Ubuntu :: Adding Users In Php With Shell_exec() Command?

Aug 22, 2010

i'm working on a small servermanagement app in php to manage the ubuntu server. Someone told me I have to use the shell_exec() command in php to execute the commandlines in ubuntu.

I did a ping test wich works... PHP Code:


But I can't seem to add any users. When I list my user using "users" command in ubuntu, I only see my loginname. How do I add users using php?

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General :: Unable To Neither Add New Users Using Command Useradd Nor Delete Existing Users Using Command Userdel

Jun 30, 2010

Im not getting able to neither add new users using command useradd nor delete existing users using command userdel. And even Im not getting able to login into any existing users except root. It was ok before. Im having this problem very recently on my linux server. Im using RHEL5.

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Ubuntu :: Adding A Directory For New Users?

Apr 17, 2011

When i create a new user i want this user to have a public_html directory created in their home.

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Ubuntu :: Managing / Adding Users In Lucid?

May 7, 2010

Basically if you go through System > Administration > Users and Groups then I do not get prompted for a password, I cannot see the root account, nor can I add/modify other accounts.

I understand that Ubuntu has now moved away from allowing the root account desktop access which is ok by me even though it's very much in line with something Apple would do. (odd that this comes right after Ubuntu went all apple style with the default theme too.) However, I would like to add other accounts to the machine, for my wife and anyone else i choose for example. Anyways, pushing the "add" button does nothing. Thankfully the "help" button did work which allowed me to do the following workaround.

I managed to get around this by working through the command prompt, open terminal:

user> sudo -i
type in your password
root> users-admin

This allows the addition of accounts, also seems it allows the root account to be enabled though I haven't bothered to test it. The one thing I'll say is that it runs VERY SLOW!

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Ubuntu :: Adding Multiple Users Terminal?

Jun 1, 2010

I want to add users from the command line, I know I can use the adduser for individual users, but if you have 50 or more there must be another way. I'd rather not use the GUI.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Adding AD Domain Users Group?

May 4, 2010

I have server 9.04 and joined thru winbind to Windows Domain and subversion installed.Windows AD users can use their own credentials to join and everything is working fine.However the group svn which is used to access the repos in /etc/groups has some users.However I would like to add the domain users group to the svn group but the domain users contains Space. And /etc/groups does not happend to read the space any ideas on how to add "domain users" to the svn group in /etc/groups

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adding SSH Users - Permissions Set Incorrectly?

Jun 14, 2010

I was just trying to add new ssh users for tonight session and really messed up badly. I first installed package ibsh (iron-bars shell). I didn't know how to use it so I just went to a new user account and added ibsh at the end of his .profile. (I wrote

sudo gedit /home/username/.profile
which I suspect is the problem, I should have written
gksu gedit /home/username/.profile

Well graphical logging became impossible in my own account until I did the following in my own account:

chmod 777 .profile
chmod 777 .ICEauthority

But desktop is still empty. I have restarted the system. I cannot use Firefox (it works without output for 10 sec and then dies). Chromium says something like "Problems due to not being able to update profile" but works. (I cannot see any files on desktop. But if I do places > desktop I can see them.) All the mentioned files had -------- for permissions so I did:

chmod 777 ~/Desktop/*

How to get my system back to normal. I think I got botched up permissions. If I create new user accounts, I get several error messages in these accounts.

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Ubuntu :: Adding Multiple Users Using Batch File?

Oct 26, 2010

Idealy I want to create a batch file which would read the list and create a user and a password.

I know i need to create the file using the vi command and using the useradd facility to add the users however where i go from there i am lost.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Adding Users With Kickstart

May 2, 2010

You can add a user with their password in one go, just use the -p option:

useradd -p '$1$S5P0QMGg$1RJ8yBPnDvyJ0SynNkESL1' mruser

The above password hash is for the word: password The easiest way to hash your password would be to grab it out of /etc/shadow

I am trying the same with the ks.cfg for RHEL5.4, but the users dont seem to get creted, after I login.

useradd -p <ENCRYPTE_PWD> username

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Adding Users With Vipw?

Feb 23, 2011

I have bits and pieces but I'm wondering if anyone could post a step by step way to add a user using vipw? It seems handy to know. And am I correct in saying that the user added with vipw could then be added to a group using vigr?

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Ubuntu :: Adding Additional Users Causes Large Number Of Errors?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm running 64-bit 10.04, upgraded from 9.10. The problem I am experiencing is that any user accounts aside from my main account are problematic. This includes any accounts I add, as well as the GDM guest session.The specific problems that I have thus far experienced are as follows:

1. The desktop loads often improperly. In the latest instance of this the graphics on the right side top panel were randomly chopped-up, leaving parts of my clock on either side of the volume control, among other things. 2. If I make ANY customizations to the desktop at all, the desktop takes nearly a full minute to load on log-in. 3. Flash videos don't work properly on Firefox. Sometimes they only play after refreshing a page, often they will not load at all. Also, attempting to load or play a flash video will sometimes causes Gnome or Firefox to crash. 4. (And this is the one that REALLY has me stumped) Whenever I log into my main accountant after logging out of another account, the IBus control appears in my system tray.However, when I open the IBus preferences the associated check box is (and has always remained) unchecked.Not sure where to go with this one. More than anything, the IBus bug makes me unsure of where to even begin looking for the problem.

