Ubuntu :: Two Different Systems Using Same /home

Apr 28, 2010

I currently use Ubuntu with both lxde and KDE. I wish to install on a seperate partition a #!, the latest one, that is Debian-based. And I want them to share the same /home. Don't know if it's possible...

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Ubuntu :: Use Same / Home Partition For Two Operating Systems?

Oct 17, 2010

Is it possible? (and probable?) I've successfully followed psychocats' tutorial on creating a separate home in ubuntu and noticed that it basically "only" needs fstab editing, so I wonder if could create the same home for two OSs (ubuntu and fedora). The only problem which comes to my mind is file/folder ownership but I'm not sure. and since I'm just a newbie, I think it'd be better if I consult to this forum first before messing up with OS.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Home Directory And Both Systems Have The Same Login Id

Mar 7, 2010

I got 9.10 on by laptop and xp on other computer. Installed samba server and xp recognized my laptop but not anything I share on ubuntu. am i missing something in samba config file? Im trying to share home directory on ubuntu and both systems have the same login id.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Run Two Home Wireless Systems From One Internet Connection?

Aug 22, 2011

I have a netgear wireless system and it is problematic with Linux. I need to use a static IP or will loose connection. It is also problematic with an itouch and a kindle. I just bought my wife a kindle and need to get it to work. It there a way to run two home wireless systems from one Internet connection? I have a wireless router supplied by surewest but my wireless Cannon printer did not seem to like that.

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Fedora Installation :: Reuse The /home Partition On Multi-boot Systems?

May 5, 2009

Having already borked my system once while deciding to nstall Fedora 10 under the influence of a false sense of bravado, alcohol induced, I thought I should ask for a little insight before trying things again. Once I get my system fixed and before consuming alcohol that is.Short version:I thought Id be smart and mount the /home partition I use for openSUSE as /home for Fedora, I mean that why I made /home it own partition right? Well, thatwhen the alcohol took over and I thought I be rilliant(not so much) and just use my SUSE username for Fedora too, since, you know,e already got all my files and settings stored there.

Thus my request for the answer on how to correctly use the same /home partition across multiple OS installations; with the preferred goal of retaining access to email folders, various files, games (WINE) and such no matter what distro I�m using. Would it really be as simple as just not using the same user name for more than one distro? What addtional issues does that solve/create

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Networking :: Banning Specific Operating Systems From Connecting To Home Routers ?

Dec 9, 2010

I might as well start off by saying that I have the Linux-based Linksys WRT54GL router running the Tomato firmware. I've come up with an idea that I'm not sure is possible. Specifically, setting a router up to ban not by the MAC address of the network card, but by the operating system the machine itself is running.

This way someone could have, say, a laptop dual-booting Windows and Linux and would be unable to access the internal network if they are in Windows. However, if they reboot into Linux (or practically any other OS) they would be able to access the local network safely without the chance of spreading worms and whatever else garbage across the internal network. Similarly, other devices like Xbox 360s, Wiis, etc. would be unaffected since they don't run Windows. [Yes, 360 probably runs some highly modified NT kernel, but almost nothing else is similar to a Windows PC and the whole system is highly locked down by Microsoft, so I'd say it could be an exception.]

I was thinking of specifically banning Windows XP and lower (honestly as f***ed up as I've seen Vista and 7 get, I would consider banning those too...). The idea is to allow, well... everything that isn't Windows (except possibly Win7) to connect wirelessly to the local network.

Unfortunately, I cannot do anything like this just yet, and I'm in the planning stages, trying to figure out if it is even possible. There are unfortunately two computers in the house that aren't mine (one running Windows XP and another Windows 7... go figure, they came with it and either my sister refuses to use anything else or my mom's computer's wireless is a massive PITA to get to work in anything *besides* Windows). My guess is that this is either not possible or would be extremely hard to pull off. What do you guys think?

On the other hand, it would probably be possible to connect two routers to the incoming cable connection, giving them both different settings (SSIDs, WPA passwords, etc.) and only giving Windows users access to the outer router, but it'd be cool to be able to accomplish something like this with one router through its settings.

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Ubuntu :: Home Folder Icons Don't Update When Change The Home Directory

Sep 22, 2010

I have a dual-boot macbook with an OS X partition and an ubuntu partition. When I first installed ubuntu, I changed my home folder to my OS X home directory to synchronize all my files from both. My home directory is now /media/sda2/Users/username/. In a regular home folder, the icons for Documents, Music, Pictures, Movies, etc. are different (not just with emblems, but actually different icons). But when I changed my home folder, these subfolders' icons stayed the same as regular folder icons and I can't figure out a way to change that default setting. I know how to change the icons for each folder manually, but these changes don't appear everywhere (i.e. nautilus, places, etc). Furthermore, every time I change my icon theme, I would have to manually reassign icons for these folders. Is there a way to globally change the folder icons for these folders?

