Ubuntu :: Mouse Stops Responding For A Moment

Jan 10, 2010

There seems to be an issue with my mouse. This issue is present whether working in Ubuntu 9.10, or Windows 7. The mouse stops responding for a moment or two every little bit. At first I thought the problem came from power management, but that doesn't seem to be it. I tried disabling hpet, and a host of other things. Nothing works at all, and yes, I tried using another mouse. my system is nice and new

K9N6PGM2-v main
N260GTX OCv4 graphics
Phenom x3 proc
logitech nX80 mouse

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 64bit Stops Responding?

May 2, 2010

I've been using 10.04 since just before the release candidate, currently I've installed a clean full install of 10.04 and I've been experiencing random nonresponse times with my system. I could just be sitting here reading some email or visiting a web page and suddenly the system will just stop responding.

When this happens nothing responds. No mouse, no keyboard, nothing. It's a total lockup. This problem wasn't happening with any of the Ubuntu releases before 10.04 but something with 10.04 doesn't seem to like my system. My system is an AMD X4 Phenom processor with 7GB of ram, ATI video, etc. It's a fairly nice system and this nonresponse issue is really starting to annoy me.

Is anyone else having a similar issue? I'm going to download the 32bit version and install it to see if the problem happens there too. Not sure on how to track down what could be happening as it really look like its random at this point. Pretty strange and very frustrating. I suppose if I can't figure it out, I can just reinstall 9.10 for now.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Stops Responding For A Few Seconds?

Sep 15, 2010

I know this is the kind of vague post that people hate. But I'm having a problem. Every now and then (several times a day), my computer stops responding for several seconds.

I notice it most in Firefox. If I'm typing information in a form (like this one) on a web page, everything just stops. If I keep typing, the text eventually appears, apparently having been stored in a keyboard buffer.

But it's not just in Firefox. I have had the same problem in OpenOffice applications. Things just stop. The computer apears to "think" for several seconds, and then things continue.

After several seconds, everything is okay. So some people may say that this is normal. And while I'm no guru, I have been around computers for a long time, so I remember back in the day when this happened all the time. But I haven't seen it (at least to this extent) in previous versions of Ubuntu (or in Windows).

It's a serious problem.

what I should look at? I have a feeling that there is some setting somewhere (cache, etc.) that is set wrong.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Stops Responding After A While?

Apr 6, 2010

I recently decided to install Ubuntu and I went through all of the steps to set up a subversion server using svnserve. It all works except for one thing: it stops responding to remote computers after a while.I have the server on a 4 port wireless router/switch in my dorm room. I set up port forwarding so that the server receives all traic over the correct ports. The subversion server AND the default http server on Ubuntu work fine always as long as I access them from a computer connected to the switch in my room.The problem is that if I try to access it from anywhere else, it won't respond at all unless it has been accessed by a computer on the switch recently (something like 30-60 minutes). So to fix it I have to go back to my room and access it from a computer on the switch. Then it will work from anywhere for another 30-60 minutes.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Mail Stops Responding?

Apr 14, 2010

resolve an issue with Evolution Mail, I normally keep in runningbut when i return in the morning almost every time it has stopped responding. I have to close, or force close, then restart to get it to check for mail and run normally

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Freezes - Computer Stops Responding

Jul 5, 2010

I am using a 64 bit version of Ubuntu 10.04 on my Dell Studio. Sometimes my computer stops responding. I wouldn't say completely frozen, kinda semi-freeze. I am able to see the mouse pointer move and also when I move the mouse pointer over the Maximize, Minimize or Close buttons, the buttons get highlighted but I am unable to click on them. Alt+Tab key combination to move to another window doesn't work either. I experienced the same problem when using Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit for which reason I dumped Ubuntu then.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Stops Working/responding?

Dec 6, 2010

I'm having some trouble with Evolution. I have set up two IMAP accounts and ne POP account. Whenever I leave Evolution running for a while, work with something else and then get back to check my email it won't show new emails for the IMAP accounts. In the "progress bar" at the bottom it shows:Ping server XXX (0% complete) Checking new emails (0% complete) nd this seems to go on and on, I've waited for abt.0 minutes for it to finish pinging and checking for new emails but it doesn't stop. The P account works fine. If I however close Evolution and then start it again it immediately check and show new email in the IMAP accounts. Is there any solution to this

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Fedora :: 13 Stops Responding During Session?