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Ubuntu Servers :: LDAP Users And Groups - Adding A User

Aug 4, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04.2 (Linux 2.6.32-33-server on x86_64) with OpenLDAP 2.4.21 and Webmin1.550. I converted my ldap database from another system with the older style schema (OpenLDAP 2.3.3 with slightly older Webmin version 1.480) and no longer use slapd.conf, but the newer slapd.d format.

It all works fine except for one thing. When I add a new user, it lets me type in the additional LDAP fields:

But when I click the Create button, all the fields get jumbled together in the Title/Position box with a diamond question mark delimiting the fields:

Modifying existing users (which have the Additional fields displaying correctly) also has the same result - it moves the fields all into the one Title/Position box with the diamond shapes with question marks inside between each entry. Is it a problem with my schema files? I tried reverting to the older shema files and slapd.conf and it still did the same thing on the new system. I am really at a loss.

Here is also the output of ldapsearch for that user (host and samba ids are sanitized):

Previously added users that show the fields properly have "description:" and then the field listed for each Additional LDAP field. Also shouldn't the "title" be visible in plain human readable text here? - it looks like it encrypted it somehow - similar to a password hash. The older system works fine and the fields are all readable and in their proper locations. But the new system just doesn't work right.

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Debian :: Adding New Users Restricted To Root

May 22, 2010

I am running an updated Lenny. Just discovered that as user I am able to add new users via gui:
System > Administration > Users and Groups.
I was under the impression adding new users was restricted to root. Is this is a bug, and if so who do I report this to?

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Debian :: Adding FTP Users Without Shell Access?

Dec 20, 2010

I use this command line to add an FTP user:

useradd ftpuser1 -d /userdir

This works, but I don't want to give Shell access to the users.

I tried this:

useradd ftpuser1 -d /userdir -s /sbin/nologin

but then user can't login at all - not into FTP and not into Shell.

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General :: Adding Users To Existing Group

Aug 26, 2010

I've been asked by my professor to add the list of users to a linux server (not sure of the OS type I think he said debian) but anyway. He gave me this script to add users.

Code: #!/bin/bash
# Script to add a user to Linux system
if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then
read -p "Enter username : " username
read -s -p "Enter password : " password
egrep "^$username" /etc/passwd >/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$username exists!"
exit 1
pass=$(perl -e 'print crypt($ARGV[0], "password")' $password)
useradd -m -p $pass $username
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "User has been added to system!" || echo "Failed to add a user!"
echo "Only root may add a user to the system"
exit 2

I need to see if I can get this script to read a file that list the usernames and their passwords using the pipe command (or some similar command) so I can just do it in one batch. I've done some searching but there are so many vairiations of the code that I've confused myself. Also, I'm not too familiar with linux, it's been a few years since I've used it but in the prior script, I need to add the users to an existing group named "forensics". Which line would I change/add in order to do this?

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General :: Changing Password And Adding Users?

May 6, 2011

I am using Mandriva 2010.2 KDE. When I try to change my password, using the Welcome>About Me>Change Password, I am asked to type in my current password, after I press OK, the dialogue box just seems to hang, nothing happens, the computer does not freeze, just the password dialogue box kind of stops responding.

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CentOS 5 :: Adding Users With Disabled Logins?

Mar 16, 2011

I have recently installed CentOS on my server and I am trying to install a Teamspeak server as well as a web server using ISPConfig. But, for installing a Teamspeak server I wanted to create the user account "teamspeak" to run it so my files under root are not accessible for security reasons. I was wondering if there was a way of creating the user teamspeak with a disabled login, I know in Ubuntu to do this you do: adduser --disabled-login teamspeak

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Server :: Adding LDAP People Entries That Are Not Users

Jan 22, 2010

I currently have an LDAP database on my Suse 10.2 server for managing authentication and controlling emails for my Cyrus email server. I use this setup to provide email functionality to my web and email hosting clients, as well as DNS functionality, and it uses the default LDAP database that was setup when OpenLDAP was initially configured. Email support is working wonderfully, I might add. I also tested and verified the use of an email lookup directory in two different email clients (Outlook and Evolution) so that I can tell one of my clients how to lookup the email address of users who are setup in the LDAP server, and it works beautifully.

However, I'd also like to be able to allow my clients to build a shared contact database that can also be used in their email clients so that they can share them among all of their users. Ideally, I would need to be able to allow each client to have their own database of shared contacts, and I assume this would be done by creating a new LDAP database for each client company (i.e. group of users) that can contain the list of shared contacts for any of that client's users. When they configure their email client directory settings, they would enter the base path to their database in order to retrieve their shared contact database entries.

