Ubuntu :: Ip Address Is Not Configuring Automatically

Nov 23, 2010

how to do surfing in ubuntu linux. Recently i took the new broadband internet connection, so i would like to configure and set the ip address in ubuntu linux, moreover i am able to connect to internet automatically in windows XP , here the ip address is configuring automatically. but when i started the ubuntu server, my ip address is not configuring automatically , i am unable to connect to internet in ubuntu server , which i have tested in specific firefox browser , saying that network was diconnnected, however i am able to see the network notification icon which has been displayed in top of the address bar , showing that ( X ) network disconnected.

how to get resolove this issue. and same way how to set and configure ip address in ubuntu server , so i should be able to do surfing in ubuntu linux. note : i think here broadband type connection is DHCP....

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Networking :: Configuring IP Address Fails?

Jul 22, 2010

I have an ARM based linux machine with kernel 2.6.10 .On reset it automatically gets the IP address . I want it to wake up with address .In /etc/network/interfaces was only an interface for loopback:auto loiface lo inet loopbackI have added:auto eth0iface eth0 inet staticaddress on next reset the IP was still

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General :: Configuring IPv6 Automatically And IPv4 Statically?

May 6, 2011

I've got a Ubuntu Linux box that has two IPv4 addresses and an IPv6 address. This is my current /etc/network/interfaces:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0 eth0:0


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Hardware :: Automatically Configuring Logical Drives For HP Smart Array P400 Controller

Jan 6, 2011

Is it possible to automate the configuration of a servers raid drives (my system has a HP Smart Array P400 controller) or does that have to be done manually? Right now, when I get a rack of new servers, I have to go through each one and use the ORCA tool to setup the logical drives. I'm hoping there is some way to automate that. And forgive the lame question, but I am assuming you have to configure the logical drives before you can install the OS?

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Ubuntu :: Set The Firewall To Automatically Ban An Ip Address?

Dec 6, 2010

How can I set the firewall to automatically ban an ip address when it scans my computer? something similar to configserver firewall for whm.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Address Bar Search Changes Automatically

Jan 10, 2010

I use google search in the firefox address bar by pasting [url] in about:config > keyword.URL

But it automatically changes to "chrome://browser-region/locale/region.properties" in some hours or the next day and I cannot search using the address bar. I have to change it back again to make it work. This is really annoying.

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Networking :: Ip Address Is Automatically Changing In Fedora?

Mar 1, 2011

in our server, Fedora 10 64 bit in this,IP Address is automatically changing Actually IP Address is it changing frequently.if i try to edit that to normal it is not showing options. net mask is also is changing from to 24 After reboot the system ,through LAN it is accessible .But not through the network.

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Fedora Networking :: Automatically Send E-mail Containing IP Address?

Dec 2, 2009

I have several computers at work running Fedora 12. From time to time I need to remotely connect to them, usually via ssh. Each computer is assigned an IP number automatically upon startup, however due to circumstances beyond my control they are not recognized by host name by the domain server. Therefore I require the IP addresses in order to connect rather than the host names. I have no way at present to rectify this situation.

When there is a reboot, I am not always guaranteed that the IP address will be the same as before, although in practice this is usually the case. If the IP address is changed and I am logging on remotely, I am unable to connect! I can't know the number until I am again physically sitting at the computer.

As a solution, I would like each computer to e-mail me its IP address each time it boots. My first attempt was to run a script at the end of /etc/rc.d/rc.local that runs ifconfig and places the output into a file. This file is then sent to my address using sendmail. The script works fine, but I note that the output from ifconfig at this boot stage does not contain an IP address! Obviously, it is being assigned later on in the startup process. Either that or the command ifconfig does not work the same at this stage as it does once I am logged in. I require somebody with more expertise than I to comment on that.

Finally then, my question is, at what point in the startup process is an IP address assigned and the output from ifconfig would contain this address? Is there a more appropriate place rather than rc.local in which I should run my script? Is there a more appropriate command rather than ifconfig that ought to be used instead?

---------- Post added at 05:41 PM CST ---------- Previous post was at 05:30 PM CST ----------

Let me show you my attempted solution in more detail in case you're interested. The script is called .SendIP.bash and is located in my home directory. Here's what it looks like (with some censoring to protect me from public ridicule):

# This script will send ifconfig information to my e-mail account.
# This allows me to have the latest IP address assigned to this computer.
cd /home/MyUserName
hostname > .IPmessage
date >> .IPmessage
ifconfig eth0 >> .IPmessage
sendmail -f$HOSTNAME MyAddress@MyCompany.com < .IPmessage

As I stated above, the output from ifconfig does not contain the IP address when my script is called from rc.local.

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Debian :: Mounting An FTP Address To My File System Automatically During Boot?

Apr 7, 2010

I'm having difficulties mounting an FTP address to my file system automatically during boot. After a bit of research I have discovered a package called curlftpfs, I've installed this package using aptitude and I had no errors.

