Ubuntu :: Fully Remove Mac4Lin As It Keeps Some Things Behind Such As Add-ons And Icons And Log In Screen?

Jan 31, 2010

I want to actually fully remove Mac4Lin as it keeps some things behind such as add-ons and icons and log in screen. How would I fully remove these?

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Ubuntu :: Add Mac4lin Splash Screen On Macbuntu Theme?

Oct 1, 2010

I have installed Macbuntu theme recently and it changed my ubuntu look to snow leopard including the global menu. I used Mac4lin earlier and was satisfied with that. But this macbuntu theme changes the entire look more like mac and it comes bundled with global menu.

See my current desktop environment:

(I've recently uninstalled Docky and installed Cairo Dock instead.)

Now, there's only one thing that Macbuntu is missing. That's the splash screen. By default, you see the ubuntu logo during bootup and shutdown. But mac4lin changes it to a gray background with an apple logo on it; which is awesome. But macbuntu doesn't come with this.

I've gone through mac4lin files. Inside its plymouth folder, there is a folder named "Mac-Bootup" which contains "mac-bootup.plymouth," "mac-booktup.script" and several images (dots, apple logo, etc).

Now the question is, how do I install this plymouth from terminal? I will have to install mac4lin first to get the splash screen, then uninstall it and reinstall the current macbuntu. Which is a long mess as you can see.

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Fedora Installation :: Remove Some Unwanted Icons From Screen?

Jul 23, 2009

Want to remove some unwanted icons from my screen but can't seem to figure out the best way.

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Ubuntu :: Need To Remove Some Things From System

Mar 31, 2011

I've been running Linux for about 3 years now. I still am having difficulties understanding some of the basic unix and linux software and their dependencies.

What I am wanting to do, simply for my own amusement, is to strip the OS down so that I am only running software that I need. Then I want to build it back up with X and some sort of desktop.

Right now I have a stock Ubuntu 10.04 installation from the alternative DVD. Right now I sit at 643MB and 14MB of ram. Of course I would want it to be lower.

Here are the programs currently on the chopping block. I need to now if I honestly need them or not. I state next to the software whether or not I know what it is. code...

So obviously I have not a clue about many things still, and if you've caught an error in my descriptions then I have less of a clue than I thought.

I just need to know what the system needs to run. I like the basic commands like less, grep, free, df, du, adduser, usermod, apt-get, dpkg, cp, mv, rm, mkdir, ect. What I don't need are things like w3m telnet(Unless someone knows something I don't), memtest+, and I don't ever use cron, but I also don't know if it does something behind the scenes that is vitally important. I remember trying to get rid of memtest one time and it wouldn't boot after that. Any idea why?

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Fedora :: Fully Uninstalling Software - Remove All Packages With A Program Automatic?

Jan 3, 2010

I've installed yesterday xmms and now I want to uninstall it. I've done it with yum. When I uninstall it like this: "yum remove xmms", then yum removes this package, but, when I check "yum list | grep xmms" I get full list of other packages like bluecurve-xmms-skin.noarch, gkrellxmms2.x86_64, gxmms2.x86_64 , ...

I want to cleanly remove the xmms, so I should remove all this packages "manually"? Is there a method to check wich packages are not used by any program on my computer and remove them? Or any method to remove all packages with a program automatic?

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Apple :: Screen Doing Funky Things With Ubuntu And Xubuntu For PPC / Fix It?

Nov 1, 2010

This is my first thread so bear with me. I have an Apple ibook 3G with a 500mhz ppc processor and 384MB of Ram that used to run OSX 2.8 but I am trying to install linux on it. I want to install Ubuntu or Xubuntu on it because I have been a Ubuntu user for a couple of years and I love it. But when I tried to install them my screen does funky things. The screen only fills up part of the screen and then there is like a partial mirror image of the screen on bottom of that screen and i think its something to do with the graphics config because I installed Yellow Dog Linux on it and it worked for a while and then does the same thing so I know its not the screen its self. I hope to get a few pics of it soon. But I was wondering if anyone has had the same problem or knew how to fix it.

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Programming :: Name Of Formula N Things Out Of Collection Of M Things

Jul 22, 2011

I'm working through some problems in a beginners programming book. The author mentions a formula for calculating the number of ways of picking out n things from a collection of m of them:

/ m m!
| | = -----------
n / n! (m-n)!
But he does not give a name for the formula. Does anyone happen to know what it is called? I need to do some related research.

