Ubuntu :: Autofs(5): Direct Mapping NFS4 Share

Jun 25, 2011

how to make autofa5 work [with NFS4] using [in]direct mapping but no joy so far. Firsty, this the "/etc/exports" on my NFS4 server (CentOS 5.6):


/media/exPort htpc(ro,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,fsid=0)
/media/exPort/mMusic htpc(ro,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)

and this what I have in there:


[root@serv03 /]# ls -l /media/exPort/mMusic
total 16
drwxrwxr-x 11 databank lhome 4096 Jun 23 21:25 iTunes
drwxrwxr-x 3 databank lhome 4096 Aug 19 2010 Network Trash Folder
drwxrwxr-x 3 databank lhome 4096 Aug 13 2010 Streaming Radio


But it doesn't work - neither it throws any errors in, nor does it mount the share. All I need is to mount "/mMusic" (i.e. /media/exPort/mMusic) as "serv03:/media/nMedia/mMusic" so that tree looks like this:

|-- media
| |-- nMedia
| | |-- mMusic


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Ubuntu Networking :: NFS4 - UID Mapping - Permission Denied

Oct 14, 2010

I wanted to use NFS4 with id mapping. I followed the write up at [URL] and basically have everything working.

The problem is that I cannot write a file unless I have group write permissions. On the server the user has uid = 1000, gid = 1000. On the client the user has uid =1699, gid = 1000. Both have the same user name.

On the client the directory listing properly shows the user name and the group name. If the file on the server is 644, the client cannot write to the file. If it is 664 on the server, then the client can write to the file.

/etc/export on server contains:

/etc/fstab on client contains:

nfsserver:/myuser /home/myuser/mntpoint nfs4 rw,noauto,user 0 0

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Server :: NFS4 On Ubuntu Nobody / Nogroup User Mapping

Aug 26, 2010

So I have a few Ubuntu (Hardy till I can find a replacement for Xen) boxes that I am trying move from nfs3 to nfs4.I set it up according to this guide: URL...However I ran into trouble when the client see's all users/groups as nobody/nogroup.The current set up is that all the boxes have synced uids/gids and all users with root access can be trusted. I read some reports that said the only way this could be fixed was by using Kerberos. However I would really prefer not having to move to Kerberos as I have heard that it is very intensive to set up. So what I am looking for here is a solution other than sticking with nfs3 or putting everything on Kerberos. However if you think that Kerberos is easier to set up than I am giving it credit for then that could be useful to hear as well.

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Fedora Servers :: F13 - LDAP Multiple Direct Map In AutoFS

Sep 18, 2010

I am using LDAP to manage the autofs and everything works fine. I have a situation here that I can't figure out how to do. I need to use 2 direct map in auto.master, but the LDAP service doesn't allow me to add 2 "cn: /-" entries in the directory.

The following is my auto.master map:
dn: ou=auto.master,ou=autofs,ou=dolphin,dc=example,dc= com,dc=my
objectClass: automountMap
objectClass: top
ou: auto.master
dn: cn=/-,ou=auto.master,ou=autofs,ou=dolphin,dc=example,dc =com,dc=my
objectClass: automount
objectClass: top
automountInformation: ldap://ldap.example.com.my/ou=auto.iso.indirect,ou=autofs,ou=dolphin,dc=examp le,dc=com,dc=my
cn: /-

I have another ldap entry auto.data.indirect but I have no idea how to inject it into the directory. Any ideas how to implement it? I am using Fedora 13.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Share One Folder As NFS3 And NFS4

Sep 22, 2010

Before I go prodding about on this server does anyone have any experience of sharing a single folder over NFS3 (for compatibility) and NFS4 (for newer clients)??

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SUSE :: Mount A Nfs4 Share On Sles 10 Sp2?

