Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Not Visible To Windows

May 20, 2010

i am trying the set up a simple home server and I can see it on windows computers, also i cannot accesses it with its name only its ip


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Networking :: Samba + Some Windows Xp Hosts Not Visible In Entwork Neighborhood?

Apr 13, 2009

I have setup samba (samba + openldap) as my pdc. Some windows systems which are added to the domain are not visible through the windows xp's network neighborhood. However all the clients can login, browse other systems except for those which are not listed in the network neighborhood. I have attached the smb.conf file for reference.

workgroup = MOBIAPPS


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Ubuntu Servers :: Windows XP Logs On To Samba PDC Instead Of BDC

Feb 3, 2011

I'm running a set of virtual machines (most in ESXi, one in VirtualBox on my desktop) to try and replicate an existing physical network structure with a Samba domain operating across multiple subnets. The layout is:

* Router - Ubuntu 8.04, running dnsmasq, bridging my 2 virtual subnets ( & and my physical network
* PDC - Ubuntu 8.04, configured as a Samba PDC with PAM configured to use LDAP, SMBLDAP etc. on
* LDAP - Ubuntu 8.04, running Zimbra 5 mail server, acting as the LDAP backend for Samba on
* BDC - Ubuntu 8.04, configured as a Samba BDC with PAM LDAP etc.
* Client1 - Windows XP, joined to domain on
* Client2 - Windows XP, joined to domain on

Watching /var/log/daemon.log, /var/log/samba/*, smbstatus -bd0 shows that Client1 successfully logs on to the BDC ( but Client2 logs on to the PDC ( instead. Both clients have the same subnet, DNS, WINS settings etc. I've seen the issue happen in our physical setup too but very infrequently and usually when there's been a network interruption between the BDC(s) and the LDAP server.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba - Box Will Not Open On Windows Boxes?

Feb 19, 2010

I've been trying to fix this problem for over a month, on irc chats and searching google for forum threads, all leading me in different directions all bringing me nowhere. In trying to connect from my Windows machine I get the following error:Quote: Windows cannot access \ubuntu

Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve the network problems, click Diagnose. Well, clicking "Diagnose" is a huge waste of time.I've paste binned by /etc/samba/smb.conf file and it can be found below -[URL]... Also, when I am on the Ubuntu machine attempting to browse the machines on the network and go to Places >> Network >> Windows Network I get the following error: Quote: Unable to mount location Failed to retreive share list from server

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Active Directory With Windows 7?

Dec 18, 2010

I have ubuntu server 9.04 installed on my computer and I am trying to make a Domain Server. I have made sure that there are no problems in the configuration file. When I go to join the domain in windows 7 it tells me that it cannot find the Active Directory server.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Shares Not Visible On The Network?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm trying to share some folders over the network, but the shared folders are not visible on another computer. This is through double clicking my computer from the Network list in Nautilus. However, I can access the share by typing the full address(<computer name>/<share name>) in "File > Connect to Server...".Since I can't type the address manually from my blu-ray drive, I need to get the shares to show on the network. What is wrong with my settings?

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Ubuntu :: Samba User's Home Folder Is Not Visible?

Feb 16, 2010

I'm having some trouble with the user's home folders in Samba, ubuntu clients.I have a Samba server (Ubuntu Server 9.10)nd a bunch of windows clients and ubuntu clients too.On windows clients, each usercan see his home folder without problems, and the other shared folders too of course.The problem appears in ubuntu (i'm using gnome desktop with nautilus and the plugin for I enter Places->Network->Windowsetwork->DOMAIN->SERVER I only see the public shared folders, but no the samba user's home folder.I tryied connecting to samba through Places->Connect to Server and entering the username (for previous auth just in case) but nothing happens...

