Ubuntu :: System BIN Gone Bust / Resolve This?

Apr 11, 2011

I am no longer able to enter into /usr/bin without my file browser going bust and my system/CPU/memory/swap/whatever the hell freezing the entire PC and getting stuck for literally 3 or 4 minutes before it finally opens the file/folder.

I dunno whether it has to do with what I notice to be a folder within /usr/bin that contains (according to file browser's count) 2000-plus items in it called /usr/bin/X11 (when I want to go there the same thing happens all over again and it takes me almost 5 minutes just to enter and see the damn folder!!!

What on earth is going on?

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Ubuntu :: Will Suspending The Computer Too Much Bust The Hardware Faster

Mar 3, 2010

I have a Dell Dimension 3000, Ubuntu 10.04. I often suspend and wake it throughout the day, sometimes as many as 10. Will this have adverse affects on the hardware's performance/longevity?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Atheros AR928X - Great On 10.10 But Bust On 11.04

May 2, 2011

I was doing some testing on my CR-48 notebook, which seemed to be very slow wirelessly when running Ubuntu 11.04. I cracked it open and decided to swap out the wireless cards with an Intel Wifi Link 1000 card I had in my other laptop, which is a Dell Latitude. I then began to do some speed testing, using speedtest.net. I tested each laptop 5 times for each card, so I did 20 tests total.

5 - CR-48 - Intel
5 - CR-48 - Atheros
5 - Latitude - Intel
5 - Latitude - Atheros

The results I think speak for themselves. While the Atheros card no doubt *works*, it doesn't work as efficiently as the Intel card I tried. I also noticed if I shut off my wireless security, my speeds drastically improved on the Atheros card. On my router (WRT54G) I used both mixed mode, G-only mode, WPA, WPA2 and a mixture of TKIP, AES, and TKIP+AES encryption. My results were the same across the board unless I took off security.

Wireless Card PingDownload Upload
Atheros AR928X405.721.37
Atheros AR928X404.5516.45
Atheros AR928X372.030.39
Atheros AR928X361.9415.95
Atheros AR928X513.2215.34

Dell E5500
Atheros AR928X5512.085.1
Atheros AR928X542.463.77
Atheros AR928X5414.574.83
Atheros AR928X541.973.43
Atheros AR928X563.054.06

Intel WiFi Link 10003815.615.37
Intel WiFi Link 10003814.5715.04
Intel WiFi Link 10003719.2913.8
Intel WiFi Link 10003622.4514.73
Intel WiFi Link 10003817.7414.81

Dell E5500
Intel WiFi Link 10005115.574.53
Intel WiFi Link 10005316.065.02
Intel WiFi Link 10005419.183.2
Intel WiFi Link 10005416.374.8
Intel WiFi Link 10005318.674.49

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Fedora :: System Fonts Wrong Until I Select System-Appearance Menu / Resolve This?

May 23, 2010

This is a bit of an odd problem that's been happening to me recently. My home folder is a version of Fedora old, I've been using the same one between Fedora 11 and 12 (which I'm now using).

When booting up, I notice that my system fonts are not the ones I have manually set. They're the ugly version, whatever exact font it is. It's only when I select System->Appearances from the menu that the system seems to detect my seletions to use Liberation fonts in all areas, and then everything instantly switches to the more visually pleasing Liberation fonts. This is a strange bug, I was wondering if anyone has experienced this or can point me in the right direction?

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Ubuntu :: XP Won't Boot After Installing System / Resolve This?

Aug 2, 2010

After installing Ubuntu on a hardrive that already had XP on it, when I get to the part where I choose what OS to boot, and I select XP, all I see is the Windows loading screen for about 3 seconds, then the pc shuts down and restarts itself, and goes back to the OS options code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Seems To Freeze While Booting / Resolve This?

