Ubuntu Security :: How To Protect The Whole GRUB2 Boot Menu

Mar 7, 2011

I've already read and tested the various guides for pasword portecting the menu items. What I need is a little bit different. I need to protect the whole boot menu so normal users cannot select any entry at all and only let the default entry boot.

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Ubuntu :: Password Protect Editing Grub2 Menu Item?

Jun 9, 2010

I've reduced my Grub2 menu(using Ubuntu 10.04) list to only 1 item.I want to automatically boot into the one item without providing a password (it does this now). I also want to disable someone from being able to bring up the Grub2 menu and hit 'e' to edit the menu item. Any ideas how to do that? I've been sifting through the forums, but I haven't had any luck finding a post about this

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot XP From Grub2 Menu

May 6, 2010

I'm having an odd dual-boot problem. Briefly, I can't boot Windows XP from its entry on the GRUB2 menu. If I set the disk order in BIOS so that the machine boots off the drive with Windows XP, XP starts normally. However, if I boot off the Ubuntu drive, which brings up the GRUB2 menu, choosing the "Windows 7 loader" option (why it says Windows 7 when there's only Windows XP is another question!) just makes my system reboot.

It appears there's some problem with the way GRUB2 attempts to start Windows XP. I'm also wondering why GRUB2 thinks it sees the Windows 7 loader. There shouldn't be any Windows 7 anything anywhere. I once had a Windows 7 RC install on the same disk as Windows XP, but I wiped the Windows 7 system partition and reallocated its space as just another NTFS partition. FWIW, GRUB2 is installed on the MBR of the disk containing my Ubuntu install. Windows XP has a different drive all to itself.

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Ubuntu :: Like To See The Grub2 Menu Always At System Boot?

Oct 5, 2010

As a long time Red Hat/Fedora user, I'm quite new to the Ubuntu/Debian culture, and/or, to the Grub2 specific behavior.I'd like to see Grub2 system selection menu at every boot time even if I only have a single operating system, Ubuntu 9.10, on my hard drive. What should I do fot this purpose?

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Boot Menu Not Showing

Nov 24, 2010

After upgrading to 10.10 the grub boot menu stopped showing up. I made a custom menu in grub.d and update grub finds everything, but when I restart my system the boot menu never shows. I should have two kernels. How do I get the boot menu to show every time I restart my system?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2: No Way To Update The Boot Menu?

Jun 25, 2010

I upgraded my main box to Ubuntu 10.04 and everything runs fine, except for a problem with grub: I can't modify the boot menu in any way, I'm stuck with what grub2 thought was the optimal setup at installation time (and it got it wrong, btw). The current boot menu lists:

- my older 9.10 install in sdb2 (one kernel)
- legacy windows XP install on sda1
- my even older 9.04 install in sdb1 (two kernel versions)
- my new install in sdb3, with only one kernel (the one coming with the distro CD)

I tried anything I could think of to modify this menu:

- modify the /etc grub config file then running sudo update-grub
- using a specific app (system manager? don't remember its name)
- upgrading to the latest kernel
- removing and reinstalling grub

to no avail: the menu is still there in the above form, and I have to manually select the 10.04 (old) kernel by hand every time I reboot.

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Ubuntu :: Removing Items From The Boot (grub2) Menu?

Jan 9, 2011

Have recently installed 10.10 and have several other OS' installed, as well as other NTFS (non-OS) partitions. After a couple of updates, my boot menu shows about 8 entries, whereas I should only have about 4... How is this fixed in Grub2?

Have installed Startup Manager, and there seems to be no option here...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Echoing To Grub2 Boot Menu ?

Jan 29, 2011

I'd like have some text written on my grub2 boot menu.

In legacy grub you could just add: title Foobar and you'd get "Foobar" displayed.

I tried: menuitem "Foobar" {} grub2, but it doesn't work. Any ideas how do you do something like that?

(Yes, I know writing grub.cfg by hand is not very smart. But I have a special situation: I wrote my own grub.cfg on a dedicated boot partition from where I chainload to other grub on other partitions. Those secondary grubs generate their grub.cfgs on the fly, so everything is OK )

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Software :: How To Edit Boot Menu For Grub2

Mar 5, 2011

I just installed Debian squeeze. I installed grub to the MBR. It uses Grub 2. Apparently I'm not supposed to edit /boot/grub/grub.cnf, but /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d. I looked at these and read The Readme as well as a tutorial at [URL]. I'm still not sure of what to do. When I boot up I get 4 choices: 2 for Squeeze and two for another linux distro. I would like to edit the print out I get when I boot up, as well as add the partition for XP which wasn't included.

