Ubuntu :: Using Swap Partition On RAID Volume ?

Apr 4, 2011

I am unable to hibernate my computer while using Ubuntu and I figured out the reason--Ubuntu is not using my swap partition. I would follow the existing tutorials on setting up a swap partition after installing Ubuntu, but since the volume uses hardware RAID 0, the swap partition is not assigned a /dev/ entry (like /dev/sdxx) and I am not sure how I can mount it.

Here is what I have:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With Windows XP On A 1TB RAID-0 Setup - Create A SWAP Partition

Mar 20, 2011

(This is for a 100% Clean install)

Q1) I was wondering if it is possible to Dual boot Ubuntu with Windows XP on a 1TB RAID-0 setup ?

Q2) Also, is it possible to create a SWAP partition (for Ubuntu) on a NON RAID-0 HDD ?

Q3) Lastly... I read GRUB2 is the default boot manager... should I use that, or GRUB / Lio ?

I have a total of 3 HDDs on this system:
-- 2x 500GB WDD HDDs (non-advanced format) ... RAID-0 setup
-- 1x 320GB WDD HDD (non RAID setup)
(The non RAID HDD is intended to be a SWAP drive for both XP and Ubuntu = 2 partitions)

I plan on making multiple partitions... and reserve partition space for Ubuntu (of course).

I have the latest version of the LiveCD created already.

Q4) Do I need the Alternate CD for this setup?

I plan on installing XP before Ubuntu.

This is my 1st time dual booting XP with Ubuntu.

I'm using these as my resources:
- [url]
- [url]

Q5) Anything else I should be aware of (possible issues during install)?

Q6) Lastly... is there anything like the AHCI (advanced host controller interface) like in Windows for Ubuntu?

(Since I need a special floppy during Windows Install...) I want to be able to use the Advanced Queuing capabilities of my SATA drives in Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Swap Space Shows 0k But Have Volume Formatted As Swap

Dec 7, 2010

Lucid on an Acer Travelmate800.Can anyone tell me why I have 0k for swap space? I allocated swap which I can see in my Disk Utility's 'volumes' display.

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CentOS 5 :: Add New RAID Volume To The Existing Logical Volume?

May 7, 2011

I have a system with a 2TB RAID level 1 installed (2 x 2TB drives, configured as RAID1 through the BIOS). I installed Centos 5.5 and it runs fine. I now added another 2x2TB drives and configured them as RAID1 through the BIOS.

How do I add this new RAID volume to the existing logical volume?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Swap Partition : Need To Check Swap File System?

Mar 20, 2011

Does one need to Check the Swap filesystem, from time to time

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Ubuntu :: Delete Snow Leopard Partition - Format Swap Disk Partition To Something Else

Feb 23, 2011

I had a drive with a partition layout like so:

~50gig Windows 7 - NTFS
~100gig Ubuntu - EXT3
~100gig Snow Leopard - HFS+
~100gig Extended Partition
-- ~100gig Swap Disk - exFat

I wanted to delete the Snow Leopard partition and format the Swap Disk partition to something else. exFat was causing major file size bloat on small files. QT sdk bloated to like 11 gigs or something ridiculous like that. Anyways, I loaded up an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd and gparted then deleted the Snow Leopard partition. Gparted said "Mission Accomplished" and tried to rescan the drive, but never found it. At this point I restarted the computer, a dell laptop, which didn't boot with an unable to find a bootable device error. The ubuntu live cd doesn't see the drive anymore. gparted scans for drives indefinitely and fdisk -l has no output.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Swap That Will Use RAID

Aug 1, 2010

I'm in the process of setting up my very first ubuntu server.
Using 10.04 and has 2gb ram
I am using Ubuntu's software raid (mdadm)
It will be a file server, with 4 hard drives (3 in RAID5 and 1 as a spare)
All 4 drives have 2 partitions:
Partition 1 - 100mb
Partition 2 - The remaining drive space

I setup the first 3 drives' partition 1's to be RAID1 with the 4th drive's partition 1 as a spare. This is where I'm mounting "/boot" (it's my understanding that /boot cannot be on a RAID5). I setup the first 3 drives' partition 2's to be RAID5 with the 4th drive's partition 2 as a spare. This its where I'm mounting. I believe so far I'm setup correctly to be able to deal with a drive failure and the system should operate just fine. What I don't know what to do is with the /swap. I want to retain the ability to be able to operate with a drive going down. But I have also read warnings about putting /swap on a raid. How would you setup /swap?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting Raid 0 Motherboard Swap?

