Ubuntu :: Restore Menu.lst From Its Backup?

Jul 24, 2010

Im running ubuntu 10.04 and I recently had a little adventure whilst trying to disable KMS and deleted all the stuff out of the # kopt line and added the nomodeset thing.Now I crash to easybox everytime I try to boot, how do I restore the backup of said file that I noticed beside it in the folder. Also I saved one to my desktop.

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Programming :: Create A Bash Menu Script For Home Server - Restore Files From A Backup?

Jan 19, 2011

I would like to create a bash menu script for my home server For instance if i were to type ./script It would then bring up 3 options

a. Create a backup
b. Restore files from a backup
c. Quit

If you were to select a or b it should then ask you were you want to backup or restore from. And if i were to type in an incorrect letter i should get an error and take me back to menu. I have attepmted this a view time now and have magaged to get the menu up using parameters

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Ubuntu :: Restore Backup Server - Where Is The Location Backup Snapshots Or Files Are Saving

May 10, 2011

I install and tested Restore EE Backup server on a test PC with basic configuration and its working fine.


The issue i have is where is the location these backup snapshots or files are saving? I want to add a separate Storage to save the backup?

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Debian :: Used Backup-manager - Restore The Backup Data?

Feb 4, 2011

I am now preparing myself to upgrade lenny to squeeze and decided to do a backup on my system. I used backup-manager to do the job and it worked fine. how do you restore said backup data?

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Ubuntu :: How To Take Backup And Restore In GnuCash

Jun 27, 2010

How to take Backup & how to do restore in GnuCash. I need to take backup of my all accounts & all transactions

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Ubuntu :: Restore Folders Out Of .tgz Backup File?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm using ubuntu for a few weeks now and i created a backup script that can copy some folders into a .tgz file. Now i want to place back the folders to where they come from and overwrite the original folder. like the /home folder in the .tgz file overwrite the /home folder on my harddrive. I already tried to do this with: tar xvpfz filename.tgz. But after that the folders came in the same folders as the backupfile stands.

How can i do this the right way?

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Ubuntu :: Backup And Restore Installed Copy Of 10.10?

Mar 19, 2011

How to Backup & Restore Installed copy of my UBUNTU 10.10.If I create any ISO or Recovery CD /DVD, saves time to fresh install & update & install favorable software.I use Mobile to connect, works slow to download.

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Ubuntu :: Restore A TAR Backup To Virtual Machine?

Apr 9, 2011

I'm trying to use this tutorial (URL...) to backup my Ubuntu 10.10 (ext3) operating system. I've successfully gotten it into a TAR file on my external hard-drive, but inside the archive are 2 folders: sda5 and media (/media/sda5/), sda5 ofcourse containing my operating system.

I run VMWare as my virtual machine software, but I could easily run Virtual Box if the situation calls for it. On my virtual machine I created an Extended partition, made a 2GB swap space and the rest is ext3 (ext3 space is mounted as sda1) (at this point, Swap is OFF) here is what I've tried to do inside the virtual machine to restore:

sudo -s
mkdir /media/FROM/
mkdir /media/TO/
mount /dev/sdb1 /media/FROM/


but instead it just creates the directory sda5 under media of the live ubuntu cd Do I need to CHRoot in these conditions? AFTER I get the files successfully into the virtual machine, how do I go about restoring the grub2 bootloader? Right now I haven't tried to restore grub on my hardware, but I would be interested in doing so. There are a vast immense amount of forum posts about this subject, but all are to mixed results. Can anybody tell me the absolute definite way to restore grub2 successfully, I don't want to try something if it's going to mess up my install, whether I've backed up or not.

for further reference, here is a link to the previous (failed) thread I made about this same subject:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Restore A Backup On Dm-crypted LVM

Jun 7, 2011

I have an encrypted volume, which contains LVM volume group with volumes. I have unencrypted /boot and the rest is on that encrypted lvm. I have a backup I want to revert to, but that backup has a different kernel, and I don't know how to update the /boot since I have suspicions that the system won't boot if I just restore / . I think I need to run update-initramfs and grub-install at some point..