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Ubuntu :: Installation - Screen Scrambles In Random Black And White Box Type Things

Oct 23, 2010

I have ubuntu on my desktop - works great. The problem is I am trying to install it on my laptop. I have the image burned, and it's booting off my cd rom just fine. The problem comes after that. It goes to the ubuntu loading screen for a pretty long time, then after that the screen scrambles in random black and white box type things, at which point I get no response unless I hit the power button at which point a linux screen pops up and tells me it's waiting for programs to close, then boots down.

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Debian :: Some Of The Icons On The Desktop Changed And All Of The Icons In The Drop Down Menu On The Bar At The Top Of The Screen Also Changed?

Jun 19, 2010

I recently installed virtual box on debian and after it had finished my terminal informed me that I could remove some "unnecessary" software by use of sudo apt-get autoremove. When I did this, some of the icons on the desktop changed and all of the icons in the drop down menu on the bar at the top of the screen also changed to ordinary folder symbols. The theme that I was using also went away. I restarted the computer and it booted back into a shell prompt with no GUI. I tried to get back to the GUI using alt+f7 but it didn't seem to exist

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Ubuntu :: Does Mac4Lin Work On Xubuntu 10.04

May 28, 2010

I don't care about the AWN features or anything like that; I'm just curious if the theme itself will work.

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Ubuntu :: Are Macbuntu And Mac4lin Legal?

Aug 8, 2011

I saw Macbuntu and Mac4lin are awesome looking choices, but I am worried about the legality.Are these two legal in the United States of America? Do they go against the Mac OS X EULA and copyrights?

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Ubuntu :: Remove Desktop Icons 10

Oct 13, 2010

I'd like to remove the icons of my connected drives from my desktop, I've found some threads about it but nothing that seems to work for me on Ubuntu 10.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Icons Off Taskbar?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm running Xubuntu 11.04 64bit for the first time. It's very nice. But how do I remove the mail icon off the taskbar? When I right click it want to remove the whole launcher, and I don't want to do that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mac4lin - It Doesn't Recognize It?

Feb 13, 2011

I am trying to make my desktop look like a Mac. I followed the instructions here. Here is exactly what I did:

1. Downloaded the Mac4lin package.

2. Extracted folder in my downloads.

3. Went to System > Preferences > Appearance.

4. Clicked install.

5. Installed Downloads > Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0 > Mac4Lin_Install_v1.0 >b GTK > Mac4Lin_Meta_v1.0.tar.gz.

However, when I do this, it doesn't recognize it, as you can see in the picture. Did I do something wrong when installing it?

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Ubuntu :: Remove Text From Icons In Nautilus?

Apr 22, 2011

Installed 10.10 a couple weeks ago on my machine, and for the life of me, I can't find out where/how to remove the text from the toolbar icons in Nautilus.

There used to be an option under "Change Desktop Background", but it's no longer there. I checked gconf-editor and can't find an entry under metacity.

Any idea how to remove the text next to the toolbar icons in Gnome (nautilus) in Ubuntu 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: Way I Can Remove Backing To Unity Launcher Icons?

Aug 3, 2011

Is there a way I can remove the backing to the Unity launcher icons? I want to make it so that I can make them look like iOS app icons, and the Unity dock just resizes the icon and adds a background to it.

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Fedora :: Remove Desktop Icons?

Jan 5, 2010

I would like to remove the default icons "computer, home, trash" that are in the desktop

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Fedora :: F14 - Remove Desktop Icons?

Nov 5, 2010

F14 How To Remove Desktop Icons??

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Ubuntu :: Remove Desktop Icons With Gconf Doesn't Work

Jun 30, 2010

I've just reinstalled Ubuntu and when I try to remove mounted drives from desktop with gconf-editor/apps/natilus/desktop it doesn't work. Mounted drives still show up.

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Fedora :: Remove Text From Beside Icons In F13 Gnome?

Aug 15, 2010

One of the last nagging issues i'm having with F13, and it's because of a 50k config editor that is inexplicably absent from a 675mb .iso......or am I mistaken?

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Slackware :: Remove '.desktop' After KDE4 Icons?