Sep 10, 2010

i just got a new motherboard for a router/server at home i got something beefier, the deal is that the raid 0 i've got running on the old chipset is running ubuntu desktop edition and i just wanna install the server edition on the new beefier board, i've a /home partition in the raid if i swap the boards will that crap out what i've got in my /home dir... or can i just swap the boards and make a fresh install on a root partition without messing up my /home partition?

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Debian Configuration :: LVM Volume - Swap Not Working / Activated

Jul 29, 2010

I'm running Debian testing/unstable, with my swap on an lvm volume. When I boot into the system, the swap doesn't become activated, even though there are messages that point to the contrary (for instance: "activating swap file...done"). After it's done booting, I run the command "free" and it shows that there is no space allocated to swap. "swapon -a" doesn't load the swap file either -- I have to do "swapon /dev/mapper/xxx-xxx". The swap appears in fstab, and also in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume.

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Hardware :: Invalid Partition Table For Swap Partition That Moved With Gparted?

Feb 8, 2010

I was reading another thread about someone with a bad partition table and I decided to join this forum. I'm not going to take any drastic actions with the partition (/dev/sda3) in question. I am going to wait for instructions on what to do first. I am not very good with Linux and need some hand holding. System: DELL 4550 Dual-Booted with XP and Ubuntu. Works OK, just no swap. Well, here's what I did: I deleted a partition for Windows XP Pro because it was a trial, and it ran out. I then decided to slide the swap partition for the Ubuntu Linux that I dual-boot into over. (If this was successful, I was going to try expanding the root partition to take up the unused space.) I used Gparted on a CD to do this, as I figured it was safe to do.

I now cannot mount the swap space at bootup (and have to go into a backup version of the OS), although I can use Gparted in Linux to execute the "swapon" command, and it appears that it worked because I now see "swapoff" as an option on the context menu. (I actually don't even need a swap partition, except to hibernate.) If I highlight the swap partition and click on "Drive" on Gparted's menu bar and select "Create Partition Table", it will erase all data on /dev/sda, so how do I fix the bad partition table non-destructively?

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Debian Installation :: Wiped Windows Partition With Swap And LVM Partition

Jan 17, 2015

I am having issues with Grub 2 after installing Debian 7.8.0.The computer is a HP Pavilion 500-307nb. I made the original harddrive /dev/sdb and inserted a Samsung Evo 840 as /dev/sda. From the original hard drive (/dev/sdb), I wiped the windows partition, but left all other partitions unchanged (in case I would ever want to recover the desktop to its original state). I replaced the wiped windows partition with a swap partition and an LVM partition.These are my hard drive partitions:

/dev/sda (Samsung Evo 840)

Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 1049kB 3146kB 2097kB primary bios_grub
2 3146kB 944MB 941MB ext4 boot
3 944MB 94.4GB 93.4GB host lvm
4 94.4GB 1000GB 906GB guests lvm


The partition /dev/sda3 has 2 logical volumes with filesystem ext4 that I mount to / and /home.The partition /dev/sda2 is mounted to /boot..When I install like this, Debian installs fine, however Grub2 is not installed correctly.Debian installs grub-pc which seems not able to boot the gpt partition. So I boot the Debian CD in rescue mode and execute:

mount /dev/sda2 /boot
aptitude purge grub-pc
aptitude -y install grub-efi

After rebooting, I come in the grub rescue shell, which says: error: no such device: 986f2176--4a4b-4222-83b9-8636a034b3c7.

When I then enter in the grub rescue shell:
set boot=(hd0,gpt2)
set prefix=(hd0,gpt2)/grub
insmod normal

Grub and Debian start up correctly.why can Grub not start up automatically correctly? Where does the UUID 986f2176--4a4b-4222-83b9-8636a034b3c7 come from? I have reinstalled Grub several times, I have reinstall Debian several times, I have even wiped all partitions from /dev/sda and recreated a new gpt table with parted and manually set the partitions in parted. Still on each reinstallation, Grub fails because it cannot find exactly the same UUID. Since this UUID is always the same, it must be stored somewhere, but it cannot be the partitions, I have wiped them and the partition table several times.

