Ubuntu Security :: Encrypted Home Folders - Verify That It's Actually Performing The Encryption/decryption?
May 1, 2010
I ticked the box for this when I installed Lucid, but how can I verify that it's actually performing the encryption/decryption?
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Jan 3, 2010
Not using filename encryption when you create a new encrypted folder is easy, but how to disable it in the home encryption that is automatically set up by the Karmic installation CD?
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May 4, 2010
I have my home partition encrypted and would like to take the decryption out of the system. Such as when booting the PC it would say it can't find the keys so stop and wait for me to put my usb drive in to continue (reboot and try again). Is there some way to get something like this set up?
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Jan 2, 2010
I'm recently switched my work laptop from running winXP to runing karmic. I'm still at the stage of getting my various bits and bobs working correctly. One of these I (may) have a problem with is backup's. I've ran backuppc on a ubuntu 9.04 box in the attic for the last year or so and I've been backing up my laptop to that. But since the switch, since I have an encrypted home dir, what is being backed up is the encrypted files. First, can I recover these if needed (I kept a copy of my passphrase), or can I get backuppc to ssh in as me with my home dir mounted correctly?
Backuppc is using rsync over ssh I've been using linux on and off since about redhat 5.0, so I'm not afraid of the command line or vi
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Dec 21, 2010
i'm having issues with my code (i'm kinda new to java).I'm trying to convert a c++ code snippet to java in order to use it in my application.Here's the C++ code
#ifndef _ENCRYPTOR_H_
#define _ENCRYPTOR_H_
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Jun 24, 2009
How to decrypt a file in openssl which is encrypted in perl using crypt cbc
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Feb 25, 2011
i need a program for Encryption and Decryption using RSA algorithm in JAVA ..
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May 9, 2011
I am having trouble with encryption/ decryption program. The program goes out and finds the file I want it to, encrypts it into a continuing series of a single repeated negative number, then generally decrypts(or should i say re-encrypts)it into a widely repeated character, different but same results every time.
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Nov 16, 2010
When I try to watch a video that's encrypted I Get this message
The stream is encrypted and decryption is not supported.
What do I need to install to fix this in mplayer? Or can another video player solve this?
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May 3, 2010
When I installed, I selected the option to encrypt my home folder. I believe this is causing constant crashes now, since error message is user id/password related. Is there a way to remove the encryption?
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Mar 9, 2011
I need to do a reinstall (read the details here): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1703381 but I need to be able to access my home directory which is encrypted. Is there a way to decrypt my home folder, so that I don't get into trouble accessing it later on?
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May 14, 2010
After trying Truecrypt, LUKS, and Ecryptfs I decided to try NTFS encryption. Now, on a dual boot computer from Ubuntu I can browse the encrypted folders but can not open the encrypted files. All attempts produce access denials yet the Unix file permissions appear to be "0777" (owner, group, and world readable-writable).
Is there someway to get Ubuntu's NTFS software to recognize and decrypt the encrypted files? Would a different NTFS package work such as NTFS-3g?
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Mar 20, 2010
When installing the latest Distro of Mint (I believe this is not much different, if at all, from Ubuntu as far as this goes) I chose to have my Home folder encrypted using the login password. This was a function of the installation. What I was wondering about was how secure this was and if I should maybe use something to do a better encryption or not.
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Jul 1, 2010
I was wondering how to activate encryption on my home folder, like sugested when creating the first user? in 10.04Also, is it any good to use?It's a work computer with sometimes private documents (cv, docs, etc) and i would like to be sure no one can access it, even as root.
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Mar 15, 2010
During the installation of Ubuntu Karmic, I picked the option that encrypts my home directory.
A few questions:
(1) Shortly after installation, I was asked to run a command to print a key necessary for data recovery from a rescue CD. I didn't run it at the time and am now looking for the command to run. What is it?
(2) I think I read somewhere that this also encrypts swap. Great. Correct me if that's wrong.
(3) If I suspend the machine, is my home directory encrypted? That is, if I have this on a laptop and travel with the suspended laptop and someone steals it, are my data safe, or not?
(4) I assume the weakest point in the system is my relatively short login password (but I think the install tests it and found it okay). Is there a recommendation how long this should be?
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Apr 17, 2011
if it's possible to use a white or blacklist to control which folders are ecryptfs encrypted when you're using the "encrypted home folder" option.
Of course I can always create an extra folder outside of my ~ and then symlink what I don't want encrypted into it, but I'd rather that it's possible to create like, ~/.ecryptsfs/excludelist with a list of paths that shouldn't be encrypted.
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Mar 9, 2010
I just installed 9.10 on my laptop and selected the option for home folder encryption. I am running DropBox and placed the DropBox folder on my desktop (meaning it should be encrypted when I am logged out.) So I have two questions:
1) Shouldn't this setup cause my DropBox files on the server to be encrypted? Apparently they are not because they appear as unencrypted text using the DropBox Web interface.
2) If they were encrypted on the server (which doesn't appear to be the case right now), how would it be possible to share them with another client unless the encryption on both clients were set up identically?
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Apr 26, 2010
While setting up my laptop on a new hard drive (a bad mobo caused writes which pretty much rendered teh old hdd unusable) I was asked if I wanted to encrypt my home partition.
I've been wanting this for several years - even going as far as trying to get a copy of CheckPoint. That's waht my organization uses on all Wintendo laptops and is required.