I've successfully mounted an FTP address manually using curlftpfs at the command line and proved to myself that this is working as it should...However, I can't get this to mount automatically and I am receiving the following error during boot when I try and mount it through /etc/fstab...

Error connecting to ftp: Failed to connect to (IP address of server): Network is unreachable

My research indicates this package should be able to do this.

I'm still a learner when it comes to Linux, but could this be because TCP/IP services are not started at the time of mounting the filesystems? I've tried a continuous ping at this computer whilst it is booting and I don't get a response until after /etc/fstab has been processed. If this is the reason, can I start them these processes earlier?

Another option would be to have a script/command run when the computer boots, but prior to MySQL loading. If this is possible, it would also satisfy my problems.

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Server :: Insert IP Address In Configuring DNS Server Using Bind9?

Jul 10, 2010

especially to ubuntu server 8.04 because it doesnt use a GUI. Now my question is on how to insert IP address in configuring DNS server using bind9. Actually i'm using this guideBut i m not sure on how to insert IP addresses on the primary master and secondary master. Should I insert the Ip address that i found when i type ifconfig ? or Should I assign a new IP address.I have set up a webserver, DNS server, File server and mail server on a virtual box. For now, at first, im working with the DNS server or should I work with the web server first?what should I do?

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Fedora :: Manually Configuring Ip Address In Fedora 7?

Aug 22, 2009

In windows i set up ip address , subnet mask , default gateway , Preferred DNS server and alternate DNS server , how do i do that in linux and where.. I have fedora 7 secondary OS that i sue for work...

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Ubuntu Servers :: Grub To Automatically Boot - Wont Automatically Select One

Feb 28, 2011

I am having trouble getting grub to automatically boot into ubuntu server. When I turn on my server the grub menu shows up and shows me the choices. They all work fine except that grub wont automatically select one. This wouldn't be too much of a problem but this is a headless server and I can't boot into ubuntu without a keyboard. I tried looking through the grub 2 documentation but nothing seemed to work when I edited the conf file.

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Security :: Address Space Randomization On 2.6.28-15-generic Ubuntu 9.04 - Finding Base Address?

Sep 14, 2009

Im an academic (university networks and security lecturer) studying/teaching network and operating system security, and inspired by the work of Hovav Shacham set about testing ASLR on linux. Principley I did this by performing a brute force buffer overflow attack on Fedora 10 and Ubuntu 9. I did this by writting a little concurrent server daemon which accidently on purpose didnt do bounds checking.

I then wrote a client to send it a malicious string brute forcing guessed addresses which caused a return-to-libc to the function usleep with a parameter of 16m causing a delay of 16 seconds as laid out in [URL] Once I hit the delay I new I had found the function and could calculate delta_mmap allowing me to create a standard chained ret-to-libc attack. All of that works fine. However .... To complete my understanding I am trying establish where I can find the standard base address for ubuntu 9 (and other distros) for the following, taken from Shacham:-



/proc/uid/maps gives me some information but not the base address ldd also gives me the randomised starting address for sections in the user address space but neither gives me the base address. Intrestingly ... when a run ldd with aslr on for over (about) 100 times and checked the start point of libc I determined that the last 3 (least significant) hex digits were always 0's and the fist 4 (most significant) where between 0xB7D7 and 0xB7F9. To me this indicated that bits 22-31 were fixed and bits 12-21 were randomized with bits 11-0 fixed. Although even that doesnt define the boundaries observed correctly.

Note: I am replicating the attack to provide signatures to detect it using IDS, and for teaching purposes. I am NOT a hacker and if needed to could reply from my .ac.uk email address as verification.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Port Forwarding From Public Address To Private Address?

Feb 24, 2010

Currently my OS is Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope Desktop OS and my web server is Apache2. I have a public address 60.x.y.z and my pc local address is 10.x.y.z. I have a web app in my Apache2 which currently run in localhost(10.x.y.z).

I would like to enable the web app so that it could be browse from outside. I know there maybe some port forwarding process and some commands involved in order to do that. But I have no idea on the steps to do that.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static IP Address And The Install Configures For A DHCP Configured Address - Network Not Starting

Dec 16, 2010

Version 10.04 LTS. Installed desktop version and network worked but I needed a static IP address and the install configures for a DHCP configured address. I tried changing to static address using the System->Preferences->Network Connections application but was unable to get the system to come up with the network up.

So I manually modified the /etc/network/interfaces and the /etc/resolv.conf files. I restart the system but when I do an ifconfig, I don't see a configured IP address on eth0 (only the loopback address). If I run /sbin/ifup eth0 everything then works fine and ifconfig shows the correct address bound to eth0.