If, in nautilus I write smb://server/username, once it asked me for my user and password (but I told the popup to keep the password forever so now it doesnt ask me anymore :S), but it keeps not showing the folder under SERVER, the only way to access it is through smb://server/username directly. Even username@server does not work.Mi auth type in the Samba server is "user", and the auth config at my ubuntu client is also userJust in case.. when I type smbclient -L //SERVER -U username, it shows me the home folder ok.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How Do I Go About Setting Up Samba So Stuff Is Visible

Nov 4, 2010

i'm trying to set up samba so that i can connect to the printer in the den since we have wireless access. also, i can see my virtual box on the windows xp home ed desktop, but can't access it.so, how do i go about setting up samba so stuff is visible between my ubuntu machine and my families windows orientated network? i'm having a hard time finding anything on videos too. i'm taking a break from the remastersys stuff so i can get the more important things done, such as connecting my ubuntu machine to my families windows network. i don't know if the printer is wireless or not, but regardless, i can't find it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Shared Printer Not Visible?

Nov 14, 2010

I am trying to access a shared printer from one Ubuntu PC to another.

On the Server PC, I have the printer working, I have set it to shared, and I have set the server setting to Publish shared printers. I can see and use the printer fine from a windows PC.

On my Ubuntu Client PC, I have samba installed, including smbclient, and all other samba components I can think of. I can see other computers on my home workgroup (Windows and Ubuntu fine). I can also add a printer connected to my windows PC. However I cannot find the printer connected to the other ubuntu PC.

I see the instruction in the Samba guide saying

"Now enter your Ubuntu Samba Print Server (set up as above) IP address in the box on the left titled "smb://"."

However I do not have fixed ip addresses, so what am I supposed to enter in the box. If I enter nothing I can browse the network and can see the host computer, but the printer is not displayed. I can also see the printer connected to the windows PC. How do I 'see' the Ubuntu printer?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba, PDC: Windows Xp Unable To Join The Domain?

Dec 18, 2010

I've been configuring a PDC using samba I used this tutorial url as reference. It seems all went well during the installation and configuration not until when I try to join a windows machine to the domain.

Scenario: When the authentication dialog box prompts the username and password of the domain administrator. I supply root as username and its corresponding password. Then I will prompt an error "The user name could not be found. But, I have noticed that when I supply a wrong password of root the it will prompt "Login failure: unknown user name or bad password. It seems that the windows machine was able to recognize the account somehow.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba PDC With Windows 7 Always Loads Temporary Profiles?

Dec 20, 2010

I have samba configured on my ubuntu computer as a domain controller. Whenever I log on it logs on as a temporary profile. How do I make it a roaming profile?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Couple Of Samba Shares Not Accessible From Windows?

Jan 28, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and have 5 shares that I have setup for Samba (assume names of share1, ..., share5). I find that shares(2,3,4) are accessible from my MS Windows system, but the share1 and share5 are listed but Windows gives an error accessing them that I may not have permissions.I have reviewed the sharesve the same owner, group, and permissions.Is this a known Samba bug or configuration issue? I have gone through the smb.conf file multiple times as well as examining the directories and do not see what the issue might be.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Samba File Server For Windows?

Mar 14, 2011

I can't seem to connect to it when using windows 7. Both are in the same workgroup (W0RKGR0UP) and I have set DHCP address for the ubuntu box. Is there any other thing that I would still need to edit ? My router address is and the fixed ip for ubuntu box is

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Ubuntu Servers :: Lost Space After Cloning (Samba / Windows XP)

May 16, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu Server 10.04.2 and configured it to be used as a network storage device. I installed it on an 80GB HDD initially. Everything was fine -- I could read and write to the drive and I could set permissions from my Windows XP machine.I decided I wanted a bigger HDD. It had taken a few hours of configuration to get it to work the first time, so I didn't want to go through that again. I instead created a clone with Clonezilla and then slapped the image onto a 1.5TB drive. I then used gparted to resize the partitions.

Everything seems fine from the server side of things (I'm fairly new to it, so I could be missing something, but it all looks good). The server correctly sees that I am using 2-3GB of the 1.5TB drive. It sees the rest of the space as free and part of the primary partition.Here comes the problem -- Windows isn't reading the drive space correctly. It sees that 80GB of the space is taken (the size of the original HDD) instead of 2-3GB. I'm not sure if it will actually let me write to the space or not. But whether the reading is simply cosmetic or if Windows really thinks it's taken, I would like to fix it either way.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Maintaining Hidden Windows Folders With Samba

Sep 1, 2011

I've set up a ubuntu server at home with the intention of sharing files with windows clients, so I've installed samba. I have no security issues so I've allowed public access to the shares and I can access them fine from all windows machines. I also need to preserve the dos attributes for files and folders using 'map hidden', 'map system', 'map archive' which works great for files but not for folders. I've got a number of folders from my windows box which I would like to keep hidden (for tidiness more than anything) but when I transfer them to the samba share, they become visible again and I can seem to control their visibility at all from windows or from ubuntu. Do I take it from this that samba can only manage to maintain dos flags on files and not on directories?