Sep 19, 2010

So when i initially boot (both using wubi and a usb stick.) it will start to go and then do the alternative boot option with a 5 second count down. Then if I'm lucky it will get passed that then either a black screen with just a flashing _ on it and it will freeze there. Or it will go to the ubuntu opening with the little dots for initial boot and it freezes there. (the dots don't move more then two and then it really freezes.) My specs are
i5 750
Nvidia Geforce GTS 250
1.5 TB harddrive
ASUS P7P55-M LGA 1156 Intel P55 Micro ATX Intel Motherboard
Windows XP home edition 2006 with SP3.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Reboot At Shutdown / Resolve This?

Oct 25, 2010

I recently updated my 10.04 (se remix,I guess it's only preinstalled language support and some other thinks like link to ubuntu se homepage; http://ubuntu.se/content.php/322-Ubu...it-uppdatering!) to 10.10.

I now I'm stuck with a quite annoying (but not sever) error. When I shut down the computer doesn't turn of it just restart?!

I know I had some similar issue with my old EEEPC but that was a GRUB 1 error and now I'm running the latest GRUB so ...

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Ubuntu :: Broken Icons In System Tray / Resolve This?

Dec 6, 2010

Since I installed Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick in a new computer (my lab's computer), there are three broken icons in the system tray. They are black rectangles, with white borders, and a forbidden sign in the middle. I can't figure out what program is related to them, and they don't respond to left or right click. Can anyone point me in some direction? I thought about using programs like xprop/xwininfo to figure out what program they are related to and kill it, but these don't work for system tray, only for windows.

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Ubuntu :: System Can't Find My Built-in Webca / Resolve This?

Dec 27, 2010

I have a Dell Inspiron 1525
And for some odd reason I can't use my webcam, whem I try to use my webcam all the programs I tried say the same "webcam/device not found". I don't know what's happening but a while ago I had to reinstall ubuntu 10.10, but the version I had installed before could use my webcam.

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Ubuntu :: Mount Of File System Failed / Resolve This?

Apr 1, 2011

I started up my computer and this is what it said: Mount of file system failed.A maintenance shell will now be started.CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and re-try.root@Gifted:~#The only part I recognize is the name of my computer; Gifted

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Debian :: Getting System Freeze Error / Resolve This?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm very new to Linux and have installed debian Lenny.
but I have met some problems. The biggerst one is that I cant start debian.
To be more exactly, debian freeze after i come to the loggin scean, I cant move the mouse and i cant wright.

You may say that this is hardwear error but its not, cus i can run grubs singel-user-mode and do whatever i want in the shell.

so my question is, how do i fix this from shell. I think maby I shld change something in xorg.conf but not sure what, and how.

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Networking :: Can't Get To Internet With My Centos System / Resolve This?

Nov 24, 2010

I recently configure a centos linux distro to use on the internet.my actual plan is to use it as a router to the internet for computers on my network. the system already has two lan cards which i have configured with their appropriate ip addresses. now with this initial configuration i believe i should be able to browse the internet, but my problem now is that i cant even though the lan card pointing to isp is correctly configured with the ips,gateway and dns from my isp. i cant even do a ping to the outside world.
I cant really pin point where the issue is coming from but i am guessing maybe my route are not well configured. i get ''unknown host google.com" message when i ping google.com and a ping to my gateway address gives '' Network is unreachable". i have been using this system before as my gateway, but only recently switched isp and i started having this issue when i reconfigure the system to my new isp settings. Now, on a windows system, all goes fine so i have been able to safely remove the fact that maybe it is from my isp from the picture. How do i resolve this?

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General :: Can't Play My PC Games On System / Resolve This?

Jul 21, 2010

I cant play my PC games on Linux??

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Clients Won't Boot From System DHCP / Resolve This?

Dec 18, 2010

I have a windows and a linux box running DHCP respectively. The problem is whenever my client system boots up, it fetches the dynamic IP from the windows box. What should I do in order for my Linux box to provide dynamic IP's to clients? Both servers are in a single network. connected via switch.

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General :: Unable To Connect To Internet In System / Resolve This?