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Ubuntu :: Install 64bit Home Over Previous 32bit /home?

Sep 26, 2010

I was previously running 10.04 32bit. Recently upgraded my cpu/ram, so figured I'd try 64 bit. On my previous setup, I had / in one partition, /home in another, plus a few other partitions (/backup, etc).

I did the install of 64 bit, but was too scared to point /home in 64bit to the previous /home. After the install, now all those previous partitions/mounts are on /media. I'd like to just point /home at the previous partition. Should I mess with /etc/fstab to do this or will it cause problems? Is the easiest thing to do reinstall, then point the new install to use the pre-existing /home? Wasn't sure if that would cause problems or not. I've backed up most of the previous /home area, so worst case, if it gets blown away, I should be alright.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Set Home Directory Path Different From LDAP's Home?

May 24, 2011

I need to specify a different path to home directories on a particular server than what LDAP contains for the users, besides using a symlink. E.g. "/Users/jdoe" vs "/home/jdoe" I don't want to change the actual LDAP attributes, just want a particular server to point them in the right direction (Ubuntu 10.04).

I'm assuming it's something I could probably set in pam configurations?

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Ubuntu :: Using Old Home Backup In Separate Home Partition

Mar 28, 2011

recently i made a backup of my home directory in 10.10 before reinstalling 10.10. again.This time I chose to manually define the partitions (50GB Root, 25GB Swap, 325GB Home)Now i wish to migrate the old home into the newly installed home, which is on a separate partition.I have found the following documentation URL...Still, as a beginner I am not quite sure about the necessary steps to perform.As the new home is located on a separate partition is it possible to simple delete all directories there and copy all directories from old home to new home with rsync?

Do I have to install all the software that corresponds to the old home first followed by migrating home or first migrating home followed by installing the software such as thunderbird, Texlive2010 etc.Guess that migration should take place at a later stage. Otherwise my old profile files from firefox and thunderbird will be overwriten by new ones?

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Ubuntu :: Move / Home To Existing / Home Partition?

Jul 1, 2011

Been digging around and not finding anything that quite works.

Background: I had an existing 10.10 install and 10.04 on another partition. When I installed the 10.04 I told it to use the existing /home partition which is also being used by the 10.10 install. All good, both users have directories with all their data in the same /home partition.

Issue: So, as the 10.04 was 32bit (experimenting but another story) I decided I would replace with 10.04 64bit. All went well except when I did the manual partitioning I screwed up and instead of setting the existing /home partition to 'use but don't format' - which I think is what I must have done last time - I left it as 'don't use and don't format'. So, obviously, now the new 10.04 install has its /home inside /, which I don't want. I want it on the existing /home partition as it was with the previous 10.04 install.

Question(s): Is there any simple(ish) way of doing this without a reinstall? Not a major problem as I have only just installed and can do it again without losing anything but time, but I would like to figure out a way to do it without if possible.I want to essentially move the /home/user directory (rather than the /home) and make it /media/home/user inside the existing partition. Seems easy enough on the surface but becomes involved as I investigate.Ubuntu 10.04 minimal install with Xfce DE.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Using SD Card As /Home - Or An Extension Of /Home?

Jul 1, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu Lucid Lynx to dual boot with Vista Business on a Toshiba Port�g� R500. Everything seems to be working great out of the box, but I have a problem with available space on the rather modest (but spectacular performance) 64GB SSD.

1) Current Partitions:

Toshiba includes three partitions on the new 64GB system, to which I have added one primary Linux container partition, enclosing two logical partitions.

- /dev/sda1 TOSHIBA SYSTEM VOLUME: 1.6GB, Partition type "Unknown (0x27)
- /dev/sda2 Windows Vista Business: 49GB, NTFS
- /dev/sda3 HDDRECOVERY: 6.5GB, Hidden HPFS/NTFS (0x17)
- /dev/sda4 Linux Container for sda5 & sda6: 7.6GB, Extended
- /dev/sda5 Ubuntu Filesystem: 6.6GB, ext4
- /dev/sda6 Swap Space: 1.0GB, Linux swap

I'm sure I'll remove Vista eventually, but in the meantime, (along with MS Office) it requires a whopping 32GB just to admire itself, after all the updates and security upgrades have been applied. I shrunk the partition to 49GB to leave space for future updates and upgrades.