My files are as follows:

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Address Box - Search For Something In The Main Address Bar - Input At The End

Jan 16, 2011

When I try to search for something in the main address bar It always adds the following with my input at the end

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Ubuntu Networking :: IP Address Set To Manual But Still Queries DHCP For Address

Mar 12, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and I'm having problems trying to assign it a static IP address. No matter what I put in the Preferences->Networking area (identifying the interface as Manual)... it still will query DHCP for an address if I run the dhclient command. I'm using to using ubuntu server where I just set the IP in the interfaces config file.

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Server :: IP Address In Ubuntu \ Dont Find Inet Address?

Aug 4, 2011

If I give "ifconfig" in my laptop I get eth0,lo,wlan0.In that where do I find my Ip address in Ubuntu in 10.04. In eth0 I dont find inet address.Where can I find it?

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General :: Slackware 13 Automatically Lock - Ktorrent Start Automatically?

Jan 25, 2010

what to do for lock automatically slackware 13 if not used for n minutes ?What can i do to start automatically the ktorrent (a bittorrent program for linux) on system starts on slackware 13 ?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Address Bar Wont Resolve Address?

Feb 17, 2011

In firefox you can type ubuntuforums and it will bring you here via a google query.Mines stopped working the address bar goes to http://ubuntuforums/ and I get a forbidden page.I've check about : config and all is set fine

Keyword.enable = true
Keyword.URL = http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=


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Ubuntu :: Give Server A Actual Address And Not Ip Address?

Mar 15, 2011

i am pretty much brand new to ubuntu i have messed around with it a little and have gotten my apache2 server up and running what i have some questions on is

1. How can i give my server a actual address and not my ip address?

2. Is there any way i can put like forum software on part of it? if so how?

3. What is the best way to write web pages i know some html so thats how i was able to write what i have now just wondering what best way is

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Networking :: Error Str2addr:Address 35 Outside Range Of Address Field Length 1?

May 12, 2011

I am working on implementing a protocol on NS2.34 .I really need help to solve this problem . Actually , I don't now whether the problem is generated by the tcl code or the c++ code when I run the simulation, I get this result :

num_nodes is set 64
channel.cc:sendUp - Calc highestAntennaZ_ and distCST_
highestAntennaZ_ = 1.5, distCST_ = 550.0

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Programming :: Pass Ip Address, Port Address And Some Parameters From Command Line?

Apr 1, 2011

I want to pass ip address,port address and some parameters from command line using python script.The ip address and port address for establishing socket connection and remaining parameters to execute different connection.

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Programming :: Shared Memory Address Area In Process Address Space?

Feb 21, 2011

if i attach a shared memory to my process whch part of the address space it will add(like stack, heap, data, code...).

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Networking :: Program To Assign Globa LIPv6 Address And Bind() To The Previously Assigned Address?

Apr 24, 2010

Consider the following program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>


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Programming :: Physical Versus Virtual Mac Address And Mac Address From NIC's Firmware?

Apr 6, 2011

I need a small shell based program that prints the mac address of physical ethernet adapter from it's firmware. I need this utility for license generation and appliance activation. I have tried several example but none of them is flawless, The easiest method I have found is to parse the output of "ifconfig" command but it has also some drawbacks.

1. Firstly program should differentiate between physical and virtual adapters. Physical means installed on board(wired or wireless) or installed additionally. Virtual adapters are those created by VPN or created by virtualization apps such as VirtualBox/VMWare etc. I am not interested in virtual ones.

2. In case of more them one physical adapters(wired and wireless), it should print the mac address and description(name & vendor) of both/all adapters.

3. If media is disconnected then also it should be able to read the mac address and description(name, vendor) of card.

4. This one is bit complex. I know that 'ethtool' can show you the universal mac address but it's limited to use only 2 types of drivers and won't work in all cases.

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Networking :: Dynamic IP Address With PTR Record Versus Fixed IP Address Without?

May 7, 2010

I am running my own Postfix mail server. Some time ago I noticed that most email was rejected because of the server's dynamic IP address. So I got a fixed IP address. However then I noticed that some mails got rejected due to failing the reverse DNS check. So my ISP told me to get a range of IP addresses and they could then create a PTR record for one of those addresses. That is now running but it turns out that the IP address used for the PTR record is a ... dynamic IP address. So Spamhaus PBL rejects my emails again.

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Server :: Blocking Dhcpd Address Lease For Specific MAC Address?

Sep 4, 2009

I hv Cent OS 5.3 installed as server. I hv a network of approx 100 desktops and laptops. For a security purpose i want to block certain laptops from gaining a the network access using dhcp. Can we block the ip address leasing if a specific MAC address request for a ip lease?

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Programming :: Translate Virtual Address To Physical Address In Application?

Nov 18, 2009

I want to translate the virtual address to physical address in linux C application, how to do that?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Obtaining Ip Address From Mac Address?

Oct 6, 2010

In my job I use some ethernet embedded devices. They take an ip address from dhcp server or auto ip. I only know mac address.How can I obtain ip from mac address? In other words I need a rarp packet generator.

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