Ubuntu :: Prevent Recursive Mappings In .vimrc?

Aug 12, 2010

I've added the following to my .vimrc:

function CommentLines()


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General :: Non Interruptive Console Key Mappings

Aug 26, 2010

I would like to know if it is possible to have a key mapping (using loadkeys) that will directly execute a command. I want to have a key to change volume with amixer that works when top, vi, etc.. is open.

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General :: Configure Php.vim In Vimrc?

Mar 24, 2010

1 - I've put php.vim in ~/vim/syntax directory, and now I would like to set ~/.vimrc to use php.vim when I open a php file. How do I do it? 2 - Where can I learn more on how to write vimrc?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Using Winbind With Win2003 R2 AD And Microsoft Identity Management For UNIX For UID/GID Mappings?

Nov 10, 2009

following situation and configuring authentication for Windows users on my CentOS clients please:IHAC WIN2003 R2 Domaincontroller with ALL my users and groups maintained there. For Usermapping (SID to UID/GID) I want to use IMU which is included with WIN2003 R2 srv and extends my Active Directory schema for UID, GID, NIS Domain etc. I want now authenticate my Windows users on my CentOS clients via their "domainnameusername" and passwords on the CentOS clients.

I also have a NAS server which has usermapping integrated and resolves the Windows SID's to the UID/GID's configured within the IMU schema extensions. Now I have no idea to setup my CentOS clients to use winbind, PAM and LDAP (IMU supports LDAP queries for UID/GID resolving) WITHOUT needing any Samaba Server or functionality.

* Do I need to configure the smb.conf file because my usermapping is done on the NAS Server and I want to resolve my Windows Users/Groups UID/GID's from IMU via LDAP?

* Do I (just) need to Join the AD (2003 native) or even using Kerberos with generating ktpass.exe keytab files (what is needed/recommended and what is the difference?) Can I authenticate the users without using Kerberos?

For e.g. my username is "domainuser_a" and within the IMU the UID is set to "12345", I don't want Samba/winbind to do usermapping again based on the configured values in the smb.conf file. Some hints would be really nice for me to understand how exactly it works and what is needed...

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OpenSUSE :: Create A .vim Directory Instead Of .vimrc?

Nov 13, 2010

I was trying to install vim today and could not find .vim directory where I could install them and only the .vimrc file was there So what I did was Try making a .vim directory copy the .vimrc file in it and and removing the old ~/.vimrc file. I exported the ~/.vim/ to $VIMHOME

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General :: Ls -a *vim* Does Not Find .vimrc Notwithstanding It Is There

Jul 9, 2011

As you can easily see:


What is my mistake?

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Fedora :: Setup The Vim And When Modify The Vimrc File?

Apr 20, 2011

I just setup the vim,and when i modify the vimrc file ,I obviously made some mistakes ,the error looks like this and this is where the problem is and why my user name is so long ,is there anyway i can make it shorter or use others

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General :: What's The Command To Reload .vimrc Without Restarting Vim

Mar 26, 2010

What's the command to reload .vimrc without restarting vim?

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Software :: Apache2 And Tomcat6: Different Virtualhosts "mappings"

Jan 7, 2011

I succesfully integrated apache2 and tomcat6 using Ubuntu 10.10 server. The deal is that I can't use different Virtualhosts mapped to different tomcat projects. All tomcat "projects" are in /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/. I couldn't configure apache virtualhost to use a project different than ROOT (/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/ROOT/). All HTTP requests are redirected to /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/ROOT/.


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General :: "syntax On" In Vimrc Is Not Working With RHEL5?

Feb 19, 2010

"syntax on" in vimrc is not working with my RHEL5 and i m really suffering by looking at dull code..!!!

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Ubuntu :: -cp Recursive But Ignore Some Source

Jul 4, 2010

I'm still trying to learn, but seem to be hitting a few walls when it comes to man pages. I don't know where else to look so I hope to get some help here - or at least another idea. I'm trying to learn c++ as well as *nix terminal commands, and I like to make a backup of my compiled program and .c files each time I reach a successful compile (99-100% bug free).

My problem is I like to use an alias instead of a script to backup my work onto a USB. I don't want the hundreds of log files (10K+) copied since I usually delete them anyway.

My alias:

How do I tell cp to ignore the folder '~/work/log' during the backup?

If cp doesn't have such an option, I am open to other ideas, but I would still prefer something that I can alias since I already backup my .bash_aliases file.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Get Bind9 Recursive To Work?

Apr 11, 2011

I have googled for hours and can not find an answer to what this means.

dig @ twitter.com.
; <<>> DiG 9.7.0-P1 <<>> @ twitter.com.
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:


And I have a very long debuging log file I will not post unless requested. I also have added a ufw allow from all to all rule for testing purposes only.

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Ubuntu :: Recursive Site Downloader Unsuitable

Apr 21, 2011

To do this, I would like to recursively download all the pages within the domain, such that their link structure is preserved. This would be tedious to do by hand, however. As it stands, I could probably use wget for this, but I would prefer something more specially designed for site downloading. I have already tried webHTTrack, but found it unsuitable. Perhaps httrack with a particular set of command line parameters would work better?

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Ubuntu Security :: Revert Original User For Fs / And Recursive

Jul 7, 2010

Trying to configurate gadmid-bind, I change the user and group of my entire filesystem, I archive some advance getting all back but for now,sudo leave me with a problem about guid, i changed sudoers to root againg, but i don't get all back.I dosen't have network connection, because nm-applet dosen't start on my user, and when i run on a xserver with root user it give me: The device is not ready.

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Ubuntu :: Get A Recursive Listing Of All Files Under The Current Directory?