Jun 23, 2010

Attempts to do a mount -t nfs4 servername:/share /mnt hang. Performing an strace of the mount shows that the mount command is attempting to find /sbin/mount.nfs4 The nfs server, client, and util packages are installled. Did ps -ef | grep idmapd; ps -ef | grep gssd to check client side daemons and things look good. Not using gssd right now tho. Just want to get the thing to mount. Firewalls are not running. Doing a showmount -e servername reports the shares as being offered. I can mount it using nfs v3 protocol.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mounting NFS Share By Autofs?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a server, with a static IP of, that is running Ubuntu lucid sever edition and that exports some shares per NFS. Here is its /etc/exports:



However, autofs does not work: the /msrv directory appears and disappears when I start and stop autofs; but when I enter "cd /msrv" followed by "cd Share05" in the terminal, I get the "bash: cd: /msrv/Share05: No such file or directory" message after the second command.

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Networking :: Nfs4 - Mount.nfs4: Access Denied By Server While Mounting

Dec 5, 2010

i'm trying to setup a nfs4 server and client. i followed the instructions in


The SERVER is on running Xubuntu 10.04, and the CLIENT is on running Ubuntu 10.10. Firewall is disabled on both the server and the client for testing purposes. /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server on the SERVER:


# Number of servers to start up
# Runtime priority of server (see nice(1))


because we want UID/GUID to be mapped from names. This way, server and client do not need the users to share same UID/GUID. In that case,

1. Should i set those 2 fields to "no" and "yes" respectively instead?

2. Or else, how do i make sure that the uid on the server is mapped to something useful on the client instead of nobody and nogroup?

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Debian Configuration :: Regular User Cannot Unmount Autofs Share

Feb 19, 2016

Running 8.3..On 7.6 I had a automount and I was able to mount/unmount without issue. With 8.3, I can mount, but when I am in Thunar and i unmount, it gives me a permission denied.In /etc/groups I am in plugdev.

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Server :: Use Autofs To Mount CIFS Share And Busy Files?

Apr 29, 2010

We have a homegrown process that runs on a windows box and produces a csv file. We mount the directory these are output to using autofs/cifs and then process them using a program on our linux database servers.

Is there a way from linux, looking at the cifs share, to tell if the target file is currently in use by a process on the windows box? We are having issues where an incomplete file is being processed occasionally.

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Ubuntu Security :: Using AutoFS To Mount CIFS Share Without Leaving Unencrypted Passwords

Jul 30, 2011

I followed this howto in order to mount CIFS shares on demand. This works great, however, this guide suggests leaving my network passwords unencrypted on the disk. This is a very bad security practice, as the passwords can be easly retrieved by booting the computer using a different OS.

I was looking for a way to secure things up, so I came up with this solution: Instead of storing the passwords plain text on the disk, I store them in a tar file encrypted using GPG. When I boot my system, I open this file to a directory in /dev/shm, and order AutoFS to retrieve the passwords from there.

This does the trick, but I presume this solution is not that secure, since /dev/shm content can be written to the swap partition. Is there any other solution which is a better security practice? Maybe using some sort of keyring service?

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General :: "Permanently" Mapping A Drive In Vista Home To SAMBA Network Share?

Jan 28, 2011

OK, this is really little to do with Linux, as my question really involves my Vista Home machines. Anyone know good methods to have Windows Vista (Home Edition) machines stay mapped to a SAMBA share on a Linux server? I'm using user-level security on the server (Ubuntu Server 10.10), and it (generally) works really well, but I can't get the rest of my family to use it, as (understandably), they don't want to have to type in their password to the share every time they log in to the Vista machines (or my one XP machine left, for that matter), plus the problems when it occasionally decides it's already tried to connect once and failed, and refuses to "restore" the connection, ugh. I currently have one Win7 machine, and surprisingly, with the Win7 Home Premium edition, it actually "remembers" the passwords to the SAMBA shares.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Mount NFS4 Driver?

Dec 14, 2010

I tried this command in a Ubuntu 10.10 server

$ sudo mount -t nfs4 -o port=99 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/home /mnt/tmp

The server returns an error message "mount.nfs4: Protocol family not supported" and I have installed nfs-common.

