Ubuntu Security :: Get In To Email Client Thunderbird Or Firefox

Mar 18, 2011

I received a suspect E mail from paypal which I reported to them, I did'nt click on anything in the E mail. The Question I am asking is there any way that some one could get in to my email client Thunderbird or Firefox. When I used thunderbird to report the e mail I received a problem reporting that my email couldn,t be sent due to AOL smpt not excepting email because of ssl encrpyption. I checked the settings for the account all seemed ok ssl was still marked. Also while I was on the internet yesterday I got the popup regarding did I want to save a "file" I canceled as I didn,t click anything to download anything.

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Debian :: Install Thunderbird Email.client?

Aug 8, 2011

I downloaded it

Where is it?

How do I install it?

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Ubuntu :: Set Thunderbird As Default Email Client And Get It To Open With The Mail Icon?

Jul 28, 2010

How do I set Thunderbird to be my default email client, and make the little mail icon in the top menu bar?

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Ubuntu :: Backup Passwords In Firefox And Email Address Book In Thunderbird?

Aug 4, 2011

i want to backup my passwords in Firefox and my email address book in Thunderbird ,both runing on ubunto 10.04 point me in right direction please ,its just i have lost them before and its a pain in the you know where to redo them all also bookmarks in FF

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Ubuntu :: Use An Email Client Like Alpine To Read Imported Email?

Feb 24, 2011

we had a server with Hostway, and it was running ubuntu. The server also had Plesk installed, which did some funny things. We had several websites on that server, and many email addresses. Then we changed servers. Now we have a server through Rackspace and it is also running Ubuntu. It also has Virtualmin installed, which generally does not impose as many unconventional changes on Ubuntu as Plesk did.

Rather than using Thunderbird to download my email (which is what I used to do) I've decided I'll start reading my email on the server. So I will ssh to the server and then use some email client, such as Alpine, to read the email. So I installed Alpine. I have an email account for "lawrence". The email address is lawrence @ krubner. Currently, when mail arrives for that account, it is stored here:


and then it is transferred to hear:


When I start Alpine, while logged in as lawrence, Alpine automatically sets up an inbox for me here:


How do I get Alpine (or any other client) to read from the correct folder? I'm fairly sure the email package (the MTA) at work on this new server is Postfix. As near as I can tell, my email is held for 24 hours in this folder:


and then it gets transferred here:


Alpine only lets me set one path for my Inbox, so I'm not sure what path I should set. If I use "cur" I will see all email 1 day late, but if I use "new" then I will miss email if I go a day without checking.

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General :: Command Based Email Client To Send Email Through Secure Smtp?

Jul 26, 2010

In my Windows environment, I use email client such as Microsoft Outlook to connect to our email server to send email with the following configuration:

Incoming server (POP3): 995 - (requires with SSL)
Outgoing server (SMTP): 465 - (use encrypted connection SSL)


And the mail server requires user ID login and password.how do I setup a text command based email client in my Linux (Centos 5.1) to send out email through the existing email server above, which is in another machine? The email client has to be text command based because I need to use command line to send notification email from anothar application installed in my Linux (Centos 5.1) Since the email client will only be used to send email notification, I don't require setting up of an email server in my linux.

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird 3.0.3 Email Folder Location?

Mar 4, 2010

I just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0.3 and want to locate the folder that contains my email.In TB 3.0.1 I used to backup my default folder which was something like Wood.default.Do you know where TB 3.0.3 stores the default email folders and conents?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Send Or Receive Email Using Thunderbird

May 28, 2010

I'm having trouble to send and receive e-mail using Thunderbird 3. When I tried setting up new account using the automatic configuration method,the result of scanning pop. and smtp. server returned 'none' with this orange circle. I assume it's the same problem that occurred when I first tried to install Evolution. But oddly,I manage to access the web-mail account provided by the ISP using the same information used to set-up Evolution and Thunderbird 3. Precisely I'm from Malaysia and the ISP is Streamyx.com. PC run on Ubuntu 9.10.And I've heard that the ISP is non-friendly of non standard e-mail applications.