I did though a firmware update of the Samsung Evo 840 before reinstallation, could this be a cause?Also the problem is not in grub.cfg. Grub starts correctly if I enter the commands above in the grub rescue screen and the UUID value does not appear there.

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General :: Place Swap Partition On LVM Or On Standard Fdisk Partition

Aug 4, 2011

I wonder whether to place swap partition on LVM or on standard fdisk partition which will not be in LVM.What is better and more often used on production ?

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General :: Cloning Logical Volume And Swap And Boot Partitions?

Feb 28, 2011

I have a RHEL4 system with 2 250GB physical volumes. There is a boot partition that is outside LVM and 2 logical volumes (swap and root) within a single volume group. This volume group bridges the 2 physical volumes.

I would like to clone this system onto a single 1 TB physical volume that will replace the 2x250GB currently in use.

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Ubuntu :: Swap Partition Access / Cant See That Partition

May 21, 2011

I've recently just installed ubuntu 11.04 but seem to have made a big mistake. During the install process I was asked to specify a location to be used for swap. Not really understanding what this meant I chose another partition on my drive with some free space but also a lot of my data. Needless to say I now cant see that partition. Is there anyway for me to access it? or to at least recover the information I need from there? its about a 200gig partition, and it used to be ntfs.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error: Deleting Logical Volume /dev/VolGroup/lv Swap

Feb 17, 2010

I'm trying opensuse 11.2 KDE out again after a bad experience last year. I'm installing it over Fedora 12 and when I try to install I get this error: Failure occured during following action: Deleting logical volume /dev/VolGroup/lv swap system error 4015 What does this mean? I've had other problems with with distro in the past but never this one. what is needed to enable the installer to install?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - RAID Volume Not Mounted

May 8, 2011

I have v 10.10 running the following (and I still have no idea how I got this all working). Myth, Squeeze server, X10 control system for the house, Virtualbox (where I run some windows stuff) and a general file and print service. It has 5 disk drives attached

1 - system disk
5- external usb to back up data to
2,3,4 - 2 tb drives in a raid config

I just restarted the server and the raid volume has not mounted. I looked in the webmin interface and the device is there but it doesn't seem to have the partitions attached. Again in webmin, the partitions seem to be on each of the drives. I used crash-plan to back up the data and music, but not the video, so I would prefer not to have to rebuild the lot if I don't have to. I really don't want to re build the lot out of my lack of experience with Linux. Is there an easy (ish) way of putting the raid back together to see if it's just dropped its config and the data is in tact (or can be rebuild from two of the three drives).

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Hardware :: Raid5 HD Acquired Swap Space Cause Raid To Fail

Mar 6, 2010

The weirdest thing I have ever saw happened today after i rebooted my server.I have an IDE drive with fedora core 12 installed.I have 4 500g sata drives that I made a FD partition on.
Created the raid using mdadm and had a sh script that assembled and mounted.This worked just fine for 4 days and about 6 reboots.then the other day I noticed an odd amount of net traffic coming in and out of the box and took it down to do some router configuring.

After I brought it back up and ran the sh script, I got a weird error, /dev/sdc device was busy. so I did an fdisk /dev/sdc, and sure enough it had a swap space and boot partition. I deleted em, rebooted and now I'm stuck at the grub screen. Somehow my drive names got fubared and I don't know how to recover my system.

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General :: Change The Swap Partition To Another Partition?

Aug 1, 2010

I want to change the swap partition to another partition. Is there a gui that can make this process easier so I don't have to do things like manually editing files?

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Fedora :: Home Partition And Create Logical Volume Out Of 53 Gb Filesystem Partition?

Aug 24, 2010

I installed fedora 13 64 bit and it works great but I encountered several issues when setting up guest OS with KVM. The problem seems to be related to selinux. But let me first ask question about logical volume. By Default fedora created logical volumes:


"If you expect that you or other users will store data on the system, create a separate partition for the /home directory within a volume group. With a separate /home partition, you may upgrade or reinstall Fedora without erasing user data files." seems to suggest I have to create a separate physical partition and assign that to /home. But reading elsewhere it seems to suggest logical volume acts like a partition. My goal is to make it easy in case fedora is hosed and I have to re-install it without affecting /home where my cirtical data resides. Given above do I need to create a separate physical partition or I am just fine?

