Ubuntu :: Check What Window Manager Currently Using (via Terminal)?
Mar 10, 2010
How can I check what window manager (compiz/metacity) I am using in the terminal? I know how to change from one to the other or to just visually see what is currently running, but I need to know a way to check in the terminal for a script. How can I do this?
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Apr 23, 2010
I recently upgraded the motherboard/processor on my computer (as in quadrupled the processor and octupled the ram). The new board has a built in GPU (intel) and from searching the forums, I think this is part of the problem. Every time I boot up the computer, I need to open the Compiz icon and use it to reload the window manager before I see any title bars, borders, etc. 've tried the .bashrc hack (metacity --replace), but that doesn't do anything. In fact, whenever I open the terminal, I need to have two tabs open in order to use it, and when I close it all the borders go away again (even when I haven't done anything). Also, the onboard sound card (intel) doesn't work, but that's another task (I at least have a compatible card for that).
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Nov 16, 2010
i'm not sure for using the correct channel here but i hope someone out there can answer my little questions. 1st in older version i was able to change the settings of the terminal look as the font color, background color and so on. I was also able to define a default window size of a new terminal window. But since after upgrading to to the first release this year and a complete new installation of the current release Maverick i do not find this option anymore. Is there a way how to set up the terminal default window size?
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Mar 1, 2011
I have problem with internet connection on my Ubuntu, but the major problem is that i can't copy the message from my terminal while I type:ifgonfig and paste it here to show you what is the problem.
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Jul 8, 2011
I like to start Emacs as part of a login script and leave it running for the duration of my login session (which is typically weeks).
I have scripts to call emacs-client which will allow me to use a file-manager or Windows Explorer to locate files and right-click to edit them in Emacs.
I often end up with a lot of emacs windows (frames) open and I like to just be able to close them by clicking on the MS-Windows or KDE X button at the top-right.
The trouble is, if the window is the last one, this will shut down emacs which will lose all kinds of interesting history information.
As a work-around I use C-x 5 0 which won't let me close the last frame but this is often not as convenient as using the mouse
Does anyone know how to configure Emacs so that it can intercept the Window-Close button of the last frame to either request confirmation or simply disallow it?
On MS-Windows, disallowing closing of the last window may cause logoff to hang if emacs is still running but I'm not too worried about that.
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Feb 7, 2010
Newly installed Debian system from years with Fedora. Ran system update and system got hosed, booted but no Gnome. Got Gnome back after MANY 'aptitude upgrade's. Xemacs disappeared! Along with other things I installed. Tried to install Xemacs but it is broken and will not install, complains about dpkg TOO current(?). So downloaded Xemacs for Xemacs.org and compiled source, installed.
Now when I start Xemacs is does not run in an X window but runs emacs in a terminal window. If I run it from a script, it complains about 'not in tty window'.
My env show:
The Xemacs install on Debian ( Bug written ) Install and configuration of Xemacs from source. A better understanding of the Debian upgrade process.
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Aug 8, 2010
What is the command for "Open a terminal window and run application in this terminal
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Feb 26, 2010
I am new to Samba.I'm running Fedora 10 and I've just download samba successfully and have the smb service running on my system.I'm in GNOME and select System and then Administration and Samba does not appear in the drop down menu.I have an NFS menu selection but no samba selection.I ran yum install and it installed successfully. If I can't get the samba config window is there a way I can configure in terminal window?
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Aug 26, 2011
I find xcompmgr more than adequate for making a desktop look pretty modern, and I don't like the more extravagentCompiz gimmicks - but there is one thing that irritates when using xcompmgr which someone here might have worked round.
Rounded window borders don't draw and redraw properly when using the Terminal (gnome-terminal and the LXDE and Xfce ones) or system monitor and moving them from their default place. You get this little white botch at the corners. I'm not massively technical and I'm ambivalent about how much more I want to learn as I have plenty of creative outlets already, but I would like to solve this. Somehow xcompmgr is treating these programs as a different class? It's capable of drawing the window borders properly as it is just these two programs that get botched. Possibly this doesn't get noticed as maybe people usually use xcompmgr with openbox and LXDE and their square window borders. I did do a search but there was nothing matching what I saw.
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Aug 2, 2010
I was just curious if there was an easy way to check if a window is maximized in terminal (preferably with wmctrl and not by checking the x,y dimensions of said window)?
