Ubuntu :: Move The Recovery Partition To The Beginning Or To The End Of The Disk Without Breaking It?

Mar 4, 2011

I have an Asus eeePC 1001PX which I have installed Linux to. With a 160 GB hard drive, space is limited, which makes it a problem for me that Asus has chosen to place the 16 GB Windows Recovery partition (which I intend to keep in case of emergency or sale) in the middle of the disk, essentially preventing me from partitioning the disk to my liking with one partition taking up the entire drive (except the space used by the recovery partition. Is there any way to move the recovery partition to the beginning or to the end of the disk without breaking it?

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Ubuntu :: Drive Formatted - Mount Partition For Disk Data Recovery

Nov 1, 2010

I accidentally formatted a 2TB drive of mine (big oops), but have recovered 2 of the 3 partitions using testdisk. My third partition is a LUKS encrypted partition. Testdisk managed to recover a piece of it, but it won't mount as most of it is unallocated. The partition originally occupied all space from sector 2,930,272,065 to the end of the disk -- sector 3,907,024,064. That is about 473 GBs. Currently, the partition only uses space from sector 2,930,272,065 to 2,930,288,129, about 7.84 MB.

The rest of the space is unallocated. Now what I need to do, is to expand the partition so that it occupies all the space that it used to. How would I do this? I cannot resize the partition, cause it would try to recreate the filesystem AFAIK and I don't want that, as it will fry my data. My data is not terribly important, but I would rather have it then not. I attached a screenie of kpartitionmanager. The partition in question is /dev/sdb2.

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Software :: Create A System Restore Disk Or Recovery Partition?

Dec 20, 2010

is there a way to create a system restore disk or recovery partition ? somewhat like windows has. I do back up my files regularly but a back up of entire os system and settings would be handy.running ubuntu 10.10

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Ubuntu Installation :: Os_prober Calls The Vista Partition The Windows Recovery Partition

Feb 20, 2011

Two days ago I repartitioned my laptop HD and added the latest Ubuntu (2.6.35-25-generic) to the existing Vista and existing Ubuntu (2.6.32-28-generic via upgrades from 9.14(?)). Prior to this install it was using Grub with menu.lst from the old/upgrade Ubuntu. After the install the boot menu labels the partition with Vista as the Windows Recovery partition and the recovery partition item is no longer present.

At first I wondered how I could get Vista to boot. I found that SuperGrub cd would boot it OK. Then, it dawned on me that the boot menu item was not the recovery partition, but instead the Vista OS partition mislabelled . Vista loads just fine from it. The recovery partition is no longer listed as it was with Grub/menu.lst. SuperGrub will not boot the recovery partition, showing an error "missing BOOTMGR".

'os-prober' produces--
root@Toshiba:/home/deh# os-prober
/dev/sda2:Windows Recovery Environment (loader):Windows:chain
/dev/sda7:Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS (10.04):Ubuntu:linux


I edited boot/grub/grub.cfg so the boot menu item is labelled correctly, but suspect that it will revert back when there is an upgrade.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Wubi - Windows 7 Partition Along With The Lenovo Recovery Partition

Aug 1, 2011

I tried installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on my girlfriend's lenovo using a live disc. First we tried it out to show her the wireless would work fine (her previous lenovo was not ubuntu friendly at all). She's interested in keeping her windows 7 partition along with the lenovo recovery partition, so I tried doing a dual boot install. I manually moved the cursors setting the disk space on each partition, and we allowed Ubuntu to do the rest. Much to my dismay, the installation failed.

I've done some reading over the internet, and I think in our case it would be best to use a Wubi installation. We're interested in using 10.04, so where can we find a wubi installer of Ubuntu 10.04?

Also, any ideas why the installation might have failed? The iso was downloaded off the ubuntu main site, and we burned it using infrarecorder.

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Ubuntu :: Use A Windows-based Recovery Partition On A Dual-boot Computer To Overwrite Partition And Remove GRUB Loader?

Mar 9, 2010

is it possible to use a Windows-based recovery partition on a dual-boot computer to overwrite the Ubuntu partition and remove the GRUB loader? For instance, if you booted up your computer, accessed the hidden recovery partition and used it to reset the computer to it's factory default settings, would that effectively remove the Ubuntu partition and the GRUB loader? Would a completely new installation of Windows overwrite/uninstall Ubuntu and GRUB automatically?

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Ubuntu :: Partition Removed By Windows Recovery Partition?