Aug 29, 2010

how to remove the '.desktop' suffix appended to my icons? I unintentionally installed the 64-bit S13.1 when I wanted the 32-bit version - anybody notice the misleading text around the hole on the DVD? The 'Slackware 13.1 (amd64)' side is the 32-bit and the 'Slackware 13.1 (1386)' side is actually the 64-bit version. It fooled me, anyway, and after finding out how limited software choice was I spat the dummy and went back to 32 :/ But...with Desktop Settings>Activity set to 'Folder View' I now have this unwanted suffix added to my icons. Also, if I'm in my home directory via Dolphin and I create new folders they also appear out on the desktop!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Incorrect Ambiance Icons After Upgrade / Remove Them - Get That Default Theme?

Oct 12, 2010

I recently upgraded from Lucid to Maverick... I did not notice this earlier but the icon theme (for example, in the nautilus toolbar) is not the same as ambience theme. Although I chose all the defaults for ambience theme by going to 'System' > 'Preferences' > 'Appearance'. I think the current icons I have are remnants from some previous installations. How do I remove them and get to the ambiance default theme?

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Debian :: Remove Computer Home And Trash Icons From Desktop?

Sep 1, 2011

I want a clear desktop. How do I remove the computer home and trash icon off desktop.

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Ubuntu :: Low Screen Resolution - Desktop Icons Appear Big

Feb 9, 2010

Trying to install the driver for my intel chipset graphics, I edited my xorg.conf and probably did something wrong. Because everytime I log in, desktop icons appear very big, because of the low screen resolution. I fixed and set the screen resolution to normal scale for my display, but when I reboot, the screen resolution returns to its original scale with big desktop icons irritating me.

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Ubuntu :: Top Panel Icons Disappear Behind The Right Edge Of Screen

Oct 14, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 Gnome: I have about 5 PCs at home, and all of them have this problem.

The default ubuntu install places top panel icons in the following order:

.... john_doe, power |

The power button completely scrolls off the edge, and half of the user-id scrolls off as well, to look like this:

..................... john_|

I suspect this is a very common problem. How do I combat it?

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Ubuntu :: Notification Area Icons Pushed Off Screen?

Aug 18, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 11.04 and after an update 2 days ago, I have noticed that the icons in the notification area get pushed off screen. For example, if I open up a site in Firefox with a long title, the icons will be pushed away by the title and will not appear in the correct areas until I logout and back in. Also, if I use gnome-panel everything seems to be well but when the gnome panel is not displayed then the same problem is there.

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Ubuntu :: Hide - Remove Menu Icons In The Gnome Menu Bar

Jul 8, 2010

I'm looking for a way to hide the icons in the Gnome menu bar.

The only thing i've found is the gconf-editor and unchecking /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons, but that only affects the System menu and not Applications and Places...


Must be like:

How to disable them ?

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04LTS with Gnome 2.30

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Install Hangs On Purple Screen With Icons

May 31, 2010

Ubuntu and right now I am running it inside Windows. I burnt it onto a cd so I could install it onto my 2nd harddrive. I know the cd is fine. When I boot off the cd a purple screen loads up with some weird symbols at the bottom looks like a picture of a battery = and then a picture of a stick figure man. If I hit f6 I can get to the option screen. I've tried using noapci, nomodeset, disabling the framebuffer, and vga=normal. None of them work as soon as I hit enter to start installing Ubuntu it just sits there on the menu screen and never does anything.

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Ubuntu :: Lost Screen Borders And Maximize/close Icons?

Jul 30, 2010

Last night everything was fine and running normally.When I booted up today all my windows have no borders and the maximize/minimize/close buttons are all gone! WTF? Did somebody eat them?I have read many threads with several fixes but none has worked for me I have uninstalled emerald as I thought that may be the cause, but it's still the same.Screen effects are still present (wobbly windows).

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Ubuntu :: Driver Installed Not Active - No Icons Like Screen Shots

Jun 7, 2011

I have been away for a while but I'm back and I've upgraded to ubuntu 11.04 when I log in to the new desktop there's nothing just one gnome bar at the top and what I think is the unity launcher on the side but there is no icons on it like the screen shots I've seen.I also have the nvidia driver 275.09 installed but it's saying Driver installed but not active.

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