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Ubuntu :: Restore A Macrium Backup On One Of Its Two Partitions?

Feb 11, 2010

my old 80gb pata HD showed a dual boot Ubuntu - XP on startup, although ubuntu never worked, onlly XP booted.

Recently I tried to Restore a Macrium backup on one of its two partitions, & spoiled something.

On boot up it says:-

GRUB loading stage 1.5

GRUB loading please waite.....

Error 22

I tried to reinstall Ubuntu 10.8 with no success, & also XP with "R" for repair again with no success.

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Ubuntu :: Backup And Restore A Triple-boot System?

Jun 14, 2010

best/simplest way to back up my triple-boot machine, which has Karmic 32-bit, Karmic 64-bit and Windows 7 (64-bit) installed on 3 equal slices of the internal 1TB disk. There are a total of 6 partitions (1 primary+1 logical partition each for the two Karmic, and 2 primary partitions for Win7), and I would like to back it up on an external disk such that the whole system can be restored as-is by writing over the disk. I guess this means correctly backing up data+partition table+MBR, and I would also prefer backing up only the used portion of the disk (rather than creating a 1TB mostly empty image file).

To my knowledge the only way to reliably do this is with "dd" command, but I have never used it ("fsarchiver" seems to be the next best option, but it cannot back up MBR yet; and "partimage" does not have ext4 support). As described here and here, I should run the following commands from a live boot:

1) To back up entire data in compressed format (using 1MB read block to speed up the process):

dd if=/dev/sda bs=1MB | gzip > /backup/image.gz

2) To back up MBR+partition table (stored within the first 512 bytes of the disk):
dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 of=/backup/image.mbr

3) To restore data:

gzip -dc /backup/image.gz | dd of=/dev/sda

4) To restore MBR+partition table:

dd if=/backup/image.mbr of=/dev/sda

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Ubuntu Installation :: Backup And Restore Complete System?

Aug 14, 2010

I would like to find out how to back up a complete Ubuntu system, and then restore it on a clean harddisk.I have been running dual booting with Win XP until now. I am running Ubuntu 10.04, but have installed quite few add-on. I would like to make an Ubuntu-only machine now, with all the same apps still there, but dont want to go and download everything again. I am looking for a way I can back this entire Ubuntu installation up, and then restore it to a clean drive.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sluggish Graphics After Restore From Backup?

Oct 7, 2010

I had perfectly working Ubuntu 10.04 system, Last night I tried to upgrade to 10.10 and things did not worked quit well. Before upgrade I took backup of complete system using remastersys on DVD. So I restored my system using that backup and everything was same as before expect one thing and that is my graphics. I am using ati raedon graphics card. Its drivers are install via jokey but I cant enable desktop effects. I tried re-installing drivers but that did not helped.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Restore Backup - Hash Mismatch

Apr 29, 2011

I used deja dup to backup my home folder today so I could restore it after reinstalling 11.04. now, it starts to restore, but gives me this error every time:
Calculated hash: ac14ae0a7bf52c1ea0d851cec864df9e1c06b54e
Manifest hash: 4173054c0b0c8ce1154af5b5caae2a7591652765

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Ubuntu :: Simple Backup Restore Doesn't Work

May 16, 2011

Here's what I want to do: Copy the whole Ubuntu 10.04 partition/installation from my old laptop to the new one.

What I tried: Used Simple backup to back up my Ubuntu installation to a USB hard drive. It yields a 10.4 gig folder containing 7 files. Installed 10.04 on the new laptop, used Synaptic to install Simple Backup, plugged in USB drive, started Simple Backup Restore, tagged the backup directory in Simple Backup Restore, and get the error:

Error: no backups found in the target directory.

I also tried copying the backup to the local drive, same difference.

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Fedora :: Backup And Restore Of A Grub Mbr?

Feb 13, 2011

One Laptop. One hard drive. Two OS's. Windows 7 is shot to hell from installing and uninstalling to much crap. Windows & WILL rewrite my MBR. How do I back up my far superior GRUB MBR and restore it over the wincrap MBR once I am done reinstalling Windoze?