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General :: Can't Chgrp In NFS4 Mounts

Jun 15, 2010

I'm using Linux in a large multi-user network. Let A be some group which I'm am member of, but which is not my primary group. According to chmod(2) I should be able to chgrp a file to group A. Trying to do so succeeds on a local as well as on a NFSv3 mount, but not on a NFSv4/Kerberos mount (EPERM). Are there any special considerations regarding chgrp when using NFSv4 mounts?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Nfs4 - Idmapper / Some Uids Are Not Mapped To Names?

Oct 5, 2010

i set up a ubuntu server (10.04) with LDAP, Kerberos and NFS4. Did a set up for a client (ubuntu desktop 10.04 32 / 64) to connect to ldap, kerberos and nfs4-mount. All is working fine except of the idmapping. Some uids are not mapped to names. the entrys, which cannot be mapped, change. so 10 minutes before the uid was mapped to the correct name, after that time (i'm not sure if it's exactly 10 minutes) the name is mapped to nobody. sometimes the gid cannot be mapped too.I mount the nfs-share via nfs4 with sec=krb5 (krb5i or krb5p result in the same problem) and after successfully mounting the device, i type ls -la. i never have problems with getent passwd or with logging in as ldap-user. i get all the entries of the ldap-db and i also get kerberos tickets. All is working fine with nfs3, but i would like to use nfs4 for security-reasons.

if i run the rpc.idmapd with many "-v" i get the following messages in the daemon.log-file:

rpc.idmapd[15953]: nfs4_name_to_uid: calling nsswitch->name_to_uid
rpc.idmapd[15953]: nss_getpwnam: name 'test@DOMAIN.TEST' domain 'DOMAIN.TEST': resulting localname 'test'
rpc.idmapd[15953]: nfs4_name_to_uid: nsswitch->name_to_uid returned 0

the first part is the response to a correct name-to-uid-mapping the second part is a failed one. both user exist, both users have the same ldap-entries (except of the different descriptions, uid and so on). the responses have the same timestamp, so the reply is in (nearly) the same second.

restarting the idmap-daemon every 5 minutes or other workarounds are not practicable in normal operating environment.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setup A NFS4 With Two Clients?

Jun 27, 2010

I am trying to find the proper way to setup a NFS4 Server with two clients. I have:

FileServer: CentOS 5.5
-User: Max
-Export: /FS-Data


User/Group Max owns FS-Data on the FileServer, How do I go about mounting it on the clients, since root can only mount?

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CentOS 5 :: NFS4 Client Unable To Mount

May 10, 2011

I have centos 5.6 I'm having trouble mounting my client on nfs4...

everytime I mount my client with proto=tcp I can't mount nfs4 exports directory

but if i change to proto=udp no problem mounting nfs4 export to client

This one no problem mounting

mount -t nfs4 -o hard,intr,proto=udp,port=2049,acregmin=24,acregmax=240,acdirmin=240,acdirmax=240,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 /uploads


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Ubuntu :: Can't Mount With Autofs

Jun 22, 2011

The static mount works fine, here is my fstab (of course uncommented for the test, and /mnt/temp/NAS* directories created) :

# Partages NAS1
# /mnt/temp/NAS1/movies nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr,nolock
# /mnt/temp/NAS1/music nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr,nolock


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Ubuntu :: Using Autofs With Cifs Shares?

May 27, 2010

I am attempting to set up autofs on Ubuntu 10.04 so that it can automatically mount cifs shares when wifi is connected. For some reason, it isn't working. First of all, I know the share is accessible because doing this works fine:

sudo mount.cifs // /cifs -o credentials=/etc/samba/credentials
This is in my /etc/auto.master
/cifs /etc/auto.home --timeout=60 --ghost
And this is /etc/auto.home


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Ubuntu Installation :: Apt-get Errors For Autofs

Feb 2, 2011

Tried to update autofs feature. As per this link: [url]

I tried

I get error:

I get similar errors when trying to update some other packages as well. Is there a location where the packages are ?

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Ubuntu :: Autofs Not Working Properly?

