Ubuntu Servers :: Mass Country-level Block On UFW?

Sep 14, 2010

The following before.rules file will block all connections from:



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Hardware :: Steps To Block Usb Mass Storage Devices?

Sep 7, 2010

steps to block usb mass storage devices in linux

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General :: Handle Bad Block In Mass Storage Device?

Nov 2, 2009

* I am implementing mass storage device on a test board.

* It contains NAND flash.

* Using corresponding "udc driver" and "g_file_storage" I could make my test board enumerate as mass storage device on my Linux machine.

* my 16 MB pen drive (test board) is now ready for read/write.

But there are some Bad Blocks on the NAND.Hence copy is not complete. Although on Linux machine there is no error message. Now , what is there in a normal pen drive which manages the Bad Block or what am I missing so that such Bad Blocks are managed.

Here is the error I get on my test board :

mtdblock: erase of region [0x2c0000, 0x4000] on "Bon 2" failed
end_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock2, sector 5664
Buffer I/O error on device mtdblock2, logical block 708


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Ubuntu Servers :: Cache The Couple Of Site Because Of Our Country Have Bandwidth?

Mar 25, 2011

I used the Ubuntu server 10.10 for cache and proxy purpose. I install squid 2.7 stable 9. My problem is to cache the some url by force. eg . [URL]...I search the clues by using google. but I only found how to block the url. so I come here and request the advice. I want to cache the couple of site because of our country have bandwidth problem.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Permissions On Share Level

Oct 13, 2010

I'm trying to set up my samba server so that all the shares are visible to everybody but that some shares can only be accessed by certain users. I have a folder Video that everybody can access without a username or password. I now want to create a share that only I can access called webserver.

This is my samba.conf
dns proxy = No
netbios name = DATABOX
guest account = nobody
restrict anonymous = no
browseable = yes
server string = server
workgroup = WORKGROUP
public = yes
security = share

Writeable = yes
Path = /media/data/Video
Public = yes

Writeable = yes
Public = no
User = malteser
Path = /media/data/Webserver

Windows does not let me enter a username or password. I'm pretty sure this used to work.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: RAID Level For Servers?

Sep 1, 2010

How can we know which Raid level is useful for the server E.g Mail, Web, Database server. Also things we can keep in mind before configuring RAID / LVM on live servers.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Changing RAID Level On An Existing Server

Mar 9, 2011

We have been using Ubuntu Server at our department since several months now. It hosts a website, e-mail and nfs(only intra).

It was set-up as RAID 0 with two 1TB Hard drives but I want to change it to RAID 1 for fault tolerance. Is it possible to change existing RAID level? If yes can someone point me to the proper place?

I tried "mdadm" documentation and level set option is available but no explanation available that whether it is only while creating the array or it can change the level too.

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Ubuntu Servers :: WebDAV - Mountable But Empty Below 2nd Subdir Level?

Jul 3, 2011

I am using Safesync from Trendmicro to backup my data. Since some time I am experiencing heavy problems. Normally my Backup should look like this: But when I am mounting it with WebDAV, it is looking different:

cdrewing@christian-desktop:~$ sudo mount -t davfs http://dav.trendmicro.safesync.com /media/Safesync
[sudo] password for cdrewing:
Gib bitte den Benutzernamen f�r den Server http://dav.trendmicro.safesync.com an; wenn du keinen angeben willst, dr�cke Return.


Note: When I am mounting Safesync with Nautilus, everything is functional and ok. But I need my command line access because I want to use rsync. A workaround could be to access the resource via the nautilus mount. Where can I find this via the command line?

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Ubuntu :: Adjust Level At Which Battery Criticality Level Is Triggered?

May 8, 2010

How can I adjust the levels at which the battery is considered to be critically low?ight now it seems this is set at 5 or 10%. I want to make it 20 or 25%This is for Gnome. I am using Lucid x86

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Fedora Servers :: Catching The Spam At The Sendmail Level

Oct 16, 2009

I'm running FC10, with the sendmail that was part of it in Feb 09. Anyway, Up till now I've been using the user client to do spam filtering, But I'd like to start catching the spam at the sendmail level. What are my options today? I tried searching the forums and found a bunch of threads from 2001-2006, but I figured many of the ideas are now longer vaild.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Turn Up The Level Of Logging That DHCP Server Is Writing To SYSLOG?

Feb 14, 2011

turn up the level of logging that my DHCP Server is writing to SYSLOG?I can't seem to find a syslog.conf file to edit.

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Fedora Servers :: Convert A Running System To RAID Level 1?

Sep 30, 2009

I was recently requested to try and convert a running system to RAID level 1. I did not succeed in this task. However, I am still interested in accomplishing this task in a test environment.What I did was create a RAID device with a device missing e.g.

mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 missing /dev/sdb2

Once the RAID was up and running I created the /etc/mdadm.conf file so that it would activate the RAID device on boot. Once the device was created I copied all the data from the running root filesystem to the /dev/md0 device. The only directory that I didn't copy was the /proc directory. When I rebooted the machine I had a kernel panic and the system couldn't find /dev/root. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could provide some information/tips regarding the problem.