This is /etc/default/grub:
# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Doesn't See Puppy And Let Boot It From The Menu?

Feb 5, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10, PuppyLinux431 and Windows XP on a Toshiba laptop. I like Ubuntu, but the speed of PuppyLinux is addictive, so that was my default boot until I upgraded Ubuntu which included an upgrade to Grub2.

My problem: Grub2 doesn't recognise PuppyLinux. Using information from [url] I have made an executable file named 07_Puppy in /etc/grub.d and did update-grub from root. Still no luck. I can boot PuppyLinux from the grub command line using the following commands:

Just before grub displays the boot menu, I think I see a very brief message about a syntax error, but it's gone before I can read it.

Here is the contents of my grub.cfg:


Why Grub2 doesn't see Puppy and let me boot it from the menu?

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Ubuntu :: Several Versions Of Kernel In Grub2 Boot Menu Delete Old Ones?

Mar 3, 2010

My Grub2 boot menu includes:

Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-19-generic
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-19-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-14-generic
Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31-14-generic (recovery mode)

Q1) I only really need the latest kernel, 2.6.31-19, don't I?

Q2) So how can I get rid of the two 2.6.31-14 entries?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Shows In GRUB2 Menu But Won't Boot?

Apr 13, 2011

I have two hard drives - (1) 80GB (2) 500GB: the 1st HD has 3 partitions (in that order) - Windows 7, Ubuntu 10.10 & Swap. the 2nd HD is for storage only, and has 2 partitions.

I did the following - I installed Windows 7 on the first partition of the 1st HD, it booted just fine. Then I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on the second partition of the 1st HD.

Windows 7 shows in the GRUB menu alongside with Ubuntu. Ubuntu boots just fine, but when I select Windows it simply restarts the computer and the GRUB menu shows again.

RESULTS.txt of Boot Info Script:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #3 for (,msdos3)/boot/grub.


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Ubuntu Security :: Best Solution To Protect Server From Security Threats?

Jul 22, 2011

I've recently been running a game server from my desktop, as well as a web page to accompany it.I use the ports 80/8123(HTTP)/5900(VNC)/50500(GAME)/5839(ADMINISTRATION).What's the best solution to protect my server from security threats? On a side note, I plan on adding a MySQL server later, but I want to keep it local only.

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General :: Creating A Grub2 Boot-cd With A (grub.cfg) Menu?

Sep 13, 2009

Here is how I created a Grub2 boot-cd with a (grub.cfg) menu:

mkdir /tmp/cdroot
mkdir /tmp/cdroot/boot
mkdir /tmp/cdroot/boot/grub
cp /boot/grub/grub.cfg /tmp/cdroot/boot/grub
cd /tmp


NOTE: The above proceedure assumes you already have a grub.cfg file. If you don't, create one in the /tmp/cdroot/boot/grub directory

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Does Not Display Normal Boot Menu Choice

Dec 8, 2010

machine boots straight to Windows, Grub2 does not display the normal boot menu choices. Therefore, not able to boot into Ubuntu 9.10.Perhaps someone could look at this Results.txt file and shed some light on what went wrong.This machine was working fine for a long time, then all of a sudden, it starting booting straight to Windows.

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Ubuntu Security :: Does Firestarter Protect Out Of Box?

Sep 15, 2010

I was wondering if firestarter (software firewall) works out of the box or does it need some kind of configuration in order for it to provide protection? Is firestarter even needed with ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Doesn't See Windows 7 - Doesn't Appear In Boot Menu

Jun 10, 2010

i wiped my entire hard drive that had xp as its only OS. I freshly installed a Windows 7 ultimate and everything went perfectly. I then decided to install 10.4. I split the partitions correctly (i had experience doing this already with my laptop, which has xp/10.4). Ubuntu 10.4 install went flawlessly, except for one thing. Now when i boot up the pc, it goes straight into 10.4. I have tried holding shift during the start up to force the boot menu, and it just shows the Ubuntu 10.4 OS as choices. Any clue what i could do to make Win7 appear in the boot menu?

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Security :: HOW TO Protect From VPN Attacks

Jun 1, 2011

I would like to know how to protect networks against VPN attacks? How does big industries do it? What does the government tend to use? Are any tools open source that I may get?

