Ubuntu Servers :: Document Repository Application - Replace An Office File Server
Feb 9, 2011
I'm trying to replace an office file server. I would like to avoid just another samba share.
I'm looking for a document repository, a bit more functionality than a plain samba share and very cross-platform.
I've looked a couple minutes at dspace, but that seems like a lot of work just configuring it. Dropbox would be fine except that they only have up to 100g, and it's off-site.
This is NOT for unauthenticated public use.
Here are some features I have in mind:
1. Web front end.
2. Any file format from a one-line text document to a Microsoft Word document to an ISO of a blu-ray disk to a very large database backup, binary or text.
3. Cross-platform clients, mostly Mac.
4. Authenticated via centralized one-login server or maybe by a key such as an SSH public key.
5. Searchable by terms, name or content if the type is appropriate.
6. Pass in the URL for an object and have the server download it.
7. Stores files in native format so if the app breaks I can just get the files.
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Mar 8, 2010
I am trying to setup a file server for a small office but have hit a couple of hurdles, is there a step by step guide how to setup a network for windows and mac computers to use it? I had setup a share etc but once I restarted the server all the files disappeared which I had in the home folder? Also when I setup users how can I use passwords that I select as everytime I set one it encrypts it and uses that instead of my one?
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Jul 22, 2010
We have a couple of Windows file servers that just share files. It is all they do. We'd like to use Ubuntu on two replacement servers allowing Windows XP and Windows 7 clients to access the files. Our network is active directory based due to Exchange and homegrown .NET apps, so it is important that active directory is used to authenticate the clients. Samba doesn't need to be a pdc or bdc, but provide pass through authentication.I understand that Samba can communicate with active directory through security-ads and security-domain.
Here are my questions to see if I should proceed:1) Folder permissions:If we move all our files to the Ubuntu server how do we set folder permissions and will we see the active directory accounts when we do this?2) Skipping ubuntu accounts: I know the domain and ads allow you to skip creating ubuntu accounts, right? If not, how do you keep the passwords synchronized?3) Easiest way? Is there a very easy way to pull this off that I've missed? My goal is to eliminate the Windows based file servers while ensuring the admin part of it is as easy as possible.To date I've been able to get the sharing to work with an ubuntu account mirroring the active directory account. I've been able to get Samba to talk to the pdc, but not successfully through domain security. ADS security was a complete cluster with winbindd
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Jul 6, 2009
I just recently upgraded my Fedora 6 to Fedora 10 on a brand new laptop. Unfortunately, everytime I try to print the apps freeze up. For example, I was trying to print a document out from Open Office and I chose FILE->PRINT. The print dialog box pops up but it remains grey and doesnt do anything.
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Sep 5, 2011
When I try to convert a word document using the ooextract python script from open office like
/usr/local/bin/ooextract.py myDocument.doc myDocument.pdf
the open office deamon (sOffice.bin) takes 100% CPU load forever.
We are using Open Office 2.6.3 on a virtual machine running debian squeeze 2.6.32-5-amd64
We found out that this appears only with our test document, other documents can be converted without problem. But how can we find out what's wrong with our document. How can we enable traces/loggin o the sOffice.bin process?
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Dec 18, 2010
I wrote a short story about using computers using Open Office. I saved a copy to my usb drive. When I tried to open it again it was all garbled code. One line of text said: must run under Win32. I can't find Win32 and I cant read my story now. How do I run this thing in Win 32? What does that mean? Do I open Win32 first then Open Office. Or the other way around. Anybody out there know? eeepc900 xandros
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Feb 2, 2010
Last weekend i've set up my first headless ubuntu home file server and torrent downloader with ubuntu 9.10.Very cool but CPU is way too fast for a home server: P4 HT 2.8Ghz, unfortunatly it has only 256Mb of ram, so no X server and no VNC (old HP office pc) At the moment memory usage is only 40Mb without X server. Besides SSH works just fine Few questions i can't seem to find answers to on google:What is a good CL network monitoring program?mething similar to htopUbuntu 9.10 has a lot, about 20-30, console-kit deamon instanses running after boot each using some memory that i can't spare.
