Ubuntu :: Difference Between Lamp And Mamp?

Jan 31, 2011

the difference between lamp and mamp (except the name of os). what is the advantage of one over the other. is lamp better?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Use A LAMP Server

Feb 6, 2010

I've successfully installed my LAMP server (9.10). I've ran a test.php but am curious if there are any tutorials onlines or even books to buy in order o learn how it all works. Where the files are and the mechanics of it. I have it installed but what now ha... I've done HTML, I've built websites but I'm lost!...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using Own Domain With LAMP?

Jun 26, 2010

Using my own domain w/ LAMP

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Ubuntu Servers :: Uninstall Lamp From 10.04 OS?

Jul 15, 2010

I need to uninstall Lamp from my Ubuntu 10.04 OS. I just need to commands etc as I am rather noob at Ubuntu. I will be installing it again I just have come across several problems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install LAMP In 10.10

Dec 2, 2010

I'm starting to use Ubuntu and i install in a machine the ubuntu 10.10. Now i'm trying to install some software in the OS (the PHP5, Apache, etc), but i'm having some problems.

This forum have some threads explaining how to install in with a server cd, but i don't have this cd. Where can i get it? Can i install now the software? There is some site to download the apache? What's the steps that i have to do to install the software?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Set Hostname On LAMP 10.4

Dec 22, 2010

I've looked at several tutorials and since i'm a newb I can't figure them out. I'm trying to set my hostname on my LAMP 10.04. What files do I need to configure? (all IP's below are fake)

Here are the first lines from /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
/etc/apache2/ports.conf has these lines after the comments


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Ubuntu :: Getting LAMP Installed / Particularly PhpMyAdmin?

Jan 2, 2011

I switched to Linux recently to start learning PHP and MySQL, and used this video on ..... to learn how to install all the desired packages and stuff[URL]... Everything got installed correctly up until 6:48, at the time I didn't know that you need to press space bar to get the star in the box to select the desired configuration, thusly causing myPhpAdmin not to be installed correctly and localhost/myphpadmin not showing up.

So after trying to reinstall it, and then removing all the packages and re installing, this specific set up for the db-config will not show up. Is there a way to completely remove all of these packages and start fresh?

I also tried installing the LAMP server thing, but also myphpadmin fails to get installed properly.

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Ubuntu :: Lamp Cannot Find Files

Feb 15, 2011

i have isntalled lamp following these isntructions : [URL]

however i cannot access my web content when i have put it in the WWW folder.

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Ubuntu :: LAMP: Don't Understand How To FTP Localhost

Apr 19, 2011

I'm in way over my head and have absolutely no idea what I am doing.I set up a lamp server earlier today on ubuntu 10.10 and I'm trying to upload files to wordpress which I installed at local host using vsftpd. I am so lost.Something about this entire process has not clicked in my head;

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Ubuntu Servers :: Use Email On 11.04 Lamp?

May 24, 2011

I'm using ubuntu server 11.04 in a LAMP configuration. I have my login page setup but my php email verification isnt working. I would like to know how can I install a relay that can take the email verifications and send them through a gmail account.

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Software :: How To Installed Lamp In Ubuntu 9.10

Mar 18, 2010

Lamp stands for (linux apache mysql php).. I dont know how to installed it from terminal.

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General :: Get Log Messages From The LAMP Server On Ubuntu 10.04?

Jun 2, 2010

How can I get log messages from the LAMP server on Ubuntu 10.04?Should I install some good program on Ubuntu for that purpose?

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Ubuntu Servers :: LAMP - How To Manage Permissions

Jan 13, 2010

I have a LAMP server running Ubuntu 8.04.03 Server edition running smoothly. Ive setup several websites on the server and all are ok, but I constantly have trouble with permissions. Everytime I setup a new domain to host, I setup a user specific to that domain. This allows SSH login specific to the domain. The problem I have is that every time I setup ownership in the virtual directories for the users they belong to, the settings don't seem to stay. Initially it seems to work ok, but when I install Joomla and setup the webspace, I always seem to have to login to the server itself to chmod the folders I need to have writable. I cant chmod properly from my FTP client which is weird. How to manage permissions?