This is the relevant part of the samba.conf file

log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
passwd chat = *Entersnews*spassword:* %n
*Retypesnews*spassword:* %n
*passwordsupdatedssuccessfully* .
map hidden = yes .....

comment = Shared files
path = /usr/media

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Ubuntu Servers :: Default Samba Configuration Not Accessible From Windows?

Sep 1, 2011

I have recently done a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04 Server (64-bit). I selected Samba during installation, but a subsequent

# apt-get install
installed some additional packages. I have been using my actual smb.conf file as well as


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Ubuntu :: SAMBA Share Reports As Mounted But No Files Visible?

May 26, 2010

In my fstab I have this entry to connect to my NAS box:

// /mnt/share cifs username=user,password=******,auto 0 0.For a while it was connecting on startup with no problem (it connects via wifi). But now when I navigate to the directory there is nothing there. However if I run mount it reports this:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba And Share A Folder An Sub Folders For Windows Users

Feb 19, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu Server 7.10 Gutsy and Webmin 1.500 on it. The thing that I want to do is: I want to share a folder an sub folders for windows users ( guest user) I should modify those folders from my ubuntu desktop 9.10 karmic they are all same folders. Is it possible? if yes how can i make it. you can tell from webmin or samba configuration file.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Windows Share - You Might Not Have Permission To Use This Network Resource

Jul 7, 2010

I cannot browse the samba printers from windows xp professional clients.

I get the following message when trying to access the workgroup:

Code: Example is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.

The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available

Another strange thing is that if I set the workgroup to EXAMPLE in smb.conf, the workgroup shows up as Example on my windows clients.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get A Samba Server Up And Running To Share With Windows Machines?

Oct 14, 2010

i manged to get a samba server up and running to share with my windows machines. But i still want more. My main goal is to be able to share my movies. I have a laptop hooked to my flat screen with 3TB's of external drives, thats whats acting as my server. I have ubuntu desktop installed because i use it to play movies also.

I'm looking to set up something that is a little faster than samba (yes i no trying to share through USB 2.0 external drives and a wifi connection isn't going to be real fast no matter what) but i want to be able to access my server remotely. like maybe FTP? but what i'm asking here is what protocol should i use and what programs? i was thinking gadmin-proftpd and then filezilla to access?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up A Windows File Server W/ Samba On Fedora 11?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm trying to load a HP Proliant w/ Fedora 11 and setting up as a WFS using Samba. However, I'm a bit confused on how to do it. Right now I have 2 36.4GB drives in RAID 1+0 and 4 146.8GB drives in a RAID 5 config. I wanna use the smaller drive for the OS and the bigger drive for the storage. I've managed to load the OS fine, the problem is I can't figure out how to mount the 4 146.8GB drives as a single logical volume and set Samba to use it. Right now all the RAIDs are setup using the built-in Compaq Smart Array utility (or whatever it's called) that's built into the SCSI hardware or BIOS.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Are Samba Shared Folders Visible On Internet By Default?

May 31, 2010

I have created a shared folder in my ubuntu. And checked allow guest user access. I can access this folder with my other ubuntu computer connected trough LAN.The question is if anyone have my IP address can he/she access to my shared folder?Are samba shared folders shared over internet too? If so, This will be a very dangerous security problem.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A DHCP Server And SAMBA As Windows Domain Controller?

Apr 6, 2010

Does anyone have a link to a tutorial on how to set up a DHCP server and SAMBA as a windows domain controller? I can't really find good detailed guides by searching google.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Create Samba File Share To Windows Domain Clients?

Apr 28, 2010

I feel ashamed for even asking this, since it seems like there's about 3 samba questions here every day. However after an hour of searching, I keep finding strange variants that aren't what I need.