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Mar 6, 2010
How can I convert the open office document to pdf format?
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Jul 13, 2010
I've a webserver with a lot of documentary to serve. Some of the users have problems with the new microsoft documents like docx. Internet explorer 7 want to open the file like a zip-file not as word document. I've googelt around and found a solution that didn't work for me: [URL] I've added at /etc/mime.types
After a restart of httpd , nothing chance, always the same failure with internet explorer 7.
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Aug 3, 2010
I'm running Open Office 3.2.0. Does anybody know how to change the background color of an entire Open Office document? I know that you can change the background of a page in the Format >> Page menu, but this does not change the color of the page area inside the margins. Normally it wouldn't make much sense to change the background color when it just gets print to a page anyway. But I actually wanted to export the document to PDF, and was thinking it would make the PDF look better if I could pick the BG color.
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Apr 27, 2011
my open office is experiancing some problems. 1.) sometimes when I go to edit a document it freezes for up five minutes before allowing me to continue. 2.) it isn't allowing me to save any new documents or overwrite existing ones. 3.) it's taking an EXTREMELY lone time to load current documents up to an hour or sometimes not at all.
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Apr 17, 2010
am using slackware 13 and want to make Open Officeriter default when I click on a document. Currently when I click on doc it opens kwrite. Similarly when I click on an audio file it opens Gxine. I prefer MPlayer.
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May 18, 2011
I have been searching for a few hours now trying to figure out the best way to have Ubuntu Server 8.10 copy and replace a file every week.
So for example:
File A (original file)
File B (replacement file)
I would want to copy File B from its location and replace File A each week automatically with out removing or destroying File B.
I've thought of doing a cron since I already have a job set for email piping. but I'm unsure of the best way to complete this task.
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Aug 4, 2010
I am looking for some advice on how best to lock down our office network to keep our employee's from wasting time on sites like facebook and ...... This will be my first time setting up a server as a gateway in a production environment so I thought I should get some suggestions on what the best packages would be to do this.
I essentially need to lock down our network so that i can monitor what everyone is doing on the Internet and block it if needed. it doesn't have to be web based or have a bunch of gui's, im fine with command line, configs and log files, but it would be nice.
I'm interested in commercial products as well as long as they are linux based.
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Feb 22, 2011
how to open microsoft office file in ubuntu without installing microsoft office for sure
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Sep 22, 2010
I have a fast computer in my office and I want the person using the slow computer in the same office to boot up and see the login window (gdm) and log-in from there into the fast computer and be able to use their session on the fast computer the same time I am locally logged in to the fast computer as a different user and session.Is this best done through XDMCP? Where is a good tutorial on how to set this up?
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Aug 5, 2010
I am looking to implement a file server, in a small office we have users in 3 different continents, Europe(Ireland), USA and Asia(China) with 3 main offices, 2 in Ireland and 1 in China We currently have 1 file server in Europe synched to another in Asia office using unison Our USA staff and roadwarriors connect over vpn to the fileserver in Ireland Users indicate that access the files in the fileserver from outside the office is prohibitively slow....its served by a 12Mb/2Mb broadband line, which is used for all office traffic
We have hosted servers where we could setup a file server as an alternative to setting up in the offices... Can anyone recommend a good, free/opensource
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Mar 17, 2011
I have Fedora 13 in a VPS. I cannot work with yum. I got this error: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try # yum list Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: fedora. verify its path and try again.
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Apr 27, 2010
When I open an open office document from an NFS share it always opens as readonly. This was a problem I had on Arch linux and the fix was to change the locking options in the soffice script but I've tried that fix here and it doesn't work. I've seen a lot of discussions but they all go back to changing the locking options in soffice, has anyone got any alternative fixes or one that definitely works with locking?
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Feb 24, 2011
I'd like to set up my Linux box so that I can access its GUI applications from an older Mac laptop running OS X 10.5 on the local LAN and away from home (over the internet).I know the traditional way to do this is with an X session (& Mac OS X has an X window client included), but does this offer the best performance, especially over the internet? Would I be better to install some sort of RDP server? I've used VNC in the past, but performance has been pretty slow and ideally I'd like the remote apps to show up seamlessly (more efficient use of screen real estate).