Jun 12, 2010

Fedora 13 stops responding during an open session. I am not able to open a terminal or any application, although the mouse still works. I able to get to the shutdown menu, although the system will not shutdown. The only option I have is to do a hard rebootfter a reboot, I am able to log on again and the system performs normal for a few minutes. After a few minutes the system freezes again except for the mouse

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Ubuntu :: Microsoft Wireless Keyboard Stops Responding?

Dec 2, 2010

I have a Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 3000 v2 and Microsoft Explorer Mouse Model 1362. The biggest issue I have right now is with the keyboard. The keyboard will start cutting out and not responding to keys. As soon as the cpu load drops then all is well. I have a PS2 keyboard that I keep plugged in just in case the load stays high and I need to type something. The mouse and the keyboard have seperate usb dongles, and when the keyboard is having issues the mouse is still working great. This tells me that either the USB radio for the keyboard gets turned off, or that something on my machine is weird. I have seen the EXACT same behaviour on 32bit and 64bit linux distros.

CPU: AMD X3 720 oc'ed to 3.22GHZ
MOBO: Biostar
Video: HIS ATI 4890 (using FGLRX)
HD: Samsung 1TB 7200RPM drive
OS: Ubuntu 10.10 (tested also with Fedora 14, OpenSUSE 11.3)

Note: it happens with very little load and high load. Of course high load it happens all the time.

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CentOS 5 Server :: 5.3 Network Stops Responding?

Apr 24, 2009

after a update to 5.3 from 5.2 via the built in updater the system stops responding to visitors from the outside, http that is, but heres the odd part, if i say run firefox on the server the connection works also for some reason if i'm on the network with my own computer the connection seems to stay open but as soon as i stop using these the server seems to drop the conenctions, but as i said as soon as i go via my comp to the server via say ie it works right away.

this i tried yesterday:did a cold boot to see if some update had problems and actually needed a reboot even if the updater didn't say, after it started the connection seemed to be open for a good while, and not untill this morning from a outside source the connection is droped again, not been on my comp nor logged on on the server today yet.the install only has on it what i got from the dvd, and as far as i know it has all the updates on it since 5.3 came out.my network is built up like this:



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CentOS 5 :: Nautilus Stops Responding With 100% CPU Use In Some Directories?

Jan 9, 2010

I was wondering if anyone else has noticed the following behavior lately. Sometimes, when I enter a directory, during the generation of thumbnails nautilus freezes up with 100% cpu use. It has to be killed. It will then happen whenever I try to enter that specific directory with nautilus (although access with Konqueror or command-line is fine). Turning off the previews allows nautilus to enter that directory (usually... once even that didn't work). If I create a new directory and move all the files from the troublesome directory into the new directory, I can enter the new directory with nautilus and it works fine, even with thumbnails turned on. I can even rename that directory to the same name as the problematic one had and it will work. Long ago this behavior used to happen very rarely, then it seemed to be fixed, and now it is happening again but fairly frequently.

I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and, if so, do they know what is causing it? A simple solution is to turn off thumbnails but I'd prefer another solution.

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Fedora Installation :: When You Reboot The Mouse Works Ok Until The Welcome Screen Apears Then The Mouse Stops Working?

Jun 17, 2009

I have install fedora11 live and the mouse work well when installing.When you reboot the mouse works ok until the welcome screen apears then the mouse stops working and I cannot continue with the postinstall. I have a 1TB usb externalHD that I am installing fedora11 and have partitioned it so that I have 500Gb free for fedora, system is doucore 2.4,4gb RAm, I tryed doing this with three differend mice and connectting the mouse to different usb ports

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Debian Multimedia :: Thunar Randomly Stops Responding

Jan 28, 2016

Running Debian 8, thunar 1.6.3. Randomly thunar stops redrawing and stops responding to mouse and keyboard input.

This is annoying because I usually have a handful of tabs open and I "lose my place."

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Hardware :: SATA Drive Suddenly Stops Responding?

Jul 12, 2011

I have a WD Caviar Green 2TB drive installed into a NAS server. Without any explanation, randomly, usually after several days of uptime, the drive stops responding completely to the SATA bus.The syslog shows:

Jul 12 23:23:20 nas kernel: [4160863.587301] ata3.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x6 frozen


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Networking :: Iptables - Site Stops Responding After An Hour?

May 11, 2011

My config works fine when enabled but after an hour the site stops responding at all. When I restart, flush or disable iptables it works fine again. Wondered if anyone could see any glaring errors I've made

# Generated by iptables-save v1.3.5 on Tue May 10 17:06:48 2011
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [6034:13920296]


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Ubuntu :: File Explorer Stops Responding When Transferring From NTFS To Ext4?