My Goal: Create a single file share on an Ubuntu Server - share it via samba to Windows clients that are on a domain with active directory. It sure would be nice if AD authentication would work - so users don't have to type in a linux user/passsword each time they want to access the share.

In my adventures, I've found the following items (which may overlap)

1. Joining the server to a Windows Domain

2. Turning the server into a Windows Domain Controller

3. Authentication with LDAP (still not quite sure how/what this would do)

4. Stuff with Kerberos

5. Lots of people bickering about Samba 3/4 & how it's impossible to make Samba a PDC.

I'm not sure if I need to make the ubuntu server a domain controller or not...all I want to do is create a file share and share it on the domain...I don't need to make the ubuntu server a domain controller for that, right? Maybe just a member? Maybe nothing at all?

I guess if I want to authenticate stuff correctly (or forward authentication requests? Not sure), I probably need to join the ubuntu server to the domain...I think.

But let's say I do join it to the domain...then how to I create a file share that is authenticated via active directory rather than a local ubuntu server account? I see a dozen guides on joining the server to the domain, but nobody ever mentions sharing the folder over the domain.

The lines are also blurred between joining Ubuntu to the domain and making it a domain controller. What should I keep an eye out to avoid in these tutorials?

I get lost between the Kerberos/LDAP/Samba/WinBind etc...and I have a feeling I don't need all of these for something this simple.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba To Replace Windows File Server In Active Directory?

Jul 22, 2010

We have a couple of Windows file servers that just share files. It is all they do. We'd like to use Ubuntu on two replacement servers allowing Windows XP and Windows 7 clients to access the files. Our network is active directory based due to Exchange and homegrown .NET apps, so it is important that active directory is used to authenticate the clients. Samba doesn't need to be a pdc or bdc, but provide pass through authentication.I understand that Samba can communicate with active directory through security-ads and security-domain.

Here are my questions to see if I should proceed:1) Folder permissions:If we move all our files to the Ubuntu server how do we set folder permissions and will we see the active directory accounts when we do this?2) Skipping ubuntu accounts: I know the domain and ads allow you to skip creating ubuntu accounts, right? If not, how do you keep the passwords synchronized?3) Easiest way? Is there a very easy way to pull this off that I've missed? My goal is to eliminate the Windows based file servers while ensuring the admin part of it is as easy as possible.To date I've been able to get the sharing to work with an ubuntu account mirroring the active directory account. I've been able to get Samba to talk to the pdc, but not successfully through domain security. ADS security was a complete cluster with winbindd

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Ubuntu Servers :: Use Samba+winbind To Authenticate Desktop Against A Windows 2008 R2 Domain

Aug 3, 2011

Intent is to use samba+winbind to authenticate Ubuntu desktop against a Windows 2008 R2 domain (seems like I was able to get it working temporarily but it stopped working after some time). Quick overview of the issue: winbind is failing to lookup group ID's for a domain user causing the domain user to receive group errors on login and an inability to use domain groups in other configuration (sudoers, etc)

- Very basic install, boot to Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 LTS 64bit install, basic install options, perform software updates

- Following an Ubuntu AD HowTo [URL]

- Install kerberos, samba, winbind packages

- Make changes to krb5.conf, smb.conf, files in pam.d/ (to make the home directory and restrict login based on group membership, which works even in the half-working state but requires SID instead of text name)

After a reboot I can login as a domain account but I get the following error(s):

groups: cannot find name for group ID #####

##### is usually a number that ranges from 10000 to 10020, based on the smb.conf line regarding idmap I will get multiple group errors (one for each group that the user belongs to that winbind can't lookup for whatever reason, some groups can be resolved - see below) If I log-out and then log-in as a local user I can run the following command: id username The output returns something similar to the following:

uid=10002(username) gid=10003(domain users) groups=10003(domain users),10033,10032,10031,10030,10029,10028,10027,1 0026,10025,10024,10023,10022,10021(some group),10020,10019,10018(some other group),10017,10016,10015,10014,10013,10012,10011(s ome other other group),10010,10009,10008,10007

On a working system (Ubuntu 10.10 and when 10.04 decides to work) each group is followed by parenthesis' and the name of the group, this result clearly shows that some groups can be looked up but for some reason other groups are failing An output of /var/log/samba/log.winbind produces the following entries (that are logged when you run the id command)

[2011/08/03 19:04:39, 1] winbindd/winbindd_ads.c:1137(lookup_groupmem)
lsa_lookupsids call failed with NT_STATUS_PIPE_BROKEN - retrying...
[2011/08/03 19:04:39, 1] winbindd/winbindd_ads.c:1137(lookup_groupmem)
lsa_lookupsids call failed with NT_STATUS_PIPE_BROKEN - retrying...