In any case, I said "yes" and am happily using my laptop with an encrypted home partition. I'm assuming based on this - [URL] - that it is using EncryptFS as the scheme.
if I were to misplace my laptop, how easy would it be for a forensics team to retrieve my data. Let's assume I have a fairly strong passphrase, such as BisZumBitterenEnd3. [URL]
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May 3, 2010
I had some major problems after the recent Ubuntu upgrade and had to boot from a live cd. I have a separate /home partition, but it was encrypted using the default install encryption in the 9.10 install cd. How can I get to my files so I can back them up?
I have tried this but it did not work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1337693
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Jun 11, 2010
I'm using 10.04 with encrypted home dir. I think the behavior below is wrong:
I can log in as root and change user's password. After that the user can log in using new password, which is normal, but it can also decrypt its home dir using the new password, which is dangerous. Assume I lost my computer. This encrypted home dir will not protect my private data because whoever gets the computer can boot it up with a livecd and chroot to change my user's password and then boot up my system and log in using new password.
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Jul 19, 2010
Let's begin from the top. I have a relatively new laptop that I've been running Ubuntu on (along with a little-used Windows boot). Picked it up in November or so, installed the current "latest" version of Ubuntu at the time (9.10). I have been doing incremental upgrades, and it's been progressively breaking down more and more. Yes, this includes 10.04.
After GRUB stopped working, I decided it was time to try a reinstall from the top. I told it to leave all the other operating systems alone and do a full reinstall.
Fortunately, I had managed to stuff most of my current work in duplicate locations during this whole debacle, somehow. Don't ask me how I managed to do that when GRUB wasn't working. However, when I installed, I conscientiously said "Oh, yes, Ubuntu, encrypt my home folder! I love privacy!" As a result, about... 30 gigabytes of useful (but ultimately re-downloadable) material is rather inaccessible at the moment. When I try to boot the old system using the newly fixed GRUB, it goes into kernel panic. This seems like a no-go.
I have a saved hojillion-character long passphrase for decryption from my install back in November. Conscientiously saved in the case of just such an emergency.
I read this how-to and followed it to the letter as far as I could tell, trying to mount with ecrytfs to recover my data.
[USERNAME] here is a proxy for my actual username. Yes, the location of my old home folder may seem a little bizarre.
sudo mount -t ecryptfs /media/c82ca9fe-2b15-4aca-a98d-6482b1d80a32/home/[USERNAME]/ /home/[USERNAME]/oldhome
Select cipher:
1) aes: blocksize = 16; min keysize = 16; max keysize = 32 (not loaded)
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Nov 13, 2010
I've just reinstalled my box with an encrypted home (used the encrypt home option when installing). I have a query in this regard - suppose I lose the box. Won't it be possible for someone to drop into root, reset my passwd and then access my /home. Is there anyway of having a different passwd for accessing /home? My ~ is on a different partition from /.
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Apr 11, 2010
What are the steps I must take to move my existing home folder to a separate, encrypted partition? Can I create this partition without damaging my current partition? Where is a trusted location to download App Armor profiles? What else can I do to harden the security of Ubuntu?
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Jul 20, 2010
I want to carry Ubuntu with me everywhere on a LiveUSB but I want to encrypt the home with a strong passphrase in case it is lost or stolen. How do I do that?
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Aug 28, 2010
I would just like to know how to, and know if its secure to run the following programs WHILE LOGGED OUT of Ubuntu: openvpn, deluge, and if it can be securely done while the home directory is encrypted.
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Mar 18, 2011
I would like to give a few students a preconfigured Ubuntu USB stick with certain apps. I also encrypted the home folder in case of loss.
With TrueCrypt, cloning an encrypted container would be a big no-no because any one could just backup their header with a known pw and use it to decrypt anyone else's container due to each container using the same master key. I assumes the same applies to home folder encryption, yes?
Is there a way, other than creating a new user with home folder encryption, of forcing a master key change?
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Aug 16, 2011
while since I've been here. I'm having an issue with a fresh install of 11.04. Due to work requirements, I encrypted my home folder, which is fine, however, it seems to randomly lock itself down while I'm working, and it's getting really annoying.
Apps stop working, I can't open nautilus (something about not being able to create certain folders because home is locked), hell, even the terminal link on my desktop says failed to launch application (though the launcher on the top panel works). I just have to run ecryptfs-mount-private and enter my password to fix it, but it's doing this every 15 minutes or so. what might cause it to relock itself so frequently? I would expect to not have to deal with mounting my private data, that should happen at login and be good until log out.
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May 17, 2010
If I wanted to transfer a home folder that was encrypted to another ubuntu computer could I? If I had a separate home partition that was encrypted, but I wanted to upgrade ubuntu to the latest version by doing a clean install is there an easy way so that I can still read the data encrypted with the old version?
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Aug 17, 2010
Lately i just reformatted my laptop again and created a encrypted home drive using the default.It prompt for my password and then i key it into the terminal.Then the terminal closed it.How to justify that the home drive is encrypted and decrypted during login?Beside that,if it is encrypted and what kinda extension is drive gonna?Apart from that,i used cryptkeeper to create a encrypted folder.How do i know if the folder is encrypted beside it prompt for me to enter my password?
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Nov 26, 2010
I logged in to Recover Mode ("Drop to root shell prompt") this morning to do something. Naturally, I wanted access to my encrypted home folder.
The README file says to run ecryptfs-mount-private. However, that command returns an error:
"ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly."
This cannot be correct, because if I log in normally, I get my home folder without any problem.
How can I access my encrypted home folder when I boot via Recover Mode?
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