Sep 29, 2010

So I've got a 500gb ext4 formatted drive I use for backup, and I'm trying save my personal files from my laptop's hard drive (the laptop power supply just died) but whenever I try to copy+paste something from the NTFS laptop drive to the ext4 drive, nautilus freezes up, and suddenly both of my CPU cores hit 100% and Ubuntu is using 1.6GB of RAM, from like 200MB when it's idle.

I'm using 10.04
Pentium D 2.4Ghz Dual

The laptop drive is a 5000RPM 250GB Sata, NTFS partition is 125GBThe backup drive is a 7200RPM 500GB Sata, ext4 partition is 500GB

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Ubuntu :: Synaptic Stops Responding When Trying To Clear Cache Of Deb Install Packages?

Nov 30, 2010

My synaptic stops responding when I try to clear cache of old deb install packages

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Fedora :: Swap Memory Full-system Stops Responding?

Jun 24, 2009

i have a RAM of 1 Gb & swap of 1Gb with fedora11 installed, initially in RAM programme memory uses around 300 Mb & cache uses 600-700 Mb , but after some time it starts using swap memory though my programme memory is still around 300 mb, it keeps on increasing swap memory as a result my system keeps on slowing down & finally when swap memory is 100% system almost stops responding but programme memory is still around 300mb.

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OpenSUSE :: If An Application Stops Responding How To Force It To Quit Without Rebooting

Jun 7, 2011

If an application stops responding how do I force it to quit without rebooting

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Server :: Apache Stops Responding To HTTP Requests Every Few Days?

Dec 28, 2010

I've had a VPS running Ubuntu 9.10 x64 server, hosting 3 websites of mine for a few months now. This problem has been happening for a while. Every once in a while, probably every 2 or 3 days, I'll wake up in the morning, and apache won't be responding, no web pages will load. /etc/init.d/apache2 status, reports that apache is functioning properly. Every time I simply have to restart the daemon and things run fine for another few days.

I thought maybe it was a memory issue, so I lowered the MaxClients in the prefork module from 50 to 30 a few days ago, but the same thing is still happening. My VPS has 512MB of ram, burstable to 1GB, and according to Virtuozzo, there was only one night of high traffic where I even came close to that soft limit. I've checked my syslog, and there's absolutely nothing in there about apache. I've checked apache's error.log as well, and there's nothing in there that would indicate a problem either.

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Ubuntu :: Boot ... Freezes And Stops Responding To Keyboard Input - Dodgy Package To Blame?

Jul 26, 2011

My trusty 11.04 x64 Ubuntu desktop machine stopped booting up properly about 2 weeks ago - it goes through Grub and into Plymouth, but then freezes and stops responding to keyboard input either on a dark purple screen, or less often the same but with the Ubuntu logo and the 5 boot progress circles but with none of them lit up. I can hit escape early on after grub and see initialisation reports showing everything successful (other than a fail on "Automatic crash report generation") - up to a line saying "Stopping System V runlevel compatibility [OK]", at which point it freezes.

Going into recovery mode allows me to fsck the disk (which is fine, and smartctl reports all attributes as fine), fix packages (which I have done a number of times, to no avail) and boot into safe graphical mode, which works fine, albeit only on one monitor and with very poor graphics performance, obviously. As the machine was borked and everything was backed up on my fileserver anyway, I decided to nuke it and give Fedora a go (I've been using Ubuntu since Feisty and it was a good time to try something else). Fedora was fine (and worked with the default nouveau driver), but I didn't like it, so after less than 24 hours away from the fold I decided to come back to Ubuntu.

At least a reinstall should fix the problem with booting, right? Wrong! The live CD worked fine, installed perfectly, and the machine behaved itself upon first reboot - at which point I ran apt-get dist-upgrade, restarted, and blam - right back where I started. Updated vanilla Ubuntu 11.04 will not boot. Has Ubuntu released a dodgy package that has broken my x server? I don't want to have to go back to 10.10 -


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Software :: Virtualbox On Sid - VM - The Screen Goes Black Then Computer Completely Stops Responding - Needs Hard Reboot

Jan 13, 2010

So I'm in need of VM'ing a couple OS's to keep from repartitioning and dual booting my desktop. The first I'm trying to boot is a 64bit version of windows (have XP and 7 disc, trying XP for now) as I need to convert some of my work's ancient programs that still use DOS functions.

I choose Virtualbox over VMware just for the sake of VB being in the repos. Install and initial config went fine, but when I try to start (run) the VM the screen goes black, then the computer completely stops responding and needs a hard reboot. Pasting what I believe to be the error part in the log. If you need the entire log I can email or host it - too big for a post. Kernel Version - 2.6.32-trunk-amd64. Debian Sid

Short Version:


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Ubuntu :: Keyboard And Mouse Not Responding?