The above repeats for what looks to be each group that fails (based on count of entries)If I use wbinfo I can resolve text group name to SID and SID to GID

wbinfo -n groupname (returns proper SID)
wbinfo -s SID (returns proper text group name)
wbinfo -Y SID (returns proper linux mapped group ID)

Following that process for a group that my user belongs to that is not resolving (via the id username command) will return the group ID (GID) properly (even though id username fails to lookup info for that same GID) Version Information:

uname -a
Linux hostname 2.6.32-33-generic #71-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 20 17:27:30 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.


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Fedora Servers :: Connect To Samba Server ( Share ) From Windows Xp?

Mar 31, 2009

if i try to connect to my samba server ( share ) from my windows xp ( or vista, i've tried both ) it says, that the network share cannot be found. i've installed all necessary rpms on my fedora 10, necessary for running a samba server:


[root@********* samba]# rpm -qa |grep samba

after that, i've configured the smb.conf file, as follows:


[root@*********** samba]# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
#======================= Global Settings =====================================
# ----------------------- Netwrok Related Options -------------------------
workgroup = GROUP


there is no iptables definition, or any other firewall installed, neither on the server nor the client. i've read through alot of howtos an manuals, but was not able to find the problem.

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Shares And Windows Vista - Cannot Authenticate

May 22, 2009

I had an older fedora box (I think it was Core 3) that acted as my file server in my small network (4). It worked fine when I had all XP clients connecting to it. Recently we decided to get all new computers. So now I have a fedora 10 box acting as my file/print server and all Vista Home premium computers as the clients. For the life of me I can not get samba to work. When I try to map the network drives on windows it will not let me authenticate. I install swat and try it that way, still no luck. Here is a copy of my smb.conf file:

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from UNKNOWN
# Date: 2009/05/19 21:47:31

workgroup = AIVILANET
server string = Bighat Samba Server
interfaces = eth0
null passwords = Yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
passdb backend = tdbsam
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
syslog only = Yes
announce version = 5.0
name resolve order = hosts wins bcast
printcap name = CUPS
wins support = Yes

comment = HP LaserJet 1200
path = /var/spool/samba
read only = No
printable = Yes
printer name = HP-LaserJet-1200
oplocks = No
share modes = No

comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
printable = Yes
browseable = No

path = /home/savona/
username = savona
valid users = @Users
admin users = savona
write list = savona
force user = savona
force group = savona
read only = No
hosts allow =

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Export HD Shows Less Capacity In Windows?

Oct 6, 2010

I use Fedora 11, and have an external HD (USB) which has 4 partitions of 500GB each.

/dev/sdb1 is an NTFS partition that is exported to my windows machine using samba.

However, only 75GB is visible in windows (via rt.click properties).

Anyways, below is output from fdisk -l. why does windows see only 75GB of a partition that is 500GB in linux?

fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 80.0 GB, 80000000000 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9726 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000ac734


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Fedora Servers :: How To Replace Windows Domain Controller With Samba

Nov 26, 2010

First of all I am new user on fedora forum and I love Linux (special Redhat flavours) and want to replace windows into Linux Everywhere. I am having some issue in configuring PDC on Fedora,I want to replace my company Windows Domain controller and file server into fedora file and PDC, I tried from web and through 389-directory server but didn't succeed even once, how to configure PDC with Samba 4 + 389-directory Server, I have heard samba 4 is having awesome support and its better then windows DC, configuring Complete PDC. (Whatever need to configure PDC i.e. DNS, SAMBA 4, SWAT, WEBMIN, 389-Directory Server, Windows sync,).

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