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Jan 10, 2010
i was wondering if any of you knew of any server application software as shown here:URL...
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Jan 27, 2010
I am a complete newcomer to Ubuntu (or Linux in general for that matter) although I have many years' experience of Windows. It seems to me that the Base application of the open office suite of programs has not been installed by default. Why is this? And how do I install it in Ubuntu 9.1?
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Aug 6, 2011
i have kown how to lock file in subversion,such as ' svn lock tree.jpg'
but i don't down how to lock file folder,
i create the repositoryroject1
i need to lock a branch before merging
and how to unlock the branch after locked
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Nov 17, 2010
We are looking for a web based, server application to manage staff skills running on ubuntu (10.04 lts). Something like we attach tags with skills to people photographs, and then when people connect to the application by means of a browser, they see a list of tags, they click on a tag they get a list of people who have that skill. Ideally, the tags should be hierarchical (for example, skill: statistics, subskill: non-linear).
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Jun 20, 2009
What is a good Ftp server application (preferably with a GUI interface)? I would like something in which you may set a login password. Also, how would you login to an FTP server which is through a router, as the computer IP address will be assigned now by the router, right? Take Linksys router for example, don't they all assign IP addresses to network computers based on the router IP Address,,, etc?Since post above, I have installed vsftpd. I cannot figure out, as stated above, how to find the IP address to log into from offsite.
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Jan 8, 2010
i have purchased sun server for my visualization project. Request you to help me finding the io for disk .I have put storage(disks) on different location (File Server) and on server (Application) i have configured 4 virtual machines.
How would i monitor the io for file server from the Application server where i have configured 4 virtual machine. one way to mount the file server share on application server and execute
dd if=/dev/zero of=/share/test.out bs=1024 count=1024 to check the read and write Is there any other way of doing this.
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Sep 16, 2010
I have a web application(java 5, mysql server) installed on Tomcat on Red Hat 5.Part of the functionality is to allow the upload of files to a windows share. I have mounted the share using theAny file I create here from the terminal gets sions."-rwxrwxrwx"The problem is that when the application server creates the file it gets created with the following."-rw-r--r--"How can I get files created from the server to be "-rwxrwxrwx"
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Feb 8, 2010
We are trying to define an appliance for an application server so I would like to know which should be the best file system type for this kind of use, basically our web applications uses libraries of 50 KB and our web apps.creates temp and logs files not bigger than 3 MB.
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Feb 18, 2011
We have documents on multiple workstations and want to collate them into a single repository to provide text search and download. So far we have implemented rsync to copy files from each workstation under a directory for each workstation on a server (incidentally providing a backup) and have set up text search using Xapian with Omega; users access it via a web browser. Still to do is to set up a system to copy files from each workstation's area on the server to the repository.
Many files are duplicated. In these cases we want to preserve the names but keep a single copy of the file;hard links can be used for that.For each file to be copied from a workstation's area into the collated area we need to check whether it is a duplicate (file size and, if same, MD5 sum) and if so, create a hard link to the original rather than create a copy.A system to detect and replace duplicates in the collated area has been written using ruby and postgresql but the developer cannot commit to continuing this work. It does mean we have a postgresql database populated with "fingerprints" of files in the collated area.My first priority is to get the system working; in the longer term whatever is developed must be maintainable; I do not yet know which language skills are available locally.
I am fluent in bash and competent with awk. Ruby looks nice but I have started to learn python and do think it prudent to learn both at the same time. Python's postgresql capabilities are not settled but may be fine for the simple usage required.What to do? A bash solution would run very slowly but could be developed quickly. Language knowledge aside, I have found it difficult to install ruby on the server (CentOS 5.5;installed rvm but "gem" still not installed; seems a very complex system with its own package management).
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Feb 24, 2011
I need to build a 3 node web server cluster to run a php application. Since the app requires users to login (which means a session state is to be maintained), I will be sharing sessions save path, I also need to share the application directory across 3 nodes. I having trouble deciding which cluster file system to select.
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