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OpenSUSE :: Move Transparently Between Run Level 3 And Run Level 5 As Autologin User?

Aug 10, 2010

I've been able to kludge a kill script which finds the correct pid for the kdeserver (or gnome server) after my system comes up in run level 5 so I can drop back to run level 3 mode. Lots of experimentation showed me that using telinit 3 and telinit 5 would occasionally leave the video memory in a mess and I would have the black screen of death.

I set the security parameter setting to autologin for me since I am the only user of my machine, but I still have to kludge the default setting under sysconfig (the DEFAULT_WM) under Window Manager to pick a certain window manager, so it takes time to manually switch the desktop.

Right now I can leave the gui and drop back to cli, but painful experimenting showed me that killing the X server is a no no. Right now I kill the kde server, which sends the SIGTERM to the X windows manager, which then figures out that it has to shut down.

Questions: Is there a better way of doing this? Apparently openSUSE figures that we have multiple users logging into the gui desktop, so the gui is always kept running and a login window with the desktop manager option forces the user to login in. With autologin, this never happens, but no choice of desktop is possible on the fly.

Can some type of script be set up to painlessly enable this to happen? And what is the best way of bringing either the Gnome or KDE desktop manager down gracefully? I do get lots of error messages as the system attempts to recover and X shuts down. It appears that apparently the single user with autologin is left out in the cold.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Admin Level Software To User Level?

Feb 6, 2010

I want to install a software called TinyOS which is an operating system designed for wireless sensor embedded networks in my account. The problem is it has instructions to install the software as an administrator since i'm not an admin of the department network i can not able to install. Is there any method to install this software as an user level rather than admin level.

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General :: Initializing Run Level 4 At Inittab Default Level

Jan 15, 2011

hello everyone, im having a problem when my computer enters in the run level 4 as the default when i start slackware. The strange thing is that it not seems that is a X window problem, it looks like more like a configuration problem in some part of the kde script to initialize the log in, because if i manually start the X service it works fine, i dont know what is the source. Thank you in advance for the help.

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Programming :: Accessing SPI From Kernel Level And User Level

Jan 6, 2009

I want to know what are the advantages and disadvantages for accessing spi(serial peripheral inerface )from kernel level and user level. like methods of doing it, speed ,memeory utilization etc

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Block Torrents By Using Squid Or Firewall

Jan 5, 2010

I've been all around the net and can't find a "simple" answer how to block our LAN users from downloading torrents. Is it really that difficult?

Here's our setup:

1. The Server's Configs:

2. sudo gedit /etc/squid/squid.conf

3. sudo gedit /etc/rc.local (to start Firewall rules on bootup)

4. Server NOT a DHCP Server

5. No other iptables rules are configured, just the above ones.

Before in a 1 NIC setup, I blocked Workstations MAC addresses in the Router + Squid Proxy Server (Not Transparent), it worked, but some Online Java Apps didn't work and users can't send/receive email so I abandoned the method.

Now, I installed transparent Squid Proxy with 2 NIC cards, it works, but workstations can still download torrents! I know Squid doesn't block ports, right? So the answer must lie in Iptables Firewall? I basically use Squid just to deny access to Facebook, Friendster, or other "unproductive sites".


How to block torrent downloading by using a Firewall? Or is there another "simple" way?

I've heard that it's better just to allow regular ports (80, 22, 465, etc...) then block all the rest, this way, you can prevent unnecessary ports.

I'm not an Iptables/Firewall expert so can you pls. explain it a bit more detailed if that's the case.

I'm also aware of just telling our users NOT to download torrents, but I just want to prohibit it entirely.

I know I will be the most "uncool" employee in our office.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Firestarter Doesn't Allow Anyway To Block Incoming Connection By IP

Sep 19, 2010

What is the absolute quickest or easiest way to block an incoming connection by their IP address? I'm running an apache2 LAMP server on Ubuntu 8.10. For example, let's say I'm watching my server error logs and I see someone using a script to check for phpmyadmin and other such folders. Right away I know this is a hack attempt. Firestarter does not allow ANY way to block an incoming connection by IP (to my disappointment) and adding the IP to an apache configuration file requires an apache restart (way too much trouble and time).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Bash Seem To Block Vsftpd Conf Command

Mar 16, 2011

I am new on ubuntu and I really don't have any background on making a server. To be frank is I am still a student learning ubuntu server, how to make and configure them.