Jan 28, 2011

My set up is a dual boot between windows 7 and ubuntu 10.04. This laptop used to have vista on it. See image below for my partition set up. pretty obvious where ubuntu should be.I accidentally selected the wrong entry in grub and booted into an acer windows recovery partition. despite exiting as soon as it loaded, the long story short is that it has goodbyed linux.On booting i now just get a grub rescue prompt.I have eventually managed to boot into a liveUSB (cd drive is botched too )As you can see from the screenpic, testdisk shows linux is still there but there are quite a few entries from the upgrades.So, if i can restore the partition around this linux partition will grub come back with it and will all be merry?

I havent mounted any volumes on the drive yet, but i think i need to back up my data before messing with the partition table. is it cool to mount them to pull some data off?general advice for how to proceed would be great.Im not too hung up on keeping the linux install itself. whats gunna be easier? install into that 16gb space and then re add windows to grub, or try and recover this partition?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Home" Partition On The 11gb, Covering Only 10gb On The Beginning Of The Drive?

Jun 22, 2010

i have 2 harddrives. a 6gb and an 11gb. IDE ATA. i want to install opensuse 11.2 on them, using EXT4, in a different way this time. i want the "/" partition to cover all of the 6gb, with the drive set to master. For the slave, I want the "/home" partition on the 11gb, covering only 10gb on the beginning of the drive, and i want the swap space partition on the end of the drive using 1gb. Is this a smart way to install it? Will i have to continuously mount the drive with home and swap on it? What is the best configuration for using these two drives?

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Software :: Convert Primary Partition To Logical (ie Move It Inside The Extended Partition)?

Nov 29, 2010

Around 2008 i seem to remember PartEd on the command-line was able to rescue deleted partitions and gave a choice of whether to recover the partition as a Primary or Logical Partition. I have tried testdisk but didn't really grok what i was doing. I successfully moved a "Windows Recovery" partition to the end of my hard-drive, immediately after the drive's Extended Partition.

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Ubuntu :: Make A Recovery Disk With Clonezilla?

Mar 18, 2010

I am a noob at Ubuntu. I currently have 8.04 and I am looking at upgrading to 8.10 and beyond. I want to make a recovery disk with Clonezilla so if something goes wrong with the upgrade I can go right back to where I am now. I have a 16 Gig thumb drive that I want to boot Clonezilla from. Then I want to burn an image to my DVD burner. I am stuck at one point in the process. I am reading the instructions from[URL]..

This part is where I am stuck is step 4.To make your USB flash drive bootable, first change the working dir, e.g. "cd /media/usb/utils/linux", then run "bash makeboot.sh /dev/sdb1" (replace /dev/sdb1 as your USB flash drive device name), and follow the prompts to finish that. My USB drive is named M-S325 so if I enter cd/ media/M-S325/utils/linux in terminal I get the error no such file or directory. I know it is something stupid simple I am doing wrong, but I am stuck. What do I need to do to make my UBD drive bootable with Clonezilla ?

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Ubuntu :: Data Recovery On My Broken Disk

Mar 22, 2010

A while ago my harddrive kinda failed. I didnt notice untill I got "Grub error 17" one time when I was trying to boot my computer. The problem is not really that I couldnt log on to my computer, but rather that I have alot of important information on the computer I would hate to lose. At the time I used Ubuntu 8.04 and had reiserfs filesystem on the computer. I bought a new computer and decided to wait untill I could rescue the data before doing to much dmg to it. But I dont really remember if I tried something to fix it before I realised that it was the harddrive and bad sectors that made me get gruberror 17. Hopefully I didnt do anything.

Anyway. Now today I had some extra time, so I decided to dive in. I booted from a linux mint disk and used ddrescue to transfer all the rawdata over the network to an image file laying on an ext4 drive. Once there I used reiserfsck to try and repair the filesystem. After that i mounted the image file and tried to access the files. Thats where the probelms started. I could see the whole treestructure of the harddrive and everything seemed ok, but when i tried to open the files, none of the pictures, documents and so on could be opend, and when I tried to open stuff like MP3 files they played quite strange. Videofiles was really messy, kept changing resolution and was almost always just gray and green squares on the screen. I decided to use ddrescue and move the files from the image file and on to a clean disk. So when I was done I could mount the filesystem on the new disk, but with the same resault, so I did reiserfsck again, and when that didnt help I did a buildtree also. Still with the same resault. So I decided to investigate the data abit. Opening files at random trying to understand what had hapend. And I saw that some MP3 files (the easiest to open) was some kind of mixing between several difrent mp3 files. Some files wasnt even in the same folder, so it was probably just that the file pointer was pointing at the wrong data on the disk. I dont know how that works really, so I dont know how to go on.