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Feb 23, 2011
I have following configuration: as you can see, I have two monitors, and my panels are located on the right monitor. Left monitor is a little bit smaller than the right one, so I prefer watching films on the right one.ut if there's a video fullscreened on the right monitor I can't use my computer because all icons are located on the right monitor. I'd like to move panels to the left monitor(it's easy),
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Feb 22, 2011
Is there a way to set a default terminal window size when I click on the "Terminal" icon? I need my terminal to be of a certain size every time I click on it?
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Mar 3, 2011
Vidalia control panel has no check box for "show this window on startup". Is there a way using linux commands to stop it from popping up or would I need to change something else?
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Aug 13, 2010
Is there a command to use to check md5 sum of a downloaded iso the md5 txt is in the iso
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Nov 7, 2009
I'm playing a game through wine (fullscreen), when I alt-tab back to my ubuntu desktop, the resolution doesn't change back, but stays at the game resolution.I'm currently using a shellscript that changes the resolution back to my origional resolution (using xrandr -s 0)
Is it possible to check which window has focus using a shellscript.If the game doesn't have focus change resolution to my origional resolution.
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Feb 9, 2011
Is there a way to check your up/down speed using the terminal? My internet connection seems to be limited at about 1MB/s, judging from how one program works, after reinstalling OS.
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Dec 22, 2010
Occasionally Ubuntu runs a file check, and I assume repair if necessary, at start-up. what do I type into Terminal if I want to run a file check without waiting for the automatic file check to start? The reason I ask is that my system wouldn't boot last week and after several attempts to reboot, the automatic file check came into play and corrected whatever was wrong. This process of rebooting my system several times before Ubuntu fixed itself was very time consuming and frustrating. I dare say that there is a command line to trigger this file check.
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Nov 7, 2010
Should I check or uncheck boxes that say 'Source Code' in Software Sources window?
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Oct 1, 2010
I have just re-installed Ubuntu 10.04. -The installation went smoothly, completing in approximately 25-30 minutes. All of my hardware, including keyboard, mouse, monitor and network interface has been detected and works properly. I am currently using the machine to type this. I can browse the web using Mozilla Firefox. My network connection does not start and stop; the machine remains connected with no indication that there is a fault with the NIC, and so on. I am able to download files at 150-170kB/s as is normal for me with Firefox.
I have not yet installed a graphical user interface to configure the firewall. I have not in any way worked with any system files. I am using the same hardware that I have used for approximately one year before this with no incident. I first encountered this with my previous install at approximately 3:00 AM (local time,) when I manually started Update Manager and attempted to check for updates in the default repositories. I have not altered the repository list in either the previous install or this new install. The Update Manager is entirely default.
Upon checking for updates, the list of repositories hangs after I believe at least ten lists have been checked. All of the lists checked before this hangup read "0 B" in the downloaded section of the window. It appears that upon checking for updates, no actual data is transferred to my computer. Again, after going through several of the default repo lists, the entire process halts. A wait of approximately ten minutes still reads that the process has not continued. -During this time I am able to browse the web using Firefox, and the OS seems to be responsive and otherwise functional. There is not a slow response from the keyboard or mouse, there are also no graphics glitches. Again, this problem first occurred with my previous install of Ubuntu 10.04, which was up-to-date as of approximately midnight last night. I have reinstalled the OS and the problem persists. The symptoms of this problem are consistent between my previous install and the reinstall.
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Jan 19, 2010
I am having issues with Update Manager after cancelling an Update.The Update Manager shows a number of required updates, but when I click on Install Updates... Nothing happensWhen I launch sudo dpkg --configure -a in a terminal I receive the following message:dpkg: status database area is locked by another process.On another forum i saw something regarding a gksu.lock file that needed to be deleted... but I can't find any such file....If I try to launch update manager via a terminal: sudo update-manager I get the following error:
requiredDownload could not be calculated: E:Unable to parse package file /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_karmic-updates_main_binary-amd64_Packages (2), E:Unable to parse package file /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_karmic-updates_main_binary-amd64_Packages (1), E:Unable to parse package file /var/lib/apt/lists
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Apr 20, 2010
Ive been wondering about an alternative method for checking to see if an external monitor is connected.
Currently I am using:
if $(xrandr --prop |grep -q "$EXTERN connected");then
echo -e "$(echo $EXTERN | tr -d [0-9]) is e[1;32mconnectede[0m"
So, what I am asking is, is there a way to ignore/over-ride compiz's texture size check, a different way to query xrandr, or is there a completely different method I can go about checking if an external monitor is connected?