Currently I am doing the following:
sudo mkdir -p {name of domain}/{public,private, etc...}
sudo usermod -g www-data {my user name}
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/{directory for the domain}
sudo chmod -R 775 {folder path I need to change}

This works for a while but as I add new things to Joomla and I want to modify the folders, I always have to go back and redo the chmod and the chown commands to get them where I want.

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Ubuntu :: Download And Install WAMP / LAMP?

Mar 25, 2010

where i can download and install WAMP / LAMP or ( may b something else to run PHP ) on UBUNTU...

and i also need step by step to configure it on ubuntu environment...

1 more thing i want to know that can i store a PHP site on UBUNTU( web server) and access it from clients (XP), how may i configure this environment?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Installing Mod_python With LAMP?

May 4, 2010

End of my first week after using ubuntu. I have setup LAMP for the purposes of my own coding education, place to run php and python scripts.

LAMP seems to be setup fine and working - I even got php5 working with it - however I am having a lot more trouble getting python to work in much the same manner.

I have downloaded the mod_python from [URL], unzipped it, tried to run ./configure and it said apxs was not installed.

After some reading it turns out I had to remove some apache-fork something and install apache-devfork (please forgive lack of exact names).

After doing this the ./configure on mod_python passed the "finding apxs" test but then said it can't find apache2 at /sbin/apache2 and again aborted the configure.

running 10.4 (lucid)

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Ubuntu :: Password Protecting LAMP Directory ?

May 20, 2010

I have a LAMP box which runs on Ubuntu 8.10 on it. I am looking to password protect the web directory, so when a visitor accesses any site within they are prompted for a username/password. Is there a package available?

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Ubuntu :: Installing LAMP - Cannot Get PHPMyAdmin Working?

Jul 19, 2010

Windows XP Pro, VMware and Kubuntu as the guest. Tried several different ways of adding LAMP server, via the Konsole and also via Synatpic and although I can get into localhost and it says "it works" doesn't actually take me to a list which includes the links to Apache and phpmyadmin like some tuts show. Also if I make the php test page that also works, but I cannot get phpmyadmin to work. When I look in the var/www folder there are only 3 files there and not the apache2 and phpmyadmin folders as shown on a lullabot tutorial.

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Ubuntu Servers :: PHP Not Working In *.html In LAMP

Jul 23, 2010

PHP in *.php files works in LAMP. PHP script within an *.html file is not executed. Does not display anything but view->source_code shows the <?php ... ?>


Doesn't display anything except the page title is there. View page source --- shows <?php phpinfo() ?> not the phpinfo() output. Both files are in /var/www/ with 644 permissions.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Uninstalling Apache2 From Lamp?

Aug 25, 2010

Basically I've made a right **** up of my apache2 configuration and I just want to un-install apache2 and re-install so I can start again.

I've done research on this but the guides have always been for people installing using "apt-get" or "rpm" packages. I've tried these methods but nothing has worked.

The way I installed lamp was from selecting it in the different options when installing ubuntu-server from disk.

Is there any way I can do this through the terminal and not through synaptic, only reason being is that I'm ssh'ing across a local network.

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Ubuntu Servers :: LAMP Display Php Errors ?

Oct 11, 2010

I've installed developer's LAMP server and made changes on php.ini

But it doesn't display any errors or even a little warning, what's the problem, what's wrong?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Equivalent Apt-get For LAMP And OpenSSH

Oct 29, 2010

What was the equivalent apt-get command for installing LAMP and OpenSSH in Ubuntu 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: Remove/uninstall LAMP Server In 10.10?

Nov 3, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and I just recently installed a LAMP server for some minor local web development.