Apr 24, 2011

I managed to configure autofs5 on my Kubuntu 10.10. I want to use autofs to mount my NAS drive, when I am home(most of the time ) and not bother me when I am away. I mount it in /etc/fstab, but suspend and hibernate does not work correctly, when I am not at home. Now I comment the line which mounts the NAS driveI am still not at home, and decided to try to autofs my flash drive Here is my auto.master

# directory map
/- /etc/auto.direct --timeout=2 --ghost


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Ubuntu Networking :: Nfsv4 - Mount.nfs4: Access Denied By Server While Mounting

Dec 2, 2010

i'm trying to setup a nfs4 server and client. i followed the instructions in [URL](nfsv4 quick start section) and [URL] The SERVER is on running Xubuntu 10.04, and the CLIENT is on running Ubuntu 10.10. Firewall is disabled on both the server and the client for testing purposes. /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server on the SERVER:


# Number of servers to start up
# Runtime priority of server (see nice(1))


On the [URL], i see some steps related to portmap on the "NFS Server" and "NFS Client" sections. Would i need those steps as well? There's also a list of steps on [URL] (linked from [URL]. Are those necessary?

EDIT: Running showmount on the client seemed to show that NOTHING is shared on the server:


$ showmount -a

All mount points on

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Fedora :: Nfs4 : User Can't Access Remote Folder / Resolve This?

Apr 18, 2010


The server is running under debian sid and the client under fedora 13 beta. I don't have any idea what may be wrong.. selinux perhaps?

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Programming :: Allowing Https/samba/nfs4 In Firewall With Kickstart?

May 10, 2011

I'm trying to setup a kickstart installation and having some trouble with firewall settings. When you do a manual install it gives you the option on first boot to allow https, samba, and nfs4 in the firewall. I have as yet been unable to find the options for doing this in kickstart. Here is my current firewall line:

firewall --enabled --http --ftp --ssh --smtp --trust=eth0

I have tried just adding --https but it errors on me. Am I just missing the keywords to set these up? I have looked but i can't find keywords for any services except telnet that are not already included in my firewall line. Should i be trying to do this with iptables in post rather than in the kickstart itself?

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General :: What Is Kernel Version Required For Installing NFS4 (RHEL)

May 5, 2011

What is the kernel version required for installing NFS4 (RHEL) ??

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Fedora :: How To Mount Nfs Using Autofs

Oct 8, 2009

i just create a nfs server and share a /123 directory , i can successfully mount this share using mount command , but i cant be mount using auto.master (autofs) , how can i mount this share using autofs .

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Ubuntu Networking :: Automatically Mount NFS Shares Without Autofs?

Jan 24, 2010

Setup clients on a LAN to automatically mount NFS shares whenever the fileserver is up, without using autofs. Instead a simple bash script which checks if the server is up, and if the shares need to be mounted or unmounted is called by a custom upstart job. For a small office or home network populated with Unix-like computers (e.g., a few Ubuntu desktops or laptops and a fileserver), NFS (Network File System) is a good way to share storage space and centralise the backup of important documents. However, having a fileserver running 24/7 is often overkill for such a setup.

One way to have clients mount NFS shares automatically when the fileserver is turned on, is to use a package called autofs. Unfortunately, there are a few unresolved issues with using autofs in combination with NFS. In my case, when autofs tries to mount NFS shares when the fileserver is turned off, the Gnome desktop, and Nautilus in particular, becomes extremely unresponsive, regardless of the options used. Attempting to mount the share manually from the command line when the server is down however, does return a message of failure quite promptly, without hanging the desktop.

To solve this issue, I wrote a simple bash script that is run through the upstart system. The script simply checks if the fileserver is up, if the shares need mounting or unmounting, and then sleeps for a while before checking again. This works out quite well, so I decided to share this information in case someone else runs into these issues. PrerequisitesThis howto assumes that you have an NFS server set up with shares exported, and one or more clients capable of mounting those shares. For more information on setting up NFS shares and mounting them on a client from the command line, see: SettingUpNFSHowTo.