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Mar 26, 2011
When I try to ping with the terminal to check a website's availability, it always just keeps going on and on and on... How do I get it to stop after a set amount of pings? Is there some type of command?
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Aug 4, 2011
i have been using ubuntu for just over 3 months now and i completely love it. but heres where the problem starts (and please let me know if i am in the right topic) i recently installed ubuntu 10.10 on my roommates computer, the reason being is that the IT department here on college "fixed it" for him, now it wont connect to the internet. it will however connect if we use an ethernet cable from the other laptop to his. his had originally windows xp then got upgraded to vista. i was wondering if there was a way to completely reset the networking wifi card if that might be the problem.
my roommates computer is a DakTech PlaidBook, however i do not know on how to check the system information in the terminal to tell you what wifi card he has and such, all i want is to have internet back on his computer again.
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Nov 30, 2010
I'd like to find a window manager that has mouse support but can also be set up (with least difficulty) in a dual-mode way, similar to Vim.
Here's how it'd work: some simple shortcut like ctrl-space would go into command mode. Ideally, there'd be a visual indicator of the mode, like a few pixel wide line on top of screen that turns green/blue with a configurable colour.
Commands would work like this:
Not essential, but would be nice: shade/darken all but current window, like a setting in Compiz.
I've heard about WMs like Ion, awesome, etc. Which one of them, if any, would be best to modify to work in this way? A big bonus would be if it was scriptable in Python, but I'm not counting on that..
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Apr 13, 2011
i don't know if there is a way to check or see the list of commands available to each shell you decide to use, be it BASH,KSH, etc in your terminal. You know how its works in microsoft, in cmd-line or dos, you type HELP and its brings all the commands available for use.
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Aug 31, 2010
I changed my desktop from ubuntu to kubuntu (after installation) using three commands:
sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop Select kdm as dm
sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop
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Dec 12, 2010
Tried upgrading from 8.04 lts to 10.04 and it wouldn't work b/c of too many mods to my 8.04 system? So I tried a fresh install per usb stick. System kept locking up during install, as well as when I run it from the usb, I've since learned. graphics card? I can't log into windows either per the grub loading please wait error 15. I've googled & searched the forums & everything I've tried doesn't work, there were some possible solutions that I don't understand how to do. can't get to a terminal to check or modify anything. Hitting "e" at the boot menu does nothing. I don't know how to do anything from here! Compaq Presario SR5350, 2GB RAM, Dual Core Proc 2150MHz. Dual boot w/Vista, HDD is partitioned separately with Root, Home & swap. Also, sda5 or / has been formatted to ext4, still using grub 1.5.
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Sep 1, 2010
Sometimes (one boot in five?) the Window Manager fails to load at start-up.I can force it to load with Compiz Fusion menu, but would really like ubuntu to load it properly at start-up.
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Mar 25, 2011
I have a pretty vanilla install of Ubuntu Lucid. I would like to change my default WM to sawfish. I have it installed, and it works routinely, I would just like to have it start automatically on log-in, rather than Lucid. A few sources have suggested that the way to do this is during log-in. They refer to a "session" I could choose, which would allow me to set the WM. I remember doing this in the past, but can't find such an option on the login page, now.
I have also experimented with changing .gconf/desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/ using both gconf-editor and emacs. However, when I change "/usr/bin/compiz" to "/usr/bin/sawfish", log out, and log back in, I find that compiz starts anyway, and the setting in that file has been restored to compiz. Clearly, the gconf mechanism is getting the information from some other source.
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Jun 14, 2011
I am trying to install clfswm. I am able to run it from a tty. I start a new X server with
startx xdm --:1
Then in the new X server, I run
clisp -K full full /home/seb/Downloads/clfswm-1102/load.lisp
It just doesn't work. Actually, I get an entry in the session selection thing, but when I try it, the login screen disapears a sec or two, and then comes back. If after that I try to open a session with another window manager/desktop manager I get a black screen (with a few things in it) that looks like clfswm, but I can't do anything in it.
I have only used kde and gnome until now, and installed openbox to try to see how it works) so I don't know what to do right now.
In case it helps, the installation instructions. I didn't try putting the said line in my $HOME/.xsession or wherever it should be because I thought it would replace the kde login (and that is not what I want). I think what I want is a .desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions/, I'm just not sure what to put in it.
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