Right now, Ubuntu only occupies 2.4GB of it's allocated partition, leaving 3.6GB free (I know, that doesn't add up to 6.6GB, but that must be something to do with GiB vs. GB, ... or magic, maybe). Swap is only 1.0GB, with 2.0GB of RAM, but I don't use Hibernate.

2) Installing /Home on SD Card

Well, I tried this first, since I have a nice 8GB, Class 10 SD Card, and a built in SD Card reader. With the SD Card inserted during installation, I was able to select it and designate it as /Home, but when I tried to restart after insallation was complete, I got an error message before the Ubuntu login screen could appear.

I think what is happening is that it doesn't mount normally when booting. It's not listed as a bootable device in BIOS, but there is a Toshiba Bootable SD Card utility included with Windows, which needs a bootable floppy or something to work. There must be something that allows the BIOS to recognize it as a floppy during boot, or whatever, but any Toshiba Utility isn't going to work with a Linux file system. Puppy doesn't like it either for the Puppy sfs saved user file (although it will usually work if I copy them there manually, rather than allow them to save automatically).

3) Extending /Home to the SD Card

I thought I'd just have to copy stuff to the SD Card manually, as extra storage, when /Home got too crowded and cosy. Then I noticed that as soon as I inserted the SD Card it immediately got added to the total space avaialable shown by the Disk Usage Analyser accessory (which just happened to be open at the time). So now I see 10.8GB total, which is plenty to start out with for me. I assume this is because the SD Card had been formatted to mount as /Home when I first tried that solution, and got recognized as soon as it was inserted in the slot.


a) Will this work? Will /Home really use the extra space, or is it just "pretending"?
b) Is there anything special I might need to do?
c) What do I do with the three folders already on the SD Card, obviously put there during the failed attempt to install /Home on the card? (The third folder is hidden: ".ecryptfs".)?
d) Is it acceptable to leave swap with just 1.0GB, since I don't need to hibernate?
e) Anything else I need to consider?

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Fedora :: Using SSH - Could Not Chdir To Home Directory /home/adahaj: Permission Denied

Jul 21, 2009

I have a strange problem when I do SSH to a FEDORA9 based Linux Server.


When I login using "adah" username in TELNET I am automatically directed to my home directory at location "/media/disk-1/home/adah". But when I use SSH to login using the same username I get the following message Code: Could not chdir to home directory /home/adahaj: Permission denied

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General :: 'Could Not Chdir To Home Directory /home/[user]: Permission Denied'

Jan 6, 2010

I have a secondary disk which holds a /home directory structure from a previous install of Linux. I installed a new version on a new primary drive and mounted this secondary drive as the new /home. Problem is, even though the users are the same names and I can access the home directories for the users, I cannot login directly to their home directories, as I get the following error: -


login as: [me]
[me]@[machine]'s password:
Last login: Wed Jan 6 18:34:33 2010 from [machine]
Could not chdir to home directory /home/[me]: Permission denied
[[me]@[machine] /]$

Now, since the usernames are correct and the users are in the passwd file with the correct home directory paths, could it be user ID's that are different or something else? It's not as though I cannot access the home directories for the users, simply that I cannot log directly into them from a login prompt.

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General ::anything Special About Home Directory Before Users' Home Directories Are Stored There

Jun 19, 2010

Is there anything special about a home directory before users' home directories are stored there, or is just as typical as any other "empty" folder?Let me just cut to the chase, but please no ear ringing about the folly of messing around as root, particularly with directories at root level. I know it's considered stupidity, but I deleted my home directory.

Is there an easy way to restore a working home directory? I tried copying /etc/skel under root, but I'm not sure what a home directory should look like once it has been restored. Besides . & .., there were .screenrc & .xsession in my home directory when I copied /etc/skel. Are these files suppose to be in "/home" or "/home/~" or both?

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Fedora :: Folding At Home - Home To Install As A Service?

Mar 7, 2011

I am running Folding with the multi-core High performance client and would like to set this to be a service rather than have to run it by hand, so to speak, when the machine is booted.

How do I go about setting a service up for this.

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Ubuntu :: Install Two Systems And One Pc?

Aug 1, 2010

Can I install two ubuntus on one pc using different partitions?

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Synchronize Two Systems

Mar 19, 2011

I wanted to know, I it is possible to synchronize two systems. I�ve got one System on an ext. hard- drive, and one on a desktop computer. An example for better understanding:If I update on the ext. HD and I connect the ext. HD to the desktop, the desktop should be updated to. Or, when I create a new user on the desktop, and I connect the ext. hd, the user should get created to.Is this possible?

