Ubuntu Servers :: Trying To Build Own Stock Database
Sep 1, 2011
Looking for suggestions on what tools to use. I'm a finance major with limited programming knowledge. I would like to start collecting my own stock data. I would like to pull data from google finance or something similar. Also, I subscribe to data from AAII, American Asso. of Individual Investors, and would like to add that data into the database. and be able to have a nice gui to run queries on. My interests are finding if there are various different arbitrage opportunities and fundamental value investments.
Very low budget. Want to run it on ubuntu. I was looking at Postgre SQL as the database, but really have no idea what is optimal. Not to sure on the gui or how to pull the data. If anyone is interested in the topic and would like to help me set up and run algorithms let me know too.
I upgrading to natty 11.04 and lost all my gnome applets. Is there any good stock programs that work with natty and unity? I liked the invest applet on top bar in maverick 10.10. A standalone program to track stocks would be good also if no applet option is available.
I'm new both to database and database in Ubuntu. I am working on a project in school which students are told to go to a site (html? ftp?), and read a document. I need to record the names of the students who read a document onto a spreadsheet. I was told to look into MySQL and Ubuntu. How can I proceed with this in Ubuntu?
I have recently trying to build an Accounts system database for a project. When you run the program it goes in the main menu sort of like this.
Accounts System Add a Customer With a Contract......1 Add a Customer Without a Contract...2 Display all Customers...............3 Find a Customer.....................4 Edit a Customer.....................5 Print a Statement...................6 Print an Invoice....................7 Load File...........................8 Save and Exit.......................9
When you add a customer with a contract, you add name, address, start contract, end contract, payment and email address. Now, is there a code I could write to get back to this menu. To not confuse anyone, all I just saying is supposing I accidentally push number 1 on the keyboard and suppose I didn't want to add a customer. In other words I need a code that can cancel (or stop) adding a customer to go back to the accounts system menu.
sbbdep is a program that reads the elf header of dynamic linked files found in the given argument. argument can be
a package file from /var/adm/packages/... a DESTDIR destination path of make install a single given binaries/dynamic libraries
as result it prints out, or into a file, the package names the given argument require. sbbdep scans installed packages, extract some information about dynamic linked binaries and libraries and dumps these infos into a sqlite database usually sbbdep works fast. time consuming is only the first where the cache becomes created this takes about ~? (1 - 2) minutes, of cause, duration depends on the number of cpus and speed of disk io on other runs than the first sbbdep syncs the cache, this is usually a fast operation (~1sec), even if some packages where undated/remoed/installed using the cache with a sqlite client some custom queries can be done like what is required by pkg or file, what are the dependencies of file xy,....
current state of sbbdep is 0.0.1, the first public release. of cause I wanted to make some things better, prettier, more documented and o on but before going on holiday, than waiting until Christmas cause work stresses and than an other year comes I place the code now to a public repo. for me it looks stable enough to release it without stress people that will test/use sbbdep to much with problems. but there may be some bugs I did not noticed, or better say there will be some bugs like it is always the case in software. but since sbbdep does not anything critical an can/shall be run as normal user it will not do anything bad.......
I'm trying to build a Fedora 12 cluster to run DHCP on top of two servers using pacemaker and drbd. The pacemaker runs great but i'm having the hardest time getting DRBD installed.
My kernel version is First i tried to [root@dhcp-primary drbd]#yum install drbd this doesn't give me everything because apparently the kernel module for DRBD must be built from source. so i unpacked drbd-8.3.6.tar.gz and tried :
I'm not very experienced in compiling from source i'd love to make an rpm for this but after scouring the web and trying different install methods, I am still at a loss.
ubuntu 9.10 64 biti try to install XAMPP and i want to create new database by use phpMyAdmin at MySQL localhost create new database it show No Privileges how to create new database from terminal
I want to set up Ubuntu Server 10.04 on a computer I have lying around, set up a database for storing information, and a website for accessing it, which is only avaliable on my local network (it would just have an IP address on my local network). How would I do something like this?
I want to set it up on probably a Dell, and I want to be able to have multiple fields on the website that people see when they go to that IP address where they can enter information to be recorded in the database, and then be able to easily access it with a login, which different people would have different ones, so they can see just the information they entered..
Had anybody ever tried flashcache [URL] under ubuntu? My idea is to increase the throughput of a small server especially for database operations by using an SSD as cache.
If any real hassle using a database between web sites. Not obviously phpBB but rather various projects that need a common read access to maintain a relation
I have a mysql database and i use it with apache for my webpages. And I guess it dosen't start when the computer starts so I have to manually start it with "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start" This returns fail so i went to '/var/run/mysqld/' and the folder was empty. I don't know if this is the problem or not. How can I fix this?
We started our project (it's a website "employee performance appraisal system") in windows by starting with some html forms and then slowlyadded php ,javascript and other stuff in windows we had no issues of insertion and retrieval of data from thedatabase.Now,we decided to shift the entire stuff to drupal the html forms along with those php files but we had 2 issues with this1. the first one was ..we created "page" for each html form and copied the html code into "page" but we didn't find where our pages are getting stored (do they get stored in mysql database that we create for drupal siter do they remain as html pages somwhere?)2.second problem was ...for admin in drupal I gave the username "root" and a password ..similarly for mysql also I gave a password.
now I used phpmyadmin and created another database called "appraisal" which is supposed to hold the data of our website.when I try to insert data into one of the tables of this database (attendance table) ,the following error occured "Attempt to connect failed access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'(using password:NO) cannot run querry insert intoattendance values('x','y')" Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (usingpassword:NO)Also I'm unable to access mysql as a normal user only super user can access and can we unset the password that's required to reach mysqlprompt?