So now to the question. How do I get the data back? Have I done something wrong, can I redo somethig? I still have the broken disk and can take data from it once again, but I want to wait to do that untill I really know what to do. I also still have the image file, and the disk with the copied data. I have a ubuntu 9.10 system at my disposal atm.

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Ubuntu :: Photo Recovery After Disk Wipe

Mar 30, 2011

I recently installed ubuntu and completely wiped the disk with windows and everythingelse on it and now it seems I forgot to save a few important photos.

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Ubuntu :: Move Grub From One Partition To Another Partition?

May 8, 2010

I don't know if this is possible however would like to know how to move grub from one partition to another.I may not have explainded that very well. I have a computer that i use to checkout different linux distros, however since the introduction of grub2 things have become difficult. I have a number of primary partitions on the one hdd If I install a o/s that uses grub on a partition and another partition has a o/s that uses grub2 then on startup the o/s with grub2 no longer appears on the grub start up screen so I cannot boot into the grub2 o/s. The reverse is ok i.e. if I install a grub2 o/s after a grub o/s all appear on the grub start up screen.

This leaves me in the situation where I have to always reinstall a grub2 o/s after i install a grub o/s. Hope that makes sense! This is why it would be easier (I hope) to be able to move grub from one o/s to another. I must admit I don't really understand it all that well and I know that mbr plays a role in it, however I think it's correct that the mbr can remain on an o/s yet grub is on another?

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Ubuntu :: MDADM RAID 5 Disk Failure And Recovery?

Jun 18, 2010

I have a fileserver which is running Ubuntu Server 6.10. I had a RAID5 array consisting of the following disks:

/dev/md0 -

the raid drive for the above three disks. The sda1 disk has failed and the array is running on 2 of 3 disks

/dev/sdc (OS disk)
/dev/sde (new 2tb disk - unused)
/dev/sdf (new 2tb disk - unused)

My plan was to rebuild the array using the two new disks as RAID1. Would the best way to do this be to create a new RAID1 disk on /dev/md1 then copy all data over from /dev/md0? Also - this may sound stupid but since all 3 drives in md0 are identical i'm not sure physically which disk is bad. I tried disconnecting each disk one-by-one then rebooting but the system doesn't appear to want to boot without the bad drive connected. I've already failed the disk in the array with mdadm but i'm unsure of how to remove it properly.

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Ubuntu :: Recovery From Harddrive With Full Disk Encryption ?

Jan 10, 2011

I have a bunch of pictures that I thought I had backed up but as it turns out I didn't, the problem is I formatted the drive they were on.

It is a 1TB hard drive, and it was running Ubuntu 10.10 using full disk encryption from the alternate install CD. After formatting, I installed Ubuntu Server 10.10, also using full disk encryption.

I know the encryption key for both installs (and the keys in fact are the same).

I have turned off the machine, and have stopped writing to the disk. I am hoping because it is a 1TB drive, and I have only written over it with 2GB of data, that there is a chance I can recover the data.

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General :: Disk Recovery Using Testdisk

Jun 28, 2010

I was installing ubuntu and somehow formatted the D partition on my hdd. I have installed testdisk and have been running quick search and deep search. Testdisk found my partition as a NTFS (I used windows vista). When I press P to list files, testdisk gives me the following message: Cant open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged.Is it possible to recover any data from the partition or is it lost?

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Ubuntu :: Partition Without Losing Recovery?

Jul 25, 2011

This is my first post on Ubuntu, ive been testing/and dual booted then reverted back to windows this past year, and now have gone back to school for computer networking...so im SUPER interested,So - i want to install Ubuntu on my little Toshiba netbook that i drag everywhere with me, but im afraid to screw with it's partitions. I dont want to spend $$$ to get a larger than 8GB flash drive to create a recovery from the HDD partition that is installed on their, and they dont come with the backup/recovery disks, so i want to either leave that partition alone (in case i need to switch it back to windows down the road to sell it), or whatever.