I have a second hard disk that originally had windows and all my data. Windows is hosed but I can see my data from within Fedora and Windows is gone and I created created new partition in its place which used ot be the C:/ drive appears as 53 Gb filesystem. My data which was originally D drive appears as 215 GB filesystem. As given in [URL] I want to create a new logical volume in 53 Gb filesystem which I want to use as space for virtual disk to install guest OS's in KVM. Currrently 53 GB filesystem is mounted as /media/3467BH89JK789 but this does not work well with KVM. how do I create this logical volume out of 53 Gb filesystem partition and add proper selinux info and do I add to vg_vostrolx volume group and in a different volume group?

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 64bit Will Not Recognize Raid 5 Ntfs Volume

Feb 12, 2010

I have a raid 5 array formatted with ntfs; My Ubuntu OS is not able to recognize the raid 5 array but my windows 7 OS can. I had this working before when I installed ubuntu via wubi but now since i installed it as a dual boot OS I am having issues trying to mount this raid 5 volume. So far i have tried reinstalling the dmraid, ntfs config manager, and storage device manager however nothing seems to help me recognize my raid 5 array.

P5N32 E-SLI PLUS MOTHERBOARD: RAID 5 ARRAY NTFS with NVIDIA's raid chipset that comes built in with motherboard.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Move A Software RAID Volume?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a software raid array (in this test case a mirrored set of two 500GB volumes) and I want to move them to another OS installation on the same hardware. (This is testing in preparation for a physical move two arrays onto a single server.) I had the array up and working (surviving reboots), wrote a test backup onto it in a folder.

Shut the machine down, re-installed ubuntu, got it up and running, then installed mdadm, rebooted with the array powered up and ran mdadm --detail --scan , expecting to see mdadm at least find the parts of the array. Instead, I get nothing. I even added -vv to get more verbose output. de nada.


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CentOS 5 :: Expand RAID 5 Volume With LVM?

Jul 7, 2009

I have expanded a HP array by 500GB but am struggling to get Centos (Xenserver installation) to see it.

From the array controller the size of the disk is 1.4TB

Logical Drive: 2
Size: 1.4 TB
Fault Tolerance: RAID 5
Heads: 255


how I get LVM to see the whole disk that is now available (without destoying daya).

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID Volume Won't Activate After Reboot During Sync?

Jul 24, 2010

I've got a file server with two RAID volumes. The one in question is 6 1TB SATA drives in a RAID6 configuration. I recently thought one drive was becoming faulty, so I removed it from the set. After running some stress tests, I determined my underlying problem hadn't cleared up. I added the disk back, which started the resync. Later on, the underlying problem caused another lock up. After a hard-reboot, the array will not start. I'm out of ideas on how to kick this over.

$ cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]


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Debian :: Encrypt A Volume Group - By Using RAID Under

Jul 10, 2010

After months of using Lenny & Lucid Lynx without issues, I come back to the good existential questions.

I'd like a completely encrypted disk (/ and swap) in addition to the Xp partitions (not that safe but I'll switch completely to Linux once I have solved everything.

1. I create an ext4 partition for /boot
2. One other (/dev/sda7) that I set for encryption,
3. On top of that, I create a PV for lvm2,
4. I add to a VG,
5. I create / & swap in the VG.

However, if I add a hard drive, I will have to encrypt the main partition, add it to the VG & then expand /. So I'll need 2 passwords at boot time to decrypt.

So I'd like to:

-Encrypt the VG directly, it would solve everything but no device file appears for the VG, only the PV and th LV.

-After hours of search, I couldn't find a solution for a single password...

Maybe a hope with a filesystem like btrfs in the future providing encryption, but I'll still have to create a swap partition out of it (or create a file for swap but no hibernation possible).

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Fedora Installation :: 12 Cannot Detesdt My RAID 5 Volume ?

Mar 23, 2010

I've been using Fedora and Ubuntu on a standard PC/laptop (one HDD) for some time, but just as a user. Recently I built a PC with Asus P5K WS motherboard with RAID adapter on board. I've got 5 750GB SATA drives, however hardware restrictions only allows me to create Logical Volume up to 2TB. SO I've created RAID 5 on 3 drives as SysVol and RAID0 on 2 drives for data.