Im configuring virtual users for ftp and in few guides i find that i need this database.This guides were outdated so i cant follow them(by downloading with its commands), can anyone explain me something about this db(like, where to download, how, did i have installed other version of this db with ubuntu server default packages)...By the way i need to create login file with users and their passwords, for example:tomfoofredbar Then i must create actual database file like this:
Code: db_load -T -t hash -f logins.txt /etc/vsftpd_login.db (that requires the Berkeley db program installed)
Does anybody know if it is possible to hide certain databases from the root user in MySQL?
It may sound stupid, since the root is the root and all that, and it may feel strange but it kind of adds a level of abstraction which I want to give the "root user", and I want to avoid going down the route of creating a new mysql instance on the server.
I had wondered if there is some kind of 'hide' parameter for a database or whether it is possible to change the root username to something else (e.g. 'realroot') and then create a new user 'root' with all the same privileges (except those on the hidden databases).
I have installed ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS and followd all the steps from the tutorial from [URL], postfix and dovecot works fine ...but ...is there any way to create email accounts (postfix account) without creating linux accounts for each mail account ?
I started building my server with the following goals:Quiet - it will live in a cabinet in my living room, so it should be as quiet as possible Low power consumption - not just to keep the heat (ergo cooling demands, ergo noise) down, but also to save money since it will be on 24/7 High reliability Support for 8 IDE and 2 SATA drives. (Toward this end, I have two 2-port IDE PCI controller cards and one 2-port SATA IDE controller card.) Spend as little as possible. (Money is VERY tight for me right now.)
I started with a mini-itx board I had lying around. It's fanless, with a Via Epia 700MHz CPU in it. A little anemic, but it draws very little power and is dead silent. The problem with this board is that it has 2 IDE ports on board, no SATA ports, and only one PCI slot, so I have to choose between my SATA card and my IDE card. I need - but can't have - both. I tried buying a 2-slot PCI riser card, but apparently it's incompatible (or DOA) - none of my PCI cards work when connected via this riser card. I've looked for PCI cards that have 2 x IDE + 2 x SATA ports, but anything that fits that bill is very expensive.
Now I'm thinking new motherboard & CPU - preferably something older that can be had cheaply on ebay. If it uses DDR memory (rather than DDR2), I can use the RAM I have, which saves me $25. A newer Atom-based board would be OK, but they all seem to have one PCI slot -- and not enough IDE/SATA ports to get the job done with just one PCI slot. If you can recommend a motherboard that meets all the criteria above, please post it. (Or, if you have any other ideas for handling this very cheaply, let's hear it!)
I just built a new Intel i7 box with a DP55KG motherboard and soft RAID1. I installed AMP, ssh, and a few other apps. It is running 64-bit Ubuntu Server 10.04LTS. The box is really chewing on the RAM. is it the 64-bit talking?
I'm having trouble ssh tunneling through two servers to get to my database. Server3 is restricted to all except from server2 and I'm at server1. So on server2 i do ssh -L1434:server2:1435 -l user server2 - this works i'm able to connect to the db on server3 from server2. But on server3 i'm trying to ssh -L1433:server2:1434 -l user server2
- and I get 'connection refused'. I tried telnet server2 1434 from server3 and i get 'connnection refused'. I checked the firewall is open on server 2 - firestarter confirms that port 1434 is open to everyone. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I have a hunch that maybe firestarter on server2 is not working correctly, because it also shows that port 22 is open to everyone and I can telnet server2 22 and I'm able to connect.
I want to know that how can i store network traffic in MySql Database. What i want to do is identify no of client requests hitting a server throughout the day...I have to store no. of request hitting a server in every 15 mins and insert that into database so that i can obtain a network traffic pattern.
I searched for a tool but cudn't find any that satisfy my requirements..
I am running Ubuntu 9.10 with Apache, phpMyAdmin and MySQL. Normally phpMyAdmin loads properly, but the other day I created a large database of 6,000+ tables and 1.3 GB of data in the entire database. Now phpMyAdmin loads and shows my different databases, but if I try to open the new large database, it just loads a white page with no content. Does anyone know if I can reconfigure my server so it will be able to show parts of the database?
I can not access my MySQL database from any remote host on my home network, I keep getting "Access denied for user 'dbuser'@'' (using password: YES)"
From what I've read this seems to be a permission problem, I tried
I downloaded the ubuntu server (command line only) iso and set up a server on a spare computer. The only partition is ubuntu. LAMP server installed, and runs. Its plugged into my home network and the router assigns it a DMZ. I use ptty and that allows me to connect the server from my Windows PC. I installed samba and that works, I set up the server as Z: to my windows PC, and I can now use Filezilla FTP to move gigs of files over from my windows PC to the ubuntu server. I have to log in to activate the connection to Z: but it works.
Problem is getting a database connection from my windows PC (client) to my ubuntu server. Server is running a MySQL server and an Apache Derby server but both give connection:refused every time I try to connect with a java app, or with ij from my client. I tried MySQL Workbench, as that has a GUI, that doesnt connect to MySQL either. Every time I start my server I have to add lots of jar files to the CLASSPATH just to get the Derby server running. The Derby client connection on my client PC is also properly set up with PATH and CLASSPATH etc etc all configured and tested. But the server refuses every attempt to connect even though it tells you the Derby server is up and runnign as listening on port 1527!!!
What I want is a script or app that will "unlock" my server so I can actually do something with it instead of constantly trying new settings and packages in the vain hope it will then actually 'serve'. I am missing something here. There is nothing of value on this server that cannot be 'exposed' to the internet, so I'd be happy to turn off all the security just so the damn thing allowed connections...!