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Ubuntu :: Can Drag Email To Some Reminder In Thunderbird?

Aug 24, 2010

I am using thunderbird in ubuntu 10.04, and i am looking for a feature which i can drag an email to some sort of reminder, say: after 5 days, it pops up and asks me to follow up on that email.

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird - Can Receive But Not Send Email

Aug 30, 2010

I have a desktop that has been running Ubuntu for years. Finally I convinced my wife to get rid of windows XP and move to Lucid. I did a clean install of Lucid on her system writing over windows. After the install I installed Thunderbird using Synaptic Version 3.0.6 was installed on her system. On my desktop I am also running Thunderbird 3.0.6 We have several domains and mail servers on those domains.

They all use SMTP First, I installed the ISP email and that works perfectly. She can send and receive using our ISP's mail server. I then set up an email account in Thunderbird using the SMTP email server form one of our domains. She used to be able to send and receive from for one of our domains. She can receive email from that email server, but can not send (I can send and receive from the same domain using Thunderbird) Her SMTP and mine are set up identically:

Server Name: mail.[domain]
Port: 50
Username: [user]@[domain]
Secure Authentication: No
Connection Security: No

She is able to receive email but when she tries to send. the connection in Thunderbird either times out. or gives a password error. The password is correct, because we can use Firefox, and go to the pop and log in.Also, she can receive email direct on her computer and has to log in using her password. So I opened Terminal and tested using:

telnet mail.[domain] 50

I got

Trying [IP address]
Connected to mail.[domain]
Escape character is '^']'.
220 mail.[domain]

This leads me to believe something in Ubuntu is blocking her system from using Thunderbird to send emails through the email server. I've been at this for several days now. I did try totally un-installing Thunderbird using Synaptic. Then manually deleting the .Thunderbird file. Then doing a fresh install of Thunderbird using Synaptic. Still get the same results I am thinking that maybe App Armor is stopping this? Or perhaps some other security issue in Ubuntu like Linux Security Module? Otherwise the installation went flawlessly. We even got Skype working on the first try! Printers installed correctly and perfectly too.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Display Email Images In Thunderbird

Oct 23, 2010

I'm running TB 3.1.5. Images do not display in emails. There is no "Display Images" button. Where the images would be, I only get a broke image icon (the little torn page). I don't know if this is a Ubuntu specific issue, but I thought I'd post here because the community is so responsive. I have tried the solution at this site, but though the mail.default_html_action value is set to 3, I still have no luck. [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird / Evolution Email Not Working

Jan 30, 2011

Ive tried both Evolution and Thunderbird email, and i prefer Thunderbird, and they wont work, they wont retrieve my email from my email account (yahoo email) or even find the password and username right. Plz help, its kinda irritating.Ive also tried out Empathy IM and it wont work finding my facebook chat account, i havent tried it with anything else yet but its just not connecting.It says theres a network problem or the problems coming from facebook.

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird Is Unable To Write Email To The Inbox

Jun 25, 2010

I'm running GNOME under Lucid on a 64-bit machine. Here's the background: Yesterday, I tried to delete a subfolder of my Local Folders directory. Right-clicking on the subfolder offered the usual menu of options including "Delete", but selecting "Delete" left the folder in place. In floundering around trying things to solve the problem, I tried opening Thunderbird from the command line, using "sudo thunderbird", following which I succeeded in deleting the recalcitrant subfolder. Here's the first stage in the problem:

But when I next opened Thunderbird in ordinary mode (i.e., as "ron" not as "superuser"), I discovered that the Inbox was no longer accessible. Clicking on "Get Mail" yielded only a small wheel-icon that spins, presumably showing activity in progress, without actually finishing by getting mail. The other various folders seemed to operate normally, in that they showed their contents when clicked on.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Thunderbird Mass Email Failed

Jul 2, 2010

I was trying to send a 4000+ mass email with Thunderbird, when it popped up an error saying that such and such email was no longer a customer and halted the program. Is there a plugin for Tbird that deletes these "bad" email addresses out of the Bcc line when sending? It would take a long time to go through the emails deleting customers that no longer have email addresses.