Jun 10, 2011

I have installed Linux 5.6 in my home PC, i tired to use internet connection its failed to connect. Whereas i am able to work in windows XP.

In Linux:-

i am not able to ping any sites.

i am using BSNL Broadband connection.

i have enable the option DHCP (IN DNS Configuration) to obtain an IP automatically from the ISP.

/etc/resolv.conf file looks like

search localhost

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General :: XP Failed To Boot After Adding Red Hat Enterprise System / Resolve This?

Jan 22, 2011

I have a Dell Precision 330 with (the latest) A09 BIOS and 1 TB SATA hard drive. There is a SATA-IDE converter between the SATA HD and the ATA133 cable. The OS was Window XP Professional SP3.

When adding RH Enterprise Linux 6 onto the computer, I created two additional partitions, one 400 GB for Linux's storage and a 10 GB swap space. I chose Window XP as the default OS.

After the installation, when the system started up, I can hit a key to have two optional OS: Window XP and Linux. If I chose Linux, the system would boot up. If I chose Window XP, the boot failed with a message that windowssystem32configsystem was missing or corrupted. I read some articles that the problem can be fixed in window's recovery console with fixboot. After entering the fixboot command and restarting the computer, Window XP still failed to boot with an error message that another file was missing.

I thought I might have made some mistakes in the installation procedure and it would be cleaner to reinstall both OS. So I tried to install Window XP Professional again. Unfortunately, after booting from Window XP CD and formating the MBR and copying the window XP files, the computer can not restart with the installed XP. Instead, the computer boot from Window XP's CD repeatedly. If I remove Window XP's CD, the computer simply can not boot at all.

I began to wonder whether RH's Enterprise Linux made some change on the MBR of the HD that Window XP can not format.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Log In / Resolve This?

Aug 19, 2010

After trying a "fix" I found on another thread, nobody can log into my laptop! After each attempt, a single message shows up in /var/log/messages code...

This worked for me:
Use a Ubuntu Live CD to boot up, and choose a command-line (shell) option.
With this, set your $HOME directory (/home/username) permissions to something appropriate (I used 755) and make sure all directories can be listed with the "ls" command. Then remove nautilus with code...

The only thing I did differently was I booted into recovery mode from the grub menu rather than from live CD.

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Ubuntu One :: Can't Connect / Resolve This?

Jan 24, 2010

When trying to log in I get the notice:

"OpenID authentication failed: Nonce already used or out of range"

I managed to use Ubuntu One once today. After that this started.

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Ubuntu :: Can Not Run Gdesklets In 10.04 / Resolve This?

Apr 30, 2010

I can not run gdesklets in ubuntu 10.04.
When I do gdesklets check I got this message:

ERROR:/build/buildd/pyorbit-2.24.0/src/pyorbit-utils.c:39:_pyorbit_escape_name: assertion failed: (keyword_mod != NULL)
- ORBit ...Aborted

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Ubuntu :: Can't Open .run / Resolve This?

Jun 24, 2010

I have that serious problem,when I can't install my newest graph drivers,because i can't run them.

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Ubuntu :: Static Ip - Can't Resolve Dns

Sep 23, 2010

I am trying to set a static ip in Ubuntu 10.04 so I can use NX client on my Vista box.

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

However, when I try to use the Internet I can't get out. That seems like a dns issue to me, when I ping google from a terminal I get: unknown host [URL]

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Ubuntu :: CD Won't Boot / Resolve This?

Sep 24, 2010

I have been using 8.04 for a year & it's been wonderful. Recently I saw the invitation on 'update manager' to upgrade to 10.04 & went ahead wih the download, but when the system tried to reboot the problems started &, I see from the forums, this seems to be a widespread problem. You get as far as UBUNTU & 5 dots then nothing. I have read as much as I can, understood a little but got nowhere so I thought I'd recover my files (hopefully) with the 8.04 CD using photorec & then reinstall my 8.04. Problem is the CD will not boot. I've used 'help' & installed the boot helper but I get the BusyBox message and don't know what command to put in.

