to write print data: Broken pipe"

The pdf-file to print has a size of 4,7MB. After sending the file to the printer the size of the file is more than 18 MB.

We use a Xerox WorkCentre 7232 which is via


connected to cups. The same configuration had been working fine for several years with hardy.

Cups refuses to print large files. When splitting up the print-file all works fine.

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Ubuntu :: File System Format For Mac OSX 10.5 For Large Files?

Sep 19, 2010

Is there a file system that both Mac OSX 10.5 and linux can read/write for large files (like 4gb files)? My desktop is Ubuntu and I run most from there, but I want to back up my MacBook and linux box on the same external hard drive. Seems there are some (paid) apps for Mac that will mount NTFS but I'm wondering if there is just a shared files ystem that will work for both.

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Ubuntu :: Pulling Of Large Files From A Mounted Directory Into RAM?

Oct 18, 2010

I'm having a bit of an issue with Lucid installed via Wubi. I stuck the OS on its own partition (30 GB in size), and don't store any large files in the Ubuntu file system (when I download something large I move it to another hard drive.) I don't have anything wacky or esoteric installed on my system.

I've been consistently having a problem where, after a few hours or a few days of being booted up, Ubuntu warns me that my available HD space is dangerously small. The amount of available HD space Ubuntu sees then shrinks from a few GB to nothing within a few minutes, and the only way I can seem to solve this is to reboot. Taking a closer look at what's happening, my Home folder balloons in size until there's no more writable space recognized. But there are no files being created or added to, so it looks like there's a bug of some sort. This SEEMS to be correlated with watching videos (or maybe it's the pulling of large files from a mounted directory into RAM? My videos are all on another HD, as mentioned before). I can generally go a few days without getting the "low space" message, but I can't seem to make it through a full 2-hour movie without getting the error.

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Ubuntu :: Server Crashes When Transferring Large Files

Feb 6, 2011

Every time I attempt to transfer over a large file (4 GB) via any protocol, my server restarts. On the rare occasion that it doesn't restart, it spits out a few error messages saying "local_softirq_pending 08" and then promptly freezes. Small files transfer fine.

Relevant information:

Ubuntu server 10.10
Four hard drives in RAID 5 configuration
CPU/HD temperatures are within normal range

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OpenSUSE :: Burn Large Files With K3b Udf

Nov 3, 2010

Problem is with files greater than 4G onto dual layer or BD disks.mkisofs crashes. I believe the problem to be when this requires udf filesystem and disk does not get written to. As yesterday version is suse11.3 patched to date. k3b writes standard dvd disks ok. I am seeing a lot of searches saying this is because of cdrkit rather than cdrtools, can I replace this easily? Is this the case? Tried setting the k3b options when burning to udf same error. Other searches show k3b has fixed probs with these issues, so appears to point to underlying mkisofs stuff full error log in yesterdays post if it helps. I will also try on ubuntu to see if it works there

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Software :: Cp To Have A Progress Bar For Large Files?

Mar 10, 2010

I always wanted cp to have a progress bar for large files. I came across this:[URL]... I just wonder, how could you install it as an Arch package? Is it possible?

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Software :: RPM Not Supporting Large Files?

Jan 5, 2010

I currently using RPM version It fails to build with files larger than 2 GB and file sets larger than 3 GB. I have files larger than 2 GB and sets larger than 3 GB.Is there a work around, possibly a switch or option for RPM, that will ignore this limitation?

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Slackware :: Get Ftp To Download Large Files?

May 29, 2010

I am using xfce desktop and terminal.

1) How do i check to see what is the default FTP Client used by Slackware12.2 when i type:

2) How do i get ftp to download large files? > 2gb from ftp server elektroni.phys.tut.fi or any ftp server.

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Ubuntu :: Rsync Wants To Recopy All My Files On Next Run / Why Is So?

Mar 15, 2010

So I just used rsync to backup about 400gb of data to my NAS. Look just over a day to complete, which is what I figured. I decided I should run rsync again to see how its going to handle comparing and only adding new files to the remote location. So I added a few new files and then ran the backup again. Well rsync is trying to do a complete copy of all of my original data, even though they have not changed.

Is there a way that I can tell rsync to compare the two directories and only add the new files and delete the ones that are no longer in the original location?

Here is command that I am running:

sudo rsync -azvv --progress --stats /media/sda1/multimedia/movies /home/codeblue/NAS_Share_Point

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Ubuntu :: 5,149,552 Files In 30.2 GB And RSYNC Out Of Space?