In my web searches, I've found plenty of CRM solutions on the web that claim to provide this type of functionality, but I believe that OpenLDAP contains everything I need to make this work without adding another layer of software to the server solution. (I subscribe to the "Keep it Simple, Stupid!" approach whenever possible.) Essentially, I need to have People entries in a client's LDAP database that are NOT email users on the system. The fields in the standard people schema are all the fields they would need - as long as I can figure out how best to add these non-user entries in the LDAP database. Are there any potential difficulties in creating additional LDAP databases expressly for this purpose?

Are there any tricks to adding contact entries into a client's LDAP database without them also being current email users on the server, so that those entries can be retrieved through an Email Client directory lookup? I will also want to provide an easy method for my client users to add new entries to their LDAP contact database, most likely through a web interface for them that could then issue LDAP commands on the server based on the input fields for the new contact. (I don't believe this is possible from within the email client itself.) Is there any reason this could not be done with the proper configuration? What should I be aware of as I setup this contact management web interface? Is there a better way for non-technical client users to manage this list of shared contacts?

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Server :: Adding More Users In LDAP Servers And Clients?

Mar 18, 2011

I installed and configured LDAP server and client on RHEL5 successfully. Problem is that when I add more than one user on server and clients, It shows error 'invalid user'.When I run the command:-#chown -R user:users /home/user, It shows error 'invalid user'. by step for adding and modifying more users in ldap servers.

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General :: Resetting Password And Adding Users - For Acer Aspire One

Aug 27, 2009

I have no fracking clue what my password is and I want to create multiple user accounts. I have no idea whether or not I need to re-install the OS or what..nor can I even begin to imagine how to do so without a CD drive..I should also note I didn't start her up myself.

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Software :: Adding Sth - To All Users PATH Variable - Sudo Included

Aug 3, 2010

I've installed rubygems on ubuntu, but it has a known issue that the rubygems' bin/ directory is not in the PATH. I know about exporting the PATH variable, and adding it to .bashrc, but I'd like to configure it so that every user has it on his PATH, even if he tries to run it with sudo. Where should I export the PATH variable then?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Avoid Adding Users To Group Like Wheel?

Jan 7, 2011

i just want to prevent from now on from all users maybe even root from adding other users to groups like wheel for example. I also want to know how can I prevent from all users to create new groups or add users to new one.real

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General :: Disable The Su Command On A Server So That Users Cant Run The Su Command?

Apr 29, 2010

i want to disable the su command on a server so that users cant run the su command i removed the comment from the 3 and 5 line in /etc/pam.d/su file but it doesnt seem to work the file is shown below

auth sufficient pam_rootok.so
# Uncomment the following line to implicitly trust users in the "wheel" group.


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Ubuntu :: Adding Medibuntu Key / Apply Fix Command?

Mar 20, 2011

Attempting to add the Medbuntu key, so I can install ubuntu-restricted-extras. code...

So how to I apply the --fix command please?

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General :: Command For Adding Groups To A File?

May 15, 2010

What is the best command for adding groups to a file?

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Ubuntu :: Command For Logged On Users ?

Sep 30, 2010

Just wondering is there a command that would show me the details of whose currently logged on and how their logged on i.e. ssh/samba etc?

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Fedora :: Adding LibX11 Permanently To Linker Command Line

Mar 15, 2011

I've been compiling a lot of games recently and most of them requires me to add libX11 to the linker command line. I can't think of nothing but to take a look at the Makefile and add -lX11. It works, but now, I'm compiling from a git repo, and I know the change will removed once I update the my working copy.To make it short, is it possible to add libX11 permanently to the linker command line?

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General :: Adding A Live USB To A Repository Via Command Line [Kubuntu 10.04]?

Sep 3, 2010

Couple of days I go I setup VLC using Kubuntu's graphic software manager, and installed the 3 plug-ins, one of which was related to pulse. After doing this sound stopped working in flash videos. I had read, not sure where, that Kubuntu didn't use pulse (which slipped my mind when setting up VLC).

So I make the mistake of removing everything which had pulse in it's name (again, via the graphic software manager). A message popped-up saying that some packages needed to be removed/edited (a LONG list, a big clue that I was doing something stupid I guess). I let it run it's course and after that it won't boot properly.

If I boot it normally it hangs at the Kubuntu screen with the five dots filling endlessly. If I press F1 it's stuck at "checking battery status."

Recovery mode boots, but the recovery option does nothing.

So I was wondering if I could boot into recovery mode and go into the terminal and add a live USB as a repository for apt, and try to salvage the install?

Or should I admit defeat and reinstall?

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Software :: Adding Programs To Gnome Tool Bar From Command Line?

Oct 23, 2009

I'm trying to create a liveCD/USB for use of myself and my family. The idea is to set up the LiveCD to look like their used to seeing it. I know I can just copy the homedirectory but I wanted to do it via script so new user accounts could also have the common bells and whistles we use.So really I have two questions.1. Is it possible to add programs to the Gnome Tool Bar from command line? aka via a script2. Is it possible to modify the default panel template so new users get my changes?

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Ubuntu :: 'ls' Command Disconnects Users On SFTP?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu Server 10.04 and I'm also using OpenSSH 5.3. I have SFTP-only users in a chrooted environment. Users are able to login, change directories, upload and download files, but as soon they attempt to give the 'ls' or any list directory. the server disconnects.

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