I know i could just download windows to my PC, transfer the files to a flash drive, and put it on that way, but the recovery comes complete with drivers, etc which makes it a smoother and faster process. Oh, i cant make the recovery of windows b/c i need 7.xx GB of space, and my biggest flash drive is an 8GB which doesnt quite make it.SOOOOO - IF i install Ubuntu, will that recovery partition DEFINITELY be left alone? Or is there an easy way someone could suggest copying that partition without a 16GB drive? OR is there any way to use an external hard drive to copy that recovery partition on to?

I have only installed ubuntu once, maybe twice, but didnt care about partitions and wiped everything as requested by the install. (i reverted back because i couldnt navigate quickly installing and updating programs, but now have a windows laptop and want to be forced to learn linux on my netbook).any help is MUCH appreciated! I have an Ubuntu scratch that im dying to itch, but dont want to lose my windows recovery

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Ubuntu :: Rm -r File Recovery On Ntfs Partition?

Jan 29, 2010

I was copying a bunch of files between hard drives. For some reason I have permissions issues, but I was able to copy the data using cp in the terminal (I know I can sort out permissions, but that's something for another thread).So, I start copying files just fine, but cp doesn't have any sort of progress indication. So, I started up another two terminal windows, cd'd to the source and destination folders, and ls -l'd each to compare the folders.

At this point, I realised that I'd forgot to add -r to the cp command, so cancelled it. I decided it'd be better to start again and add -r in, and repeat the command. So, I went to the folder, went up a level, then rm -r'd the folder I was just in. It wasn't until I'd gone through with the command that I realised I was actually in the source folderSo, putting aside all the obvious things like 'You dope, you shouldn't have been messing around with rm -r, let alone sudo' and 'With great power comes great responsibility' and 'This never would have happened if you'd just sorted out your missions and usedNautilus', is there any way I can recover the data? I know it's possible in ext2, but not in ext3, but it's on an NTFS partition. Is it possible to recover files from this

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Ubuntu :: Using DD To Clone Vista HD And Recovery Partition?

Aug 14, 2010

I'm using dd to clone a Windows Vista hard drive and recovery partition with zero luck. I duplicated the partitions with gparted then used dd to copy each partition and then the master boot record. Nothing............. no boot.

dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/dev/sda1
dd if=/dev/sdb2 of=/dev/sda2
dd if=/dev/sdb of=/sda bs=512 count=1

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Debian :: Reload Plasma From Backup After Recovery From Disk Crash?

Jan 19, 2016

After recovery from a disk crash, everything seems fine except that I have lost plasma. I have a backup. Is there a way to reload plasma from the backup? I can recover kde by reloading /home/.kde from the backup. But there is no .plasma file.

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Debian Configuration :: Raid 5 Recovery After Mistakenly Removing Disk?

Aug 12, 2010

I've got an 8-disk raid-5 setup, and one of the disks failed. I shut the system down, replaced it, and powered the box back on again. Then, I made a catastrophic mistake; I 'failed' and removed the wrong disk (should have been sdj1, and I typed sdk1 by accident). I tried to re-add sdk1 back to the raid array, but it got listed as 'spare'. My raid array is off-line, since I now have 2 disks unavailable.

I know that the data still exists on sdk1, is there any way I can get the raid array to recognise the fact that it's a valid part of the array, and not a spare disk? At least if I can do that, I'll have a degraded but accessible array, and then I can rebuild the array on the properly replaced disk.

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Fedora :: Hard Disk Data Recovery Of Ext2 And Ext3

Jul 1, 2010

I am student of MCS and working on final project. I am the user of windows xp. I am new in Linux. I am working on a project that titles "Hard disk data Recovery of ext2 and ext3 in linux". In windows, including dos.h and bios.h header files in program of c language I can send interrupt to bios and access most of the devices like parallel port, hard disks etc. But problem is that there is no bios.h and dos.h files in gcc. Now how can I access my hard drive using c program. How can I call int13h interrupt in linux or there is any other function in the linux to access the hard disk. In fact I want to access sectors of my hard disk using c language program. How can I do it?

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Ubuntu :: How To Move From One Hard Disk To Another

Jun 29, 2011

I have installed ubuntu on my 40 gb hard drive. I bought 160 gb hard drive and now i want to move ubuntu installation from 40 gb drive to 140 gb drive. How to ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Recovery Old Partition! Lost All Work?

Apr 30, 2010

This morning, i want to install ubuntu 9.10 and want to upgrade to 10.04. Im using live CD and while install, i go to advance partition and resize the windows partition and after i resize the partition i saw my windows partition has lost.Here the details:Windows XP size: 80gb and free size 35gbi want to use my ubuntu size around 10gb, after i resize to 10gb and format etx4 as root my windows partition has gone. how to recovery and revert my windows partition back?