My problem is that whenever I type the command:
an error message says that:
-bash /etc/vsftpd.conf: Permission Denied

I am still discovering what are the commands on the vsftpd server. By the way I am using the server on VMware.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Set Up As A Firewall - Direct Internet Connection Through Where Will Block

Apr 19, 2011

I want to set up Ubuntu Server as a firewall in which I want to direct my internet connection through where Ubuntu Server will block, filter, and monitor anything that come into either three of my computers using the same internet connection. Is this easy to do? sum up the steps that I will have to go through to establish this, and any relevant information, and where I might be able to find necessary information etc. I plan to use ubuntu-10.04.2-server-i386.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Block Spam In Postfix Based On Keywords?

Jun 23, 2011

i keep receiving this damn annoying spam: Quote: No Cost Website Analysis and Ranking Report Rank mysite.com at the top of the 3 major search engines Do you want to know why your competitors are showing up at the top of the three major search engines and how you can rank on top? To increase the number of visitors to your website it is crucial that you have a top search engine position. If you are like most people, you will spend countless hours trying to get traffic to your website.

Our search engine optimization experts will run a detailed website ranking and analysis report showing you exactly where mysite.com currently stands in all the major search engines along with the recommendations of how we can increase your ranking on Google, Yahoo and Bing. For Your No Cost Analysis Report and More Info Please Click Here


i get about 30 of those a day, everyday, for a long time. ive asked the ISP to stop it (theplanet.com) they are not responding and the spam continues. i was thinking is there a way that i can tell postfix to reject emails that contain "No Cost Website Analysis and Ranking Report" in their subject? there must be a way but i dont know how.

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Fedora Servers :: Apache To Block Old Websites?

Apr 8, 2010

I have got a small queston: I have got several websites and some time ago I decided to delete some of them. As a result there is no virtual hosts on my web server, but if I will go to my_old_website dot ru I will be redirected to one of my current web sites (or if I will paste an ip address in browser), I want to know, how to block this?My virtual host's looks like this now:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin my_mail


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Ubuntu :: Change IP To Different Country?

Jul 10, 2010

I'm looking for a program like "Hide My IP" (which is for Windows) which I can use to change my IP address to that of one in another country. I'm from the Netherlands and live in the US which makes it impossible on a lot of Dutch television network websites to watch programs because a lot of those are viewable in the Netherlands only. I understand there are some web-based sites that can do that, but I was hoping there is actual software out there? I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

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Fedora Servers :: Xdmcp Double Login Block?

Jul 22, 2010

How can I manage to avoid double login to a user account in the server by remote users? Is there a way to block it or to hide logged user accounts?

I have two server, one f12, the other f13 (behind a firewalled router) and want them to serve desktops to anybody in the local network. User accounts in both servers are established as username: user1 password: user:1 , username: user2 password: user2 ....... Every remote user should take an available user on server but no multilogin to the same user. Remote users are no adult so they can mistake. That's the problem. On the remote dektop section unmark everyone can see my desktop didnt help.

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OpenSUSE Network :: "iwlist S" Output - Quality / Signal Level And Noise Level Mean?

Jul 21, 2010


you can find a cutout of an output generated by "iwlist s" command for a cell. Does anybody know what Quality, Signal level and Noise level mean? What is the definition of them? I searched for it and could not find good information on it. What do these Extra:*** fields for? What does it show in the example above? How were those values computed?


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Fedora :: Can't Switch To TTY Or Run Level 3 From Run Level 5

May 12, 2009

Hi Guys,
here is my scenario:

I am running F10 x86_64 with Nvidia Quadro FX 3400.
I installed the drivers and it worked just fine. No errors generated according to Nvidia log files.
However, while in run level 5 when I try to switch to run level 3 by typing "telinit 3" or "init 3" the X server goes down and I get a blank screen. Same thing happens when I try to switch to a different tty session by <ctrl>+<alt>+F2 (or any F key for that matter).
I also noticed that when I shut down my system I can't see any more the screen where services are shutting down and their status ([OK] or [failed]).

Would appreciate your help on solving this issue.

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Red Hat :: Keyboard Not Working At Run Level 3 And 5, But Ok At Level 2

Jun 17, 2010

Hey Guys, I'am new here and request your help on this:
After installing emacs and a few dependencies on my RHEL 5, on restarting the system, the keyboard was not able to work. I restarted several times in vein.

However, when I start in single mode, it works perfectly. I have tried looking for a solution from google, but in vein.

Kindly help...

Regards, Andrew

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using Squid To Appear In Another Country?

Feb 7, 2010

I have a VPS. I intend to use it as a squid server. I need to know how to configure Squid so it works as a simple proxy server. Don't need authenication etc.

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General :: Delete Top Level Directory And Have Contents Simply "move Up A Level"?

May 27, 2010

I have a directory that has a another directory inside it. The top directory is rather redundant since it only contains the one other one. Is there a way to delete the top level directory and have the contents simply "move up a level"?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find The Server Of Country A Gain

Dec 10, 2010

i had a problem in software sources so i changed the server to main server now i can't find the server of egypt in the list of servers

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