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Ubuntu :: Best Way To Image 40 Systems

Nov 9, 2010

I need to build a master image and duplicate that image on 40 systems. What is the best way to do this? I was using dd but the image was made on a 2TB drive and the dd image was, well 2TB!How can I make an image of just the data and partition info?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get Internet In Both The Systems Using Lan?

Aug 31, 2010

I dont know if my question is correct or not... but that is my way of understanding (it sounded different to me too Now my problem is. My ISP registers MAC address when connected to Internet. So if connect another system with a switch, Internet will be accessible by only one system (which registers first). I want both systems to work at a time!

What should I do?? Are there different methods of connecting? I searched google, but I could not frame a sentence to ask? It would be happy if it is either a command based or UI based. ++: How can I restrict the bandwidth usage of the second system??

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Ubuntu :: Tri Booting Old Operating Systems?

Oct 30, 2010

I have a dual-boot ubuntu-Windows XP computer, and today, while rummaging in the basement, found some Windows 3.1 floppies. My laptop has no floppy drive, but just to ask, can you intsall old OSs (Winows 3, Mac OS 7)on your PC to make it tri boot if you already have some modern operating systems? And I've seen that old Operating systems can be downloaded, so how do you install those?

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Ubuntu :: How To Switch Operating Systems

Nov 14, 2010

I have a 64bit ubuntu 10.10 and i want to know how to switch to my other OS which is windows ! but unfortunately i set it to go directly to ubuntu ! so how do i switch from linux to 2nd OS ? cuz i want to remove ubuntu completely and reinstall it as 32 bit !?

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Ubuntu :: No Operating Systems On Computer?

Jul 2, 2011

I "experimented" with UNetBootInstall on a USB key and messed up my GRUB2 settings pretty good. Now I can't find a grub.cfg file.I've gotten a couple of error messages about not having an OS installed on the computer. I have Natty Narwhal installed as well as Windows 7 with Wubi.

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Ubuntu :: How To Share Folders Between 2 Systems Over LAN?

Feb 3, 2011

i want take some data (30gb)from my friend system(both we are having ubuntu )we have net facility also,how to share the that data lan by thsi way i can copy to my system,instead of using hard disk

1q:can any one give steps to the same above?(sharing ubuntu to ubuntu)
2q: how to share from windows to ubutnu/vice versa

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Ubuntu :: Get Permissions Of File Systems?

Jan 29, 2011

How to get the permissions of any file systems
what does it mean?
"permission denied while opening filesystem"

through commands can we give/get permissions of file systems

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Fedora :: Set Up User's Home Folder Away From Home?

Mar 10, 2010

Wondering if its possible to have a User's home folder that resides in a different partition (could be ntfs or ext). I don't mean mounting /home on a different partition. The home directory will still be available for adding more users but I'd like to have a specific User's folder away from /home

How can one achieve this?

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Debian :: Share Home Among Distributions - Store Files All In "/home" Folder Of Extended Ubuntu Partition

May 1, 2011

Installed Ubuntu along with Debian on my Notebook and use Grub Manager to choose between them on startup. Since i like Debian now a lot (in past days it was a very hard system to handle, but there has been some progress i noticed), i have to change some things (want Debian as main system now) For Ubuntu i have: (was meant to be main system on Notebook) "/", "/home" and a "swap" partition, but since i am now going to use mainly Debian, i wanted to store my files all in the "/home"-folder of my extended Ubuntu partition (has much more space available) not in the "/home" folder of the Debian system. So i want both (Debian and Ubuntu) to use the same extended partition ("/home") which i created for Ubuntu to save their files like downloads, videos, and so on.

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Ubuntu :: Booting With Multiple Operating Systems?

Jan 13, 2010

I have both windows XP home and Ubuntu 9.10 installed on my computer. I started with Ubuntu 8.04 (i think that was the number) and it has updated a few times since then. You see the thing is that when I choose an operating system at the boot up, it lists all of the updates to ubuntu. so there are like 12 options to choose from besides windows XP and Ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Systems Get Slow When Writing To Disk?

Jan 18, 2010

This is a curiosity of mine, and I expect a technical answer, if someone knows it. Why the systems become so irresponsive when doing hard-disk input and output? This happens even if writing is done to a secondary disk where neither the system or the swap are stored.

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Ubuntu :: Install Thunderbird On Both Operating Systems?

Feb 7, 2010

I have Ubuntu and Windows on the same machine. If I install Thunderbird on both operating systems is it possible that both installs can access the same email files so that all of my emails will be in one file no matter which operating system was running when emails are downloaded or sent?

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