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Ubuntu One :: U1 Not Syncing / Resolve This?

Oct 11, 2010

I was able to get it to start an initial sync. I had to restart my computer and now all the green checks from my synced folder have disappeared and I cannot sync anything else.

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Ubuntu :: Not Able To Boot / Resolve This?

Mar 17, 2011

I have been using Ubuntu for many years.
I bought a new hard drive (has not arrived yet) and getting ready to install it when it arrives.
My computer/workstation has a number of hard drives installed inside that are all SATA drives.
The boot drive (Ubuntu only, I do not use Windows) is a 500GB USB notebook drive installed in an external case.

I have an 80GB internal drive with an old Ubuntu install. I decided to remove that drive (pulled the drive) to make room for the new drive.

But the new drive did not come in the mail, so I put the computer back together without the old 80GB drive (SATA 0).

To my surprise it would not boot to the 500GB USB drive?
Black screen with the blinking dash...

Removed every drive but the USB 500GB drive and the CD from the BIOS boot menu. Made the USB THE drive to boot to.
Black screen with the blinking dash...

Using a 10.10 LiveCD I can access that 500GB drive.
Thus, it is hooked up and works but does not boot. Gparted says there is a BOOT FLAG in the Linux partition of the 500GB drive.

My only conclusion was I altered the boot order for GRUB so I put the 80GB drive back in the computer.
I did not edit GRUB in any way, I simply physically pulled the drive when the computer was off.
Black screen with the blinking dash... code...

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Keeps Freezing Up On Me / Resolve This?

Jun 13, 2011

i don't know what's happening here, but my computer keeps freezing in ubuntu... i can't figure out what's triggering it, because it happens when i'm doing different things. the time between freezes is always different, sometimes hours, sometimes a whole day, and sometimes back-to-back after a reboot. the only way to get out is a hard reset. whatever sound is playing will just continue to loop. it's happened while watching (non-full screen) videos, while using eclipse (luckily had just saved work), and while just general browsing. i tried reinstalling 11.04 because it happened before, and for a little while i thought it was fixed, but in the past few days it has picked up again. the only thing i can think of that i have installed was some new drivers for my bcm43225 wireless because it was always slow.

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Ubuntu :: VCD Not Mounting / Resolve This?

Nov 5, 2009

I detected a strange problem in my box , whenever I tried to open a VCD which normally a .dat files , the CD cant get mounted , so after long time , when I try to eject it shows , probably no media in the drive .

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Ubuntu :: How To Resolve Error Message

Jan 17, 2010

I'm trying to run a simple program in Ubuntu OS, Netbeans application but I cannot resolve the error message. Can someone please assist.

/usr/bin/make -f nbproject/Makefile-Debug.mk SUBPROJECTS= .build-conf
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/bee/NetBeansProjects/HelloWorld2'
/usr/bin/make -f nbproject/Makefile-Debug.mk dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/helloworld2


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Ubuntu :: Eclipse Not Starting / Resolve This?

Jan 22, 2010

Today, eclipse will not start for me. The initial splash screen comes up, then the attached window pops-up with not text in it...the only way to get rid of the window is to kill the eclipse process from the terminal/command-line.

I have completely purged and reinstalled java and eclipse, but am still having the same issue. Starting from the terminal also does not give any message besides the "(eclipse:15273): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times" warning. Any ideas or suggestions?

Btw, running Ubuntu 9.10 x86 and the most up-to-date eclipse that is in the repos.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Set Visual Effects / Resolve This?

Mar 5, 2010

I have acer 5738 laptop running on ubuntu 9.10...my problem is the visual effects are not being enabled.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Get TV-Fox Work / Resolve This?

Mar 9, 2010

I just installed the TV-Fox add-on for Firefox (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/11200), but it doesn't seem to work. When I choose a Channel all it does is load for ages, saying 'waiting for video'. Are there any additional packages that need to be installed for this to work, or is it just not working in general?

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