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General :: Restore A Backup On Different Filesystems?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm now using Ubuntu 10.04 with ext4 and for the second time in my life I experienced data loss (not for real: I got backups) and I'm assuming problems with the recent ext4 fs.

I want to restore all of my configurations (/etc and the like), data and home on reiserFS: is this possible? What to do in order to accomplish that?

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Server :: Tar Backup And Restore In Mysql?

May 6, 2011

how to take tar backup and restore in mysql,Iam new to mysql,i searched in google but i did not get the exact one.

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Software :: Backup / Restore Script - For Svn?

Feb 13, 2009

Do You have any good script to backup and restore Subversion ?

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CentOS 5 :: How To Restore From Image Backup

Apr 21, 2011

I have 4 different servers with exactly the same hardware. I set up one of them to have a centos install with all the basic stuff I'd like running on each one. I then created an image of the harddrive with the operating system, and stored it on an external drive. I used dd to copy the external image to one of the new machines. It worked fine, everything booted up as normal and with a few tweaks everything was great. The problem is that the drive is rather large (500gb) and it takes days for dd to copy it over. I decided to try a different route, I booted to a usb (using the linux distro on the ultimate boot cd pre-loaded with gparted). There are two partitions on the external drive, a small (100mb) partition which can easily be copied over with gparted, and the larger 480+gb lvm partition.

Gparted doesn't support lvm, so I used fdisk to create a new lvm partition on the new machine, and then pvcreate/vgcreate/lvcreate to re-create the same volume groups/logical volumes that are in the image on the external harddrive. I rsync'ed all the information over from LogVol00, and made the same swap partition LogVol01 (which took WAY less time). I disconnected the hard drive and renamed the volume group to VolGroup00 (initiall I named it differently, since linux doesn't like having the volume groups named the same). I can mount the LogVol00 partition and see all the files as they should be. But when I try and boot up, it doesn't even go to grub, I just end up with a blank screen and blinking cursor. How to make the drive bootable? Alternatively, a better strategy than using dd to restore this image??

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Ubuntu :: Grub Error 22 - Restore Macrium Backup On One Of Two Partitions

Feb 11, 2010

my old 80gb pata HD showed a dual boot Ubuntu - XP on startup, although ubuntu never worked, onlly XP booted. Recently I tried to Restore a Macrium backup on one of its two partitions, & spoiled something. On boot up it says:-

GRUB loading stage 1.5GRUB loading please waite Error 22

I tried to reinstall Ubuntu 10.8 with no success, & also XP with "R" for repair again with no success.

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Ubuntu :: Backup And Create Restore Images For Operating System.

Aug 17, 2010

I've recently started using Ubuntu as my main desktop operating system and I'm looking for a backup solution that is able to backup not only my documents and various other files that I have on the system, but I also need it to backup and create restore images for the operating system.

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Ubuntu Security :: Cannot Restore Deleted Directory Using Rdiff-backup

May 17, 2011

I have carefully made daily backups using rdiff-backup, so in the case of needing to restore I can do so.

But I deleted a directory yesterday, and made a backup in the evening. Therefore, the directory is not in the latest mirror, but in the incremental backup from yesterday.

Now I need to restore the directory. But I cannot figure out how to!

I can see the directory in yesterday's incremental backup; i.e., the following works:


Where [backupdir] is the backup (mirror) directory, and [nameofdir] is the name of the directory I'm trying to restore.

So, I have tried to restore. This is the type of thing I have tried:


Where to-restore.lst holds the name of the directory to restore (in rdiff-backup's format) and [restoredir]is where I want the restored directory to go to.

But, I get errors like:


Useful file specifications begin with the base directory or some pattern (such as '**') which matches the base directory. Well, obviously the file specification doesn't exist in the [restoredir]. That's because I'm trying to restore it! If I try to create an empty directory first, it complains:


How do I restore a deleted directory from a previous day's backup to a designated destination?