Jan 17, 2011

Kubuntu 10.04 all updates until today.

All of the sudden my keyboard and mouse are not working any more. At login window keyboard is working OK so I can login (mouse is not working), but after login, keyboard is not responding unless I press the key for few moments (perhaps a second) until a keyrepeat begins. Only then key is accepted and echoed on screen.

Funny thing is, if I login as some other user, everything works as expected.

I have already ran Xorg -configure as su, but it didn't resolve the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse And Buttons Not Responding

Mar 14, 2011

I've recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 as a dual partition with Windows 7 running alongside. I'm trying it out for almost over an hour, but this very unusual problem came up - after around 20 minutes while system is running, the mouse stops responding. its still working - it moves, the red light thingi is still on, but the buttons aren't responding.

it has the same symptoms every time - system runs for around 10-20 minutes, then left button stops working. 2 minutes later the right one joins as well, and from that moment its a matter of seconds till the mouse wheel won't respond too this has happened 3 times already, and last time it happened after a while the right button & the mouse wheel started working for about 2 minutes and then stopped responding again. do you guys have ANY clue what this is? am I pressing on a hotkey or something like that which is causing this thing?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mouse And Keyboard Not Responding?

May 10, 2010

I just upgraded from 9.10 to 10,4 via update manager and now when I switch on, the boot process seems to work but when I arrived to the login page, I can't use mouse or keyboard. The system is not freezed because I can see the watch on the lower right running properly.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Cursor Not Responding Anymore?

Apr 27, 2011

I have dual monitors, and I was running Minecraft in a window on the external screen and I accidentally pressed F11, which made the game appear on both screens at once (I have dual monitors), one with the mouse and one without, when I pressed F11 again both screens flickered but nothing changed. I could move the mouse to close the window but it didn't respond, so I restarted, and now the cursor is stuck against the left side of the screen and doesn't respond to the touchpad (unfortunately I don't have a USB mouse to try out) It's a Samsung R580 laptop running Ubuntu 10.10, with an ATI HD545V graphics card. just recently installed Ubuntu for the first time and would really like to get to back to using it. Feel free to patronize me, I won't get offended.

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Fedora :: Mouse Not Responding To Clicks?

May 8, 2011

I'm running:
Fedora 15 Beta
Gnome (not 3)
Cyborg RAT 5 mouse

Well I just installed Fedora today on my desktop, and it went all smoothly. Mostly. And when I installed a bunch of updates and restarted my computer, my mouse would be able to say ope up Pidgin or FireFox, and then not be able to click on anything else. I could still move the cursor around, and use the keyboard, I just couldn't click on anything. it's pretty hard to troubleshoot when I can't click on anything!

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OpenSUSE Install :: Keyboard & Mouse Not Responding 11.2?

Nov 12, 2009

I just installed the new OpenSuSE 11.2 release and after coming up in graphical mode the keyboard and mouse are not responding at all.

After that via a remote login force the machine back to runlevel 3 and this makes it able to login to the console and trying to start sax2 to make a new X configuration.

Well it doesn't read the old configuration but gets stuck as well.

The install was an update from OpenSuSE 11.1.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Keyboard And Mouse No More Responding?

Feb 5, 2010

On our SuSe 11.1 PC keyboard and mouse are no more responding although it did work properly until yesterday. We shut down the computer yesterday evening and today they do not work anymore. But it is not a hardware problem, we can use keyboard and mouse until Grub bootloader, but as soon as we start a Linux session (doesn't matter if normal or failsave mode) the keyboard and mouse are disabled, we can see that because the NumLock and CapsLock LEDs are switched off immediately.

We have no idea what happened. We booted from CD into rescue mode and mounted the hard disk manually and checked some logfiles, but the boot.log tells us that USB keyboard and mouse are detected, as well as the Xorg.0.log file. And we found no indication that keyboard or mouse are disabled or something like that.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Freezes Randomly - Keyboard And Mouse Stop Responding

Feb 4, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 on other machines before and have not experienced this problem. Occasionally, the system will lock up. They keyboard and mouse stop responding (my keyboard status lights no longer respond, but my optical mouse light is still on). I can ssh to the machine, and it seems to work as normal. I kill processes that are open on my desktop through ssh, (i.e., Firefox), and I notice when I switch back, I still have the same frozen image on my screen. I have looked at the following files to determine any issues with the GPU:


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