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Ubuntu :: Accidentally Deleted Partition Table..recovery?

Aug 26, 2010

I was messing around with the windows 7 install and wiped a valuable partition on a drive, I ripped the sata cable out afterwards... is there a way to reconstruct the table?

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Not Detecting Windows Recovery Partition?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a dual boot setup with Windows 7 and Ubuntu. Lately Windows 7 has been causing me all kinds of grief and I decided that it would be better to just restore it back to factory settings. I have a Windows 7 recovery partition (hidden) that I can see from Ubuntu, however Grub2 does not detect it. It only has two identical Windows entries that take me into Windows (though in /boot/grub/grub.cfg they point to hd0,msdos1 and hd0,msdos2 respectively).

I have searched far and wide on the Internet on how to gain access to this recovery partition to no avail. I even found a link from Lenovo's website that details how to do this in the old version of Grub, though it doesn't work in Grub2.

Here are the most useful links that I have found thus far, both fall short unfortunately. [URL]

I have already backed up all my data, so I can nuke the whole disk if that's what it takes, but I don't actually have a Windows Recovery CD, only the hidden partition which I can't seem to boot into.

I also saw some posts where people were having trouble disabling the recovery partitions from appearing in the Grub menu, their answers often consisted of people telling them that it's not possible to disable the recovery partition from appearing without hiding the main Windows Install, oh the irony!

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Loads The Recovery Partition Of Win7?

Mar 7, 2011

As a big supporter of Ubuntu, after installing Ubuntu 10.10 on my mums laptop i decided to also install it on my sisters Acer Aspire one netbook.

The specific netbook had pre-installed Win7 starter. Everything went really smooth with the installation with ubuntu 10.10, Grub menu was also loading pretty well but when i chose to load on windows it loads the recovery partition of the hard drive.

The issue is that the netbook, like most netbooks and laptops, has a hidden partition which is used to recover Windows on the system. My Grub2 loader added this partition as an option to load windows with result me not be able to boot on windows ...well i do can load but it loads the recovery of windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Move 9.10 Disk To New Machine

Jan 27, 2010

I've been landed with a disk from a friend whose machine we've never managed to get into the BIOS of and tweak the boot order to include a CD drive.

I pulled the disk from my own system and ran a from-scratch install on this shiny blank disk with numerous of the tweaks I like and he'll need. (Getting pleased with how the time to usable is still dropping doing an install).

What I'm concerned about is sticking this disk in his machine and using it. I've gone with the sort-of generic 32-bit base even though both his machine and mine are Athlons. However, he's a musician and has some rather nice audio kit - as well as, I suspect, different video hardware.

Am I likely to hit noticeable problems? Is there some script I can arm myself with to rescan available hardware and update config, or can someone give a list of packages to completely remove then reinstall via the recovery boot?

I know the latter option may well cause some dependency problems that see stuff I've already installed lost - I can cope with that if I can get the GUI running smoothly.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Access To Thinkpad Rescue And Recovery Partition?

Jan 7, 2010

I have a brand new Lenovo Thinkpad T400. Lenovo claims that it should boot into recovery mode if the blue 'ThinkVantage' button is pressed during boot. However, this does not happen after I have installed Ubuntu (Koala). First of all, nothing happens when I press the blue button, and no recovery partition is visible in GRUB boot menu. However, the partition itself is still there. The question is how to boot from it?

I found some tips from [URL], however, they are for GRUB, but my Ubuntu comes with GRUB2. I tried to adapt their instructions to my case. I added this to /etc/grub.d/40_custom:

menuentry "Rescue and Recovery" {
insmod ntfs
set root=(hd0,3)


That, however results in message about bootmgr missing at startup.

One option would be to start Windows and reinstall Windows MBR, but this would nuke my GRUB, and things could quickly go downhill from there as I am using full disc encryption for my Ubuntu partitions.

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Ubuntu :: Fixing A Deleted Partition Table / Data Recovery?

Jan 27, 2010

I erased my partition table. Can anyone recommend a good method of reconstructing it? And if this is impossible, can anyone recommend a good method of data recovery? I had an ntfs partition with windows 7 and a larger ext3 partition that ran Debian.

I'm running Test-disk on the SystemRescueCD at the moment (cross your fingers).

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