Ran live CD and started to install OS. However I get to point, when system scans for storage devices. It detects smaller volume, but not the SysVol, I want to install the system on. It is offering me to install system on the smaller volume. I've deleted the smaller volume and left one RAID 5 volume and 2 drives. Again the same problem. System detects those 2 drives, but not the volume.

Is there any restriction in Fedora 12 allowing installation on certain LV? Or is it more HW problem?

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Server :: Differentiating Volume Groups - New RAID

Jul 1, 2009

I'm experimenting on a new 5.7TB raid we got for one of our servers before it goes into production. I'm carving the space up into Volume Groups and Logical Volumes. Below is some sample output:

[root@server newhome]# vgdisplay
--- Volume group ---
VG Name extraid_sdd1
System ID
Format lvm2
Metadata Areas 1
Metadata Sequence No 2
VG Access read/write
VG Status resizable
Cur LV 1
Open LV 1
Max PV 0
Cur PV 1
Act PV 1
VG Size 1.82 TB
PE Size 4.00 MB
Total PE 476804
Alloc PE / Size 476804 / 1.82 TB
Free PE / Size 0 / 0
VG UUID LJPJVE-fekS-crS8-uugk-l13z-0NG0-FWv3M3

--- Volume group --
VG Name extraid_sdb1
System ID
Format lvm2
Metadata Areas 2
Metadata Sequence No 4
VG Access read/write
VG Status resizable
Cur LV 1
Open LV 1
Max PV 0
Cur PV 2
Act PV 2
VG Size 3.64 TB
PE Size 4.00 MB
Total PE 953608
Alloc PE / Size 953608 / 3.64 TB
Free PE / Size 0 / 0
VG UUID kzlLN4-PyrX-LYUS-h1Tc-1S9F-jVV0-XU5tcK

Because I created this, I know that the second 3.64tb Volume Group, extraid_sdb1, is composed of two physical volumes, /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc1, each one 1.82TB in size. My question is, if I hadn't made this and had to work backward, how could I discover that info? I can see that the second VG is composed of 2 PVs by the "Cur PV" line. But if I didn't know that they are my /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc1, how could I break that out, as well as their sizes? If it matters, this system is running FC6.

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Software :: Setup Of Large Volume - LVM Or RAID?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm asking for an advice about the setup of a large volume: I have 2 disks of 1 Tb each and I want to merge them in a single volume/partition. I am in doubt about setting up a LVM, a RAID0 device or both. I know that RAID0 has no redundancy but I will manage a backup on other media, so that I can take advantage of the stripe feature in terms of I/O performance. On the other hand LVM let me to easily manage and expand the volume in a near future. Am I correct? Anyway I don't know if I can ever setup both and in which order. First LVM then RAID, I suppose.

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Ubuntu :: No Swap Partition?

Feb 14, 2011

My motherboard supports up to 8GB DDR2. I currently have 4GB installed. If I maxed out my RAM, and installed 10.10 without a swap partition, I've heard this would increase speeds significantly. Would it? This particular rig runs multiple servers including an Asterisk PBX with FreePBX, XBMC, and Boxee. XBMC and Boxee do not run at the same time, only one at a time. Would it be safe to run with 8GB ram, and no swap partition? Running FreePBX/asterisk, XBMC, playing videos or ....., and every other background processes, free shows on average 50% free. Opinions?

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Ubuntu :: Swap Partition For New SSD?

Jun 17, 2011

I am getting a new SSD for my laptop and I have been researching the different tweaks for an SSD. I still have a question regarding the swap partition: is it better to not have one for an SSD? (I have 4GB of RAM...)

If I don't, how would I specify it during the installation process for 10.04?

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General :: Problems With Pvcreate To Create A Physical Volume For RAID 1

Jul 29, 2010


I am experiencing problems in creating a physical volume on RAID 1 system.

Here is what I did.

#/usr/sbin/pvcreate /dev/md0

the message reads:
"Device /dev/md0 not found (or ignored by filtering)."

The /dev/md0 has a partition type 8e for linux LVM

Can anyone enlighten me?


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