This was also done using outlook and the error did not happen.

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird - Get Email In 9.10 - Server Responded Authentication Failed

Mar 22, 2010

I have ubuntu9.10 installed inside windows Thunderbird works ok in windows. When i try to get my email in ubuntu9.10 i get this message. server responded authentication failed.

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Ubuntu Security :: Thunderbird Security Vulnerability Updates

Apr 2, 2010

So yesterday I receive a copy of the SANS @RISK security vulnerability newsletter, and, lo and behold, Mozilla's Firefox and Thunderbird are on it yet again. (Yeah, I know, shocking, isn't it?)So I quickly check what versions I have installed. Yup: Vulnerable.I check whether updates are available.These are pretty serious "remote code execution" vulnerabilities and the status is "vendor confirmed, updates available." So why isn't my 9.10 desktop's update manager telling me updates are available?

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Ubuntu :: Transfer Address Book / Email Settings Etc From Old Computer Using Thunderbird On XP?

Feb 7, 2010

How do I transfer my address book, email settings etc from my old computer using Thunderbird on XP.

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird Email Doesn't Require Password To Use Offline Storage?

Jul 26, 2010

Is there a way to make Mozilla Thunderbird not allow anyone to view my offline storage without my password and to make it so whatever data it does store on my computer is encrypted with my password? Or is there another client that will do this better? I don't like the idea that anyone could waltz into my office and read my old emails.

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Ubuntu :: Synchronize Email - Calendar And Tasks Between Thunderbird And Smartphone Device

Aug 26, 2010

I have been struggling to set up and learn to use an efficient way of task & event management. At the moment, I use Thunderbird+Lightning with Gmail (IMAP) and it works OK. I would like to add a smartphone to the equation - I know it isn't cheap and I'm expecting to pay anywhere between $100 and $500 for one - since my old phone is slowly dying anyway and I need this to work for... well, work. I would like to be able to synchronize through bluetooth or wireless at home or whenever the phone gets near my laptop, as well as (if possible) whenever the phone gets near a wireless access point. I don't want to use 3g or any similar services. I have had no luck googling so far.

I have tried synchronizing with Google Calendar, only to be disappointed by the fact that it doesn't support tasks. I think the distinction between tasks and events is an important one and it keeps my calendar organized, so I'd hate to have to give it up. I haven't chosen a phone yet, so I can adjust my choice to whichever brand or type (or OS) is best suited for what I need.

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Ubuntu :: Storing Thunderbird Local Email Folders On Network Share

Sep 22, 2010

I've got Samba up and running with the correct workgroup information, and I can access files on my network share, but I can't figure out a way to point Thunderbird to a network folder to import my old local folders. Is there any way to do this? Do I need to some how map the location so Thunderbird thinks it is physically on the local machine? If so, how would one do that?

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General :: Email - Setup OWA/Outlook With Either Evolution Or Thunderbird 3?

Aug 30, 2010

We recently upgraded to Microsoft Exchange for our web mail. I've never had it setup for my desktop, I've always had to rely on a browser and access webmail. I'm trying to set it up on my Thunderbird 3 on Debian but it doesn't seem intuitive. I've also tried various ways in Evolution.


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General :: Escape From Evolution And Have Thunderbird Be My Default Email?

Feb 25, 2011

Fedora 14

When I started I took the defaults and ended up with Evolution.

I have never managed to get it set up to send. It and godaddy are on diffferent planets.

Having used Thunderbird in the past, I downloaded it and it automagically set itself up to send and receive.

So now I use Thunderbird - BUT - when I click on a link in an html page - the mailto macro sends me to something other than THunderbird - perhaps Evolution - and nothing gets sent.

So how do I tell the system that when i click a mailto in firefox I want Thunderbird?

PS I think I found it. In firefox - edit - preferences - applications tab - mmailto - it said Evolution. I changed it so say /usr/bin/thunderbird - will now test it.