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Debian :: Backup Linux Installation And Restore On New HDD

Jun 10, 2015

I have Lenovo IdeaPad z510 laptop.My HDD SMART status is currently "failure". As my laptop is under warranty I can return it to lenovo. So I want to backup as much data as possible (everything is readable). I currently have 3 operating systems: linux xubuntu 14.10, debian 8 and windows 8.1 (triple-boot?). I want to back up only my current debian installation. There are 3 partitions for debian: root (about 50GB), home (>200GB) and swap. I know that I can backup the whole partition using:

Code: Select alldd -if=/dev/sdaX -of=/locaton/of/backup -something

And create .tar file with the whole home directory.

how to restore it later. In /etc/fstab there are references to UUIDs, and as I understand, with new HDD these UUIDs would be different. And possibly the whole partition table would be different. And how would I restore GRUB?I can't make full image of my disk simply because I don't have disk to store it on.Is it possible to create backup on my current debian installation without actually making full HDD backup? Would it work if I would install debian on new disk, then from LiveCD overwrite it with my backup and modify /etc/fstab to match new partitions?

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Fedora Installation :: Image Backup And Restore

Aug 27, 2009

My laptop is Windows XP Fedora 11 dual boot. I am replacing it because of a defect. The original laptop is fairly new so I could simply start from scratch and setup everything again. But I was thinking there might be a way to do an image backup and restore. My new laptop will be identical to the old one

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Fedora :: Any Way To Backup And Restore All Downloaded Updates?

Feb 22, 2010

I have fedora 12 (amd64) on desktop. I was wondering if there a way to backup and restore all my downloaded updates since installation?! In the same manner that debian has aptoncd. I am planning to migrate on all data to a new partition with clean install and then just move the updates there.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Backup / Restore And GRUB 11.3 X86-64?

Nov 5, 2010

I do regular full and incremental backups using dar. All disk volumes are labeled and mounted by label. There is no other operating system installed. I built a new system but due to having to RMA a disk, I built the openSUSE system on a disk from the backup cycle. This Maxstor disk has problems which is why it was moved into an external box and the backup system. I now have a replacement disk and wish to replace the Maxstor before it dies. I initially tried a disk to disk clone with clonezilla but this died complaining that a small target partition was smaller than the source partition. It had created the partition and the start and end sectors were identical. There are no problems with the new disk.

I decided that it would be a good opportunity to test a full system disk restore from the backups. I have in the past restored individual files and partitions but have never restored onto a bare boot disk. I have restored and labeled all 6 partitions. The partition containing / has been marked as active. /boot is included in the partition containing /. fstab is valid, menu.lst is valid, device.map needs editing but this is not a problem.

What do I need to do to make this disk bootable. I have looked through the GRUB documentation but if you try some standard GRUB commands in 11.3 you get messages saying don't do this use YAST. I have seen other suggestions ranging from trying to start the not supported system repair option to using dd to copy the MBR which seemed to trash the partitions in the users extended partition.

The YAST bootloader displays "boot from the root partition". I assume that this is currently what is happening rather than what YAST thinks might be a good idea for next time. I suspect that all I have to do is dd the first 512 bytes of the root partition. If this is the case I can add this to the backup process. While I automate backups I do not automate restores. Each restore tends to be different and I am not sure of the best way getting grub to work on a bare disk restore.

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Programming :: Shell Script For Backup And Restore?

Aug 25, 2010

I have requirement on shell scriptingre scripts for the following:
1) Full backup(application and DB): tar all the files and database and copy them in the backup server
2) Incremental back up of files: backup of all the updated filester the last backup.
3) Restoring of backup files: restore the backup files from the backup server to the application server.

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General :: How To Get Backup And Restore For F12 File System

Apr 13, 2010

O/S: Fedora 12
I am newbie in linux. What I want to do is: Make backup for my file system, cos I learn how to configure servers. So if I made some thing wrong, I want to be able to restore the default setting for my files. Instated of install new O/S.

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Server :: Mysql Backup And Restore Scripts?

Apr 11, 2011

writting shell scripts,i searched in google but could not get the exact,pls can anyone help how to take mysql backup & restore using shell scripts.

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