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Protect From Untrusted Files

Oct 8, 2010

I want to start using videos/music files downloaded from untrusted sources (BT,Sharing Forums, etc.). Haven't made this a habit b4 because of the security risks. I want to take steps to reduce the risk & protect my computer from anything malicious. What are some good choices for this? The biggest step I took so far is using Ubuntu since it's very virus resistant, but other threats do exist out there (rootkits, malicious scripts, etc.). When downloading files from untrusted sources, who knows what may be hidden inside.Some options I'm thinking about:

1) Using a VM (with Ubuntu installed inside) & playing the files inside the VM. If anything malicious happen, it would be trapped inside & I could easily revert to a clean snapshot.

2) Using AppArmor to restrict what the files or program used to play the files can/can't do. AA seems very complicated though.

Are the above overkill? Would it be sufficient enough to just open these files on a non-admin user account since no access to root or sudo?

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Security :: Protect Server From Url Injection?

May 20, 2010

I am facing problem on my Linux server, those runing php sites, most of the time hacker upload file in my website and take the control, and hack the sites, shoot the thousands of mail etc

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Ubuntu Security :: Password Protect Evolution (or Other Executable)?

Jan 4, 2010

I want to password protect evolution. How would I do that? I want to allow anyone to access all my other software, but my business email needs to be privateMy current solution seems to be to setup another account. But all the user switching and other what not seems a little much for one program.

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Fedora Security :: Trying To Password Protect Directory

Apr 1, 2010

I create music and usually gets sold world wide. I have some distributors that have been able to access a private server and get the new tunes I make to download via ftp. Well that server is getting full and I was trying to create another directory on my website itself.I created the directory. made the ".htaccess" file. Then I tried to make the htpasswd file but my server just keeps saying no command by that name.

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Security :: Centos 5.5 Server - How To Protect From Outside Attack

Dec 21, 2010

I have just configured Centos 5.5 LocalMailServer with fetchmail and sendmail , Proxy with Squid and FileServer with samba. Now my concern is security.. How can i protect my server with outside attack. Will I need to block some ports or I need special tools or script so no one from outside can attack my machine. My machine is working on intranet with local ip only.. No web server or static ip exists. Machine is connected with ADSL router to access internet.

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Security :: Some Precaution Should Take To Protect Notebook From Intruders?

Jun 3, 2010

I am planning a trip for a few days and I will be staying at an inn with Wifi access. All the guests are allowed to use it. A friend of mine has been there, he told me there are several other private spots around the house, i.e. lots of other people using Wifi. My friend told me the inn uses WEP, so who knows how many times their access point has been hacked and accessed without permission...

My concern is that I will be there for a few days with my notebook, I will have to work once in a while, connected to the Internet. Is there some precaution I should take to protect my notebook from intruders? Is it advisable to install a firewall in my notebook (iptables?) or am I just overreacting? Is it possible for one of the guests or neighbors to break into my notebook?

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Fedora Security :: Programs To Protect My Computer On Internet?

Apr 29, 2009

are there any programs that will protect my computer on the Internet. Just started using fed 10 from windows so i am not sure what i need to do. I am using an acer aspire 5630 laptop.

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Fedora Security :: Password Protect File Folders?

Oct 12, 2009

I was wondering how to password protect certain file folders?

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Fedora Security :: Configure See To Protect The Contents Of A Folder?

Jul 28, 2011

im currently trying to configure SE Linux policy for a folder so that only my user with root privileges can access it and not just root but i don't know the commend to run on the folder to change its permissions

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Security :: How To Password Protect Folder So Can Open It On Windose

Oct 5, 2010

I would usually just root the permissions to 000 but I need to password protect a folder on a usb drive and then open it on windows.

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Security :: Protect Samba Server For Limiting Access To Certain Domains?

Nov 24, 2010

I was looking for a way to protect my samba server for limiting access to certain domains.Can I use the parameterhosts allow = example.comor something like that or is there another way to do the job for domains

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Ubuntu Security :: AppArmor Protect Devices And Limit Their Access To The File System?

Nov 9, 2010

This might sound really stupid, so you'll all have to excuse my lacking knowledge. I read that USB attacks get more and more common, like putting in an USB stick with a malicious autorun script on it, and it's game over. Can AppArmor protect devices and limit their access to the file system?

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