Jun 9, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.04. I am transferring roughly 62 GB of data libraries to my 84 GB /home partition. I'm using rsync because scp kept stalling, and I had to restart it over and over. Things were going great until recently when it began to show an error: "failed: No space left on device (28)" These are the things I've done so far: Used the GUI to find out how much I have copied so far: 5,149,552 which take up 30.2 GB. df -h, it tells me that my /home partition is 56% used, and that I have 33 GB available. (42 GB used out of 78 GB with 33 GB available) Also, none of my other partitions are anywhere near 100%. the /home partition is the most-used and it's only a little over half-full. du -s in the directory where I'm copying all of this: it also returned 42206500. Additionally, when I try to save screen captures, it sometimes fails with a "device full" error. What's going on? Am I really out of space? Why doesn't it show me that I'm out of space?

Is there a hidden temp file that rsync uses that just got too full? I did a little research on wikipedia and it said that ext4 has a 64,000 directory limit. Could it be that I somehow broke that limit with all of these files? Solution: not enough inodes for the vast amount of subdirectories on hard drive. This wasn't an RSYNC problem, rather, a partition configuration issue. To check inode usage: df -i If you want to add any inodes, you will need to backup your partition and format it using mke2fs (man mke2fs). Be sure to change the respective inode setting.

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Ubuntu :: Transfer Large Files To External Hard Drive

Apr 21, 2010

how to transfer large files from my laptop to external hard drive. Problem occurs when I'm sending Blu-ray films (4.4GB) to external, gets to 4GB and then comes up with error. Is there any way of breaking it up and then merging when it reaches the hard drive or is there a way of sending it as one whole file.

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Ubuntu :: Data Loss When Transferring Large Number Of Files?

Jul 20, 2010

This problem is not exclusive to Ubuntu, I've experienced it in Windows and OSX as well, but it seems that almost every time I transfer a large number of files (i.e. my music collection) between my desktop computer and laptop via my external hard drive, I end up losing files for no reason. I usually don't notice the files are missing until later on, because I am never informed of any data loss. Now, every time I make a large transfer of files, I just do it two or three times to ensure that I don't lose any files.

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Ubuntu :: /var/log Files Are Huge; Mounting Large Hard Drives?

Oct 9, 2010

syslog, messages and kern.log are incredibly huge files that are taking up a lot of space on my hard drive. Is it safe to remove them and/or to reduce logging so it doesn't take such an enormous amount of hard disk memory? If so, how can I reduce the logging so it doesn't produce logs that are 10s of GB in size?Also, mounting a drive places it into the folder /media. Will it become problematic if the size of the mounted drive exceeds the amount of free space available on my Ubuntu partition?

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Ubuntu :: Find And Move Commands On Large Number Of Files ?

Feb 21, 2011

We recovered a large number of files from a HD I messed up. I am attempting to move large numbers of files of a type e.g. .txt .jpg , into a folder by type to more easily sort through them.

Here are the commands I have mainly been trying with various edits:



So far the most common complaint I have gotten "missing arguments to execdir".

This is on Ubuntu 10.04

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mdadm - Corrupt A Large Array Of Files

Sep 1, 2011

I've been using Ubuntu on my fileserver for quite a while now, and I've always really had this problem, but I want to finally address it and get it fixed. At seemingly random points (when my fileserver is under stress - typically while I'm writing lots of data to it), my fileserver will crash. It generally completely crashes, not responding to any further file requests or any of my SSH commands, and must be reset hard (typically by flipping the power switch). After such an occasion, I end up with some corrupted files. It seems to corrupt a large array of files (it's not an isolated issue - for example, it corrupts files that were not being accessed anywhere near the time it crashed, including files that had never been accessed during that period of uptime). The files don't get completely smashed, but they're definitely corrupted (artifacts in images, skips in audio and video files, often complete failure of binary files such as virtual hard drives or disc images).

I'm using Ubuntu Server 11.04, but similar issues to this happened for me in 10.04 LTS (in fact, I upgraded to try to solve them). I'm using mdadm to create an 8-drive raid6 array. The drives are 1.5 TB each, mostly Samsung HD154UI, but with a WD drive in there too (sorry, I can't find the model number at the moment). The hard drives themselves appear to be working fine - SMART reports no issues with any of them, mdadm says they're all up, and I have no reason to believe that the drives are at fault here (although I can conduct further tests if necessary). I've posted about this problem before here and here. In these cases, the issues seemed to be with XFS - in fact, I switched from XFS to ext4 on my RAID array because I simply believed XFS to be unstable. Unfortunately, this issue occurs with ext4 as well, so I'm fairly certain it's an mdadm issue. Here is the output of "cat /proc/mdstat", for those interested:


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