Used the sudo tasksel command to install lamp but I can't get phpmyadmin to work nor can I access mysql.

removing the LAMP and starting all over again.

How do I go about this?

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Ubuntu :: Finding A Free LAMP Appliance?

Nov 7, 2010

looking for a free LAMP appliance for my Ubuntu machine. I found a DubuntuServerAppliance, downloaded it,and unzipped it,I have a file on computer called DubuntuServerAppliance.ova, which I have no idea what to do with (I wasn't able to execute it, and I didn't find installlation instructions on the download web site).So I am looking for an alternative, or, in the alternative, information on how to install DubuntuServerAppliance.ova.

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Ubuntu :: Installing LAMP -> Can't Connect To MySQl

Nov 10, 2010

im in the process of installing LAMP. im presently installing mysql and that's where i got into trouble...

im following the this tutorial [URL]

i tried the following :

Step 3. This is where things may start to get tricky. Begin by typing the following into Terminal:

mysql -u root

and i got this output:

root@konlah-laptop:/home/konlah# mysql -u root
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

obviously my question is why can't i connect to local mysql?

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Ubuntu Servers :: PHP Is Not Co-operating On LAMP Server?

Jan 25, 2011

I had a working LAMP server on my old server. After a HD went out and was replaced I rebuilt my server with Ubuntu 10.10 server. Talk about a smooth and impressive install. I set up my Apache server and MySQL and even installed php5 just like I had done before on my old server. The only thing different I did with this install is with Apache. I now host 3 websites with virtual hosts. This is the only thing different I have done than the last time.

My problem now is my website won't display PHP. I didn't know I had this problem until I installed Drupal for a friend to play around with. Drupal won't finish the installation process because it claims: In your ./sites/default/settings.php file you have configured Drupal to use a server, however your PHP installation currently does not support this database type.

Know I have googled this phrase to hell and back to find a resolution and haven't. I even talked to my local linux guru at work and he refereed me here. I have tried reinstalling php left and right. I'm convinced that there is an option to enable php globally that I'm missing. I really think the virtual hosts is what is causing this trouble. What input will the mighty Ubuntu community provide me with,

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Ubuntu :: Hosting Website With LAMP Server With 10.10?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm running with Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop edition and I have LAMP server installed on the machine. I'm wanting to host my Automotive Detailing website that I'm almost done with off of that server. I have decals made up for my car and friends cars with the domain that I have registered on it. Now, can someone please tell me where and how to put the files for my website on the server and how to configure everything so I can get it up and running ASAP?!? I'm fairly new at this Ubuntu and what not so I need a detailed tutorial

So this is what I need to know:

==> Where to put the webpage files
==> How to configure the server to open it up to the world wide web
==> How to change the IP Address to Static and how to know what to change it to.
==> How to point the registered domain to the server.

Like I said I'm fairly new at this so please be as detailed as possible!

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install Lamp From CD Or Stick

May 3, 2011

How can I install lamp on ubuntu desktop but not from online repository but from installation cd or usb stick. Basically, i want to download lamp (still can't find from where), put it on a cd or usb stick and install it on ubuntu desktop on which doesn't have an internet connection, just local network. I have a php software (intranet web site) that should run only in local network.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install Lamp-server On 10.10?

May 18, 2011

Ran the following command from a user account listed with ALL permissions in visudo.

sudo tasksel install lamp-server
debconf: DbDriver "passwords" warning: could not open /var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat: Permission denied
tasksel: aptitude failed (100)

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Ubuntu :: Re Setup Mail/LAMP Server?

Oct 14, 2010

Ubuntu 10.10point me the URL of Howto re setup a mail/LAMP server Google brought me the howto from howtoforge. I need the howto from Ubuntu documentation/Greek.

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General :: Install LAMP On Ubuntu 10.10 In One Line?

Apr 19, 2011

For those of you wanting to install LAMP on their new ubuntu OS and this guy gives it to you in one line...love it...thought I should share the info[URL]

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