Jan 2, 2011

If I runls -R1I get a recursive listing of all files under the current directory.However, if I dols -R1 *.avi, ie I want to search only for files with the file descriptor .avi, I get an errorQuote:ls: cannot access *.avi:No such file or directorySo it seems I am using ls incorrectly. What's the correct way to use wild card pattern matching when using the -R switch? Or maybe that isn't possible?

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OpenSUSE :: Grep And Recursive -r Not Working?

Aug 9, 2010

works fine on a FAT32 dsk:


fgrep -iRn -C 2 'print' *.txt
---also recurses one level and displays all kinds of data
in root / ext4 directory:


fgrep -iRn -C 2 'print' *.* or fgrep -iRn -C 2 'print' *.txt
---displays msgs:
fgrep: *.*: No such file or directory
fgrep: *.txt: No such file or directory

I am probably missing something very basic.recursive does not seem to work from root directory.Is this (as they used to say) a feature? This is on an 11.2 system, upgraded to 11.3 (ran zypper verify to verify. According to it.. all is well).

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General :: How To Write Non Recursive Makefile

Dec 14, 2010

I want to write simple non recursive makefile, but I am not getting syntax of it. Please give me example with simple description. I had read docs, html's but I am not getting how that works please give simple example. consider I have following directory structure.


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Programming :: Getting Perl Simple Recursive Sub?

Feb 16, 2011

This is my sub;


sub projName
print "Enter project name: " ;
print "";


I can call this routine and it works fine when I enter a valid name for $PROJ. If I enter an invalid name it goes to the else block and prints the statement. However, it does not call itself. Instead the script just exits.I've googled 'perl recursive subroutines' and the example don't appear to be doing anything different.

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Programming :: Recursive Search In A Tar.bz2 File?

Jul 14, 2011

I am looking for a one liner to search for a string in file(s) which are in a tar ball (.tar.bz2 in my case)

-bash-3.2$ tar -tjf /var/log/ABC/07142011-1412.tar.bz2

How can I recursively look inside all the txt files in this tar file ?

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Programming :: SH - Recursive Variable Substitution

Jul 1, 2010

I have the following test code fragment:


When I try to run it 'sh' reports the following message^


You might understand what I mean with that test code so could you recommend how to achieve the required effect?

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Programming :: Set A Recursive Function As Inline?

Feb 3, 2011

Is it good to set a recursive function as inline? I would think it would increase the performance speed of the program.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Recursive Shared Media Folders (samba)?

Mar 20, 2011

I currently have samba set up to share to XBMC. One of my shares contains many folders. But the permissions aren't given to access those folder only the container folder.

I can browse the folders recursively with a windows Laptop

How do i enable recursive permissions?

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General :: Command Line - Recursive Rm With Condition?

Mar 13, 2011

I have the following folder structure:

- folder1
- main1.x
- main1.y


So, how can I achieve this?

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General :: Recursive String-search In Files?

Oct 28, 2009

find out a command to search among all *.dat files in a certain path (including subdirectories) looking for the following text in them:


Elements with small area
Element Adjusted nodes
--------- --------------
16294 NO
17889 NO

and getting the list of elements with small area printed in a file "ErrorEl.txt". The output should have this form:



I know already how to find out the dat files containg a certain string


grep -R --include="*.dat" "Elements with small area" $c | cut -d: -f1>> ErrorEl.txt

but I don't know then how to get the element numbers(16294 and 17889 in the example above)

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Security :: SUDO Permission Setup On Particular Dir - Recursive

May 6, 2010

I am looking for a way to setup sudo access for a user, so that he can change permission of all files of the given dir.


By this user can change ownership of files which are on depth bellow to given dir (i.e /etc/userA-conf/), but while trying to change permission of /etc/userA-conf/../user-conf2 , getting error, user userA don;t have that permission.

Let me know what will be the right regex/pattern to achieve this.

In Solaris it's working fine, but I am trying it on Linux RHEL5.

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Programming :: Make Recursive Makefile Work?

Jun 8, 2011

I'm trying to make recursive makefile work but it's giving me two problems. I have a top folder with the main Makefile and one Makefile for each sub folder 'one' and 'two'. Makefile in subfolder 'one' and 'two' are identical. The top Makefile (still a bit messy) looking like this:

# Directories
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra
MAIN_FILE = one.c


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General :: Recursive Delete Specific Files From Sub-directories?

Mar 4, 2011

I would like to be able to recursively delete specific various files from a directory and sub-directories. For example:

|_ _rm *file1 *file2 *file3


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General :: Recursive Searching Files In Directory Matching Given Name?

Apr 16, 2010

I am writing a shell script that finds all files named <myFile> in a directory <dir> or any of its subdirectories, recursively. I also need to take care of symbolic links that may form cycles, to avoid infinite loops. I am not supposed to use find command for the same

I started writing the code but got stuck. I thought using recursion may be a smart way, but its not working.

#cd $thisDIR

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Software :: Create Symbolic Links From Recursive Folders?

Jun 7, 2010

However, can I run a command and create symbolic links for all files in a given folder and its subfolders and have all the links be in one folder?

I have a file structure such as:


and I want to have symbolic links for all the files in the A, B, and C all in one new folder (FolderALL) for example. I have hundreds of folders that need to be done, so a simple 1 line command would be ideal if possible.

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Programming :: Compiling Recursive Makefile In Directory Structure

May 18, 2011

I'm having problems with compiling recursive Makefiles in my directory structure:
My folder layout is:
top/|- one/|- one.c (With main function)|- zero.c|- two/|- two.cin my top folder the make file looks like:

.PHONY: all

@echo $@
$(MAKE) --directory=$@
in my one and two folder I have the following Makefile:

.PHONE: all
@echo $@
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) *.c
But when I compile it from top folder: make

I get following output:
Which states that directory statement by echo in main Makefile is ok but the files are not compiled in one and two.

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