Clients should be able to ping the server to determine if it is running. Naturally, you need administrator access on the clients to install the script and upstart job outlined below. This script assumes that the directory paths of the shares match the location where they are mounted. In my case, the fileserver has two shares: /media/Storage and /media/Backup. On the clients these shares are mounted on the same paths. If your setup deviates from this, the script needs some modification. The script From the desktop of one the clients, paste the following bash script as a new file in your favourite text editor:


# The hostname or IP-address of the fileserver:
# Check every X seconds (60 is a good default):


Now adjust the FILESERVER variable. In this example, my fileserver is called myfileserver. By default, Ubuntu sets up your networking environment in such a way, that computername.local can be used to reach that computer over the local network, so the network name for myfileserver is myfileserver.local. Of course, you can also use the IP-address of the server. Next, change the MOUNTS variable to match the NFS shares exported by your NFS server. MOUNTS is an array; multiple entries are separated by spaces. So if you have one share exported as /media/MyShare, that line would look like this:


MOUNTS=( "/media/MyShare" )

An advantage of mounting shares in /media, is that they automatically show up as mounted drives on the user's desktop. Note that this howto assumes that you use the same paths for the share on the server and client side! Save the script to your desktop with an obvious name. In this example we call it mount_my_nfs_shares. Open a terminal and cd to the desktop. Make the script executable by calling:


chmod +x mount_my_nfs_shares

Next, move it to a place where it can be called by our upstart job, but also from the console to test. A good place to put such custom executables is /usr/local/bin.


sudo mv mount_my_nfs_shares /usr/local/bin

This script uses the logger command to tell the system's log what it is doing. To test this script, open up two terminals; in one, execute the following so we can monitor the log messages:


tail -f /var/log/syslog

In the other, simply execute mount_my_nfs_shares. If the script works, your shares should show up on the desktop and the computer:// location in Nautilus. If the fileserver goes down or becomes unreachable, the shares should disappear, and reappear when the fileserver comes back on-line. If this works, move on to the next step. Installing a custom upstart job The next step is to have the clients automatically run the above script when they are booted. We can use upstart for this. Create a new text file, and enter the following:


# mount_my_nfs_shares - mount NFS shares on fileserver, if present
description"Mount NFS-shares"
start on (filesystem)


How the script works The script enters an eternal loop and keeps checking if it can reach the fileserver once every minute (unless you adjust the INTERVAL variable). If it can reach (ping) the fileserver, it checks if the mounts are already mounted by searching for them (grepping) in the output of mount. If they are not mounted, it tries to mount them. Else, if the server is down, it looks in the output of mount to see if these mounts exist. If they do, it tries to unmount them with the -f flag (useful for unmounting unreachable NFS shares).

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Ubuntu :: Using Autofs To Wake Samba Server Over Ethernet

Sep 20, 2010

I'm trying to set autofs up to wake a samba file server whenever I want to use it. I found this page which apparently demonstrates how to do it with NFS. With a bit of modification I've managed to come up with this:

hostsrv=<server ip address>
hostmac=<server mac address>

netcat -w 5 -z $hostsrv 445
if [ $status -ne 0 ]
/usr/sbin/etherwake -i $hostsrv $hostmac
sleep 60

/bin/echo -n "share"
/bin/echo -n -e " "
/bin/echo -n "$opts"
/bin/echo -n -e " "
/bin/echo "://$hostsrv/share"

Now, I've added this line to auto.master

/server /etc/auto.wake --timeout=60 --ghost
and restarted autofs
sudo service autofs restart
It wakes up the server successfully but then when I wait 60 seconds and browse the /server directory on the client the share doesn't appear at all.

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Fedora :: How To Remove Package Autofs

May 5, 2010

I just used command # yum install -y autofs that work complete but now i want to remove this package.How do i remove this.

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Networking :: NFS Autofs Can't See Mounted Subdirectory?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a machine (mercury) on which /home/hyperhacker/video is a mounted external hard drive while the rest of /home/hyperhacker is on the internal hard disk. I have a second machine (konata) using autofs to automatically mount mercury:/home/hyperhacker in /mnt/mercury as needed. This works, except /mnt/mercury/video shows up empty.mercury:/etc/exports has: Code: /home/hyperhacker konata(ro,subtree_check)/home/hyperhacker/video konata(ro,subtree_check) and I've tried a few variations in konata: Code: $ cat /etc/auto.master

/mnt /etc/auto.mercury


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