YES - Seems that asking a question triggers my brain on how to resolve it. Sorry to waste your time.

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird As Default Mail Client?

May 1, 2010

Ok, so I've done a clean install of 10.04 over 9.1 and despite a couple of issues am very impressed. The thing that's currently bugging me most is that I can't set the chat/mail/broadcast panel menu thing to use thunderbird for mail. Is there any way to do this, or do I need to have thunderbird as a separate icon?

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Ubuntu :: Integrate Thunderbird Client Into Panel?

Mar 5, 2011

Is there a way of setting up my thunderbird client into the email icon defaulted to evolution shown on the panel in the top right? If not is there a way of getting rid of it without removing my volume or battery icons?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Email Account At Laposte.net - Can Receive Messages But Cannot Send Any From Thunderbird

Apr 26, 2011

I created a new account on laposte.net.

This account can receive messages but cannot send any from Thunderbird.


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Fedora :: Use Gmail As The Default System Email Instead Of Thunderbird Or Evolution?

Jan 26, 2010

Is there any way to have Fedora use gmail as the default system email instead of thunderbird or evolution?

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Fedora :: Configure Incomming/outgoing Servers For Email/Thunderbird?

Nov 2, 2009

Basically i have no idea to provide proper information in the setup wizerd.

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Software :: Disable Thunderbird Email Address Auto Complete?

Dec 19, 2010

How could I disable this annoying feature?

Half the time it selects the wrong address and sometimes I miss it and send emails to wrong people.

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Ubuntu Security :: Add Security Exception In Thunderbird?

May 27, 2010

My company uses self signed certificates, and whenever i access the global address book, every time i start typing an address, TB throws up a security warning dialog. There is no way from that dialog to accept a security exception.

It's getting really tedious.

I tried editing the address book properties to turn off SSL. This makes the warning go away, but then, every time i start typing an address, TB asks me for my password. This dialog has a check to store the password, which i always check. Yet, TB keeps asking.

How do i make this stop?

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Server :: Postfix Cannot Send Email From Thunderbird/Squirrelmail To Recipient Behind Firewall

Mar 22, 2011

My company email server has been working flawlessly for the last 5+ years. Recently, one of our clients put their email server behind a firewall (an assumption on my part; details below). Ever since, email sent from within the company (192.168.xxx.xxx internal address; all computers and server is behind a NAT firewall [Netgear FVX538]) is either being sent to the client after some delay (if email is sent using Outlook) or is being deferred until the messages expire (Thunderbird, Squirrelmail, etc.). Email sent to the client from anywhere outside the company (using Thunderbird, Outlook or any other email client) is also delivered without any problems (usually after a short delay).

All other emails to the World are being sent without any problems at all (both inside and outside the company; using any email client or webmail). I did contact the client's postmaster, but the client, being a large government agency, will probably not address the problem (if it is on their side) anytime soon. I am not sure if I can do anything from my end to solve the problem. Ever since the problem with the client began, I added two statements to the postfix configuration file (smtp_pix_workaround_delay_time = 20s and smtp_pix_workaround_threshold_time = 0s); this seemed to a bit - it reduced the delay for emails sent via Outlook to a few minutes (as opposed to 30+ minutes); emails sent using Thunderbird/webmail are still being deferred.

Server details: Dual quad-core processor machine, 32 GB RAM, dual 1 gbps network, running Fedora 14 (64-bit; loosely modeled along the lines of Perfect Server (with ISPConfig2) as described on the howtoforge website). Running Postfix (v. 2.7.1), Dovecot (v. 2.0.9).

Postfix details:

alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
body_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/mbl-body-deny
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
command_directory = /usr/sbin


I emailed the client's postmaster suggesting they disable smtp fixup. But still, what bothers me now is that Outlook works (both within and outside the company) while Thunderbird, webmail, etc. (used by ~90% of the users) do not. In addition, all email clients from outside the company can send email (authenticated via the company server) to the client without any problems. Is there anything I can do on my end to make non-Outlook clients work within the company (webmail is hosted on the company server; so, it would have an internal address as well)?

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